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For Those Who Believe in the Story of Lucifer


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Siton, is a pheonician god, thats the same as Dagan, they are gods of Corn and Fish, if you look at an image of satan he holds a Tridant, Tridant are a symbol for Fish. Dagan is the god of Fish/corn and he holds a tridant. Enki a much older god equated with siton also holds a tridant.

When last I looked, Satan didn't hold a tridant until he was drawn in the middle ages.

Besides, I don't use iconic images; I use what role they played to determine whether or not they have any similarity to other gods.


Active Member
I thought Anubis was the Egyptian ruler of the underworld.

And what does Azazel have in common with Osiris anyway?

Anubis Weighed the Hearts in the Underworld and the Gatekeeper, you could say he is similer to Hades in a way.

Lazarus/Azazel coming from El Ausur, Hebrew for "the god Osiris". Lazerus Sister
is called Martha which means Mistress of the house, same meaning as Nephthys.
Osiris other sister was Isis, she somtimes is called Meri-isis, Meri means beloved.

"they come to Osiris the King at the sound of the weeping of Isis, at the cry of Nephthys, at the wailing of these two spirits" Mary and Martha were also weeping at osiris.
"I am Horus, O Osiris the King, I will not let you suffer. Go forth, wake up.",

Azazel is a Goat Man, the last sign before the Winter soltice, the Sun here is about to end its longs journeys in the underword, capricorn is half fish and goat, the Fish symbolizes the Suns low, southernly journey, and the goat, is associated with the Suns coming northenly journeys, same as Santas northenly chariot journeys. azazel in bible is said to be a blacksmith.. Because the Sun is at the lowest point in the sky during capricorn, it could be describes as a "bottomless pit" which also translates as the abyss, thus associated with Water thus the fish part of capricorn, and in egypt and babylon water symbolizes "chaos".

Now the earth was formless and empty same as chaos, darkness was over the surface of the deep - "Abzu/bottemless pit", and the Spirit(Fish) of God was hovering over the waters. Fish comes out of water becomes Goat, symbolizes the sun coming out its southernly journey - and there was Light* the sun.

11They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon. (Rev. 9:11)

Revelation 17:8
The beast "the Goat", which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss(WATER and becomes FISH) and go to his destruction(chaos). The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast(goat), because he once was(fish), now is not, and yet will come.

Revelation 20:3
He threw him into the Abyss(water -goat turned to fish), and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations(sky) anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free as a (scapegoat)

Revelation 13:18
This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.
Aquarius succeeds Capricorn, The Man is Aquarius and to calculate the number you must 6 times 6 times 6 times 10 which would equal 2160 - the number/the time/ the date/ the age of the Zodiac(beast) called Aquarius(Man)

Genesis 15:17
When the sun had set and darkness had fallen, a smoking firepot(Hell) with a blazing torch appeared and passed between the pieces. - Sun enters Hades/Duat/Underworld/netherworld/Hell.

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Well-Known Member
For those who believe this story, how do you reconcile the idea of an angel, a being without free will, choosing to not do God's will? I'm honestly curious. This isn't supposed to be some kind of back-handed insult. :)

At Isa 14:12, we find the word lucifer, but only in some translations. In most translations it says shinning one. The term lucifer actually means; light Bearer. That term difinitely does not belong to Satan. If you stop to think about it, the term lucifer would more aptly apply to Jesus, for Jesus was truely the Light Bearer to this earth, John 1:6-9.
Did you maen that Satan HAD freewill, ot that he did not have freewill???
Every one of God's intelligent creations have freewill. The Almighty creator does not force anyone to obey or love Him!! God wants people tp love Him of their own freewill. Intertestingly, there is a word in theology to describe what God does to try to appeal to people. It is described perfectly at Rom 2:4. This is called Prevenient Grace, described as the benevolent actions of God, done to attract all good hearted people to Him.
God does not do things for the fun of it, or arbitrarily, He makes rules for our own good, Deut 10:12,13, Isa 48:17,48.
Contrary to what many people believe, God did not make Satan the Devil. God made a perfect, beautiful, angel as one of His sons. When Satan decided to disobey God, Satan made himself Satan the Devil. This is called being SELFBORN!! Deut 32:4,5.
Everything God created was good and perfect for what He made them for. If God had made a wicked angel, it would mean that God Himself had introduced wickedness into the universe.
Even though God wanted all His creation to love and obey Him, because only He knows what is best for us, as our creator, He knows that much of His intelligent creation will not listen, Isa 26:10.
I asked my teacher about that....but she didn't reply.
Anyway. 1/3 of the angels rebelled with Lucifer so I think they have free will..well it's confusing. I asked my teacher about that too and she said that they don't have free will.

:bat:Midnight Sun:bat:


The Lost One
riverwolf said:
I thought Anubis was the Egyptian ruler of the underworld.

No, he's not. Osiris is definitely the ruler. Anubis do play an important role in the Netherworld. One of them is preparing the balance scale to weight heart or soul (ba) of the dead against the Feather of Truth (feather of Ma'at). Another role is that of embalming corpse, including that of Osiris himself.

riverwolf said:
And what does Azazel have in common with Osiris anyway?

Not much at all.

A goat is not really a ram (sheep), but anyway, the rams are sacred to Osiris, and the animals were known for their sexual mojo. Many rams were sacrifice to Osiris.

Osiris has even more common with Jesus. The whole shebang of death, resurrection and the afterlife. Beside that, Osiris was one of the good guys.

Wow! :eek: I've just noticed in my last post, I reached 4000 posts. ;)
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Active Member
I asked my teacher about that....but she didn't reply.
Anyway. 1/3 of the angels rebelled with Lucifer so I think they have free will..well it's confusing. I asked my teacher about that too and she said that they don't have free will.

:bat:Midnight Sun:bat:

What do you think? What is your opinion, frrom what you have read what do you honestly believe?

I know from the scriptures, that Angels had free will. they Chose to take human brides in the days around Noahs time. Satan chose to question Gods right to rule.

They too had a choice.


Miss Independent
Siton, is a pheonician god, thats the same as Dagan, they are gods of Corn and Fish, if you look at an image of satan he holds a Tridant, Tridant are a symbol for Fish. Dagan is the god of Fish/corn and he holds a tridant. Enki a much older god equated with siton also holds a tridant.

This Dagan would be the beast that comes out of the sea in the book of revelation.

Azazel is Osiris, the ruler of the underworld.

I see four dark entities in the bible:

A dark entity in the sea - which is a beast- frogs coming out of his mouth.
A dark entity in the sky - which is a dragon his tail sweeping stars out of the sky.
A dark entity locked in the abyss. - which is??? Could this be azazel? I think it is. Half human half goat. (Could also be cain - the mark on him being that of half a goat body)
A dark entity on which the harlot in revelation rides - the offspring of the beast?


Liebe ist für alle da
This Dagan would be the beast that comes out of the sea in the book of revelation.

I see four dark entities in the bible:

A dark entity in the sea - which is a beast- frogs coming out of his mouth.
A dark entity in the sky - which is a dragon his tail sweeping stars out of the sky.
A dark entity locked in the abyss. - which is??? Could this be azazel? I think it is. Half human half goat. (Could also be cain - the mark on him being that of half a goat body)
A dark entity on which the harlot in revelation rides - the offspring of the beast?

Great, now you're taking Pre-Christian gods and making them into demons and devil that you see in your bible. That's doesn't surprise me really.


Active Member
Pre-Christian Gods are figments of peoples imaginations brought forth by the devil himself.

The god of this system is the father of the lie. He misleads the entire inhabited earth. That is satan, lucifer or whoever else you want to call him

The Almighty God Jehovah with the help of his son Jesus who is called a Mighty God will destroy him and his rule.

This is one of the many truths the bible speaks about


Active Member
I am not gonna hold my breathe.

The last days are upon us. They are the final times before this system is destroyed and Gods kingdom rules.

If you dont want to hold your breath, go for it. Becasue I am not holding my breath, because I know it is going to happen, I can breath easily


six plus one
The last days are upon us. They are the final times before this system is destroyed and Gods kingdom rules.

If you dont want to hold your breath, go for it. Becasue I am not holding my breath, because I know it is going to happen, I can breath easily
:beach:Jehovah's Witnesses have been saying that since the 1870's


Admiral Obvious
The last days are upon us. They are the final times before this system is destroyed and Gods kingdom rules.
You know, if we as a planet had not been hearing this tripe for the last 1500 years, one might actually take such mythology serious.

If you dont want to hold your breath, go for it. Becasue I am not holding my breath, because I know it is going to happen, I can breath easily
Good for you.
Why do you feel the need to harp about it to others?

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
:beach:Jehovah's Witnesses have been saying that since the 1870's

And many, many other groups have been saying it over the last 4,000 years. One of these days, one of them might get lucky and be right...but I'm not holding my breath. :D


Active Member
Maybe you dont bleieve it mestemia, but i do and I was putting forward what I know the bible has taught me.

I know Witnesses have been saying it since the 1870's. Or as they were called then, bible students.

But those many many other groups that say it, have based their Dogma loosely on what the bible actually says, and more on their own ideas. Which is the difference between them and Witnesses.

I just reckon you should read your bible with no preconceived judgements and then see how much it does harmonize with itself.

Anyway so the topic was lucifer hey? well I believe in satan and I know hes the bad guy


Admiral Obvious
Maybe you dont bleieve it mestemia, but i do and I was putting forward what I know the bible has taught me.

I know Witnesses have been saying it since the 1870's. Or as they were called then, bible students.

But those many many other groups that say it, have based their Dogma loosely on what the bible actually says, and more on their own ideas. Which is the difference between them and Witnesses.

I just reckon you should read your bible with no preconceived judgements and then see how much it does harmonize with itself.

Anyway so the topic was lucifer hey? well I believe in satan and I know hes the bad guy
As I have already said,
If the same old song and dance hadn't been being sung for the last 1500+ years, perhaps I might think it could happen.

Seems to me that the vast majority of the stuff I have heard and read about "Lucifer", "Satan", etc. does not stem from the Bible or even the lost books.