mahasn ebn sawresho
Well-Known Member
I don't think "Muslims are" anything. There are like two billion of them, it would be ridiculous to generalize about that many people.
I think just like any other faith tradition, there are Muslim individuals who are more violent and extreme, and Muslim individuals who are pacifist and nonviolent, and individuals everywhere on the spectrum in between. There are some Muslim communities and schools of thought that seem to be more radical and fundamentalist and seem more tolerant of violence or encouraging of violence, and some Muslim communities and schools of thought that seem to be moderate and thoughtful, and seem less tolerant of violence and not encouraging of violence.
The term moderate Islam and radical Islam are terms to a single currency
"Moderate Muslimbeliefinthe Qur'an
But he knows the circumstances surrounding
It uses the pious to camouflage the original belief
Because of his faith in peace is not fully supported by its belief in
EvenmoderateMuslimdoes not accept thedebateonthe morality ofMuhammad whenwesearch
And also offers explanations for some of the verses the anti-Semitism even with lyrics in Arabic
Khin,a Muslimis a Muslim
The idea of a Muslim
And Islamic thought is a terrorist ideology