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For those who believe that only Christians go to heaven...


Agnostic Pantheist
Im happy you find me funny. Though I do appreciate being of some service to you...I'm more concerned about your willingness to buy wisdom by using humour. If you did actually acquire wisdom by being a humurous man, you must have learnt quite a lot from me, since you find me terribly funny. Did you not say...that a humorous man has some advantage over others. Then i should have an advantage over you, being funny and all, yet im not making any entry into your 'man'.


Toots, being that the only 'real man' in your life is a Jew that has been dead for 2000 years, im fairly sure you wouldnt make an entry into any man.


Admiral Obvious
Spoken like a true man of wisdom. I shall repeat that wisdom unto you, since wisdom must be truth, no matter what or who is the listener.

So then...It is not I who should realise it...

I have wondered and now I will flat out ask:
What is the source of the input for all your GIGO?


Admiral Obvious
Toots, being that the only 'real man' in your life is a Jew that has been dead for 2000 years, im fairly sure you wouldnt make an entry into any man.
You forgot a key phrase in that sentence:
"what you have chosen to believe about"


Miss Independent
Now I have no idea what you are talking about.

And for your info, my finances have done a turn for the good.
However, I suspect that you are not talking about money.

Funny how you have to keep changing topics.
Interesting how you refuse to actually discuss the actual topic at hand.
Makes a person wonder what it is YOU are running from.

Let me count the posts I have posted in the last few minutes....quite a lot...im not running im here...

I can and shall always be ready to answer you. But right now i have somebody who cares about me, that need my attention. And so im not running...im prioritising. Shall i continue to converse with you while you are offended by my king...or shall i continue to build where there is a building to be built? I think the latter would be smarter, dont you think?

So while im running away from the perverse thinking of the world, im running towards an eternal blessed hope of acceptance and love. Something you cannot give me, and never will.



Miss Independent
I also forgot to add that according to these beliefs this 'real man' has reached the age of 30 a virgin ;)

Wowsee....you sure are behind in your religious studies. Time to catch up now! I'll be back later to see if there has been progress.

Keep em braincells working....and dont forget to laugh...people will wonder what you up to.



Agnostic Pantheist
Let me count the posts I have posted in the last few minutes....quite a lot...im not running im here...

I can and shall always be ready to answer you. But right now i have somebody who cares about me, that need my attention. And so im not running...im prioritising. Shall i continue to converse with you while you are offended by my king...or shall i continue to build where there is a building to be built? I think the latter would be smarter, dont you think?

So while im running away from the perverse thinking of the world, im running towards an eternal blessed hope of acceptance and love. Something you cannot give me, and never will.



Admiral Obvious
Let me count the posts I have posted in the last few minutes....quite a lot...im not running im here...
Yet you still manage to avoid the topic at hand.
What a contortionist you must be.

I can and shall always be ready to answer you. But right now i have somebody who cares about me, that need my attention. And so im not running...im prioritising.
I see you have gone out of your way to miss the point.

Shall i continue to converse with you while you are offended by my king...or shall i continue to build where there is a building to be built? I think the latter would be smarter, dont you think?
And again with the dictation.
Funny how you are unable to see that your tactics actually push people away from your king.
Wonder how your king feels about that?

So while im running away from the perverse thinking of the world, im running towards an eternal blessed hope of acceptance and love. Something you cannot give me, and never will.
*Pulls out rubber raft*


Admiral Obvious
Yes...im funny. Thanks for the compliment.

Id say you are preaching to me now. Dont do what you dont like others doing to you. Ok?

And again you do not address the points.
Not that anyone is surprised....


Miss Independent
Not that anyone is surprised....

You suffer from 'small' man syndrome. You think that the entire forum i.e 'anyone' is on your side. You cannot feel worthy, or accepted or appreciated unless you have some sort of army supporting you. What will you do when you have to stand alone? Call on the name of your 'anyone'?

You are not a man, unless you are one on your own. Its easy to round a mob. But its harder to be a man in your own right. To have clout and listeners because of who you are ...not by how many thugs you can gather together.

I know how you feel when your friends arrive and all give me a go....there are many men and women who love the feeling of togetherness for the wrong reasons.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
ts obvious that not all get an equal chance to become a Christian.
Wrong,God has given every man an equal manifestation of himself,as a matter of fact, God says men will be without excuse on judgemnet day just from what creation declares.
For example, a child born in India (where 80% of the population is Hindu) does not have the same chance of becoming Christian as a child born in the USA (where I think 70%+ are Christian?).
Ya,I know what your saying ,no tele-evangelists,bibles or fancy filled churches,but they do have one thing, the obvious evidence to all mankind ,creation.
Rom 1:20Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed [it] unto them.For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

I don't know why, but for some reason many Christians seem to think that you will be held accountable for not following, once you have simply "heard" of the Bible. Hearing of the Bible does not make everything all equal.
The manifestation of God's existence is deep within every person,it's the rational ,mind that causes man to doubt and reason him in to a non existence.

Obviously this is not at all fair. So does God either let non-Christians into heaven or does he give some a MUCH better chance than others? I don't see any other way around it :confused:
You'll understand "fair" when he comes in his glory and power and every eye shall see him, then the secret areas of each heart will be revealed and what you knew deep within....reason and rationale will fade in the distance and every mouth will be stopped.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
And again you do not address the points.
Not that anyone is surprised....

Preaching means "proclaiming" so in essence you are and have been doing the same thing.
Everyone here preaches their own sermon, proclaiming their position ,viewpoint, belief etc.


Admiral Obvious
You suffer from 'small' man syndrome. You think that the entire forum i.e 'anyone' is on your side. You cannot feel worthy, or accepted or appreciated unless you have some sort of army supporting you. What will you do when you have to stand alone? Call on the name of your 'anyone'?

You are not a man, unless you are one on your own. Its easy to round a mob. But its harder to be a man in your own right. To have clout and listeners because of who you are ...not by how many thugs you can gather together.

I know how you feel when your friends arrive and all give me a go....there are many men and women who love the feeling of togetherness for the wrong reasons.
Still can't get the right of it.
I do not rally for support.
I do not ask for people to agree with me.
They agree or disagree on their own.
They come in and support my position or dispute my position on their own.
I do not ask, nor bully, nor beg, nor threaten, or anything else for anyones support/assistance.
But if it helps you feel better about yourself, by all means believe what you want.


Admiral Obvious
Preaching means "proclaiming" so in essence you are and have been doing the same thing.
Everyone here preaches their own sermon, proclaiming their position ,viewpoint, belief etc.
And your point is?
I have no problem with straight forward answers to simple questions.
I do have problems with "answers" that have absolutely nothing to do with the question asked and are nothing more that shameless promotions of the posters beliefs.


Not your average Mormon
Ya,I know what your saying ,no tele-evangelists,bibles or fancy filled churches,but they do have one thing, the obvious evidence to all mankind ,creation. Rom 1:20Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed [it] unto them.For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Roli, stop and think about what you're saying. You're a Christian. You believe in the Abrahamic God, the God who is spoken of in the Bible. Are you seriously saying that someone who has never heard of this God, who has been raised in the Hindu religion and has learned only of the Hindu gods automatically has a knowledge of the God in whom you believe and more specifically of Jesus Christ? Please be reasonable. Think about what you're saying and how completely irrational it is for you to insist that someone could possibly know about Jesus Christ without having ever heard of Him.


Jesus in me
Roli, stop and think about what you're saying. You're a Christian. You believe in the Abrahamic God, the God who is spoken of in the Bible. Are you seriously saying that someone who has never heard of this God, who has been raised in the Hindu religion and has learned only of the Hindu gods automatically has a knowledge of the God in whom you believe and more specifically of Jesus Christ? Please be reasonable. Think about what you're saying and how completely irrational it is for you to insist that someone could possibly know about Jesus Christ without having ever heard of Him.

I would tend to agree with you. Knowledge of God is not the same thing as a knowledge of His saving grace. I can't remember anything in the Vedas that would provide that kind of information. As far as a Hindu is concerned , he has to perectly fulfill the Dharma in order to get to Heaven, no matter how many lifetimes it takes.

To answe the OP. The Gospel has been preached all over the world and India has been completely covered. God is only responsible for giving people the good news not for getting them to respond to it. I don't agree that Hinduism is a negative influence when presenting the Gospel. The knowledge of God and the fact that He has a standard (Dharma) and that there is a Heaven are already present which should pave the way for the Gospel very well. What does get in the way is pride in ones own understanding and the reluctance to learn or accept new things.


Active Member
Wrong,God has given every man an equal manifestation of himself,as a matter of fact, God says men will be without excuse on judgemnet day just from what creation declares.

Ya,I know what your saying ,no tele-evangelists,bibles or fancy filled churches,but they do have one thing, the obvious evidence to all mankind ,creation.
Rom 1:20Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed [it] unto them.For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

The manifestation of God's existence is deep within every person,it's the rational ,mind that causes man to doubt and reason him in to a non existence.

You'll understand "fair" when he comes in his glory and power and every eye shall see him, then the secret areas of each heart will be revealed and what you knew deep within....reason and rationale will fade in the distance and every mouth will be stopped.

roli are you talking about God, or about the specific Christian God?

I know you believe that God will favour Christians for no reason, but surely you can accept that not all get an equal chance to become Christian? roli, are you saying that a child born in India has the same chance of becoming Christian as a child born in the USA?


Well-Known Member
Really? Because the Bible is straightforward prophecy and witness of it coming true; either it happened or it didn't. It's black and white...all that other mumbojumbo you said only exists if you yourself refuse Christ. If you understand Jesus is the Christ; then you understand the Bible is a simple equation 1+1=2 and there's no way around it.
I'm sorry....did you just say that Biblical prophecy is "straightforward"? Really? Like MATH you say......

Could you provide an example of the straightforward prophecy of which you speak? I've always found that this work of art summed the tone of Biblical prophecy pretty well.

YouTube - Monty Python - The Life of Brian - Crazy Prophets


Well-Known Member
Toots, being that the only 'real man' in your life is a Jew that has been dead for 2000 years, im fairly sure you wouldnt make an entry into any man.
....I'm not positive about this....It's just a gut feeling, but....is this maybe getting a bit....what's the word?....."personal"?