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Do You Think Muslims Are Violent?

Do You Think Muslims Are Violent?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 34.0%
  • No

    Votes: 33 66.0%

  • Total voters

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
I don't think "Muslims are" anything. There are like two billion of them, it would be ridiculous to generalize about that many people.

I think just like any other faith tradition, there are Muslim individuals who are more violent and extreme, and Muslim individuals who are pacifist and nonviolent, and individuals everywhere on the spectrum in between. There are some Muslim communities and schools of thought that seem to be more radical and fundamentalist and seem more tolerant of violence or encouraging of violence, and some Muslim communities and schools of thought that seem to be moderate and thoughtful, and seem less tolerant of violence and not encouraging of violence.

The term moderate Islam and radical Islam are terms to a single currency
"Moderate Muslimbeliefinthe Qur'an
But he knows the circumstances surrounding
It uses the pious to camouflage the original belief
Because of his faith in peace is not fully supported by its belief in
EvenmoderateMuslimdoes not accept thedebateonthe morality ofMuhammad whenwesearch
And also offers explanations for some of the verses the anti-Semitism even with lyrics in Arabic
Khin,a Muslimis a Muslim
The idea of a Muslim
And Islamic thought is a terrorist ideology

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Differingdoctrinesnot in thecreed
But the difference in application of the provisions on the mostly like mut'ah
And its acceptability
Because marriage is Qur'an
But Sunni take Bray Omar Ibn Al-Khattab who stopped work on this verse
WhileShi'adoctrinesadhered tothe Qur'anic text
And also differences in doctrines
Inaltghishafterthe seconddivorce
In summary say that formal differences
Because a single doctrine
Allsectsagree onmbdaadhimmi
Allsectsagree onverses ofJihad
Allsectsagree onJihad
Bothdoctrinesdo not recognizethedevice
Permission is configurable and not objective

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
What's an "Islamic Nation" ?

A Nation in which 50% or more of the Citizens are Muslim. I probably should have said Muslim Majority Nation.

Nearly 3/4 of the World's Muslims live in 6 Countries Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, India and China. They are minorities in India and China


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I think the following claims are very objective and easy to defend.

1 - The OIC represents much of the Muslim world, and the OIC is relentless in introducing blasphemy resolutions into the UN. In fact they started to have a small degree of success with UN 16/18.
2 - Hundreds of millions of Muslims agree that blasphemy is a crime, ideas about punishments vary.
3 - Hundreds of millions of Muslims agree that apostasy from Islam is a crime, although there is disagreement as to what the punishment should be.
4 - Perhaps a hundred million Muslims agree that terrorism in the name of Islam is sometimes called for.
5 - These beliefs span many cultures.

== These claims are a bit more subjective, but still feel easy to defend:

6 - These beliefs are widespread and they ALL negatively impact on modern ideas of basic human rights.
7 - These beliefs often go hand in hand with violent outcomes - mostly Muslims being violent towards other Muslims.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So, on my math quiz thingy, I totally forgot how to do this one procedure on this computer program we are supposed to be using. I have it all worked out by hand, and since it's very unlikely I'll ever use this program again, doing it by hand should be good enough.

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
I think the following claims are very objective and easy to defend.

1 - The OIC represents much of the Muslim world, and the OIC is relentless in introducing blasphemy resolutions into the UN. In fact they started to have a small degree of success with UN 16/18.
2 - Hundreds of millions of Muslims agree that blasphemy is a crime, ideas about punishments vary.
3 - Hundreds of millions of Muslims agree that apostasy from Islam is a crime, although there is disagreement as to what the punishment should be.
4 - Perhaps a hundred million Muslims agree that terrorism in the name of Islam is sometimes called for.
5 - These beliefs span many cultures.

== These claims are a bit more subjective, but still feel easy to defend:

6 - These beliefs are widespread and they ALL negatively impact on modern ideas of basic human rights.
7 - These beliefs often go hand in hand with violent outcomes - mostly Muslims being violent towards other Muslims.

1. Probably all of the Muslim nations and a few non-Muslim Nations

2. Is true I believe virtually all of us believe it is a very serious sin for Muslims to commit. We are pretty much divided over if it is a sin for non-Muslim and if it calls for an earthly punishment

3. Agree, but a large percentage do not seem to believe an earthly punishment is permitted unless the act of apostasy results in treason against the government.

4, I disagree. Aggression is prohibited. the only time force is allowed is for defense and then rules limit the extent. Terrorism is always forbidden as the harming of non-combatants is forbidden

5. Yes those beliefs span many cultures and are not unique to Muslims.

6. I disagree. Using Indonesia for example. It contains nearly 25% of the world's Muslims and is currently one of the fastest developing Nations. As for Human rights The predominatly Muslim Nations sort of come in the Middle, Not the best, but not the worse either. Interesting to notice the UAE ranks higher than the US See HERE

7. The violent outcomes tend to be in one part of the world and I believe it is more of an Arab vs Iranian issue rather than Religious. The Iranians and Arabs have a very long history of not playing well together.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Well you can't really disagree with 4 and 6 - because that's just data. If you look at the poll linked to earlier you will see that SE Asia is still pretty Sharia-friendly.

As far as #7 goes, you understand that you're discussing a Sunni - Shia conflict, right? And how about all the horrible stuff that's happening in Africa?

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
Well you can't really disagree with 4 and 6 - because that's just data. If you look at the poll linked to earlier you will see that SE Asia is still pretty Sharia-friendly.

As far as #7 goes, you understand that you're discussing a Sunni - Shia conflict, right? And how about all the horrible stuff that's happening in Africa?
and in the mideast virtually all Iranians are Shi'ite. In Pakistan the Shi'ite are very much pro-Iranian and would desire to see Pakistan once again be an Iranian State. Nearly the entire Shi'ite population lives in 4 Nations Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and India. The next 3 largest concentrations of Shi'ites are Dearborn Michigan, USA , Denmark and Morocco it should be noted in those locations there is no conflict between Shi'ite and Sunni. Also in those locations the Shi'ite are not Iranian nor have ties with Iran.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Hi Woodrow,

I'd like to hear in your own words why Sunni and Shia hate each other so much?

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
Hi Woodrow,

I'd like to hear in your own words why Sunni and Shia hate each other so much?

In my own words I have not personally seen any Hatred between them except in the Mideast and Pakistan. But outside of there Shi'ite are a rarity. I have seen a small number of Shi'ite in Morocco and there was no friction or animosity. There are a few in Texas I know of one Shi'ite Mosque in Austin and one in Dallas, but have not seen any friction between Shi'ite and Sunni in either city. The shi'ite and Sunni in Dearborn Michigan seem to get along with each other.

As a Sunni I do dislike the Shi'te following of an Ayatollah. the Shi'ite do seem to believe the Ayatollah is the Supreme ruler of all Muslims and his fatwas are divine commands directly from Allah(saws). Sunni believe Fatwas are opinions, not commands.

There is no outright prohibition against a Sunni praying behind a Shi'ite Imam. A fatwas (opinion) I found regarding this:

Fataawa (Ruling) of Shaykh Ibn Baaz (vol. 2, p. 396) “It is not permissible to pray behind any of the mushrikeen, including those who seek the help of anyone other than Allaah and seek support from him, because seeking help through anyone other then Allaah, such as the dead, idols, the jinn, etc. is shirk, the association of others with Allaah, glorified be He.” And he said: one should not pray behind any imaam who is known to exaggerate concerning the Ahl al-Bayt (members of the Prophet’s household). If no such thing is known about him or any other Muslim, then it is OK to pray behind them.

Islam Q&A (islamqa . com)

Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Edited for Elaboration: The above is a fatwa, or a ruling, given by a scholar of Islam. Some of the Shia do things that are not permissible, things that are acts of kufr (disbelief) such as

1) Calling upon Ali, Hussein and Fatima along with Allah 2) Believing that the Angel Gabriel made a mistake when he brought down the revelation to Muhammad (Peace be upon him) - [they believe the revelation should have been given to Ali] 3) They curse the companions of the Prophet

These are only a few things that some of the Shia are known to do.

So in the above fatwa, the scholar of Islam is saying that "one should not pray behind any imaam who is known to exaggerate concerning the Ahl al-Bayt (members of the Prophet’s household). If no such thing is known about him or any other Muslim, then it is OK to pray behind them."


What I have found in the Mideast and Pakistan is extreme animosity between Iranians (Which are Aryans) and Arabs (Which are Semitic). Nearly all Shi'ite are Iranian and all of the Ayatollahs are Iranian. I see the Sunni/Shi'ite conflict as being one of Aryan versus Semitic, not a religious issue.

Trivia: My oldest Daughter is Shi'ite living in a predominately Sunni area and she has not experienced any hatred. But she is not Iranian.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
In saheehayn from Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him: that some of the eight came to wood pellets Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, they pay homage to him on Islam vastokhmwa land weskmt their bodies, complained to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, said: «only you with our Shepherd in goofy, they hit from her urines and its milk» they said: Yes, it turned out, drank from her urines and their milk, they wake up and killed the Shepherd and camel were expelled the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, sent in their productions, they realized they brought is their cut hands And feet and Samar eyes then renounced in the Sun until they died (1).


Active Member
What a stupid question. There are 1.5 billion Muslims. How the hell anyone could know if they are all violent or not?

Some of them are, some of them not. You can find any type of human beings among Muslims.

There are sexy Muslims. There are funny Muslims. There are alcoholic Muslims. There are peace loving Muslims. There are violent Muslims.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
In my own words I have not personally seen any Hatred between them except in the Mideast and Pakistan. But outside of there Shi'ite are a rarity. I have seen a small number of Shi'ite in Morocco and there was no friction or animosity. There are a few in Texas I know of one Shi'ite Mosque in Austin and one in Dallas, but have not seen any friction between Shi'ite and Sunni in either city. The shi'ite and Sunni in Dearborn Michigan seem to get along with each other.

As a Sunni I do dislike the Shi'te following of an Ayatollah. the Shi'ite do seem to believe the Ayatollah is the Supreme ruler of all Muslims and his fatwas are divine commands directly from Allah(saws). Sunni believe Fatwas are opinions, not commands.

There is no outright prohibition against a Sunni praying behind a Shi'ite Imam. A fatwas (opinion) I found regarding this:


What I have found in the Mideast and Pakistan is extreme animosity between Iranians (Which are Aryans) and Arabs (Which are Semitic). Nearly all Shi'ite are Iranian and all of the Ayatollahs are Iranian. I see the Sunni/Shi'ite conflict as being one of Aryan versus Semitic, not a religious issue.

Trivia: My oldest Daughter is Shi'ite living in a predominately Sunni area and she has not experienced any hatred. But she is not Iranian.
There is no difference between Sunnis and Shiites in the essence of Quran
Bothsidestothe same coin
The difference between Shiites and Sunnis is as follows
Shiitesbelievethat theIslamic Caliphateareespecially in theAHLAlbait
They believe that Abu Bakr stole the succession after the death of Muhammad
Therefore, starting from that date
When Ben's father became the fourth Caliph demanded the Muslims there fight the camel of Aisha, the wife of Mohammed's pampered and Ali Ibn Abi Talib in the battle of the camel
After that I moved to the Umayyad Caliphate
Thereis a conflict betweenthe descendants ofMuhammad
Both Hasan and Husayn
And killed in battle in southern Iraq Kufa nicer
Since then, the conflict between the Shiites of Ahl al-Bayt
And among the followers of Abu Bakr and Umar Ibn Al-Khattab
Thisis the origin ofthe conflictbetween them
It'sa struggle forleadership
And not the clash of ideas
Because the two agree on Jihad
And spread Islam
I hope thatmy information isuseful

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Do you knowthat the callwasbetween thethighsof MuhammadiyahKhadija
Reviewof modernoldbooks
And ahdyk this modern
In the Laurel of the elves, and not likely to be an Angel of God had brought fear and terror and jitter and body color change said to Khadija: I fear for myself from the elves, but Khadija assured and told him: you do not have be long them hurt Satan. This the book Dr. Al-bouti, famous Fiqh al seerah "also came on Mike biography of Burhan al-Din al-Halabi, is one of the most important books and Islamic sources supported," said Mohammad was afraid that the swearing is an affiliate of the Jinn, so she said Khadija, wife and mother Ann, the devil for you ", the same words just found also in Saheeh Muslim, explained the nuclear part No. 1 according to Ibn Hisham's biography" biography "is the oldest and healthiest biography, in volume I, under the heading" A premature examination and proof guardian "include: Khadija Muhammad can tell me bshabk that comes when a man? He told her Yes, For more of her, she has to do less on the left, the fkhazei did she him you have seen him now? He said yes, she had turned and was sitting on the right thigh of fifa said the push for him to see? He said yes, "garner said, and threw her Messenger of God sitting in her lap!!! He said do you still see ya Muhammad? They told her no, she has demonstrated and preach by God that the Angel and demon as he sheepishly from view if the demon was not ashamed. And same story listed for Muslim historians mention: 1 – Ibn katheer in the beginning and the end "2 – Ibn Al-Atheer in" full history "3 – Aaron nose" and one of the most famous biography for Ben Hicham walshili 4 – injuries in the sahabah "son of Hagar. And modern references "the life of Muhammad" Dr. structure and Fiqh book biography of the Prophet of the women "said Ashour, which gives no doubt reality" exam Khadija and proof of revelation

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
What a stupid question. There are 1.5 billion Muslims. How the hell anyone could know if they are all violent or not?

Some of them are, some of them not. You can find any type of human beings among Muslims.

There are sexy Muslims. There are funny Muslims. There are alcoholic Muslims. There are peace loving Muslims. There are violent Muslims.
Yes it's true
But static thought
Islamic thoughtistheterrorism
The man who bred and feeds from the teachings of Islam, it carries the seeds of this ideology of childhood
When you find these good ideas grow
This will become the human struggle for God
Permissionprobleminthe Islamicideology
It's made from plants of terrorism


Active Member
Yes it's true
But static thought
Islamic thoughtistheterrorism
The man who bred and feeds from the teachings of Islam, it carries the seeds of this ideology of childhood
When you find these good ideas grow
This will become the human struggle for God
Permissionprobleminthe Islamicideology
It's made from plants of terrorism

Yeah but Most Muslims don't know this.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Yeah but Most Muslims don't know this.
My friendEsquire
If you know your child that Jews and Christians Kfar Kfar
And they of the wrath and from stray
If you know your child to fight
And to 96 in the Koran calls for fighting and Jihad
Do you think that so education works to promote peace in the world
Every Muslimbelievesin the Koranknowsthat
But away from the West, but when his power will
Today I heard that Muslims in Australia are doing a lot of work and intended to obtain gains from the Australian Government
For the benefit of their religion
These immigrants to Australia
Initiallydid not pledgetheir faithright
But when they feel that they have the strength
Will seea lot
Fromthe Viewer
It is possible to impose a poll tax on indigenous people
As Muslims after their occupation to Iraq and Egypt and Syria
And a long history
AbadkmGodofevilnextto you