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Do innocent children go to Heaven or Hell?


I am Jewish.
I am sorry but it must be hard to be part of a religion where people think little children will go to hell........



Son Worshiper
What exactly is an anonymous Christian?
Some who is doing everything right (possibly by the Holy Spirit) and doesn't even know it

Justin Martyr puts it

We are taught that Christ is the first-born of God... he is the Word of whom all humanity has a share and those who lived according to the Logos are therefore Christian...

I'd never preach this as dogma, just a bit of wishful thinking. God will always have his remnant of all nations, who that includes we'll find out on Judgment day, there will be a lot of surprises, but I have enough faith not to worry about it

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I'd never preach this as dogma, just a bit of wishful thinking. God will always have his remnant of all nations, who that includes we'll find out on Judgment day, there will be a lot of surprises, but I have enough faith not to worry about it

Very interesting views, I applaud them. :clap


Stripling Warrior
But they were born with the sin of Adam and Eve. no?
No, that would not be just and God's justice is perfect. What we inherited from Adam and Eve is mortality for in Adam all die, in Jesus Christ all are made alive.


Stripling Warrior
When Jesus said "suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of God" He was making a plain declaration that little children are sinless just as those who dwell in the kingdom of God are without sin. The concept of original sin is a severe misinterpretation of truth; so foolish is it that one must force their eyes closed to the reality of its foolishness, illogic and just plain stupidity. I have never been able to reconcile someone who will profess the doctrine of original sin and then turn about and point an accusing finger at an Islamic extremist as they spout contradictions of thought and ideas in an attempt to justify their stance - it’s logically and intellectually insulting.


Stripling Warrior
Then who is in the coffin?
You ask the wrong question - Your question should be "what" is in the coffin for without the spirit the human body is about $2.50 worth of chemistry in water and nothing more.


Stripling Warrior
How? If they have not accepted Christ as their savior and that is supposed to be the only way into Heaven, so how do they breach that barrier?

You seem to have a real problem with the concept of justice. No one can make a choice when the choice is not placed before them or they have not the mental capability to choose. Little children are not capable of choosing so they are innocent. Our progression toward exaltation in the presence of God did not begin with mortal conception of the body and does not end when we die.

It is a magnificent plan that mankind seems to like to judge according to their own will and prejudices and then proceed to make doctrines and dogmas that fit their own thinking no matter how much bailing wire, tape, smoke and mirrors they have to use to put it all together. The cry to charge ahead is “truth and logic be damned - full speed ahead”.


Son Worshiper
When Jesus said "suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of God" He was making a plain declaration that little children are sinless just as those who dwell in the kingdom of God are without sin. The concept of original sin is a severe misinterpretation of truth; so foolish is it that one must force their eyes closed to the reality of its foolishness, illogic and just plain stupidity. I have never been able to reconcile someone who will profess the doctrine of original sin and then turn about and point an accusing finger at an Islamic extremist as they spout contradictions of thought and ideas in an attempt to justify their stance - it’s logically and intellectually insulting.
Psalm 51:5 "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me."
Jeremiah 17:9: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?"

It is by Christ we are set free, we find true repentance and flee from our sins, but Christ still loves the children and can forgive them

Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Jesus isn't saying kids are perfect, but sin has sunk as deep as it will into them yet, truly are they blessed!


Well-Known Member
You ask the wrong question - Your question should be "what" is in the coffin for without the spirit the human body is about $2.50 worth of chemistry in water and nothing more.

What are you when you look into a mirror?


Stripling Warrior
Psalm 51:5 "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me."
Jeremiah 17:9: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?"
Yes, no one who is old enough to conceive a child is sinless, no one save Christ has ever made it to that age without sinning so this verse does not condemn the child it is only stating that innocence came into a world ripe in iniquity via a sinner. This passage does not claim that the babe brought forth was inherently guilty of anything.

It is by Christ we are set free, we find true repentance and flee from our sins, but Christ still loves the children and can forgive them
You err, little children need no forgiveness yet you say that Christ "can" forgive them when there is no necessity, on this point you assume too much
Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Jesus isn't saying kids are perfect, but sin has sunk as deep as it will into them yet, truly are they blessed!
He most certainly IS saying that they are sinless for they are like unto the kingdom of God where there is no sin! Or maybe you believe that unclean things can dwell in the presence of God for sin is the manifestation of an unclean thing.


Stripling Warrior
Where in the flesh do you reside?
That is like asking "where in the wire does electricity reside", it is a pointless question at best. Energy and matter are the two most basic concepts in all creation. I am because I can feel and recognize the presence of God and be taught and then grow, the key is to grow correctly so as to get yourself where you really want to be.


Son Worshiper
Yes, no one who is old enough to conceive a child is sinless, no one save Christ has ever made it to that age without sinning so this verse does not condemn the child it is only stating that innocence came into a world ripe in iniquity via a sinner. This passage does not claim that the babe brought forth was inherently guilty of anything.You err, little children need no forgiveness yet you say that Christ "can" forgive them when there is no necessity, on this point you assume too muchHe most certainly IS saying that they are sinless for they are like unto the kingdom of God where there is no sin! Or maybe you believe that unclean things can dwell in the presence of God for sin is the manifestation of an unclean thing.
Hope we can have some fun with this :p

Jeremiah 13:23: (NIV): "Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil."

Children are worthy of God's kingdom because they have not rejected God actively yet. Yet their hearts are sinful in every way. It's a clear message that it is by God that we over come the desires of the flesh and our sinful natures, we are not born with any ability to overcome it

Romans 8:22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.

All of creation is fallen and not worthy of the kingdom, just as the prodigal son, however Children have yet to fully adopt all the sinful ways of the world (they are not sinless, otherwise we'd be able to stay sinless by our own strength) Christ has promised them mercy, pretty sure he has the authority to do so