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Do innocent children go to Heaven or Hell?


Well-Known Member
That is like asking "where in the wire does electricity reside", it is a pointless question at best. Energy and matter are the two most basic concepts in all creation. I am because I can feel and recognize the presence of God and be taught and then grow, the key is to grow correctly so as to get yourself where you really want to be.

Thank you but that doesnt answer my question.


Not your average Mormon
What happens to innocents when they die and have not had the chance to accept Christ as their savior?
They go to Heaven.

What about the children of Wiccans? Atheists? Buddhists?
They go to Heaven.

Any of these children who die say, before the age of 2, are they condemned to Hell because they haven't been baptised or christened in a Christian ritual?

(I'm sorry, I'm not very much fun, am I?) ;)


Stripling Warrior
Hope we can have some fun with this :p

Jeremiah 13:23: (NIV): "Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil."

Children are worthy of God's kingdom because they have not rejected God actively yet. Yet their hearts are sinful in every way. It's a clear message that it is by God that we over come the desires of the flesh and our sinful natures, we are not born with any ability to overcome it

Romans 8:22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.

All of creation is fallen and not worthy of the kingdom, just as the prodigal son, however Children have yet to fully adopt all the sinful ways of the world (they are not sinless, otherwise we'd be able to stay sinless by our own strength) Christ has promised them mercy, pretty sure he has the authority to do so
You speak of the body and the weakness thereof while I speak of the soul. The flesh is a natural enemy of God but the soul is not, it has to become such. A little child cannot be judged even though they do things because of the desire of the flesh, if it were not so then the world would have no sin because choice would not be an option. Judgment can have no claim on those who do not choose with cognizance of what they are doing.

The human body is not evil regardless of what it does, old or young, but you seem to be unable to separate the concept that the condition of the soul does not somehow condemn the body. The body cannot choose only the soul can. Children are born into the world clothed in flesh and innocent in every way. Our Heavenly Father does not judge the person by their flesh only their choices.


Mother Heathen
What happens to innocents when they die and have not had the chance to accept Christ as their savior? What about the children of Wiccans? Atheists? Buddhists? Any of these children who die say, before the age of 2, are they condemned to Hell because they haven't been baptised or christened in a Christian ritual?

Obviously this is a question for the Christians out there but lets hear everyone's opinion on the subject.

In honesty, I'm not sure how anyone can answer this question in complete confidence.

But, I'm inclined to believe that the innocent go to a happy place when they pass on.

Scott C.

Just one guy
What happens to innocents when they die and have not had the chance to accept Christ as their savior? What about the children of Wiccans? Atheists? Buddhists? Any of these children who die say, before the age of 2, are they condemned to Hell because they haven't been baptised or christened in a Christian ritual?

Obviously this is a question for the Christians out there but lets hear everyone's opinion on the subject.

Small children who die, go to heaven. They have no sin and no need to repent.


Question Everything
What happens to innocents when they die and have not had the chance to accept Christ as their savior? What about the children of Wiccans? Atheists? Buddhists? Any of these children who die say, before the age of 2, are they condemned to Hell because they haven't been baptised or christened in a Christian ritual?

Obviously this is a question for the Christians out there but lets hear everyone's opinion on the subject.

We believe all children are innocent and saved within the highest Kingdom.

(Topical Guide | S Salvation of Little Children:Entry)
Salvation of Little Children (see also Children;)
Matt. 18:3 Except ye ... become as little children., ye shall not enter the kingdom
Mosiah 3:16 little children. ... Christ atoneth for their sins
Mosiah 15:25 little children. also have eternal life
Moro. 8:22 all little children are alive in Christ
D&C 20:71 unless he has arrived unto the years of accountability
D&C 29:46 children are redeemed ... through mine Only Begotten
D&C 45:58 children shall grow up without sin unto salvation
D&C 68:27 (68:25–28) children shall be baptized ... when eight years old
D&C 74:7 children are holy, being sanctified through the atonement
D&C 93:38 men became again, in their infant state, innocent
D&C 137:10 all children who die before ... accountability are saved in the celestial kingdom
Moses 6:54 children ... are whole from the foundation of the world
See also Matt. 19:14; Mark 9:37; 10:16.

etc. etc.

from an older thread: http://www.religiousforums.com/foru...bates/122173-jesus-taught-11.html#post2647231

The apostles were baptizing people, and a group of children came up. The apostles had been taught that little children did not need to be baptized, that they were born innocent - they had no sins to wash away before the age of accountability - you can't sin if you don't know any better... so they sent the children away because they did not need to be baptized... but then Jesus stopped them, called the children back, and gave them all a blessing instead of a baptism.

13Then were there brought unto him little children, and the disciples rebuked them, saying, There is no need, for Jesus hath said, Such shall be saved.
14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
15 And he laid his hands on them, and blessed them, and departed thence.

later on, the combined state/church used infant baptisms to update census records, and collect taxes, and a few original words from this scripture were removed - to ensure parents brought their babies to the church to be taxed....

Believer's baptism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another argument posed by some advocates of believer's baptism focuses on the fact that most churches that practice infant baptism were churches that were heavily intertwined with the state in medieval and Reformation-era Europe. In many instances, citizens of a nation were required under penalty of law to belong to the state church. Infant baptism marked the infant as a citizen of the nation and a loyal subject of the reigning political order as much as it marked the infant as a Christian.

Infant baptism imprison's the individual
The joy of New Testament baptism through repentance and conversion of adult believers had been lost in this practice which originated in about the Fourth century. Anabaptists reserved their strongest criticism for this practice, because they esteemed it to have repudiated the foundation of salvation by grace. No longer did people have the opportunity to turn from their evil ways and join a community of believers through recognition of their own sinfulness. Their lives and destinies were imprisoned by the Church from near the moment of their birth. Salvation lost its majesty. Grace became only a distant theme. It was no longer a divine particular to be cherished, for it had become a regulated state of existence. For the Anabaptists, a challenge to the Church was equivalent to sacrificing their own eternity. This powerful hold on the soul of a person was a theological road block to understanding and appreciating the very joy of being a Christian. Rebaptizing adult believers was therefore a theological expression, a political statement, an act of dissent, and perhaps the medieval equivalent of burning one's draft card. This analogy is not intended to legitimize draft-card burning nor to denigrate Anabaptist martyrdom, only to illustrate the Severe Cost that is required of those who follow their beliefs with the full knowledge that their actions are in direct opposition to Church State authorities.

"Infant baptism brought the child into the church and into society. To reject infant baptism would be to undermine the medieval concept of the church and state. So Anabaptists, by rejecting infant baptism, were considered anarchists." ..."At the Diet of Speyer, in 1529, all the heads of Europe and the church passed a sentence of death upon all Anabaptists. Because of their view on infant baptism--which was seen as against the state just as much as against the church--they were considered anarchists and therefore dangerous to "Christian Europe."

infant baptism was instituted by the state to keep track of their subjects - for census and tax records.

little innocent babies do not go to hell if they have not been baptized... this was a horrific new doctrine created by a fallen church during the dark ages.
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Question Everything
So we should kill all children to ensure they go to the right place, just skip all the in-between.

We all need experiences to grow & learn. Those who do not gain that knowledge in this life, will gain it in the next - so there is nothing gained through missing out on life.


Ad astra!
We all need experiences to grow & learn. Those who do not gain that knowledge in this life, will gain it in the next - so there is nothing gained through missing out on life.

So they don't go to heaven or hell, they just get reincarnated until they learn to submit themselves?

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
Children go to heaven. They haven't had the opportunity to sin yet.

Yes but you are a Muslim so Christ is not a barrier to Heaven for you. As it was explained to me, Islam has three paths into paradise; through nature, scripture or one of the prophets. I have always thought this a far superior view than the more strict method used by Christians: accept Christ or burn in hell.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
So we have no one willing to say that children can go to hell, especially for the simple crime of not being a Christian. So, why do we christen children at birth? Isn't part of that to label them as a Christian so that they can get into Heaven?

(I don't think this forum has enough Fundies to make this a really fun debate. :()


Son Worshiper
So we have no one willing to say that children can go to hell, especially for the simple crime of not being a Christian. So, why do we christen children at birth? Isn't part of that to label them as a Christian so that they can get into Heaven?

(I don't think this forum has enough Fundies to make this a really fun debate. :()
You rang?


Son Worshiper
You don't sound Fundie. Your views sounded very Universalist actually.
Don't Ever call me a Universalist :no:

If by Fundie you mean someone who reads the Bible plainly and believe it whole heartedly, then you've got me

if by Fundie you mean a reactionary who keep traditional doctrines that may or may not be scriptural, ask someone else

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
Don't Ever call me a Universalist :no:

Not a fan of the Universalists huh? I made the comment because you said you weren't sure that Hell actually existed, and the Universalists steadfastly believe that Hell does not exist and humanity is universaly saved. You may notice that I call my self a Unitarian even though I go to the Unitarian Universalist church. That's because I'm a Unitarian Christian rather than a Universalists. I don't believe you can have a Heaven without a Hell. I have to much Taoism in me. :p

If by Fundie you mean someone who reads the Bible plainly and believe it whole heartedly, then you've got me

This is not what I call a Fundie.

if by Fundie you mean a reactionary who keep traditional doctrines that may or may not be scriptural, ask someone else

Now this is exactly what I call a Fundie.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
So does that extend to those people who haven't been exposed to Christianity or only to their children? If this exception exists for getting into Heaven could there be others we aren't aware of?
The book of Romans says that everything created knows it's creator and is without excuse. What is apparent is that while the name of Christ saves it may not be incumbant that one know the proper name of God to be saved.