I would not use the words "he had foreseen himself doing" and the other statement "he was just making sure he was being consistent with himself." I would write it like so:
"There is a discussion about that in a particular text, where it is described that Hashem knows what is possible and what is the correct circumstance to have something happen - for the sake of reward and punishment or you can justice. The particular discussion posits that Hashem knows what paths a person will choose, and there are some judgements that deal with the future. I.e. let's say that a particular family line will create a weapon that will destroy 2/3 of the earth, and there is nothing justifiable about the family in their 10 generation and beyond. So, until that 10th generation they have a value and their chooses are permitable (even the bad ones) until they get to that 10th generation with their bad choices. This of course variaes from person to person, family to family, city to city, and nation to nation. The perspective is that Hashem, as the Source of reality knows when and how such a sitaution would need to be resolved so that the good for those who are keeping the Torah (Israel/Jews) and the 7 mitzvoth (non-Jewish nations) can be maintained or established."