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Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?


Active Member
Where in Al Jinn does it "honor" demons....

The title of the chapter.

Then demons proceed to narrate the text...

Depends on your definition of holy and what books of the various religions on the planet you will consider "holy".... Ultimately there's nothing wrong for a religious text to have chapters like this considering there's nothing in Al Jinn "honoring" demons....

The Koran bestows honor upon Satan and his demons as numerous chapters in this book of faith are named thereof.


Al-Aqsa Is In My Heart.
I see... We christians do not usually count Satan and the demons as God's servant. But we do accept that they are God's mechanism to test the faithful if they merit God's salvation. But the Devil do know that God is more powerful than Him.;)
I think I wasn't clear enough, Allah created both humans and Jinn, gave them free will and the purpose of creation is to worship Him alone...As there are among us humans who are doing evil things, and others who do righteous, the same goes with jinn, among them those who do righteous and those who do evil things...

As for the verse you were commenting on [51:56] And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)."
It clearly didn't mention "demons as God's servants", but rather it deals with the purpose of creation of both jinn and mankind....And as you read in my pervious post, Satan rebelled against Allah, so he is no more worshipper, or servant.....
I hope it is clear now :)


Active Member
I think I wasn't clear enough, Allah created both humans and Jinn, gave them free will and the purpose of creation is to worship Him alone...As there are among us humans who are doing evil things, and others who do righteous, the same goes with jinn, among them those who do righteous and those who do evil things...

As for the verse you were commenting on [51:56] And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)."
It clearly didn't mention "demons as God's servants", but rather it deals with the purpose of creation of both jinn and mankind....And as you read in my pervious post, Satan rebelled against Allah, so he is no more worshipper, or servant.....
I hope it is clear now :)

This verse also does not contain the word 'allah' in the Arabic...see how it is artificially inserted....

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
The title of the chapter.

Then demons proceed to narrate the text...

No they don't....Go back and read the very beginning and tell me who's talking. It isn't started off being narrated by a "Jinn".

The Koran bestows honor upon Satan and his demons as numerous chapters in this book of faith are named thereof.

It does not and your understanding of the Quran is sorely deficient.


Active Member
No they don't....Go back and read the very beginning and tell me who's talking. It isn't started off being narrated by a "Jinn".

Sura 72 is narrated by demons.

As such, here is what they have to say regarding the Son…

قل أوحي إلي أنه استمع نفر من الجن فقالوا إنا سمعنا قرءانا عجبا يهدي إلى الرشد فءامنا به ولن نشرك بربنا أحدا وأنه تعلى جد ربنا ما اتخذ صحبة ولا ولدا

Qul oohiya ilayya annahu istamaAAa nafarun minaaljinni faqaloo inna samiAAna qur-anan AAajaban yahdee ila alrrushdi faamanna bihi walan nushrika birabbina ahadan waannahu taAAala jaddu rabbina ma ittakhatha sahibatan wala waladan

Say: "Was revealed to me that he, he heard people from the demons, so they said: 'Truly we heard a wonderful collection. I guide to the right course; so we believed with him, and we will not associate partners with our one Lord. And that he, high above all greatness our Lord, that he has not taken (a) companion and nor (a) son.’” (72.1 – 3)

Here, the demons are relaying to the reader that someone from them says that the Lord does not have a Son.

If we look to the next ayah, we have immediate clarification and correction…

وأنه كان يقول سفيهنا على الله شططا

Waannahu kana yaqoolu safeehuna AAala Allahi shatatan

72.4 “And that he was the foolish individual amongst us, he says on “allah” (a) preposterous thing far from the truth

We can see exactly how 72.4 corrects the foolish demon that attempted to deceive and claim that there is no Son.

This foolish one is called-out for what he told as being a ‘preposterous thing far from the truth’.

Thus, this ayah is in complete agreement with the rest of the Koran in proclaiming that Jesus Christ is the Son.


Active Member
Clearly, I'm talking about the translation you quoted, the two words (Allah), and (Alone) were added in brackets to emphasis the meaning!!!!

You are changing the meaning by artificially inserting words which never appear in the Arabic.

You represent islam as a whole, as it even abbrogates its very own scriptures on a routine basis...


Al-Aqsa Is In My Heart.
You are changing the meaning by artificially inserting words which never appear in the Arabic.

You represent islam as a whole, as it even abbrogates its very own scriptures on a routine basis...
Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why don't you spend your time learning your own religious texts instead of twisting others' texts to accommodate them to your illusions? All your posts here are about the same thing, how Arab Muslims are unable to understand their original language, and you are the only one who is able to understand them very well. :sarcastic


Active Member
Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why don't you spend your time learning your own religious texts instead of twisting others' texts to accommodate them to your illusions? All your posts here are about the same thing, how Arab Muslims are unable to understand their original language, and you are the only one who is able to understand them very well. :sarcastic

You have had ample opportunities to correct and clarify anything which I have stated....however, you have not...thus, it is clear that you typify the ignorance of islam...yes?


It's a different approach to the same God. The Christians believe Jesus was/is divine, so of course he is considered a part of God, but to the Muslims he isn't God, but was still sent from God. It's one of the differences between the two religions, but they both believe the same God created everything, and sent Jesus to fulfill whichever role he was ascribed by either religion.

To Christians he is divine, to Muslims he is not , i think that sums it up, you cant have it both ways either he is divine or he isnt, either he is worshipped as a god or he isnt.

If someone prays to Jesus as divine he is not praying to Allah. Which in a nutshell is why Christians cannot enter Paradise.
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Jehovah our God is One
To Christians he is divine, to Muslims he is not , i think that sums it up, you cant have it both ways either he is divine or he isnt, either he is worshipped as a god or he isnt.

If someone prays to Jesus as divine he is not praying to Allah. Which in a nutshell is why Christians cannot enter Paradise.

people have to call on the 'name' of God/Allah to enter paradise

So its not only christians who will not enter paradise.


people have to call on the 'name' of God/Allah to enter paradise

So its not only christians who will not enter paradise.

Christians do not acknowledge the Quran as the word of God or that Muhammad(pbuh) is his prophet

"And whoever seeks a religion other than Islaam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers." [Aal ‘Imraan 3:85]

"By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, there is no-one of this ummah, Jew or Christian, who hears of me then dies without believing in that with which I have been sent, but he will be one of the people of Hell." (Reported by Muslim, may Allaah have mercy on him, in al-Saheeh, 153).

Islam Question and Answer - Can a non-Muslim go to heaven?
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Active Member
Christians do not acknowledge the Quran as the word of God or that Muhammad(pbuh) is his prophet

The Koran never states that it is the 'word of God'....nor does it mention anyone named "Muhammad".....thus, this is a strawman to begin with, brother....


The Koran never states that it is the 'word of God'....nor does it mention anyone named "Muhammad".....thus, this is a strawman to begin with, brother....

Ok i never said it did, But i am of the understanding that Muslims believe it to be ,in its original Arabic, the literal word of God ,revealed to Muhammad(pbuh) through the angel Gabriel .

Christians do not beleive in the revelation to Muhammed or that he is a prophet of their God.
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Well-Known Member
I think I wasn't clear enough, Allah created both humans and Jinn, gave them free will and the purpose of creation is to worship Him alone...As there are among us humans who are doing evil things, and others who do righteous, the same goes with jinn, among them those who do righteous and those who do evil things...

As for the verse you were commenting on [51:56] And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)."
It clearly didn't mention "demons as God's servants", but rather it deals with the purpose of creation of both jinn and mankind....And as you read in my pervious post, Satan rebelled against Allah, so he is no more worshipper, or servant.....
I hope it is clear now :)

I see now, so the appropriate equivalent of that in Christian teachings would be 'angels' (in that sense), and some of them (1/3 according to tradition) disobeyed God (fallen angels),and their leader is Satan. ok, ok, I've been clouded by the previous posts telling that 'jinns' are actually 'demons'.


Well-Known Member
This verse also does not contain the word 'allah' in the Arabic...see how it is artificially inserted....

Maybe that's because the Koran uses sentences in the 'first person' (see some elementary and highschool language books for reference). They need to include the words inside the bracket so that we can know who's the "I" that is speaking there.


Jehovah our God is One
Ok i never said it did, But i am of the understanding that Muslims believe it to be ,in its original Arabic, the literal word of God ,revealed to Muhammad(pbuh) through the angel Gabriel .

Christians do not beleive in the revelation to Muhammed or that he is a prophet of their God.

thats true and its for the reason the Jesus Christ stated when he said that if someone comes after him telling the world that they are 'someone' or a 'prophet' or the 'messiah' "do not believe them"

Jesus is the way to salvation in God...Jesus said so himself at John 14:6

"“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"

This would rule out Mohammad as showing us the way to God...Jesus has already filled that role. Besides that, if Mohammad really taught that hell was a place of fiery torment then he was fooled by false teachings...which a prophet never would be.