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Do You Think Muslims Are Violent?

Do You Think Muslims Are Violent?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 34.0%
  • No

    Votes: 33 66.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I actually came up with that myself.
Like Smart_Guy says

Satire and humor are good things as long as done moderately and within reason, just like anything else. I don't think intentionally posting pictures you perfectly know offends some large group of people in a place you know very well they come around is not moderate, unless it was in a clear respectful context and understanding.

Again, this is not the Islam DIR - I wouldn't come into your house and throw your things on the ground. This is the open forum - in a thread about how violent Muslims are... which of the two things is more uncouth, mocking the idea that images of the "prophet" are sacred, or saying that everyone who fits a certain stereotype is an evil person?

And, again, as I said in my very first response to you - if it doesn't bother you all that much, then it wasn't meant for you. I had an even more vague photo of Mohammed that you didn't bring up, that was just a circle with an arrow pointing to it that said "Mohammed". Is that just as offensive.

It's a joke, dude.
It's a joke. If people don't like certain jokes, they don't have to laugh at them. If they're offended by them, then they should ask themselves why they're offended... That's the whole point. Simply saying "This offends me" is a nice declarative statement but it lacks depth. Why does it offend them? Why does it offend you? Saying, "well it just does so let's avoid the picture and the topic altogether" isn't really productive is it? It placates an insecurity and further propagates complacency of thought.


Premium Member
Like Smart_Guy says

Again, this is not the Islam DIR - I wouldn't come into your house and throw your things on the ground. This is the open forum - in a thread about how violent Muslims are... which of the two things is more uncouth, mocking the idea that images of the "prophet" are sacred, or saying that everyone who fits a certain stereotype is an evil person?

And, again, as I said in my very first response to you - if it doesn't bother you all that much, then it wasn't meant for you. I had an even more vague photo of Mohammed that you didn't bring up, that was just a circle with an arrow pointing to it that said "Mohammed". Is that just as offensive.

It's a joke, dude.
It's a joke. If people don't like certain jokes, they don't have to laugh at them. If they're offended by them, then they should ask themselves why they're offended... That's the whole point. Simply saying "This offends me" is a nice declarative statement but it lacks depth. Why does it offend them? Why does it offend you? Saying, "well it just does so let's avoid the picture and the topic altogether" isn't really productive is it? It placates an insecurity and further propagates complacency of thought.

I wasn't offended by it, I only wanted to know which or which, and as discussion continued, clarify a thing or two about the Muslims, that's all, I wasn't talking about myself. Each culture have their own. I just wanted to understand each other better.

But it's okay, let's forget about it. I take it from between the lines of what you said above that your intentions were not evil in the first place. I apologize.


Premium Member
Bla bla bla

It is okay to tell jokes (it is morally between us and ourselves what motives and intentions we have), but spreading rumors and wrong information is something else. Dunno about your motive telling the info above, but someone lied to you about it.
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
It is okay to tell jokes (it is morally between us and ourselves what motives and intentions we have), but spreading rumors and wrong information is something else. Dunno about your motive telling the info above, but someone lied to you about it.
All information aboutIslam fromthe Muslimbooks
And because human knowledge is King of all
The dissemination of this information is not an insult to Muslim
But the definition is important in the culture of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed, also culture as they say
Where the usefulness of information Mohammed nationality also
And Aisha about sex also benefit
Why deny this knowledge and they forbid human
On humanityto benefitfrom the experience ofAishaMohamed
It'sa large school
Therefore he Mehmet
Take half your religion of this algmiraa
And half of the debt is the marriage and how to have sex


Well-Known Member
I apologize.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
It is okay to tell jokes (it is morally between us and ourselves what motives and intentions we have), but spreading rumors and wrong information is something else. Dunno about your motive telling the info above, but someone lied to you about it.

Hi Smart_Guy,

Again, in all good humor... You have to understand that from the perspective of non-believers like me, I think ALL religious people are "spreading rumors and wrong information" - so welcome to my world. :)


Premium Member


Hi Smart_Guy,

Again, in all good humor... You have to understand that from the perspective of non-believers like me, I think ALL religious people are "spreading rumors and wrong information" - so welcome to my world. :)

Now that's what I mean. Expressing your feelings in a nice, respectful, manly and friendly way instead of that one. I really thank you for that.
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Well-Known Member
It's okay man, not all non Muslims are like those subject journalists, nor all journalists are.


Agree. But some things should be known and researched before one comes and opens his mouth and paint all muslims with the same brush.

Majority of people who know walk with a blind eye acting as if they don't know.

I listened enough to their foolishness and accusations.

I am a good person until one gives me a reason not to be. They talk about how ignorant muslims are. Some members here are more ignorant than that times 10.


Premium Member
Agree. But some things should be known and researched before one comes and opens his mouth and paint all muslims with the same brush.

Majority of people who know walk with a blind eye acting as if they don't know.

I listened enough to their foolishness and accusations.

I am a good person until one gives me a reason not to be. They talk about how ignorant muslims are. Some members here are more ignorant than that times 10.

I don't disagree.

I still advise to be the bigger person here. Try to not let others make you go over your good nature.

Bless you :)


Well-Known Member
I don't disagree.

I still advise to be the bigger person here. Try to not let others make you go over your good nature.

Bless you :)

Thank you for your advice here.

My bigger person here would be for me to answer them with the truth. I can't walk on this with a blind eye my friend. They are provoking to prove that we are violent. Well yeah in that case I am violent against disrespect. When I see a disrespect I point it out.

How violent of me.

Bless you too brother :)


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member

I'm trying to work out how your video fits into the conversation? If you're saying that there are some bigoted journalists in the world, I would agree. I see journalists being biased and bigoted in every direction.

If you're talking about free speech, then I think you're missing the point. Free speech means "freedom to offend". As a non-believer, I find the OT, the NT, and Quran ALL to be offensive. And I support your right to talk about your favorite, the Quran, even though it offends me. That's the price for free speech, and I'm happy to pay it. Are you?

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador

I'm trying to work out how your video fits into the conversation? If you're saying that there are some bigoted journalists in the world, I would agree. I see journalists being biased and bigoted in every direction.

If you're talking about free speech, then I think you're missing the point. Free speech means "freedom to offend". As a non-believer, I find the OT, the NT, and Quran ALL to be offensive. And I support your right to talk about your favorite, the Quran, even though it offends me. That's the price for free speech, and I'm happy to pay it. Are you?

Usually that is true, but there are a few areas when freedom of speech can and should be restricted;

When it is regarding National security. such as passing on classified information to the enemy.

When it is a deliberate lie told with the intent of causing a violent action.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Usually that is true, but there are a few areas when freedom of speech can and should be restricted;

When it is regarding National security. such as passing on classified information to the enemy.

When it is a deliberate lie told with the intent of causing a violent action.

I agree that even in the most liberal, secular countries there are limits to free speech. That said, "being offended" is a truly horrible reason to limit speech. A novel like the "Satanic Verses" or cartoons drawn of Muhammad, MUST be protected. These examples are the essence of just exactly why and when free speech is essential. If criticism of ideas is restricted, then there is no free speech.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Freedom of expression mustbe unrestricted
Onlythe only conditionto speakisnot lie
The Muslimsare afraid ofthe truth
Therefore want to impose restrictions on freedom of expression
The truth is that all Danish painter painting is from the Qur'an and Hadith
Why Muslims are afraid of this truth,
If you draw it, this is not a flaw
Because art is the transfer of ideas to images
Muhammadled thebattle
What iswrong withthis
Muhammadreceived arevelationfrom thethighsof Khadija
These facts are known to Muslims why afraid of posting
The bookthe Satanic Verses
A booklooking atanyofthe verses of the Qur'an
And really teach the devil to Muhammad the words
The words of the devil
This is the Koran and the written explanation
Why Muslims afraid they say freedom of expression
Freedom of speech to say and discuss each idea
Eithertellthe worldthe wordilliterateMuslimsthis is not true
Every Muslim embraces Islam that knows how the revelation to Muhammad and Khadija, helped him how was his son Naufal
And for every Muslim embraces Islam to know how Muhammad had issued orders to kill one woman through the element between two camels, camels
And to know how Muhammad married Jewish wife murdered
How Muhammad married the wife of his adopted son
This is nodisrespect
The Muslim shouldproudto the world
To do this, they followed
The record we have, we should give him our women
It's halal as in it analysis
****the womeninMuhammad
The Prophet of Islam
Many womenwerepermissibleasher marriage
Theseteachings of Islamspreadas
Sothe world knowsyour religionRahim
But if you disrespect you're lying
Because you are afraid the truth

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Usually that is true, but there are a few areas when freedom of speech can and should be restricted;

When it is regarding National security. such as passing on classified information to the enemy.

When it is a deliberate lie told with the intent of causing a violent action.
Where isthe lieinthis information
Do you think thatthe verses of the Koranlie
When I spoke about the marriage of Muhammad and incidents with women
Do you think thatalieisofour authorship
Isthe Quran
I lieif I said thatMuhammad is the Messenger ofmercy
Because he didn't know mercy when ordered to kill or cinnamon and divide between the camels
I lieif I said thatMuhammad is the Messenger ofmercy
It agreed to slaughter order 500 Jews in one day
So thisgeneral information on Islam
You shouldbe proudto theworld
Anddon't fearofdissemination
Because they prove mental mercy Prophet of Islam
Greetings to you and a successful visit
And that you only face and order RBC rubbing res judicata


Premium Member
I agree that even in the most liberal, secular countries there are limits to free speech. That said, "being offended" is a truly horrible reason to limit speech. A novel like the "Satanic Verses" or cartoons drawn of Muhammad, MUST be protected. These examples are the essence of just exactly why and when free speech is essential. If criticism of ideas is restricted, then there is no free speech.

I don't think anyone would like it to have themselves' and there families' dignity and honor hurt with profanity. I see the world is getting more and more over liberal. Pornography was once looked down by the West themselves and now it is a trade. I fear that one day child porn would become a trend too. Sorry for the excessive example, but I believe an excessive example is the best way to give a feeling of the worst if the less ones don't work.

I don't believe in absolute freedom, just freedom is fine. Everything has a limit. Living our lives with no limitation could turn with really bad results one day.

Icehorse, please reconsider. You said you have a daughter. I have little sisters that I think of like daughters too. For me, I would never accept having them undignified. I don't mind myself being insulted or made fun of, but not those I care for.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone would like it to have themselves' and there families' dignity and honor hurt with profanity. I see the world is getting more and more over liberal. Pornography was once looked down by the West themselves and now it is a trade. I fear that one day child porn would become a trend too. Sorry for the excessive example, but I believe an excessive example is the best way to give a feeling of the worst if the less ones don't work.

I don't believe in absolute freedom, just freedom is fine. Everything has a limit. Living our lives with no limitation could turn with really bad results one day.

Icehorse, please reconsider. You said you have a daughter. I have little sisters that I think of like daughters too. For me, I would never accept having them undignified. I don't mind myself being insulted or made fun of, but not those I care for.
You arecritical of theWest,whichbyporn
So why live with them back to Saudi Arabia
I disagree with you
I knowthat there areplacespornographyonTV
And the Web
I approached them
Theseare free
Theyforcedherto strip nakedin front of them
I knowthatthere are places in the entertainment
Havethey compel meto comewith them
Themtheir liberty
Onlynon-aggressionon thefreedomof others
Lying to them
For example
The Qur'anaccuses theChristianstheyworshipthree gods
Is this true
And when I say the Quran this slur
On Christianitysaythesewords of God
SoIhave thefreedom todefend myself
I have the freedom to believe
I own freedom in doing whatever I want only
My freedomis constrainednot toattackothers


Premium Member
You arecritical of theWest,whichbyporn
So why live with them back to Saudi Arabia
I disagree with you
I knowthat there areplacespornographyonTV
And the Web
I approached them
Theseare free
Theyforcedherto strip nakedin front of them
I knowthatthere are places in the entertainment
Havethey compel meto comewith them
Themtheir liberty
Onlynon-aggressionon thefreedomof others
Lying to them
For example
The Qur'anaccuses theChristianstheyworshipthree gods
Is this true
And when I say the Quran this slur
On Christianitysaythesewords of God
SoIhave thefreedom todefend myself
I have the freedom to believe
I own freedom in doing whatever I want only
My freedomis constrainednot toattackothers

Thank you for the reply.

If I may be so bold and ask this of you: kindly put spaces between words so we can get a better understanding of your post. It will be much appreciated.

Just to be clear, I'm not criticizing the West for porn. I think it is wrong, but it is part of their culture and I respect cultures. Different cultures have different views that the other could see completely wrong while it may be not. That is why I talk to Western people (specially lovely ladies :D) openly because I know it is part of their culture.