No. Women are in the home or a business with other women where that cannto happen. Men have to go out to provide for the family.
LOL men work alongside women, can go other places to meet other women, because they can drive, yet only women are going to be susceptible to possible adultery by driving? Wow.
What countries, what reference do you have?
What rock have you been living under? UAE, Sudan, Indonesia,...
I think perhaps you don't want to face your own responsibility, but you still want attention from men. You appear to be advicating the shop window mentallity without anyone being allowed through the doors.
You mean they want more power and wealth I suppose.
They should do, as women should, which you did mention. Your misandristic credentials are showing through me thinks..haha. A little one sided are we, hmmm.
Not one lick of any of that made any sense.
In some areas yes. It would depend on the subject.
Are you saying that men, in general, are automatically more intelligent than women in particular subjects? Because that's ridiculous. If you just mean on a case by case basis, that is true for every individual.
That would depend. If you were, then we would have found you throughout history, which we don't. We find you now that the world is easier in the west. Men and women certainly think differently, and men certainly have to make allowances for you, as most seem to be doing now...accept me... so perhaps it is I who am giving you true equality.
Utterly ridiculous.
Do they? I think we are bound by many contraints actually.
Just the ones that have been inflicted by a patriarchal society. Men can choose to do what they want, and they can, as long as they don't have this insane "what it is to be a
man" thought in their heads.
as a what! Haha. Aer you joking? Ok, I suppose some could, but not many, nor would they want to. They tend to like jobs where they can dress as prostitutes, which is now called normal.
No, not joking. In fact, I intentionally used a job that I have done in the past. And no, I don't think camouflage uniforms are currently "prostitute" wear. In fact, I can't say that I have ever held a job where I could or would wear things that made me look like a prostitute. Most jobs I have held have been either uniforms or professional wear.
Really? What planet are we talking about. You mean there are women out there that will look after me? Tell me of one, quick! I see, you mean choice, but not in reality, just as some kinda ideology.
What are you talking about here? Do you need looking after? Are you not a grown man? I was speaking of one parent choosing to stay home to help raise children and take care of household duties. Both men and women are capable of doing this and have that choice. I have been on both sides of the coin myself. For many years I was the sole income and my husband stayed home with the kids and took care of the house. I now stay home and take care of house and children while my hubby is the sole income.
Exactly, so why ***** about them not having the same money as men? Stereotypical feminist talk I think
Just because a woman may be making more than her man or may be making a good income in general does not necessarily mean that she is being paid what she is truly worth. That she is being paid what a man in the same position would be getting paid.
A couple did jus that, and gues what? The women resented the fact that the man was at home with the baby, as she pictured him with his feet on the coffee table, as she was at work to support him...haha funny eh? Get me out of the kitchen, Get me back in again...haha
Ohhhh, a couple did that huh? And because of their own personal issues it didn't work out? Oh, well then, you
must be right, it must not work out for anyone. that one couple sets the bar for every man and woman in the world. Thank you so much for teaching that lesson.
Misogynistic means to hate women. I don't, so that is false. Just because you don't agree with someone's thoughts, youi should not lower yourself to name calling. This happens everytime on this subject. It says more about you than it does about me. As for outdated (in the west), you are probably right.
"hatred,dislike,or mistrust of women,or prejudice against women." - so says
Misogyny | Define Misogyny at
You have issues with women. That is clear. You mistrust women, you are prejudiced against women, and you seem to genuinely dislike women. Now, you can claim that you aren't misogynistic all you like. But you do fit the bill quite well. Or would you rather prefer gynophobia? Because I think any person exhibiting misogyny must have at least a touch of gynophobia within them.