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For those who believe that only Christians go to heaven...


Resident Liberal Hippie
I don't believe it's infallible, but the traditional Christian response to the dilemma of what happens to those who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ is the most compelling reason for me to accept the LDS Church's doctrine instead. It is not only much more logical (given the fact that God is supposed to be loving and merciful), but does not contradict anything the Bible has to say on the subject.
The contradiction is this...

"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6)

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." (Romans 10:9)

Does this not say that salvation is attainable only through Jesus Christ? Does that not condemn anyone else to hell?


Not your average Mormon
But you said there was no contradiction????
I know I did. Salvation is only attainable through Christ. Had He not paid for our sins, we would be unworthy to return to God. Had He not risen on the third day following His death, we could not look forward to being resurrected either. Had He not promised to be our Mediator with the Father, we would have no mediator.

There are several reasons why I say that all unbelievers are not condemned to Hell. First off, I don't believe in a one-size-fits-all kind of Heaven. As there are varying degrees of righteousness, obedience and faithfulness, there are also varying rewards. Not everyone who fails to attain that highest possible reward in Heaven goes to Hell, and while the highest possible reward in Heaven is reserved for those who meet certain criteria (among them a belief in Jesus Christ), that doesn't mean that everyone else is going to burn in Hell for eternity. If you ask an Latter-day Saint what it means to be "saved," he may answer that you have to do nothing more than die and be resurrected (in which case you are saved from the permanance of the grave), or he may answer that you have to have faith in Christ, you have to have received the necessary ordinances, and you have to have remained faithful to Christ to the end. It just depends upon "how saved" you're talking about.

Secondly, we don't believe that the doors to heaven swing shut at death. We believe in an interim period of time, between death and the resurrection, when those who have not had an adequate opportunity to hear, understand, and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ will have that chance. For us, it's not a contradiction at all to believe that Jesus Christ is the only means by which we can be saved and to believe that there are millions of Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and atheists :eek: who will come around to realizing who Jesus Christ really was and what His atoning sacrifice means to them. This may not be during their mortal lives, but it will be before it is too late.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Secondly, we don't believe that the doors to heaven swing shut at death. We believe in an interim period of time, between death and the resurrection, when those who have not had an adequate opportunity to hear, understand, and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ will have that chance. For us, it's not a contradiction at all to believe that Jesus Christ is the only means by which we can be saved and to believe that there are millions of Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and atheists :eek: who will come around to realizing who Jesus Christ really was and what His atoning sacrifice means to them. This may not be during their mortal lives, but it will be before it is too late.

And you do not find this contradictory to the above mentioned scripture?:confused:


Not your average Mormon
And you do not find this contradictory to the above mentioned scripture?:confused:
No. You don't have to be a Christian to go to Heaven. It is through Jesus Christ's atonement that all blessings are available to mankind. The blessings we receive (the varying degrees of heavenly glory) are contingent upon our obedience, faithfulness and righteousness.


Active Member
Its obvious that not all get an equal chance to become a Christian. For example, a child born in India (where 80% of the population is Hindu) does not have the same chance of becoming Christian as a child born in the USA (where I think 70%+ are Christian?).

I don't know why, but for some reason many Christians seem to think that you will be held accountable for not following, once you have simply "heard" of the Bible. Hearing of the Bible does not make everything all equal.

Obviously this is not at all fair. So does God either let non-Christians into heaven or does he give some a MUCH better chance than others? I don't see any other way around it :confused:.

Qura'an Ch.5

18. (Both) the Jews and the Christians say: "We are sons of God, and his beloved." Say: "Why then doth He punish you for your sins? Nay, ye are but men,- of the men he hath created: He forgiveth whom He pleaseth, and He punisheth whom He pleaseth: and to God belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between: and unto Him is the final goal (of all)"


Resident Liberal Hippie
Qura'an Ch.5

18. (Both) the Jews and the Christians say: "We are sons of God, and his beloved." Say: "Why then doth He punish you for your sins? Nay, ye are but men,- of the men he hath created: He forgiveth whom He pleaseth, and He punisheth whom He pleaseth: and to God belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between: and unto Him is the final goal (of all)"
Ah so we are talking about a fickle God who does what he wants, regardless of the actions of men.


Jesus in me
If your version of god that you choose to believe in demands that people worship him in a precise way or he will not allow them into his little country club...then I have bad news for you...he's egotistical.

So, essentially, your god is like a conceited chef. Made a meal he expects everyone to love and can't handle it that some people simply don't care for it and are happy with another cook's meal. Now he stomps his feet and throws a tantrum and demands that those people aren't ever allowed back in the restaurant again. :rolleyes:

Might be true. Because the afterlife I know of is much better than the description of "heaven".

Really? Sounds like people who are loving and generous and accepting of others seem to want to act that way towards others regardless of a god that wants them to be as petty and exclusive as he is.

I totally understand Katzpur's statement about being grateful for the god she worships and not imagining worshipping yours. I quite agree. I prefer not worshipping a petty, jealous, vindictive, and temper-tantrum throwing abusive parent. But hey, I guess that's just us. :shrug:

It is not egotistical to not want people around who hold you in disregard. It is not egotististical to expect people to see His worthiness to be worshipped.

The other cook wants you to eat S**t.

More appropriately the chef has made a beautiful wedding cake but an enemy has come and thrown a turd on it. I'd be angry too.

Tell me about your afterlife. I haven't had a good laugh yet today.


Jesus in me
I actually do think that you and I believe in the same God. My comment was made in a moment of utter frustratation. We clearly understand Him quite differently, though.

How on earth could you have come to that conclusion based on what I said is beyond me. Actually, I believe you're wrong on both counts. If anyone's understanding of God and Heaven are limited, it's yours, not mine. Your understanding of God and Heaven is limited to the Bible. My understanding of God and Heaven is expanded to include not only an account of God's dealings with His children in the Eastern Hemisphere, but an account of His dealings with his "other sheep" in the Western Hemisphere. It is further enhanced by the words of living prophets, personally chosen by God, through whom he continues to communicate in order that the purety of His word will be maintained and not corrupted by the philosophies of men. Granted, both of us have the Holy Ghost to confirm to us what is true and what is false. Unfortunately, we don't seem to be getting the same message from Him. With respect to my "ego," it doesn't need to be saved. I'm not the one who is insisting that only a relative few -- including you, but not including Draka, for instance -- will be granted the blessing of living in Heaven forever. From where I'm sitting, it looks like you're the one with the fragile ego.

During the three day period following His death, Jesus Christ (in spirit form) visited the spirits of the wicked who were consigned to "Prison" after their deaths. They had died without the opportunity to hear His gospel and to understand how He had atoned for their sins. He taught them His gospel. While not all accepted it, some did, and were consequently released from the state of anguish they were in prior to receiving the knowledge of His love and grace. There are people in the Spirit Prison today, people who might have very well lived their lives quite differently had they had the same knowledge you have. Paradise, too, continues to exist today. The spirits of the righteous are there. One such spirit belongs to a repentant thief who hung next to Jesus on the cross. Jesus recognized that this man had a good heart, regardless of the fact that, like everyone else who has ever lived, he had made mistakes during his life. Many of the spirits of those who are now in Paradise awaiting the resurrection and final judgment are good people (Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and yes -- even pagans and atheists :eek:). For one reason or another, they did not accept Jesus Christ during their lives. For some, this may have been due to pride and stubbornness. They will probably not change their minds while they still have a chance. Others, though, were not Christians for a wide variety of reasons, many of which we don't fully understand, and others of which shoud be blatantly obvious to anyone with more than a half a dozen brain cells. There are no two ways to cut it: A child living in the slums of Calcutta, a child growing up in a remote Kenyan village or a child raised among Muslim terrorists in Iraq DOES NOT have the same opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as a child in the U.S. Furthermore, even people in a predominantly Christian nation have such varying backgrounds that it's impossible for you or me to fully understand their spiritual choices. In the Spirit World, the playing field will be leveled, and those who are really searching for the truth WILL FIND IT!

This is an assumption on your part and an incorrect one. However that does not mean that the Bible is invalidated by other messages.

I would be careful about this. There are many who think they have God's word and don't.

It is impossible for God to say contrary things ie to contradict Himself.

Actually I have no need at present to return to Heaven. In fact I have no personal needs. All of me, 100% is locked into serving Jesus. There is no room for ego in that. I only insist on the truth being told. If you think you have evidence otherwise present it.

This is not evident from the text whether some accepted the message or not. God is sovreign and could have taken those who accepted into Heaven if it fulfilled His purpose but God is not overbearing and would not force people to go with Him.

This is an assumption. I am righteous and I am not there.

You can make the statement but you have yet to prove that it is true. I hope you are not basing it on righteousness because there is none who are righteous except those who are made righteous by God.

In some cases their chances are better. God will see to it that everyone has an opportunity. No doubt He reveals Himself to those who seek Him earnestly. THe eunuch from Ethiopia was one such who had God send the apostle Phillip to him to give him the message he was seeking.


Jesus in me
And who are "those"? I hope you are not referring to every non-Christian on the planet. I've heard of Christianity and if heaven exists, I want to go there. It's just that I don't believe it exists.

Obviously not as you have declared yourself.

In Isaiah 53 God declares "Who has believed our report?" or as Jesus put it "Even if one comes back from the dead, they will not be persuaded."

Even if you allow the possibility of there being a Heaven, you still have no way to get there. You could just throw all your beliefs in the trash can and just have faith that God will get you where you want to go.


Jesus in me
Since God is ALL powerful (can do ANYthing) and is doing everything in his power to get people to go to heaven.....how is it possible that some won't make it there?

Let's say I'm standing there and God says that I have failed to accept him and I say "Oh...well, I'd rather go to that nice place anyway" and start walking toward the door. Who's going to stop me from going to Heaven?

God will not interfere with a person's free will. He isn't compelling anyone to go to Heaven if they can't stand it there. Then there are those who just won't accept what God has to say about it.

God won't keep you from trying to find Heaven but you will be looking for a blonde hair in a haystack.


Wonder Woman
It is not egotistical to not want people around who hold you in disregard. It is not egotististical to expect people to see His worthiness to be worshipped.

The other cook wants you to eat S**t.

More appropriately the chef has made a beautiful wedding cake but an enemy has come and thrown a turd on it. I'd be angry too.

Tell me about your afterlife. I haven't had a good laugh yet today.
It is egotistical just to be demanding of worship. People should want to give honor and reverence to a deity. Not feel like if they don't they will be punished. That's like trying to force love. Shouldn't be done and CAN'T be done honestly. Damn man, even a witch knows those boundaries and morals.

The other cook doesn't want you to eat that. The other cook may be serving up a wonderful meal, but because it isn't the one chef's he doesn't feel like it's "good enough" and throw a tantrum. As though he is the only good cook in the house when it simply isn't so.
And perhaps he made white and the couple preferred marble and went with another caterer? (by the way, what IS your obsession with excrement?:areyoucra)

Your mind is obviously too limited for me to describe what my belief of afterlife is and you actually be able to get it. So I'm not going to even bother.


Resident Liberal Hippie
God will not interfere with a person's free will. He isn't compelling anyone to go to Heaven if they can't stand it there. Then there are those who just won't accept what God has to say about it.

God won't keep you from trying to find Heaven but you will be looking for a blonde hair in a haystack.
Does not compel anyone??? Are you serious??? Worship me and accept me or go to hell and eternal damnation is the equivalent of pointing a gun to someones head and saying do my will or die! This is freewill?


Not your average Mormon
This is an assumption on your part and an incorrect one. However that does not mean that the Bible is invalidated by other messages.
What other messages are you referring to? Where, besides the Bible, do you look to find God's word? And maybe I'm reading you wrong, but I can assure you that none of my beliefs invalidate the Bible -- or attempt to.

I would be careful about this. There are many who think they have God's word and don't.
There are many more who refuse to acknowledge His prophets and who have, in effect, told Him it's time for Him to shut up.

It is impossible for God to say contrary things ie to contradict Himself.
I agree. But how would you explain the fact that two equally sincere individuals, both looking for the truth, do not understand the scriptures the same way?

Actually I have no need at present to return to Heaven. In fact I have no personal needs. All of me, 100% is locked into serving Jesus. There is no room for ego in that. I only insist on the truth being told. If you think you have evidence otherwise present it.
Well, I'm in no hurry to go there either. I do hope to some day, though. Don't you? Besides, you do have personal needs; all of us do. To perfectly honest, your statement strikes me as being extremely self-righteous.

This is not evident from the text whether some accepted the message or not. God is sovreign and could have taken those who accepted into Heaven if it fulfilled His purpose but God is not overbearing and would not force people to go with Him.
Of course He wouldn't force anyone, but He would at least give them a chance!

This is an assumption. I am righteous and I am not there.
I wasn't aware that you were dead. :D

You can make the statement but you have yet to prove that it is true. I hope you are not basing it on righteousness because there is none who are righteous except those who are made righteous by God.
It sounds as if you reject the concept of free will. If that's the case, we'll never see eye to eye on this. I believe obedience is our choice.

In some cases their chances are better. God will see to it that everyone has an opportunity. No doubt He reveals Himself to those who seek Him earnestly. THe eunuch from Ethiopia was one such who had God send the apostle Phillip to him to give him the message he was seeking.
I agree that He will reveal Himself to those who seek Him earnestly. I'm just not naive enough to insist that it will be during their mortal lives. That's why I believe the gospel continues to be spread in the Spirit World.
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