I want Khilafah back
I'm sorry. But Islam does allow for evolution. Only certain more orthodox sects of Islam choose to deny evidence (as will be discussed later) Islamic scripture allows reading that the idea that God created the entire universe many billions of years ago, then set the processes of stellar mass, gravity, planet solidification, volconology, etc...etc.... and lastly evolution, into motion. (God just gave evolution a nudge, to get the ball rolling)
yes you are right, we are allowed to find out about the history of the earth, such as the points that you have made, god even tells us of it. god may have created the universe billions of years ago, i do not know, the scientists do. when the word evolution comes into topic, it has been raised in a very high state. as if it has a brain of it's own, we all know it doesn't, the only parts that i reffer to as evolution are the fact that man wwill somehow change very slighly to fit his environment or the surrounding. thats it. i do not beleive that one creature evolved into something else. i mean you have said it your self that god created the universe, if he had the power to create a universe and make it stand without any pillars, then why would he turn to evolution, he is powerfull and can create everything.
He is pointing out the age of the planet we all live on. Also, that by studying the soil one can see evidence of many, many, MANY creatures that have once lived on the Earth, and yet are now extinct.
well the world is coming to an end, so it is natural that creatures have become extinct. even human races have become extict, others are to follow.
Thus, if Earth and mankind were created at the same time, then why are is their clear cut evidence in the soil of plant life on Earth predating animals of ANY kind? By a matter of hundreds of millions of years. Then with the rise and fall of various dinosaurs groups over hundreds of millions of years, yet still no evidence of humans.
Then birds and small mammals appear many millions of years ago. But no apes, and definitely no humans. :no: Only in the few uppermost layers of soil do we even begin to see larger apes.
Then in the top layer of soil we see evidence of "early humans", followed later by evidence of them using tools and building homes (of various forms). ..... Continuing to better their tools, and changing body structure...... until at last old actual "human" (homo sapien) skeletons are found.
first of all ido nto know in which order god created the earth. and just because apes where there before humans(as is claimed) it proves nothing that humans evolved from apes. trees where there before apes, did the trees evolve into apes?
There can only be two conclusions.
1. Evolution is on display in the the layers of soil.
thats just history, and the layers represent the many times that the earth has been re-modeled by god (people who became so terrible that good had to destroy them and start over) would you accept the fact that our saciety (that of today) can never reach the technology era of other civilisations before us. we are nothing comapred to those civilisations, but science claims that as life progressed the brain started evolving, we are able to use it more. but there were other people who knew better than us. do you accept this or not.
2. God has a wicked sense of humor, creating a young planet with undeniable evidence of it being an incredibly old planet. Including fossils of preceding plants and animals and humanoids (with phenotypic and genetic, step by step gradual alterations). All in order to.......What?....?? ??..... Fool us? Make us beleive in evolution? Force us to beleive in evolution
he has done that so that we can acknowledge his power and that nothing is as powerfull as he. he is the master of everything. why does the term evolution come to mind everytime someone speaks of fossils and pre-human life. the term GOD needs to come to mind when those are mentioned, we simply need to acknowldege that everything is from god. simple really.