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For those who believe that only Christians go to heaven...


Not your average Mormon
The fact is that there are people in this world who love evil. Where did they come from. Obviously they didn't come from Heaven. It may not be too wild a speculation to believe that they emerged from Hell.
Okay, I'm confused here, Muffled. You say that the people here on Earth who love evil came from Hell (or at least that it would be logical to assume that this is the case). If that were the case, then those who do not love evil must have come from Heaven. Now if everyone on earth either came from Heaven or Hell, wouldn't that mean that God created evil people and sent them to Hell and that at some point they were born on Earth? I'm seriously thinking that can't be what you meant to imply, but I can't seem to figure out any other way to understand it.


Active Member
God speaks the truth to those who seek it.

Are you saying that every single Christian on the planet has searched for truth more than every single non-Christian? Are you honestly saying this?

I have presumed nothing. I accept what God has said.

So just how do you know what God has said? You don't do you, you just believe you are right about what God has said. So you're wrong, you are presuming things about what God has said - since you don't know for sure.


Jesus in me
Are you saying that every single Christian on the planet has searched for truth more than every single non-Christian? Are you honestly saying this?
So just how do you know what God has said? You don't do you, you just believe you are right about what God has said. So you're wrong, you are presuming things about what God has said - since you don't know for sure.

I will try to answer everyone but the last shall be first, lol.

No. Not every Christian is seeking for truth (especially if they think they already have it). I was a Christian by upbringing and church attendance before I was saved. I was not seeking the truth in the Word of God until one day I was challenged by another Christian who I felt did not have the truth. It was then that I realized that I didn't know the Bible well enough to know the truth. It did not take me long to find it (Three chapters) and it led to my salvation.

His Word is in the Bible.


Jesus in me
Okay, I'm confused here, Muffled. You say that the people here on Earth who love evil came from Hell (or at least that it would be logical to assume that this is the case). If that were the case, then those who do not love evil must have come from Heaven. Now if everyone on earth either came from Heaven or Hell, wouldn't that mean that God created evil people and sent them to Hell and that at some point they were born on Earth? I'm seriously thinking that can't be what you meant to imply, but I can't seem to figure out any other way to understand it.

No, God created man and called him good. Evil came after the creation.


Jesus in me
Oh, and btw Muffled, may I just say, I find the fact that someone who obviously believes that only Christians go to heaven uses the Pagan Wheel of the Year as their avatar rather ironic, isn't it?

Well you caught me. I am after all a Jesus Freak, lol.


Jesus in me
So, in your illustrious opinion, am I from hell? I mean, obviously you think that those who deny Christ are evil in some way. So since I deny Christ and the holy ghost and all that stuff and think it is all just as mythology as any other myth out there, am I evil? Am I from hell? Do tell. Give it to me honestly if you can even bring yourself to do so.

And you totally ignored my other points didn't you? You wanted evidence and I pointed out that tumbleweed gave you that and you ignored both him and I. You asked me what kind of person would make scurrilous comments about a "good god" and I explained that I wouldn't know as I didn't, but I wanted to know what kind of person says that a cruel and vindictive god is "good". Care to respond to any of that?

It is difficult to be definitive about a person's past. I am sure you don't remember much or any of it. My guess is that the chances are good that you came from Hell.

Everyone is evil in some way. However not everyone loves evil. I am not perfect but I came down from Heaven. The same is true for my wife. Both of us hate sin. For my wife that means staying in Heaven and she has not had many lives for that reason. I am able to endure sin and have had a multitude of lives.

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Jesus in me
Muffled, you have not addressed my response to your challenge to find evidence of a cruel and sadistic God.

For your benefit, I will repost.

Genesis 6:7- Kills off all but two of each animal, and every human but Noahs family.
Genesis 12:17-Plagues Egypt for Sarai's lies.
Exodus 7:4 -Hardens the heart of Pharaoh, thus ensuring the plagues.
Exodus Chapters 9-12- Plagues Egypt, all are affected, even the innocent.
Exodus 12:29- God kills all the Egyptian firstborn, innocent children die.
Exodus 15:3 "The LORD is a man of war, the Lord is his name."
Leviticus- Proscribes the death sentence for many sins, including adultery and talking back to your parents.
Jeremiah 18:11 God admits to being a source of evil.
Lamentations 4:4 God punishes Israel by allowing innocent babies to starve.
Nahum 3:10 God punished Nineveh by enslaving the people and smashing the little children in the streets.
Zephaniah 3:6 God destroyed entire cities, killing all the inhabitants. Children are not spared.

Sorry I missed this before. I almost didn't answer this time either but Jesus wouldn't let me leave here unitl I answered.

All the facts you have stated point to a loving God not a sadistic one. Maybe you don't undersstand what "sadistic" means?


Admiral Obvious
Sorry I missed this before. I almost didn't answer this time either but Jesus wouldn't let me leave here unitl I answered.

All the facts you have stated point to a loving God not a sadistic one. Maybe you don't undersstand what "sadistic" means?


Resident Liberal Hippie
Sorry I missed this before. I almost didn't answer this time either but Jesus wouldn't let me leave here unitl I answered.

All the facts you have stated point to a loving God not a sadistic one. Maybe you don't undersstand what "sadistic" means?

Sadistic- derivation of pleasure as a result of inflicting pain or watching pain inflicted on others.
Cruel- causing or conducive to injury, grief, or pain.
Loving-charitable, selfless, altruistic, and unconditional.

Genesis 6:7- Kills off all but two of each animal, and every human but Noahs family.
Genesis 12:17-Plagues Egypt for Sarai's lies.
Exodus 7:4 -Hardens the heart of Pharaoh, thus ensuring the plagues.
Exodus Chapters 9-12- Plagues Egypt, all are affected, even the innocent.
Exodus 12:29- God kills all the Egyptian firstborn, innocent children die.
Exodus 15:3 "The LORD is a man of war, the Lord is his name."
Leviticus- Proscribes the death sentence for many sins, including adultery and talking back to your parents.
Jeremiah 18:11 God admits to being a source of evil.
Lamentations 4:4 God punishes Israel by allowing innocent babies to starve.
Nahum 3:10 God punished Nineveh by enslaving the people and smashing the little children in the streets.
Zephaniah 3:6 God destroyed entire cities, killing all the inhabitants. Children are not spared.

Please explain the LOVE involved in killing innocents? In hardening the heart of Pharaoh to ensure suffering? In proscribing death by stoning?


Active Member
Genesis 6:7- Kills off all but two of each animal, and every human but Noahs family
Thera Eruption of 1628 BC - Creates Hugh Floods
Genesis 12:17-Plagues Egypt for Sarai's lies.
Corrupts bloodlines

Exodus 7:4 -Hardens the heart of Pharaoh, thus ensuring the plagues.
Gods = Vizier
Exodus Chapters 9-12- Plagues Egypt, all are affected, even the innocent.
Natural Disaster
Exodus 12:29- God kills all the Egyptian firstborn, innocent children die.
Siptah first born of Seth i is killed or Tutankhamun son of akhenaten
Exodus 15:3 "The LORD is a man of war, the Lord is his name."
pharoah plays role as lord -
Leviticus- Proscribes the death sentence for many sins, including adultery and talking back to your parents.
Egyptian Laws
Jeremiah 18:11 God admits to being a source of evil.
Play role as babylon king
Lamentations 4:4 God punishes Israel by allowing innocent babies to starve.
Famine- blames god
Nahum 3:10 God punished Nineveh by enslaving the people and smashing the little children in the streets.
pharaoh conquers ninevah
Zephaniah 3:6 God destroyed entire cities, killing all the inhabitants. Children are not spared.
militery campaigns ordered by king
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Well-Known Member
Sorry I missed this before. I almost didn't answer this time either but Jesus wouldn't let me leave here unitl I answered.

All the facts you have stated point to a loving God not a sadistic one. Maybe you don't undersstand what "sadistic" means?
I can't believe that Jesus let you leave after that answer. If that is your idea of love, please, Please, PLEASE try not to love anyone around you.


Wonder Woman
It is difficult to be definitive about a person's past. I am sure you don't remember much or any of it. My guess is that the chances are good that you came from Hell.

Wow. I had a feeling that you would say such a thing, but I must say, it's still a bit surprising because I hoped you had more intelligence than that. Guess I was wrong.

Everyone is evil in some way. However not everyone loves evil. I am not perfect but I came down from Heaven. The same is true for my wife. Both of us hate sin. For my wife that means staying in Heaven and she has not had many lives for that reason. I am able to endure sin and have had a multitude of lives.
I don't love evil. For instance...I don't love your version of god. That's gotta say I don't love evil right there. You talk of many lives, and that makes me wonder what you feel is the purpose of reincarnation is.

Jesus has come as a light into the world. You have preferred to remain in the darkness that already was in you. At some point in your many lives you bought the lies of the Devil. Only by coming to the Truth (Jesus) will you overcome the lies and darkness within you.
I didn't buy into the lies of the devil. I couldn't have. For how can I buy anything from something that doesn't exist? Might as well buy pots of gold from Lucky the Leprechaun. And I don't know about you, but I don't have lies and darkness in me. I am filled with light and love and hope. Boy, do you seem to have things messed up. If light and love is darkness and lies to you...well then I can only assume that you have none in your life and I should feel sorry for you.


Well-Known Member
It is difficult to be definitive about a person's past. I am sure you don't remember much or any of it. My guess is that the chances are good that you came from Hell.

Everyone is evil in some way. However not everyone loves evil. I am not perfect but I came down from Heaven. The same is true for my wife. Both of us hate sin. For my wife that means staying in Heaven and she has not had many lives for that reason. I am able to endure sin and have had a multitude of lives.

Jesus has come as a light into the world. You have preferred to remain in the darkness that already was in you. At some point in your many lives you bought the lies of the Devil. Only by coming to the Truth (Jesus) will you overcome the lies and darkness within you.
I think this has to be one of the most delusional and arrogant posts I've yet seen on RF. :thud::slap::faint:


Not your average Mormon
No, God created man and called him good. Evil came after the creation.
But Muffled, you just got through saying, "The fact is that there are people in this world who love evil. Where did they come from. Obviously they didn't come from Heaven. It may not be too wild a speculation to believe that they emerged from Hell." If these people were created good and yet they may have emerged from Hell, how and when did they find themselves in Hell in the first place? This just isn't making any sense?



Wonder Woman
But Muffled, you just got through saying, "The fact is that there are people in this world who love evil. Where did they come from. Obviously they didn't come from Heaven. It may not be too wild a speculation to believe that they emerged from Hell." If these people were created good and yet they may have emerged from Hell, how and when did they find themselves in Hell in the first place? This just isn't making any sense?
Well, obviously, since according to him I came up from Hell I should be able to spread some light on this situation of his. Apparently, I was once good in a former life but then was taken in by "Satan's evil spell" and I was sent to hell when I died. Now, it seems, that Satan sent me, and others back, so as to make others stray away from god and bring them to Satan. At least that's how I'm understanding him. I'm just a pawn of Satan's you know. You better watch out for me or I'll warp you with my evil loving ways next. :rolleyes:


Not your average Mormon
Well, obviously, since according to him I came up from Hell I should be able to spread some light on this situation of his. Apparently, I was once good in a former life but then was taken in by "Satan's evil spell" and I was sent to hell when I died. Now, it seems, that Satan sent me, and others back, so as to make others stray away from god and bring them to Satan. At least that's how I'm understanding him. I'm just a pawn of Satan's you know. You better watch out for me or I'll warp you with my evil loving ways next. :rolleyes:
I'm a Mormon, Draka. That means I came from Hell, too. :rolleyes:


Admiral Obvious
Ya know, I'm kinda feeling left out here. And Lost and a little confused, cause I don't know where I come from!!:thud:
I know where I came from....
It was under a flashing 'No Vacancy' sign where I was started.
At least according to my mother.

My father claims it was no more than 10 feet from a "Keep Off The Grass" sign.