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For those who believe that only Christians go to heaven...


Wonder Woman
The angelic offices that comprise the heavenly bureaucracy are the worst place of work an saint can find himself in ;) work work work, with no recognition.
Hell, on the other hand.. now that's the place to be posted at.. poking souls with pitch-forks for amusement and enjoying a warm weather, its practically heaven.

Don't forget the pineapples. And giant butt-pirate birds.


Miss Independent
I was hoping you were maybe intelligent enough to realize that of all the possibilities in the world that it may be possible that you might not have exactly the "right answer". Unfortunately it appears I was mistaken about that though.

Also...where did I say I wondered whether there was a god or not? You really DO like dictating other people's beliefs to them don't you?

And finally...how do you figure there is no such thing as a person that does not believe in a god? There are people who don't believe in gods...they're called atheists.

  1. [FONT=arial,sans-serif][SIZE=-1]God[/SIZE][/FONT] <LI type=a>A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.
  2. The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being.
  3. A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality.
  4. An image of a supernatural being; an idol.
  5. One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed

Im sorry if this is offensive draka, but you worship yourself. Did i tell you to do this? Then how am i dictating your beliefs for you?



Wonder Woman
Im sorry if this is offensive draka, but you worship yourself. Did i tell you to do this? Then how am i dictating your beliefs for you?


I worship myself? Since when? Heneni...you obviously know jack squat about what I believe...but you seem to feel it necessary to TELL me what it is you THINK I believe. Thus it appears that you are trying to define/dictate to me what I believe without really caring whether you are right or not.

Why don't you try to stop telling others what they believe, when you obviously don't know anyway, and answer the freakin points addressed to you?


Miss Independent
I worship myself? Since when? Heneni...you obviously know jack squat about what I believe...but you seem to feel it necessary to TELL me what it is you THINK I believe. Thus it appears that you are trying to define/dictate to me what I believe without really caring whether you are right or not.

Why don't you try to stop telling others what they believe, when you obviously don't know anyway, and answer the freakin points addressed to you?

I see you were offended. If LOVE is your religion, lets see how your holding up under it. Who is your god? Who do you pledge allegiance to?



Wonder Woman
I see you were offended. If LOVE is your religion, lets see how your holding up under it. Who is your god? Who do you pledge allegiance to?


If I'm offended at anything it is simply your uninformed ridiculous false assumptions about me. If you really bothered to look at my title and religion then maybe you could have the intelligence about you to put together being a mommy and the word "love", but as we have already determined your intelligence is lacking I guess that is out of the question too.

"Who is your god?" is an unanswerable question for me considering my beliefs.


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


Back to the points at hand which you so adamently want to ignore.

CAN you admit that it is POSSIBLE that you could be wrong in your beliefs of god/afterlife/and who gets to go where? I know you BELIEVE you are right...but can you admit you could POSSIBLY be wrong?


Miss Independent
If I'm offended at anything it is simply your uninformed ridiculous false assumptions about me.

Must have hit a nerve.

If you really bothered to look at my title and religion then maybe you could have the intelligence about you to put together being a mommy and the word "love", but as we have already determined your intelligence is lacking I guess that is out of the question too.

Then you would understand that you wont let your child spend eternity with a bunch of monsters.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Then your god is human. You elect the goverment...you elected your god.

Back to the points at hand which you so adamently want to ignore.

CAN you admit that it is POSSIBLE that you could be wrong in your beliefs of god/afterlife/and who gets to go where? I know you BELIEVE you are right...but can you admit you could POSSIBLY be wrong?

Faith is the EVIDENCE of things hoped for. There has not in all my years as a christian, been any reason to doubt god. He has never proven himself unfaithful, or a lyer.

But let me give you an advanced warning. Men who tell you that everybody is going to heaven, are saying it to gain advantage over you so that they can dupe you into believing the rest of their lies. The kingdom of god is built on moral power, not goverments, and not our own personal gods, even if they are human. If you dont know god...like if someone did not know you, you would not let them move into your home where they can hurt your children.

Now i doubt i have answered your questions to your satisfaction. But if God is not your god, and humans are...then we are of entirely different kingdoms and have nothing in common other than our humanity. And whatever I say will be foolishness to you. Im not offended. Nor surprised.

Do continue to love your children. Even though they are your kids, you dont stop loving them becaue they mess up sometimes do you? Neither does my god ditch me when i do. Infact while i was yet a rebellious person, completely bent on doing the wrong things, he loved me enough to save me from a horrible death. Can your goverment do that for you? When you break the law, do they forgive you or throw you in prison? Can you have a relationship with your goverment? Do they not rule you by force? Do they not hold you in subjection? Has the evil not always ruled over the good? You think your goverment is there to protect you against the bad guys when infact the bad guys are the ones who need to use force to keep their subjects under submission. You have pledged allegiance to a goverment of violence. Any goverment that makes weapons cannot be living according to the precepts of god, who says...do not resist evil by force. Do good to those who hurt you. Forgive men their offenses. Without prisons and police which goverment will survive. They will come apart at the seems. No violent men will make it into heaven. Where there is peace, at all cost.



Wonder Woman
Must have hit a nerve.
Stupidity and arrogance often do.

Then you would understand that you wont let your child spend eternity with a bunch of monsters.
Which is exactly why I wouldn't want them around you.

Then your god is human. You elect the goverment...you elected your god.

Faith is the EVIDENCE of things hoped for. There has not in all my years as a christian, been any reason to doubt god. He has never proven himself unfaithful, or a lyer.

But let me give you an advanced warning. Men who tell you that everybody is going to heaven, are saying it to gain advantage over you so that they can dupe you into believing the rest of their lies. The kingdom of god is built on moral power, not goverments, and not our own personal gods, even if they are human. If you dont know god...like if someone did not know you, you would not let them move into your home where they can hurt your children.

Now i doubt i have answered your questions to your satisfaction. But if God is not your god, and humans are...then we are of entirely different kingdoms and have nothing in common other than our humanity. And whatever I say will be foolishness to you. Im not offended. Nor surprised.

Do continue to love your children. Even though they are your kids, you dont stop loving them becaue they mess up sometimes do you? Neither does my god ditch me when i do. Infact while i was yet a rebellious person, completely bent on doing the wrong things, he loved me enough to save me from a horrible death. Can your goverment do that for you? When you break the law, do they forgive you or throw you in prison? Can you have a relationship with your goverment? Do they not rule you by force? Do they not hold you in subjection? Has the evil not always ruled over the good? You think your goverment is there to protect you against the bad guys when infact the bad guys are the ones who need to use force to keep their subjects under submission. You have pledged allegiance to a goverment of violence. Any goverment that makes weapons cannot be living according to the precepts of god, who says...do not resist evil by force. Do good to those who hurt you. Forgive men their offenses. Without prisons and police which goverment will survive. They will come apart at the seems. No violent men will make it into heaven. Where there is peace, at all cost.



Oh my goodness...you really didn't get the whole tongue-in-cheek bit at all about "pledging allegiance" did you??? Are you really that flippin dense??? :biglaugh:

Hey, why don't you try looking at my name on this post. See what color it is? That means I'm a theist! Or do I have to explain what that means to you too? Save your preaching for someone else that actually wants to hear your drivel ok?

But I do guess in that long and drawn out babble you have answered the question. You cannot admit to even a possibility that you could be wrong. Your arrogance and ego make it impossible for you to do so. So, I take it then you are also convinced that, as per the OP, that everyone who does not choose to believe as a Christian does will go to hell because "that is what god wants"? So if that means that your god has preselected people to believe in him (by not even allowing some people in this world to really learn or know anything of Christianity) then that means that I, and others, have been chosen by your god not to believe in him anyway...so people like you can stop your preaching. For who are you to question your god?


Agnostic Pantheist
When you break the law, do they forgive you or throw you in prison? Can you have a relationship with your goverment? Do they not rule you by force? Do they not hold you in subjection? Has the evil not always ruled over the good? You think your goverment is there to protect you against the bad guys when infact the bad guys are the ones who need to use force to keep their subjects under submission. You have pledged allegiance to a goverment of violence. Any goverment that makes weapons cannot be living according to the precepts of god, who says...do not resist evil by force.
And here perhaps is one of the cruxes of the problem.

People who believe that there is a fantastic force that excludes them and is beyond the boundaries of society, some kind of fantasy that excludes them from being a responsible and equal citizen who respects the foundations of our societies, which perhaps may not be perfect, but are what make us human, a social organism, with responsibilities and respect to the communities and societies we labor to sustain.


Miss Independent
Stupidity and arrogance often do.

Which is exactly why I wouldn't want them around you.


Oh my goodness...you really didn't get the whole tongue-in-cheek bit at all about "pledging allegiance" did you??? Are you really that flippin dense??? :biglaugh:

Hey, why don't you try looking at my name on this post. See what color it is? That means I'm a theist! Or do I have to explain what that means to you too? Save your preaching for someone else that actually wants to hear your drivel ok?

But I do guess in that long and drawn out babble you have answered the question. You cannot admit to even a possibility that you could be wrong. Your arrogance and ego make it impossible for you to do so. So, I take it then you are also convinced that, as per the OP, that everyone who does not choose to believe as a Christian does will go to hell because "that is what god wants"? So if that means that your god has preselected people to believe in him (by not even allowing some people in this world to really learn or know anything of Christianity) then that means that I, and others, have been chosen by your god not to believe in him anyway...so people like you can stop your preaching. For who are you to question your god?

Thank you for the time to respond. At least i have not called you dense, stupid, offensive....ignorant...

I have therefore not sinned against you. You have however sinned against me. I forgive you. Now...the question is...do you expect to get away with it...or does god come with justice in his wings?



Wonder Woman
Thank you for the time to respond. At least i have not called you dense, stupid, offensive....ignorant...

I have therefore not sinned against you. You have however sinned against me. I forgive you. Now...the question is...do you expect to get away with it...or does god come with justice in his wings?


So sorry, didn't know telling the truth about a person's shortcomings was considered a sin. Must only be a sin when people point out yours. However, you have repeatedly lied about what I believe...so perhaps you should look at yourself when looking for sins. First you tell me I don't believe in a god...lie. Then you tell me I worship myself...lie. Then you tell me I worship the government...lie. Now, since it is your beliefs about your god coming "with justice in his wings" do YOU expect to get away with it? Or are you just "special" because you believe in the first place?


Admiral Obvious
So sorry, didn't know telling the truth about a person's shortcomings was considered a sin. Must only be a sin when people point out yours. However, you have repeatedly lied about what I believe...so perhaps you should look at yourself when looking for sins. First you tell me I don't believe in a god...lie. Then you tell me I worship myself...lie. Then you tell me I worship the government...lie. Now, since it is your beliefs about your god coming "with justice in his wings" do YOU expect to get away with it? Or are you just "special" because you believe in the first place?
Remind me that I owe you frubals for this post.


Miss Independent
So sorry, didn't know telling the truth about a person's shortcomings was considered a sin. Must only be a sin when people point out yours. However, you have repeatedly lied about what I believe...so perhaps you should look at yourself when looking for sins. First you tell me I don't believe in a god...lie. Then you tell me I worship myself...lie. Then you tell me I worship the government...lie. Now, since it is your beliefs about your god coming "with justice in his wings" do YOU expect to get away with it? Or are you just "special" because you believe in the first place?

Even the demons believe there is a god and tremble. Are they special?


Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I'm beginning to suspect that some here might genuinely be mentally ill. Do they not have families who care and who can help them get the medical attention they need?