I do not believe any 2 people should be treated equally no matter what their gender is.
I believe in fair and just treatment for all.
Equal treatment usually is neither fair nor just.
a man has 2 children a boy and a girl. If he sends them both to feed the horses should they be treated equal and both have to carry a 100 pound bail of hay. Or should they be treated fairly and each carry only what they can carry comfortably?
No 2 people are equal, we all have different strengths and weaknesses we all should be treated fairly in accordance with our abilities and limitations.
You useTekkelot here
1. Islam will not know of equality — — —
2. Islam will not recognize the rights of women
3. inheritance-.
The share ofwomenhalfthe share ofmen
4. women and faeces in one degree
If you areaturdorHunterwomen
And in Arabic
5. in Islamic paradise
7. man has several nymphs practiced with sex
8. women have no right to sexual pleasure as men
9. the man is entitled to four women
10. Division of pleasure for men
11. Islam school sex
12. divorce right men only
13. women have the right to differentiate
14. a man has the right to beat women
15. (apostasy) is an Islamic system is an insult to women
16. the imprisonment of women for men
17. women of the Muslim wars trophies
18. Mohammad married a war trophy
SafiyaBint huyai
In conclusion, I wish you could talk right
19. Islamic law not valid in Western societies
20. If a Muslim wanted his law and considers it preferable to leave Saudi Arabia or Iraq