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Do Christians really overly persecute homosexuals?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Time for me to exit this thread as well. I've had enough. Right behind you Mystic


Agnostic Theist
No, I won't. It will be a waste of time since you've proven time and time again you care little about the complaints of many of us GLBTQs in this thread, and care most about how badly fundamentalist Christians are misrepresented, misunderstood, or mischaracterized by us loudmouthed queers.
There have actually only been a handful of homosexuals who have responded to this thread. And how have I proven that I don't care about your complaints? You're making this into something it's not. Which is fine. You're just showing me that you can't prove the exaggerations are false, and thus I feel right in my opinion.
From the OP and the title of the thread, everything you've said has pointed a heated finger toward gays and lesbians, and very little ire at the source of the problem. My suggestion is to stop being so defensive, take that anger and frustration, and do something useful with it....you know, like marching for equality for us. Otherwise, all you're doing is sort of like kicking a wounded animal.
That is not true. I'm only addressing a small group within the homosexual community. A specific group, not homosexuality as a whole.

I'm kind of even surprised at this comment. Of course I am talking about homosexuals (a specific group of homosexuals) as this thread was addressed at that point.
Anyway, I've said everything I could about the topic. We've been dancing in circles long enough. Take care.
I don't actually know what you want me to say. I mean I've actually agreed with you on many many points. All I disagree on is the fact that there is a group of homosexuals who exaggerate the extent of the problem. That is literally the only thing that has come up that we disagree with.


Agnostic Theist
Again, I implore anyone who believes that I'm stepping out of line by saying that some homosexuals are exaggerating the problem to prove that the exaggerations that I listed to be false. That or be honest and admit that those are exaggerations.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
With heels on! :D
Oh my! You're deliciously wicked! I can almost feel that 3-incher digging in!
Not to mention just how many homosexual teens are harassed, abused, or thrown out of their houses for being queer.

Thanks for understanding, Soj. :hugehug:
You're quite welcome anytime.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I'm using the definition of the word exaggerate: represent (something) as being larger, greater, better, or worse than it really is. There is no bar that I'm setting.

If someone could prove that in fact the claims that I believe to be exaggerations are in fact what actually happens, then I would retract that belief. However, no one has been able to show me that they are not in fact exaggerations. If the people who made these claims came forward and stated that they were just generalizations, and were not true for all, then I would retract my statement.

However, the opposite has been the case. We have one member here who claims that every single fundamentalist Christian act like the individuals of the Westboro Baptist Church. That is an exaggeration and simply untrue. There is a member here who claims that homosexuals don't have any rights. There is no reason to believe he is making generalizations as he has over and over again claimed that he is speaking the truth. In that case then, there is no doubt in my mind that he is exaggerating.

I'm not setting a bar here. I'm not saying that there is a level of persecution that is alright. What I'm saying is that some homosexuals, a minority, are making gross exaggerations which I believe detracts from the actual problem. And since it seems like these individuals seem to be more vocal, it can eventually prove troublesome to the actual struggle for gay rights.
Again, when one's world and one's self is diminished, I'd say the exaggeration is fully justified.


Guardian of Asgaard
Again, I implore anyone who believes that I'm stepping out of line by saying that some homosexuals are exaggerating the problem to prove that the exaggerations that I listed to be false. That or be honest and admit that those are exaggerations.

Both sides exaggerate in order to gain support, why would anyone deny this?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
When the world is pushing so hard against my GLBT brothers and sisters, I can understand how they have to push real hard back. And sometimes that pushing comes off as exaggeration. I don't blame them one little bit.

The world has said the same thing about "entitled blacks," "lazy indians" and "pushy women," too. Any disenfranchised group is looked down upon by the WASP(M)s for complaining. They even killed MLK for complaining!


Agnostic Theist
When the world is pushing so hard against my GLBT brothers and sisters, I can understand how they have to push real hard back. And sometimes that pushing comes off as exaggeration. I don't blame them one little bit.

The world has said the same thing about "entitled blacks," "lazy indians" and "pushy women," too. Any disenfranchised group is looked down upon by the WASP(M)s for complaining. They even killed MLK for complaining!
That is all I'm saying. I don't disagree with you at all on this.

The reason I have a problem with the exaggeration though is because it can cause problems. Malcolm X's biography really inspired me. There was one part that really fits here. Malcolm, for a large portion of his life, believed that all whites were evil. That as a whole, they were trying to step on the black community. Later on, he realized that wasn't the truth. That the extent to which whites hated blacks was exaggerated. Eventually, Malcolm realized that whites could greatly help the struggle, and that they were willing to do so. The exaggerations push people away.

To a point, the exaggerations are creating the same intolerance as they are trying to fight. We've see this even with a member here.

That is the only problem I have.


Well-Known Member
If that is gay bashing, then you are very over sensitive.

I am not over sensitive, even though, you would prefer to stereotype me as such; if any thing, I am too numb. Rather, it is that you are too unsympathetic. Given it's context, you have implied much by the thread title, more, it seems, then you care to know.


Done here.
But even in this thread, it has been suggested that Christianity persecutes homosexuality or at least teaches that homosexuality is evil. That isn't even true.
It certainly is. The VAST majority of Christians belong to churches that teach exactly that. Everyone knows that there's a minority who are exceptions, but some people seem to be unaware of the extent to which those churches account for only a very small minority of Christians.

Every time you walk out your door, do you fear for you life? Do you even fear that you're going to be a victim of a hate crime or bigotry?
I'm not afraid, but I'm aware.


Done here.
However, once that fight turns into bigotry or intolerance to others, I can't really support that. When it comes down to demeaning anyone who disagrees, I can't support that. When it comes down to exaggerating the facts, especially in a way that demonizes another group unfairly, I can't support that.
Of course you can accept it. Who are you trying to kid? It's exactly what you've been doing yourself on this very thread.
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Done here.
I said with the person you love. Your obviousely not still with the father and the love was maybe never realy there. I never said it was impossible for women to bear children, that goes without saying. But creating life with the person you truely love (both ways) is a great experience and should be told from both sides. I dont agree with the standards of straight people either, I dont support strip clubs and demeaning companies like them. My only point has been that its important for people to know what they might be giving up for their goal.
Considering how common bastardy and divorce are among straight people, that's not much of an argument. Forty percent of American children were created by people who used to love each other, or in some cases just used to know each other. Why all the worry about gay people?


Done here.
We're on page 40 of people trying to show that I'm saying something I'm not. We're on page 40 of people insulting me because I dare talk about a specific group within the homosexual community that I don't agree with.
Page 40 of you continuing to whine and moan about gay people and air your petty prejudice, and people responding to you. Maybe you're right. Maybe people should just ******* ignore you.


Is not going to save you.
While I think Homosexuality is an abomination to God, I don't think we should create laws that make them a second class citizen.

This really bugs me. A couple of people at my church complain how about Obama taking away rights from chiristan's (Which I havn't noticed) yet they want to make Homosexual's a second class citzen. Their so hyprocrytical it makes me want to vomit.


Done here.
I was a fundamentalist who didn't see homosexuality that way.
You seem to see it that way now. But let's clarify: you've been a Jew, and a Muslim, and a fundamentalist Christian? And you want to claim persecution on all three grounds. That's just great. Especially since you think fundamentalists are being persecuted when people criticize their anti-gay bigotry.


Done here.
Fallingblood, take a minute and look at how many of us in the GLBTQ community take issue with what you've been saying. Myself included.
Seriously. I ran out of patience years ago, but Heather has patience up to her eyeballs. It's not just folks like me who have objections.