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Do Christians really overly persecute homosexuals?


Veteran Member
You put words in my mouth, I never said any such thing.What I don't condone is the harming of another person. A person can be attracted to small children and never touch a child. Attraction is something that just happens, acting on it takes an effort. I am pretty sure that gays are born that way- so I don't condemn them or judge them, even if they weren't born that way, I still would not judge them or condemn them. I like and accept people unless they do something that would harm someone- including child molestation. That doesn't mean I don't love them as a person, but I would choose not to hang around the person. And I did say that in homosexuality, no one was being harmed, so that would not be the same as someone who does harm someone.

i apologize for that, it was actually meant for fallingblood

BUT you did say that persecution was too strong of a word, that is unacceptable. if you choose to live by those words, then so be it.
i am so tired of "love the sinner not the sin" i feel like vomiting every time i come across that ignorant rant

are you born a certain way that is considered to be "abnormal"?

how dare you say such a thing...who do you think you are?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
You suggested that you couldn't walk out of your house without being attacked because you're gay. So suggest that is true for all homosexuals is an exaggeration.

I've been brutally beaten by people because I was a Muslim during 9/11. If I said that Muslims can't walk about of the house with out being brutally beaten just for being Muslim, wouldn't that be an over exaggeration? Yes it would.

But then again, I've covered all of this before. It's not my fault you didn't take the time to actually read what I've said before you started whining.

Forget it falling blood, you obviously can't identify with gay people enough to sympathize with our situation.


Intentionally Blank
Amen, Christine. I mean, where is the basic human decency, human kindness, and empathy?

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Sheeze, it's really not that hard to figure things out if you apply that principle!



It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Hetersexuals don't flaunt? You're kidding me, right?

Quick, count how many gay pride parades happening at this moment. Now count how many Viagra (or any other meds for erectile dysfunction) commercials there are. Straight pride is EVERYWHERE you look.

Hey, Viagra is for gays too. I can't believe there's not already a commercial targeting gays. Maybe there is and I'm just not watching the right channels or reading the right publications - I mean the left publications. :D


I have a question – I know there are debates about free will verses determination but I am wondering about sexuality (orientation) – do we believe we have sexual free will or are we all slaves to what has been previously determined for us?

I believe if we can honestly and openly discuss questions like this then we can better determine what a “good Christian” or other response ought to be and whether we all should encourage acceptance of what had already been determined for us all or if we ought to encourage some exercise of will.



Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Hey, Viagra is for gays too. I can't believe there's not already a commercial targeting gays. Maybe there is and I'm just not watching the right channels or reading the right publications - I mean the left publications. :D

LOL well my point concerned gay pride parades and how homosexuality is "being shoved in people's faces." I was trying to say that heterosexuality is shown in sitcoms, commercials, magazine ads, billboard ads, marriage/engagement announcements.....there's practically nothing but straight straight straight represented everywhere you look.

I'd be so tickled if I saw a Viagra commercial with a gay couple featured in it. :D


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I can't believe some people are claiming some Christians persecute homosexuals. In reality, those Christians are merely persecuting the sin of homosexuality, and not the homosexuals themselves. What could be clearer?


Veteran Member
I can't believe some people are claiming some Christians persecute homosexuals. In reality, those Christians are merely persecuting the sin of homosexuality, and not the homosexuals themselves. What could be clearer?

to be a homosexual means you are attracted to the same sex as yourself, what could be any clearer?


Veteran Member
I have a question – I know there are debates about free will verses determination but I am wondering about sexuality (orientation) – do we believe we have sexual free will or are we all slaves to what has been previously determined for us?

I believe if we can honestly and openly discuss questions like this then we can better determine what a “good Christian” or other response ought to be and whether we all should encourage acceptance of what had already been determined for us all or if we ought to encourage some exercise of will.


are you naturally attracted to the opposite sex or not?
you should know by now...
would you say the attraction is a choice or are you wired that way...
like having blue eyes and brown hair


Well-Known Member
I can't believe some people are claiming some Christians persecute homosexuals. In reality, those Christians are merely persecuting the sin of homosexuality, and not the homosexuals themselves. What could be clearer?

How can you persecute a "sin"?


Intentionally Blank
I have a question – I know there are debates about free will verses determination but I am wondering about sexuality (orientation) – do we believe we have sexual free will or are we all slaves to what has been previously determined for us?

I believe if we can honestly and openly discuss questions like this then we can better determine what a “good Christian” or other response ought to be and whether we all should encourage acceptance of what had already been determined for us all or if we ought to encourage some exercise of will.


We have little or no control over whom we love. We have near total control over what sex we choose to ask.

I think you knew this already; all you have to do is look at yourself.


Agnostic Theist
Forget it falling blood, you obviously can't identify with gay people enough to sympathize with our situation.
That is a cop out. You came here accused me of basically trying to persecute homosexuals, and then exaggerate the extent to which homosexuals are persecuted. I called you out on both.

The exaggeration, that homosexuals can not go out without someone trying to beat them or the fear there of. For the majority in the United States, that is not true. I doubt it is even true for a significant minority.


Agnostic Theist
if people do not like the choices you make is another thing ENTIRELY

are you saying we are all bi-sexual and choose which sex we are attracted to and the right sex to choose would be the opposite....
how absurd

i'm not saying you hate gays but the words you use to describe how you feel towards them are inclined towards being prejudice

using the word condone is putting yourself in a position of authority
saying homosexuals are not persecuted comes from ignorance
tell that to all the people that have been killed for being gay
Since you said this was directed at me, I will address it. I don't see how the first part could be directed at me, so I'm assuming you mean the last part.

I've never said that I don't condone homosexuals. I've stated over and over that I accept and support homosexuals and their struggle.

I have also never denied that homosexuals are persecuted. I've stated that I do not believe it is to the extent that some would make it out to be. Such as all Christians are persecuting homosexuals or that homosexuals can not go out without the threat of being beaten. Neither one is true.


Done here.
I've never said that I don't condone homosexuals. I've stated over and over that I accept and support homosexuals and their struggle.
I think Manoffaith hit it on the head.

For me, I'm just sick of hearing about how bad homosexuals have it because Christians are screwing them over every chance they get. I have nothing wrong with homosexuals, but I have little compassion for them as a whole because of that portion that continually cries homophobia and persecution.

I have also never denied that homosexuals are persecuted. I've stated that I do not believe it is to the extent that some would make it out to be. Such as all Christians are persecuting homosexuals or that homosexuals can not go out without the threat of being beaten. Neither one is true.
This thread has gone on for far too long, so I may have forgotten something, but I don't think anybody said anything like either one of those.


are you naturally attracted to the opposite sex or not?
you should know by now...
would you say the attraction is a choice or are you wired that way...
like having blue eyes and brown hair

When I was an infant and a young adolescent I was not sexually attracted to anything. For me, my sexual attractions were acquired later in life.

During the Vietnam era I served in an intelligence unit. I was exposed to various brainwashing (behavioral modification) techniques. I am aware and have witnessed “brainwashing” taking place were the target did not realize that their behavior was being modified and in some cases controlled.

I am aware that a biological response (example: salivating) can be learned (conditioned). And that the brain actually rewires itself to accomplish the conditioning so that it is thereafter, natural. It has been proven, for example, that the brain must rewire itself before a person is capable of “naturally” reading Braille.

If one does not believe they are capable of something – there is no point of discussion that they may be able to exercise their will concerning that thing. If a person is cognizant of the possibility to modify basic behaviors and behavior triggers then and only then is it possible for them to take control of their life concerning whatever behavior. Otherwise they are a slave forever to whatever controls them.

As a Christian I am interested in being free (free will) and helping others to be free. It is a most difficult task and therefore, many think it to be impossible. However, I believe in freedom. But if someone desires slavery and believes in slavery – what is the point of discussing freedom?



Veteran Member
Yes, I have prejudices. Everyone does. That does not make me a bigot.

Not condoning what someone does is not the same as saying we do not accept, allow, grant their right to breath. They don't even go hand in hand.

CORRECTION: not condoning who someone IS

I think Manoffaith hit it on the head.

For me, I'm just sick of hearing about how bad homosexuals have it because Christians are screwing them over every chance they get. I have nothing wrong with homosexuals, but I have little compassion for them as a whole because of that portion that continually cries homophobia and persecution.

why are you sick of it? wouldn't you rather be a part of the solution?

That minority of Christians does have a political voice. However, I don't know, at least in the United States, if I would say it is too strong anymore. Or at least I would say that there power is declining quite swiftly. Homosexuals are nearly free to do everything that a heterosexual is allowed to do.

I'm not saying that it is right that they don't enjoy every freedom that heterosexuals do, but it's a long cry from being openly persecuted.

have you heard of the bible belt? tell me that these so called christians are not known for their bigotry and hypocrisy...the bible belt has the highest rates in STD's and teen pregnancy not to mention divorce rates...
just last week the residents in Birmingham Alabama wanted to close down ALL foreign restaurants...gee thats progress for ya...

Since you said this was directed at me, I will address it. I don't see how the first part could be directed at me, so I'm assuming you mean the last part.

I've never said that I don't condone homosexuals. I've stated over and over that I accept and support homosexuals and their struggle.

I have also never denied that homosexuals are persecuted. I've stated that I do not believe it is to the extent that some would make it out to be. Such as all Christians are persecuting homosexuals or that homosexuals can not go out without the threat of being beaten. Neither one is true.

you said "just because i don't condone what they do."
what does a homosexual do exactly that you do not condone....lie, steal cheat, murder...am i getting close?

ignorance must be blissful
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Done here.
When I was an infant and a young adolescent I was not sexually attracted to anything. For me, my sexual attractions were acquired later in life.
Mine were not. I've been attracted to other males as far back as I can remember -- that is, at least since I was two years old.

I am aware that a biological response (example: salivating) can be learned (conditioned). And that the brain actually rewires itself to accomplish the conditioning so that it is thereafter, natural. It has been proven, for example, that the brain must rewire itself before a person is capable of “naturally” reading Braille. [/FONT][/COLOR]

If one does not believe they are capable of something – there is no point of discussion that they may be able to exercise their will concerning that thing. If a person is cognizant of the possibility to modify basic behaviors and behavior triggers then and only then is it possible for them to take control of their life concerning whatever behavior. Otherwise they are a slave forever to whatever controls them.

As a Christian I am interested in being free (free will) and helping others to be free. It is a most difficult task and therefore, many think it to be impossible. However, I believe in freedom. But if someone desires slavery and believes in slavery – what is the point of discussing freedom?
Attempts to change sexual orientation have not been successful. Even if they were, why should anyone change his sexual orientation merely to conform the arbitrary dictates of some religious authority?
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Agnostic Theist

This thread has gone on for far too long, so I may have forgotten something, but I don't think anybody said anything like either one of those.
It's lost in the thread now, but I did state that this thread was in response to one that was already in progress started by Senedjem, where he demonized a whole sect of Christians and claimed that they had an agenda, to basically get rid of homosexuals and other minorities.

He has also stated in this thread, that homosexuals cannot go out of their homes without the threat of being subjected to bigotry or hate crimes.

So similar things have been said in this thread. Also, we are not speaking just about this thread, as if that was true, this thread simply would not exist as it would be an impossibility.


Veteran Member
When I was an infant and a young adolescent I was not sexually attracted to anything. For me, my sexual attractions were acquired later in life.

During the Vietnam era I served in an intelligence unit. I was exposed to various brainwashing (behavioral modification) techniques. I am aware and have witnessed “brainwashing” taking place were the target did not realize that their behavior was being modified and in some cases controlled.

I am aware that a biological response (example: salivating) can be learned (conditioned). And that the brain actually rewires itself to accomplish the conditioning so that it is thereafter, natural. It has been proven, for example, that the brain must rewire itself before a person is capable of “naturally” reading Braille.

If one does not believe they are capable of something – there is no point of discussion that they may be able to exercise their will concerning that thing. If a person is cognizant of the possibility to modify basic behaviors and behavior triggers then and only then is it possible for them to take control of their life concerning whatever behavior. Otherwise they are a slave forever to whatever controls them.

As a Christian I am interested in being free (free will) and helping others to be free. It is a most difficult task and therefore, many think it to be impossible. However, I believe in freedom. But if someone desires slavery and believes in slavery – what is the point of discussing freedom?


you are telling me that by the age of 8 you never acquired a crush on someone, anyone?

during your pubescent stage you NEVER had a clue about what you were attracted to...

i think you are not being very upfront here

my son who is 6 is showing obvious signs of his preference, he's had crushes, i see him blush

are you implying that homosexuality is giving into slavery?