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Do You Think Muslims Are Violent?

Do You Think Muslims Are Violent?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 34.0%
  • No

    Votes: 33 66.0%

  • Total voters


Premium Member
I forgot to tell you
I offer you the love of Christ
But you talk about personal life I speak of Islamic thought and ideology
You can become Osama bin Laden's no. 2
If reading the Koran in depth
Because the Qur'an allows you to become violent with others
You are in Saudi Arabia
Do you think that if the iron fist of the rulers of alshodet
The case of Saudi Arabia will be differently
Saudi rulers
Believe that Saudi interests above any other consideration
And also know that the best way to spread Islam is their money
And also know the power of Islam art
For this laighamron
If you were able to have you done more than acts of Osama bin Laden
If you believe in peace and human brotherhood you behave according to your interests and not by the teachings of your religion

Believe me, you do not know what you are talking about.

I know the Quran (as teachings at least, not memorization) more than Osama. I'm a native Makkan that was educated with the Quran's teachings as my ancestors before me.

Quran 16:125
Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided.

Quran 4:105
Indeed, We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth so you may judge between the people by that which Allah has shown you. And do not be an enemy to your opponents.

Quran 29:46
And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best, except for those who commit injustice among them, and say, "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him."

Quran 60:8
Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.

Of course, the Muslims that made you do what you are doing here on RF probably did not follow those verses.

And the Quran is full of similar verses that control and limit the application of the so called violent verses you keep using against Islam and the good part of Muslims.

I think the above is one reason why I'm not getting angry at you (and other members actually) even with some direct insults spoken against Islam and Muslims :)

Oh well, if you wanna keep the thought that I'm you enemy, I guess I cannot do any more than what I already did. But I want you to know that it hurts me.


I suppose I should add more on this. I've spent a good chunk of my life around Muslims. I have lived in a Muslim country in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia. It wasn't as bad as everyone thinks, I was there as a child, and it was very safe and very clean and very quiet. But there were moments we were literally scared for our life because my Dad might have said something wrong or my Mom wasn't dressed conservative enough. Sometimes we were worried because we had Persian last name, and were told that it is bad because we look Shi'a. Our passports were Indian as well, and in all gulf states South Asians are the bottom of the barrel, irregardless of religious affiliation.

I have lots of family and friends who lived in Iran during the revolution and the Iran-Iraq war. Some served in the Iran Iraq war. For many years I heard story after story about the atrocities committed in Iran. Women and men dragged from their homes in the middle of the night, never to be seen again. People who witnessed their families shot up in front of them. Wars where children were promised heaven for bombing and killing soldiers as suicide bombers. Mullahs who ordered deaths and massacres of entire villages. School principles who were executed in school yards for speaking against Shi'a Islam or Kohmeini. Horrific stories where the listeners cried, while others just became angry. It is why many Iranians in the West left Islam and why many Iranians in Iran leave Islam. There are too many for me to write here. And they were all committed in the name of Islam, by the perpetrators. I suppose the leaders were doing it for more 'secular' reasons, like money or power, but that's something you don't think of. In the heat of the moment, you blame Islam. One of my good friends cousins was killed in the Taj attack in Mumbai in 2008. It was incredibly sad to see him upset over that.

But I have met a lot of incredibly good, helpful, kind Muslims. People who have helped me through school when I was too poor, helped drive me to get groceries, or help my family. I was always confused as to how the horrors my family members and friends witnessed came from people who believed in the same religion as these good kind people. It was a lot of years of incredible cognitive dissonance. An intense hate mixed with an intense feeling of guilt.

In time I came to realize that everyone acts due to human nature. Just like all those people were manipulated by the Islamic governments to carry out atrocities, we are all manipulated by the powers that be. Those of us in the West are manipulated and duped into believing 'freedom' and 'democracy' which is used to justify the murder of millions of Arabs in our wars. Most people don't realize the extent of destruction that has been inflicted on Iraq and Syria. It's horrific and insane, the things that have been done to those people by Western powers. And then we ask why ISIS was born? Not to mention the close relationship we have with Salafist and Wahabbist governments who sell us our oil and with their profits push more extremist versions of Islam. No wonder other more liberal interpretations, like Sufi Islam, which was the kind of Islam Rumi believed in, is being eradicated from the Ummah. Literally dozens of Sufi shrines and hundreds of Sufis have been killed in the last few years by Salafists.

The best way is to combat these leaders and their is to look at people individually and connect with them on that level. That is something I will always emphasize to my children, look at the individual over the group. As humans it is something we have to train our minds to do, since we have evolved to look at the group first. We also need to get to the root of the problem, in this case it is in my opinion Saudi Arabia and Iran...and America. The political powerplay all three players use against each other continuously destabilizes the Middle East.

Tl:dr - I voted no, people should be looked at individually
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Active Member
Yeah, I do hear about general violence done by Muslims in countries with known problems to the world, tho only on the media so far, but I think it is because of politics/officials.

Occasional violence I hear of too, but not more than it is with other communities. I don't hear much of it from Indonesia (has a very big amount of Muslims), Brunei and Malaysia for example. Yes, if you search, you will find things that happen in those too, but I repeat, not more than it is with other communities.

I mean, I live (and a national as well) in the so called most radical and extremest Muslim country Saudi Arabia. With that and looking at some posts here, should they be valid, I should be moving around in a plated SUV in my daily one hour trip (one way) to my work, tackling land mines, holding an RPG in a hand and a machine gun in the other... hey wait, how am I gonna handle the steering wheel and the shifting then :confused:. Anyways, my point is clear :) (a secret: my car has an automatic transmission ;))

In the company I work for, my co-workers are of so many different religions and ethnicity, including Christian Westerners and Europeans. No violent martial arts performances happen on the hallways, if you're wondering :)

Oh, just in case, the company I work for is called Saudi Binladin Group. Huh, why does Firefox's spelling correction detect Binladin wrong and suggests "Aladdin" instead? Ah, Just Google search the company if you want more information :)

Anyways, no matter what your view in Muslims is, I want you to know that I respect every single one of you even if I disagree with you or occasionally make you angry at me for things I say as a reflex but don't really mean.

You are a moderate Muslim. Paradoxically you are neither useful to the Islamists nor are you of any help to the 800 million illiterate Muslims because you who can speak refuse to condemn the actions of Islamic extremists.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Believe me, you do not know what you are talking about.

I know the Quran (as teachings at least, not memorization) more than Osama. I'm a native Makkan that was educated with the Quran's teachings as my ancestors before me.

Quran 16:125
Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided.

Quran 4:105
Indeed, We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth so you may judge between the people by that which Allah has shown you. And do not be an enemy to your opponents.

Quran 29:46
And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best, except for those who commit injustice among them, and say, "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him."

Quran 60:8
Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.

Of course, the Muslims that made you do what you are doing here on RF probably did not follow those verses.

And the Quran is full of similar verses that control and limit the application of the so called violent verses you keep using against Islam and the good part of Muslims.

I think the above is one reason why I'm not getting angry at you (and other members actually) even with some direct insults spoken against Islam and Muslims :)

Oh well, if you wanna keep the thought that I'm you enemy, I guess I cannot do any more than what I already did. But I want you to know that it hurts me.
I know how to speak
I tell you that in the heart of every Muslim is Osama bin Laden, a small
Do you know why
The reason is that he believes in the Quran
And you are here to talk about your
I know a lot of them
I was with the Muslims
But the result is that a Muslim
Always look to the Qur'an by man
You did not say right
Do you allow that brought to Mecca with a copy of the Gospel
Give the gift of you
And also I speak of Islamic thought
Because man is influenced by the ideas of the
Duplication could not continue in your personality
If you want to argue that the Qur'anic verses is peace
You did not say right
Because all the verses of peace
Abolished in any fighting
And the verses of the holy war

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
No human being suffers from Islam knows why I write so
I'm the oldest human love to everyone because I am a Christian in faith
But also ask to Exchange me love
This right of
But who is it made of love
But a Muslim gave me what was in his heart
The verses of the Qur'an
Whatever you do with Muslim will please you
The reason the Qur'an
I speak of Islamic concepts
Mkahim dhimmi
No human class II
And first class human
Everyone is not mslmel in the Islamic concept of second degree
A Muslim always refers to his religion
You are in Makkah, Makkah is exporting terrorism to the world
Saudi money
And Saudi
And young Saudis
Saudi organizations
You want to provide an ideal country in the world
Not my friend
Do you know that was the reason for the destruction of Iraq
During the Iraq war with Iran
Saudi Arabia help Iraqis
By importing weapons into Iraq
I laatklm of the vacuum
Funds were importing weapons
Written on it
Imported into Saudi Arabia
And then come to Iraq
Here was look to Iraq to face the post-Khomeini era designs
But after the war
And entering Iraq to Kuwait
Saudi Arabia has sold everything and allowed American forces to use its territory to attack Iraq and destroy it
And also comes up political Islam and governed
Therefore that Saudi Arabia is a country that is not perfect as you think
But a country of fear and repression of freedoms
And the country in which the wildest and most cruel dictatorship of Saddam dictatorship
This date written
Therefore, I hope that I have a perfect society award
A society in which women wear headscarves and veils
Their circulation is also deliberating with things


The Lost One
There are sociopaths in every societies, in every cultures, in every nations.

They can't distinguish right from wrong, and have skewed conscience or no conscience whatsoever.

There are good, kind Muslims, as well as bad Muslims, just as there good and bad Christians, Hindus, atheists, etc.

Their sociopathy are often social problems, and possibly mixed with political, cultural or religious skewed views or agenda.

I think of those Islamic extremists or terrorists as sociopaths with extreme views of their religion.

Can Islam be blamed for these extremism?

In parts, I would say "yes". The Qur'an does give a lot of mixed messages. And Muhammad is definitely not the best role model, and many Muslims, good or bad, have tried to emulate him.
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I don't say muslims are violent.I am not judging anyone.I just wonder general perception about muslims.

The Koran states that only Allah the god of Islam should be worshiped. Those who don't worship Allah are to be killed in order that only Muslims will be left in the world. According to the Koran every human being is born a Muslim. Those who are not Muslims therefore have left Islam and thus are INFIDELS. Infidels are to be killed.
When the Mahdi comes, he along with Jesus Christ will turn every non-Muslim into a Muslim. Those who resist are murdered. Thus at the end of it all only Muslims will be on planet earth. No wonder then that Muslims who are zealous for Allah are hell-bent on destroying non-muslims all over the world.


Proud Muslim
The Koran states that only Allah the god of Islam should be worshiped. Those who don't worship Allah are to be killed in order that only Muslims will be left in the world. According to the Koran every human being is born a Muslim. Those who are not Muslims therefore have left Islam and thus are INFIDELS. Infidels are to be killed.
When the Mahdi comes, he along with Jesus Christ will turn every non-Muslim into a Muslim. Those who resist are murdered. Thus at the end of it all only Muslims will be on planet earth. No wonder then that Muslims who are zealous for Allah are hell-bent on destroying non-muslims all over the world.

Not true at all, Show me where does the Quran say that.


Well-Known Member
2. Cartoonist cannot even make a cartoon of the muslim leader without receiving death threats.



Veteran Member
Do You Think Muslims Are Violent?

Why should one ask this question? Please
Anybody could be violent or non-violent.



Active Member
The Koran states that only Allah the god of Islam should be worshiped. Those who don't worship Allah are to be killed in order that only Muslims will be left in the world. According to the Koran every human being is born a Muslim. Those who are not Muslims therefore have left Islam and thus are INFIDELS. Infidels are to be killed.
When the Mahdi comes, he along with Jesus Christ will turn every non-Muslim into a Muslim. Those who resist are murdered. Thus at the end of it all only Muslims will be on planet earth. No wonder then that Muslims who are zealous for Allah are hell-bent on destroying non-muslims all over the world.
Islamists are killing more Muslims than infidels.


Veteran Member
The Koran states that only Allah the god of Islam should be worshiped. Those who don't worship Allah are to be killed in order that only Muslims will be left in the world. According to the Koran every human being is born a Muslim. Those who are not Muslims therefore have left Islam and thus are INFIDELS. Infidels are to be killed.
When the Mahdi comes, he along with Jesus Christ will turn every non-Muslim into a Muslim. Those who resist are murdered. Thus at the end of it all only Muslims will be on planet earth. No wonder then that Muslims who are zealous for Allah are hell-bent on destroying non-muslims all over the world.
Andywelikandy said: The Koran states that only Allah the god of Islam should be worshiped. Those who don't worship Allah are to be killed in order that only Muslims will be left in the world.

Please quote the verse with reference.



Active Member
Muslims are misguided and their anger is misplaced. What is even worse is the majority of Muslims are uneducated illiterates. Most Muslims believe by following the Quran they will be victorious. But most Muslims cannot read so following the Quran is not an option available to them. They are uneducated as well and cannot grasp that the infidels are the ones with the nuclear bombs and military advantage. They continue to challenge the west but little do they realize if the west unleashed those weapons of mass destruction on Islamic states. It would send them back to the stone ages.

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
Like all Muslims I can only speak for myself. there is no Muslim that represents all Muslims. We are very varied and come in a wide assortment of flavors, colors and cultures. The only way to view us is to see us individually. I do know violent Muslims exist but so far I have never personally met any. I consider myself and my wife to be very much pacifists. My level of extremism is concerned more about Native American rights especially for the Lakotah and Cheyenne, That I prefer to express verbally and educating people of reservation life.