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For Those Who Believe in the Story of Lucifer


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
The so called 'fall from Grace' of Adam & Eve and thus Mankind. (isn't that basicially what everyone is talking about?).
It was about Gnosis, Inner Mystery teachings.
It was about the orgasm, God lying to Eve that she would die if they ate from the Tree of Knowledge and the Serpents enlightenment. The Serpent being Lucifer, MorningStar, Venus.
The orgasm because all children would be immaculately conceived. The orgasm brought earthly delight to Mankind and thus spoiled Gods control thus we are to figure out how to find our way back to God on out own.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
The so called 'fall from Grace' of Adam & Eve and thus Mankind. (isn't that basicially what everyone is talking about?).
It was about Gnosis, Inner Mystery teachings.
It was about the orgasm, God lying to Eve that she would die if they ate from the Tree of Knowledge and the Serpents enlightenment. The Serpent being Lucifer, MorningStar, Venus.
The orgasm because all children would be immaculately conceived. The orgasm brought earthly delight to Mankind and thus spoiled Gods control thus we are to figure out how to find our way back to God on out own.

I'm sure that's how maltheists see it, but I doubt most of that is held by the majority of Christians.


Well-Known Member
It was about the orgasm, God lying to Eve that she would die if they ate from the Tree of Knowledge and the Serpents enlightenment. The Serpent being Lucifer, MorningStar, Venus.

The bonobos seem to have known about orgasm without Snake telling em anything:angel2:


Depends Upon My Mood..
Angels are like pets..

Lucifer was a territorial dog that got jealous..Maybe he got rabies too...




Not your average Mormon
He did foresee it and he could have stopped it, but he still gave us and angels the choice. What good is God if all he did was create us and not give us free will. All he would have created was a world of mindless automatons.
God could have given Adam free will without permitting Satan to tempt him, though. He could have created the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and said, "Don't eat the fruit of that tree." Adam and Eve would still have been able to choose for themselves whether to obey or not. So you have to wonder why, if God wanted them to stay in Eden forever, He didn't make it a little easier for them to obey. How many beings, not knowing the difference between good and evil, would not have been willing to take a bite out of an apple if they thought it would result in godhood?

fallen angel zar'roc

Servant of Lucifer
I believe that Lucifer was the first being to have free will and that is what give him so much pride that he wouldn't bend his knee to god.


Active Member
God could have given Adam free will without permitting Satan to tempt him, though. He could have created the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and said, "Don't eat the fruit of that tree." Adam and Eve would still have been able to choose for themselves whether to obey or not. So you have to wonder why, if God wanted them to stay in Eden forever, He didn't make it a little easier for them to obey. How many beings, not knowing the difference between good and evil, would not have been willing to take a bite out of an apple if they thought it would result in godhood?

What do you mean make it any easier?

they were told eat of the tree and you will die. Thats pretty simple, the other thing that makes it even more simpler was that they could eat of fifty thousand other variaties of plants and not that one, gee how much easier could it get? It was the way satan made it sound, like eve was missing out on something and then he just plain out straight lied to her, but not before making out God was a bad ruler for them missing out on something better, when in reality they had all they ever needed.

i mean they had an everlasting life in paradise for petes sake with no pain/suffering disease and death. what more would you want?

I know i wouldn't want to be God if I had all that. far Out What about you guys?

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
What do you mean make it any easier?

they were told eat of the tree and you will die. Thats pretty simple, the other thing that makes it even more simpler was that they could eat of fifty thousand other variaties of plants and not that one, gee how much easier could it get? It was the way satan made it sound, like eve was missing out on something and then he just plain out straight lied to her, but not before making out God was a bad ruler for them missing out on something better, when in reality they had all they ever needed.

i mean they had an everlasting life in paradise for petes sake with no pain/suffering disease and death. what more would you want?

I know i wouldn't want to be God if I had all that. far Out What about you guys?

Now, consider the fact that they didn't know what death was, they didn't know how "good" they had it. God created them with the cuiosity trait, and then told them not to use it, just ignore it. When you don't know what pain, suffering, disease and death are, how can you make a real decision concerning them?


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
What do you mean make it any easier?
they were told eat of the tree and you will die.
Then the Serpent told them the truth that they would not die, God being a manipulative liar would be enough for me to put together a basket of knowledge and pig out.


God could have given Adam free will without permitting Satan to tempt him, though. He could have created the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and said, "Don't eat the fruit of that tree." Adam and Eve would still have been able to choose for themselves whether to obey or not. So you have to wonder why, if God wanted them to stay in Eden forever, He didn't make it a little easier for them to obey. How many beings, not knowing the difference between good and evil, would not have been willing to take a bite out of an apple if they thought it would result in godhood?
The fact that you guys believe that they were like android robots waiting to download information so they could "get it".....makes the world of difference. We don't believe they had to commit any act or sin or whatever you guys want to call it to "get it". They would have understood without the tree and without the serpent.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
For those who believe this story, how do you reconcile the idea of an angel, a being without free will, choosing to not do God's will? I'm honestly curious. This isn't supposed to be some kind of back-handed insult. :)
Do you have scripture to back up the concept that angels don't have free will?