Super Universe
Defender of God
I'm sorry, I didn't realize I had to spell it out for you. Parents don't have a choice in the world into which they bring their kids. They can choose not to be parents, but if they want to be parents, they have to bring kids into this world that we have.
I guess it's hard for you to think outside the box, huh? So, this earth's existence is no more important than a game's existence? You're only thinking of how things are. If I was an omnipotent God, I could make it so that people could all play a game and everyone would win. I could make it so that people didn't have to die, or make death different and make it just a change. I could do anything, and I wouldn't be constricted by the way things work in the world we know, because the world we know would not exist. The point is you're only thinking of things through the way they already work, and I'm talking about changing the basic way they work so that they don't even resemble what we already know.
Oh please do me a favor and spell it out for me. You know how uneducated and unaccomplished us theists are.
Is poor lil baby boy in need of a nap and getting grumpy? Can't handle the discussion? Boo hoo... If you can't handle it, they why participate?
You would make it so everyone wins huh? And what would each learn then? They would think that no effort is necessary. They would be lazy and not try to solve problems because there wouldn't be any. They would accomplish nothing because they wouldn't have to. You just don't get it, the universe is not a gift for you to enjoy in supreme splendor. It's like an expanding nation that needs civil workers to help in it's growth.