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Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?


Both the Bible and the Koran start out with Adam and Eve and THE SAME GOD.

Man !! .. it doesn't take much to fool you

Hebrews 1:01 In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways,
02 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, ( HIS SON )
whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.
03 The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being,
sustaining all things by his powerful word.
After he had provided purification for sins,
he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
No . . . Christians and Muslims do not worship the same God . . . THANK GOD

All three religions (Judaism, Chritianity and Islam) have the same god. The difference with Christianity and Islam is there are various denominations of Christianity (not all) that view Yeshua as (God). That is one of the biggest differences with some Christians and Muslims and that is the "divinity" of Yeshua.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Salvation is only thru Jesus ..
Muslims reject Jesus Christ ..
the Muslim god is no God ..
just another false religion

Islam speaks for itself . . . . the games Muslims play

dadman, back in the garden of Eden, Jesus was not around yet. Adam and Eve spoke to God not Jesus.

God spoke to Moses, Jesus never spoke to Moses.

Right up to Noah and the flood, the Bible and the Koran do not differ.

God the father? Remember him?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Salvation is only thru Jesus ..

According to "your" book but not theirs. They believe God, not Jesus, is the ultimate saviour/redemmer.....but I guess it all depends on which book you want to follow now doesn't it?

Muslims reject Jesus Christ ..

No they don't....:rolleyes:

the Muslim god is no God ..
just another false religion

Yeah, OK....So I guess you're not aware that Christianity is a pagan religion...encompassing multiple pagan traditions and rituals from various pagan peoples up to this day....right...? YET....you believe "Islam" is a false religion....:facepalm:

Islam speaks for itself . . . . the games Muslims play

Before you go pointing a finger at their book it's probably best you crack open that torture fest you call the Old Testament and read what your god commanded people to do to young virgins, slaves, men and children.....:rolleyes:....So you are hardly in a position to talk. Let's not forget the Inquisitions.....



PS: . . .

Human history is replete with such flawed expressions of religious faith. However,
this would be true of all secular philosophies and ideologies as well.
Three of the most heinous and barbaric ideologies,
which produced the greatest cruelties and violations of humanity in the 20th century, were
fascism, Nazism and communism—all secular.

So I guess you're not aware that Christianity is a pagan religion

no .. you're speaking of Roman Catholism which is not Christian ( although they claim to be )

read your Bible .. get educated

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Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
now why would it be that secular leftists coddle and defend muslims ??

dadman, ask anyone here at RF, I am not anywhere near the left. I'm a registered Republican.

I do not see this as defending Muslims, I see this as defending the facts.

As much as you want to deny it, God the father is the same God that Jews and Muslims pray to.

While we are sticking to the facts, the Jews deny Jesus, not Muslims.

If the Muslims are praying to the wrong God, then you better remember that Jesus prayed to his father, remember?

Was Jesus praying incorrectly?
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Well-Known Member
no .. you're speaking of Roman Catholism which is not Christian ( although they claim to be )

read your Bible .. get educated

If it weren't through the effort of the Roman Catholic Church, the books within the Bible will not be compiled together.... And if the Bible is not available at hand today, your sect will not be around this time.
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Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
If it weren't through the effort of the Roman Catholic Church, the books within the Bible will not be compiled together.... And if the Bible is not available at hand today, your sect will not be around this time.

If I am not mistaken, was not Paul the first Pope?


I ran across this well-researched article on the subject, and I thought it presented lots of information pertinent to this discussion:



Well-Known Member
If I am not mistaken, was not Paul the first Pope?

Tradition tells us, it's Peter. And from what the Bible say:
Mt. 16:18- And so I (Jesus) say to you, you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church.
Jn. 21:15- When they had finished, breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these? Peter said to Him, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my lambs."
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Old-School Member
no .. you're speaking of Roman Catholism which is not Christian ( although they claim to be )

You do realize that every major branch of the Christian Church in existence today can trace its root back to Catholicism, right?

And yes, they've all retained bits of pagan influence to this day.


All three religions (Judaism, Chritianity and Islam) have the same god. The difference with Christianity and Islam is there are various denominations of Christianity (not all) that view Yeshua as (God). That is one of the biggest differences with some Christians and Muslims and that is the "divinity" of Yeshua.

can you tell me the denominations in Christianity that do not see Jesus as the son of God ,being God or part of God in some way? The divinity of Jesus is not the biggest difference it is a complete opposite.

Also there is no concept of original sin in Islam so is there also Christian denominations that do not have original sin in their belief system?