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God is a person


slow walker
I will share how this process works for me.It is more of a place of being then anything.Take the strongest feeling of love and multiply it over and over and its like basking in a sea of this love.Every limiting thought disipates and all negativity just vanishes. It seems every cell in the body becomes alive with energy and you are just rejuvinating new life into the body.Every bad and evil thought you have even toward your worst enemies turns into thoughts of love and you can't even stop praying for those you you thought you hated most.It is a universal love does not even exist inside of yourself but just seems to come into your heart and take over.You can feel sickness and alien energies in your body being destroyed from this place and its as though you just release it through your consciousness.Death completely looses its sting and fear cannot even dwell in the same place.Your consciousness opens wide open and is not contracted around thoughts period.It is like a light is turned on inside of you and all of the garbage and limiting thoughts you have held onto just leave and is replaced with more love and an over whelming feeling of peace.Depression and other mental illnesses are just let go of and released as they can't dwell in this presence of energy.All nagging voices you may have had in the back of your mind making you think you have to do this or that or have this or that to be happy are suddenly vanished and you are just left with a quiet mind and a sense that is all is well and left to be in peace and joy.

Thanks for that description. I don't see, though, how it constitutes communication with a god. As an atheist, I can achieve much the same through meditation. Stilling the mind, calming your thoughts - all can be done whether you are atheist or a theist. Communication with god is just the label some people choose to use for the experience, but that doesn't make it really so.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that description. I don't see, though, how it constitutes communication with a god. As an atheist, I can achieve much the same through meditation. Stilling the mind, calming your thoughts - all can be done whether you are atheist or a theist. Communication with god is just the label some people choose to use for the experience, but that doesn't make it really so.
There is a place you go where labels cannot follow but stay in the materialistic realm.Labels only try to describe that place from a place other than being in that place as they don't exist in true reality.As Einstein stated reality is an illusion although a very persistant one.Labels describe this illusion.

Once I rose above the noise and confusion, just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion.
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Its only a Label
Friend Man Of Faith,

God is a person
Therefore he wills, feels, thinks, enjoys, loves, desires, and suffers like any person does. And I can cultivate a relationship with him just like I can with any person. I wouldn’t tell any person that they don’t exist, use their name while cursing, or do what they don’t want me to if I want to cultivate a relationship with them. I would talk to them and try to find out how to please them.

God is a concept as it only means the totality of the energies in this universe which is in every form or no-forms including humans. In effect man too is part of that concept labelled *god* and so you can do all those you mentioned.

Love & rgds


You don't know what God knows. This is like a person saying, if I was in that situation, I would do this and such. Nobody knows what we would do unless we were in that situation. God did engineer the universe to be without suffering for humans, but he gave us free will to ruin that. That is the free will defense.

I'm personally quite offended by this, my Grandma recently passed away from cancer, she suffered for a very long time, are you saying this is her fault, she did something wrong in the past? How can you believe in a God that would cause such a good person so much suffering?


I think most people here would be willing to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing innocents, if we knew that it was the only way to end the war - and thus save the lives of countless more. God sees the big picture... kill 1,000 to save 1,000,000...

What a completely insane comment to make! I'm pretty sure more than a thousand people died and are STILL dying to this day from the radiation, children being born with defects etc...There are more ways to end a war than an atomic bomb! I'm genially concerned in your believes!

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
God hates and gets rageful and we were created in his image. I can hate what people do but not hate people in the perspective of we are all fallen beings so we make mistakes. I can rage up and do good by stopping evil when I need to. Like I said emotions have their purpose, even though mankind can't control them like we were created to.

So, you consider things like rage and hatred to be good things. That's quite a weird perspective.

Should I get rageful when someone tries to hurt my child, or just say ho hum, thats nice? Which one is better?

That's a false dichotomy. There are options other than that. You could simply dislike what he did and seek punishment/rehabilitation for him. I'd much prefer that from an omnipotent god.

Going into a rage implies you're not being rational. I don't want an omnipotent god to stop being rational at any time.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
We already went over this, Atheists don't live like there is no God, not one of them. They all live like there is a foundation for morality, logic, personhood and meaning and purpose in their lives. You even admitted yourself that every community that you go to you accepet that rape is absolutely immoral in all situations. The Atheist worldview is morals should be up to society and there are no absolute morals. So you don't live like an Atheist none of them do.

Atheists don't believe there is a God. Without God there is still a foundation for morality, personhood, meaning and purpose in life, and logic is a big part of that. And the atheist worldview is not necessarily that morals should be up to society and there are no absolute morals. The only thing that's absolutely atheistic there is that, whether or not there's an absolute morality, it doesn't come from any god.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Depends on what causes the rage/hatred... If someone rapes/kills your daughter/wife/husband/son, yes, you should be enraged.

Maybe I should, but that's irrelevant. We're not talking about me. We're talking about certain emotions, and we're talking about God.

This still doesn't answer the question of whether or not rage and hatred are good things.


Okay, I’ll accept that, however your Swedish comparison is false also because we are talking about how life would be under atheism, not how it would look under secularism with freedom of religion. Atheists tell me that the US is a secular country but 80% of the people believe in God, so secularism and atheism are two different things. Secularism is religious neutral, atheism is religious rejection.

Look at the animal life and that is the atheistic worldview. Animals tear each other up and eat each other, killing indiscriminately. I feed my dogs and the one dog always gets more because he is the biggest and strongest. If any dog tries to get in his way he jumps on him and fights him away. The strong survive under atheism. It is a naturalistic survival of the fittest worldview. No one would want to live under it, not even atheists.

You're free to believe in whatever you like, however, you have to contend with the facts and evidence supporting scientific theories that consequently debunk religious myths.

I am an atheist and I personally would not like to live in a Darwin society, HOWEVER, my desires on how the world should be run in the present and future has no bearing at all on how it was in the past.

Also, do you honestly believe that your dog has any concept of a God at all? If not then how could it be an atheist and live with an atheist worldview? An atheist is somebody who has decided not to believe in a God.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Depends on what causes the rage/hatred... If someone rapes/kills your daughter/wife/husband/son, yes, you should be enraged.

What about Christ's teachings of turning the other cheek. Early Christians let their whole families be killed without raising a hand in self defense.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
The concept of person is far too broad to account for anything. Legally a corporation meets the requirements to be a person.
Legal definitions don't always mean a whole lot.

Legally, a car is "a vehicle with four wheels in contact with the road surface at all times", but I don't think that my car temporarily becomes a motorcycle when I jack one wheel up off the ground to change a tire.

Even though I see the legal rationale for how it can be handy to treat a corporation as a "person" for the purposes of the law, I don't think a corporation meets any reasonable test of "personhood".

So here is a question for consideration that gets down to the very core of the matter. Is G-d a (or the) man of holiness?
How do you define "holiness"?

What about Christ's teachings of turning the other cheek. Early Christians let their whole families be killed without raising a hand in self defense.
Well... yeah. Rage against an injustice can motivate you to combat that injustice. But in taking things into your own hands like that, you're denying God the opportunity to provide for your needs. In some versions of Christianity, that's a bad thing. Personally, I think combatting injustice is a good thing.