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Everyone who hears of Jesus but does not accept Him is going to hell.

Everyone who does not accept Jesu is going to hell

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Hi Wat,

God (Father) created everything (including human). Jesus is not his creation. Jesus is already with God in the beginning.
John 1:1-3
3. All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

Hello Yoshua,
if he was there what did do? anything writen in Bible that he did something or created anything at that time?

By him , you mean God (the father?) so here its written that everything came into being by God(everything) or apart from him (spirits or soul or who knows what else) , and nothing came into being that has come into being (nothing) .

So, in another word that there is only one God who created everything ( everything ) even Jesus.

John 1:14
14. And the Word(Jesus) became flesh, and dwelt (as human/divine) among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten (unique) from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Then, Adam was born without mother and father. Isn't he more likely to be the unique son? he was the first human in the whole universe.

He shared the divinity because it was His nature that He is divine.

Nature how come? You didn’t prove me anything he couldn’t even create a leaf of the tree.

8. And he humbled himself even further, going so far as actually to die a criminal's death on a cross.

Can you let your kid( someone dear to you) die as a criminal for someone's else crime?

In evangelical Christianity, we believed that one God (Father) exists in three persons as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They are distinct from each other and divine in nature.

Persons? So the father is person? The holy spirit is person? The son is person? But they are not persons but gods? And not three but one? Does this make any sense to your mind?

If the father is person then he is not god. a person can't be god.

There are a lot of basis or Scripture that Jesus is God. The first thing is--if He is not God, how come that He is the Saviour of our sins and offered eternal life?

Savior? Then why there are murderer and sinner all over the world? Why did Jesus died? It was meaningless. Because he died and sins still happening.

And it doesn’t proves Jesus' divinity . I want only one creation of him only one.

Matt. 26:53-54
53. Don't you realize that I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect us, and he would send them instantly?
54. But if I did, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that describe what is happening now?''

God is the merciful why would he send his only son to be killed? Aren't there any alternatives which is better serves the humanity .For example, sacrificing the devil? All sins would disappear. Don’t you think.

So the only reason that he didn’t ask God to save him was so that the scriptures describe well? Not because he wanted to save the humanity of all sins?

There is no prove of Jesus's divinity.

Thank you and be happy and peaceful.


Jesus in me
So, you are stating that there are two God's to be worshiped?

No. I believe I am stating that in worshipping Jesus I am worshipping the one God by the name He considers the highest.

God is who created everything but Jesus who is one of the creations and who got birth of one mother is supposed to share God in divinity? Why? Did Jesus create any of the nature? Did he create the universe? Did he create even one human? Why does he suppose to share the divinity, when he was only one of the creations.

I believe you are confusing God with His creation. It is God residing in Jesus who created everything and Jesus also.
I believe there are not two entities sharing. Jesus is God in the flesh.
I believe Jesus does not do creations that have already been done but He did multiply loaves of bread which is a creative miracle. It is the identity of the divine in Jesus that has credit for all creation.

If he was God why don’t he create some by himself? And take his creations somewhere to worship him only?

I believe you should see above about loaves.
I believe He has no need to do that because He will have a multitude to worship Him here.

Everything in this world proves that there is only one creator of everything. where does Jesus (as you claimed a God) parts come here? What did he do for the universe to worship him? Did he created a tree? Did he created you ?

I believe you are just repeating yourself.

I believe in one God (Allah) the one who created me. I believe in Prophets. I believe in Jesus Peace Be Upon Him as a messenger. And I believe in Moses Peace Be Upon Him as a messenger. And I believe in Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him as a messenger.

I believe I can commend you for it but it will not save you from your sin. Only Jesus saves.

What proves that Jesus is a God? did he create the ones he brought from the death? Did he create the hearing and the eyesight?

I believe when one gets to know the voice of God one will recognize it in Jesus but in the meantime His miacles bck up His statements that He is God.

I know that Jesus peace be upon him brought people from death. But it's all miracles that God gave to the chosen people and to the messengers. Every messenger have a miracles.

I believe miracles authenticate what the prophet says and Jesus says He is God.

If Jesus God he can prevent them from killing him,why he didn't? and if he is really a God he will just bring himself from death.

I beleive His purpose was to die.
When the Holy Spirit left the body Jesus ceased to exist. Only the body of Jesus existed. Therefore it was necessary for the Holy Spirit to reincanate and resurrect the body.

If there is a God you can't stand but worship. Then worship the one who created you . deserve to be worshiped.

I believe Jesus deserves to be worshipped and those who don't are not really worshipping God but a false image of God they have set up for themselves.
believe Jesus does not do creations that have already been done but He did multiply loaves of bread which is a creative miracle. It is the identity of the divine in Jesus that has credit for all creation.

I believe Jesus deserves to be worshipped and those who don't are not really worshipping God but a false image of God they have set up for themselves.

Here are some miracles of the Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him. 1.On several occasions he provided food and water supernaturally. 2.He caused two trees to move at his command. 3.He caused a well to swell with water during the event of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, enabling his followers with him to drink and use the water for ablution.

There are more. Anyway im just saying even the Prophet Mohammad have miracles but we don't worship him.

Again it doesn't proves that the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him is a divine.

(Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves) thats what happened?

Why he looked up? to ask something from God?. So, as a Christians you don't worship the image of God that Jesus peace be upon him worshiping. then why are you even a Christian?


Well-Known Member
Hello Yoshua,
if he was there what did do? anything writen in Bible that he did something or created anything at that time?
Hi Wat,

There is no record on what He was doing about His pre-existence. This is what the verse says about with the Father-God.
John 17:5
5. "And now, glorify Thou Me together with Thyself, Father, with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was.

By him , you mean God (the father?) so here its written that everything came into being by God(everything) or apart from him (spirits or soul or who knows what else) , and nothing came into being that has come into being (nothing) .

So, in another word that there is only one God who created everything ( everything ) even Jesus.
The word “by” is also “through,” which means that all things came into being because of Jesus Christ; He is the instrument why all things have been created. So, that would mean the Father God and Jesus existed.

John 1:1-3
1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2. He was in the beginning with God.
3. All things came into being by (through) Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

Col. 1:16
16. for in him were all things created, in the heavens and upon the earth, things visible and things invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things have been created through him, and unto him;

Then, Adam was born without mother and father. Isn't he more likely to be the unique son? he was the first human in the whole universe.
Yes, Adam was not born without a mother for He is the first human creation.
Gen. 2:7
7. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

I may God’s creation is unique. In the New Testament, John 3:16 stated that Jesus is the begotten (unique) Son.

Nature how come? You didn’t prove me anything he couldn’t even create a leaf of the tree.
The mere fact that Jesus was with the Father God in the beginning, that shows He is divine in nature. When I say divine, He is a deity meaning He is God.

Can you let your kid( someone dear to you) die as a criminal for someone's else crime?
I believe that I cannot, because my kid is not qualified to die for someone--by saving one’s sin. In the case of Jesus, He is capable to die—to save the sin of many.

Persons? So the father is person? The holy spirit is person? The son is person? But they are not persons but gods? And not three but one? Does this make any sense to your mind?

If the father is person then he is not god. a person can't be god.
The word “person” is only a term to define as “individual” or “subsistence” which means as real existence; separate from other individual. Not three beings, but three real existence as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It does not mean literally a person—as human like us.

Savior? Then why there are murderer and sinner all over the world? Why did Jesus died? It was meaningless. Because he died and sins still happening.

And it doesn’t proves Jesus' divinity . I want only one creation of him only one.
Yes, there are bad people and sinners all around, even me and you. No one is born a good and perfect being. This is what happened and can be trace back to Adam and Eve, the first human being created by God.
They disobeyed by means of their free-will; to disobey God by partaking the fruit of the tree.

1. Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, `You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?''
2. And the woman said to the serpent (devil), "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden;
3. "but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, `You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.' ''
4. And the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die.
5. "For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.''
6. So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.
7. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.

Because of the sinfulness of man until generation to generation, God sent His Son (Jesus) to save us from the penalty of death because we are (all ) condemned and corrupted in nature.

Rom. 3:10-18
10. as it is written,
"There is none righteous, not even one;
11. There is none who understands,

12. All have turned aside, together they have become useless;
13. "Their throat is an open grave,
14. "Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness";
15. "Their feet are swift to shed blood,
16. Destruction and misery are in their paths,
17. And the path of peace have they not known."
18. "There is no fear of God before their eyes."

Jesus died. Yes, but He resurrected and alive again. He did not die forever. I believed that Jesus came here to give hope of salvation—and that is to be with Him in eternal life (heaven). His purpose of coming is not to stop the sins of many, but to believe; to trust; to repent from our sins, and obey Him.

I don’t think Jesus dying of the cross is meaningless because no one can do what Jesus did—saving the sins of many to be with Him.

God is the merciful why would he send his only son to be killed? Aren't there any alternatives which is better serves the humanity .For example, sacrificing the devil? All sins would disappear. Don’t you think.

I believed that God chose the horrible and grave punishment during the time of Roman empire to show that no one, even Satan or any entities shall make that salvific act. If you have anything in mind that you think can match the suffering of Christ on the cross, you may name it.

If God use to sacrifice the devil, that would be no sense since the devil is not worthy to sacrifice himself for the sake of saving the sins of many. Actually, the devil knows already that his time is coming when he will thrown in the lake of fire.

The devil will be stopped and shall be tormented in the hell day and night. This is the prophecy according to Bible book of Revelation. I believed this will happen.
Rev. 20:10
10. And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

So the only reason that he didn’t ask God to save him was so that the scriptures describe well? Not because he wanted to save the humanity of all sins?

There is no prove of Jesus's divinity.

Thank you and be happy and peaceful.
Matt. 26:53-54
53. Don't you realize that I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect us, and he would send them instantly?
54. But if I did, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that describe what is happening now?''

Jesus is the one who’s talking here with His disciple Peter. In v. 53, Jesus said that He could ask the Father God to release the thousands of angels to protect them, and this can be done immediately. In v.54, Jesus said that because God has a plan to fulfill the prophecy of what they are experiencing now with Peter. When Jesus said those statements, Jesus was already in the midst of capturing Him for the start of His execution to die on the cross.



Veteran Member
There is blood within every physical body, that is universal. The guilty can do and "sin" as they please because of this resistance. All fall short and have transgressed complete purity. All are covered in a body of flesh and blood. Forgiveness and being forgiven are different.

If the guilty do Not repent they will Not be forgiven nor receive forgiveness - Matthew 12:32; Hebrews 6:4-6; 2 Peter 3:9


Veteran Member
Servant of the one said "U worship Jesus as god?"
I believe that is what He requires because He is God. Are you going to tell me you could stand before God and not worship Him?

Then why did gospel writer John write that Jesus is the beginning of the creation by God - Revelation 1:5; Revelation 3:14
God had No start - Psalms 90:2 - so only God was before the beginning.
Jesus was Not before the beginning as God was before the beginning.
Who did Jesus teach we should worship according to John 4:23-24 ?


Veteran Member
I believe in God and i believe in his messengers (Jesus one of them).
Even if (as you say in your religion (Trinity) three but one God) Jesus is the son of God (in Christianity) , why worship the son of God ( "less than God" according to what you said) but not worshiping the God only" the Almighty " .
According to your religion, God SENT Jesus, then Jesus as a God he couldn't come to the world by himself but was "sent" to the world. So, if Jesus "at least" have the same power as God, then the chance to be worshiped would be higher. But he didn't have the ability to even create himself or to be in some where without the help of God.
then who is the most likably to be worshiped? the one who created Jesus and who sent him. or Jesus, the son ( as your religion claimed) who been created by God.

According to Revelation 1:5; Revelation 3:14 Jesus is the beginning of the creation by God (Not God )
Especially when the Jews began mixing with the Greeks they adopted Greek theories and philosophies thus there came to be a fusion of mixing of Scripture with religious-myth ideas such as a triune God. Jesus' recorded words tell us MANY would come ' in his name ' but would prove false according to Matthew chapter 7.
Jesus' claimed to be God's Son - John 10:36 - and that his Father is greater than Jesus - John 10:29; John 14:28


Veteran Member
I believe that God desires the reconciliation of all humanity. I further believe that God will eventually get what God wants. I believe that, when faced with the ultimate truth of God, no one will be able to refute it.

What does Matthew 12:32 say ?
What does Hebrews 6:4-6 say about reconciliation ?
What does God want but what Jesus taught that humble meek people will inherit the earth - Matthew 5:5; Psalms 37:11; Psalms 37:29
What happens to the haughty goat-like people at the soon coming ' time of separation ' on earth - Matthew 25:31-32


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
What does Matthew 12:32 say ?
What does Hebrews 6:4-6 say about reconciliation ?
What does God want but what Jesus taught that humble meek people will inherit the earth - Matthew 5:5; Psalms 37:11; Psalms 37:29
What happens to the haughty goat-like people at the soon coming ' time of separation ' on earth - Matthew 25:31-32
I don't care what you interpret these passages to say.


Well-Known Member
If the guilty do Not repent they will Not be forgiven nor receive forgiveness - Matthew 12:32; Hebrews 6:4-6; 2 Peter 3:9

That is the being forgiven part. One has to be guilty before being forgiven. One can only be guilty and do as they please because of forgiveness, if not so, they would be consumed at moment of transgression of purity. The reason this is not so, is because every being resides in a physical body of flesh and blood as a resistance. Then, the being forgiven part results in a change of mind/heart. The ones feeling guilty, remorseful, self conscious, uneasy in mind will genuinely want to seek rest and peace by ridding and being set free of such burdens from their actions.


Well-Known Member
That is the being forgiven part. One has to be guilty before being forgiven. One can only be guilty and do as they please because of forgiveness, if not so, they would be consumed at moment of transgression of purity. The reason this is not so, is because every being resides in a physical body of flesh and blood as a resistance. Then, the being forgiven part results in a change of mind/heart. The ones feeling guilty, remorseful, self conscious, uneasy in mind will genuinely want to seek rest and peace by ridding and being set free of such burdens from their actions.

One usually mistakenly thinks they are being set free from going to hell, but really, they are set free from BEING in hell(conscious state.)


Veteran Member
One usually mistakenly thinks they are being set free from going to hell, but really, they are set free from BEING in hell(conscious state.)

Was Jesus conscious while the dead Jesus was in biblical hell ?_______ - Acts of the apostles 2:27
Since the dead are in a sleep-like state according to Jesus at John 11:11-14, then Jesus believed he would be sleeping while in hell.
Jesus' teaching is in harmony with God's Word at Ecclesiastes 9:5 that the dead know nothing.
Also in harmony with the Psalms such as Psalms 115:17 and Psalms 146:4

Wasn't it Jesus, and Not Satan, who was in biblical hell ?
Satan was never in the Bible's hell, but will be abyssed for a thousand years before Satan is destroyed by Jesus - Hebrews 2:14 B
Satan then ends up in a symbolic ' second death ' - Revelation 21:8
So, Satan being in second death and being destroyed by Jesus puts Satan Not in any hell but as being destroyed forever.
Aren't all the wicked destroyed forever according to Psalms 92:7 ?_______


Well-Known Member
Was Jesus conscious while the dead Jesus was in biblical hell ?_______ - Acts of the apostles 2:27
Since the dead are in a sleep-like state according to Jesus at John 11:11-14, then Jesus believed he would be sleeping while in hell.
Jesus' teaching is in harmony with God's Word at Ecclesiastes 9:5 that the dead know nothing.
Also in harmony with the Psalms such as Psalms 115:17 and Psalms 146:4

Wasn't it Jesus, and Not Satan, who was in biblical hell ?
Satan was never in the Bible's hell, but will be abyssed for a thousand years before Satan is destroyed by Jesus - Hebrews 2:14 B
Satan then ends up in a symbolic ' second death ' - Revelation 21:8
So, Satan being in second death and being destroyed by Jesus puts Satan Not in any hell but as being destroyed forever.
Aren't all the wicked destroyed forever according to Psalms 92:7 ?_______

Satan and the devil are the unconscious/ego.... An individual who is spiritually dead but physically alive. In other words, one who thinks their ego/unconscious mind is themselves. Their true self. The walking dead. If only one knew their true latent potential.

When the grave and dead and death are brought up in text, most of the time it's referring to spiritually dead, or conscious mind separation. They are unconscious/asleep in a consious state of hell because they are deceived by living in their own ego/self.

Then the ego/self is crucified at the place of the skull, one dies to ego/self and is born again, having a renewed mind. The awakening within, or resurrection within.

Why Jesus is constantly knocking on minds and hearts with a still soft voice (ministering to those in hell). That there is an escape, that there a way out of the mental state of hell, there is freedom to the bondage that enslaves and imprisons one.

When one truly repents and genuinly seeks truth and righteousness, their tomb/grave becomes open, they escape spiritual death/separation of mind. They are resurrected/transformed within. A new mind and a new heart.

Jesus lived his life ignoring, overcoming and defeating the ego and self, defeating the devil/Satan within. That is the way and walk. To deny oneself and pick up their inner cross.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Myself I don't entertain such childish beliefs as hell.

Hell, hell fire, eternal damnation are myths, I should say lies.
The God I pray to would never condemn people to eternal torture.
Hell is a English word with roots in German.
I believe the word was first used in the 7th century, long after
the Bible was written.
Do a Google search and check it out for yourself.
Even the Pope (forgot which one) publicly admitted the common
notion of a place of eternal burning and suffering did not exist.


Jesus in me
Then why did gospel writer John write that Jesus is the beginning of the creation by God - Revelation 1:5; Revelation 3:14
God had No start - Psalms 90:2 - so only God was before the beginning.
Jesus was Not before the beginning as God was before the beginning.
Who did Jesus teach we should worship according to John 4:23-24 ?

I believe there is not enough evidence to say. I believe one theory could be that Jesus is the first creation that is "of God." All the rest of creation was of the earth or ex nihilo.

I believe God has a million starts but has existed before time.

I believe that is irrelevant.
The mere fact that Jesus was with the Father God in the beginning, that shows He is divine in nature.

with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was.
all things have been created through him, and unto him;
stated that Jesus is the begotten (unique) Son.

translated verses :

"Say, "He is Allah, The Only One,"(1) "Allah , the Eternal Refuge. "(2) "He neither begets nor is born,"(3)" Nor is there to Him any equivalent "(4) Surat Al-'Ikhlāş (The Sincerity)

Bible have been changed every time by people. Quran never changed for more than 1400 years and till now. Which one is most likely to be believed?
Last edited:
According to Revelation 1:5; Revelation 3:14 Jesus is the beginning of the creation by God (Not God )
Especially when the Jews began mixing with the Greeks they adopted Greek theories and philosophies thus there came to be a fusion of mixing of Scripture with religious-myth ideas such as a triune God. Jesus' recorded words tell us MANY would come ' in his name ' but would prove false according to Matthew chapter 7.
Jesus' claimed to be God's Son - John 10:36 - and that his Father is greater than Jesus - John 10:29; John 14:28

As you said mixed scripture. I believe it have been changed a lot, that some words was translated wrong.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Hell, hell fire, eternal damnation are myths, I should say lies.
The God I pray to would never condemn people to eternal torture.
Hell is a English word with roots in German.
I believe the word was first used in the 7th century, long after
the Bible was written.
Do a Google search and check it out for yourself.
Even the Pope (forgot which one) publicly admitted the common
notion of a place of eternal burning and suffering did not exist.

I don't get my theology, from popes, or google