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Historical Accuracy in Scripture


Veteran Member
Byzantine diatribes? Drama?! Please explain.
I think my posts are pretty clear, and the questions I raise relevant.
What beliefs do you have an issue with? List some and I'll attempt to support them.
Hey take a good deal when offered!

See the " that's all, good bye"?

The lurkers all see who lost.


Veteran Member
How could "lessons" be learned from some information that is not accurate?

Have you have heard the expression "the moral of the story"?
That's how.

I can even look at anime cartoons like Dragonball and learn lessons from it about courage, willpower and even how after a life of crime and evil there is still hope for you to turn your back to you it and have a change of heart.

Seriously, how can you not know this?

The historical accuracy of the Bible proves that all other information it contains, including advices for daily living and promises for the future, is reliable.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Does it matter if if the stories in religious scripture actually took place?
It does if people believe them and act on those beliefs. Look at what becomes of zealous religious literalists.
I think that is a good question. I think the lessons are much more important than what actually happened.
What lessons? I studied the Bible intensively during my Christian years, which were from about age 18 to my late twenties. I can't think of a single thing I learned then that I consider of value now. Maybe you can share a few things you first read in a Bible that have been important ideas to you through your life.
The historical accuracy of the Bible proves that all other information it contains, including advices for daily living and promises for the future, is reliable.
And if we discover inaccuracies there, you'd agree that we should consider that source unreliable and not base decisions on its advice, correct?
The historical accuracy of the Bible have been more than established.
No. There is no evidence that Adam and Eve ever lived, nor of the universe being made in six days, nor of a global flood, nor that a man named Moses rescued the Jews from slavery in Egypt or led them across a desert for forty years, nor that a man named Jesus was resurrected from the dead, and more. There may have been no Nazareth or census at the time of the birth of Jesus.
do you think the world would be a better place to live: full of college students or full of Jehovah's Witnesses?
This one made me chuckle. What do Jehovah's Witnesses do for the world? They don't make the lives of others better and they don't make the world a better place. I enjoy their visits, but otherwise, they are irrelevant in my life.

I recently was visited by the Jehovah's Witnesses. The visit began by assuming that the world was a terrible place, getting worse, and that I probably agreed with that. I did not. I explained that although many live difficult lives, the world is also a wonderful place for many, and that I was happy being in it. That was literally the end of the discussion. They said thank you and moved along. That surprised me. Why did they give up? Were they unprepared for and stymied by my answer? That didn't seem possible, but what else could it be? My point is that if I didn't see the world as going to hell in a bucket, it seems that they thought they had nothing to say to me.

I don't see such people contributing anything of value to the world, but those college students will.
This people of Jehovah's Witnesses is a highly educated international community like the one you will not find any other. I am proud to be an active member.
I'm familiar with their level of education. What they are is indoctrinated, not educated.
All dialogue with indoctrinated people is useless, and irrational atheists are already indoctrinated.
You don't know the difference between education and indoctrination. They both intend to teach, but use different methods. Indoctrination is teaching through repetition and specious argumentation. Sound, evidenced arguments aren't part of the process. For that, we turn to academia including the universities that the JW's warn their adherents not to let their children attend. Education IS accomplished using evidenced argument. Let me illustrate.

Billy is raised in a church environment where he is indoctrinated with creationism. His Sunday school teachers, parents, and pastor tell him that God created the kinds, and repeat it as often as necessary. They offer no evidence or argument, they don't like being challenged, and they are very interested in how much the indoctrinee has accepted.

Then, against his pastor's advice, Billy goes to university and takes a class in evolution. There, he is told what conclusions Darwin arrived at and what evidence and reasoning was used to reach it. He is also given examples of how this idea has benefitted mankind in areas like medicine and agriculture. And he learns about falsifiability and that the theory has not been falsified. His professor doesn't mind his questions, and if he doesn't answer them to the student's satisfaction, will direct him to additional study resources. Then he takes a test, but is NEVER asked whether he believes Darwin, just whether he knows what Darwin thought and why.

These are radically different methods which generate radically different kinds of belief. The JW is indoctrinated. The atheist is educated.
When the faith is based on true knowledge, it becomes something more than just credulity.
But you don't have knowledge, just faith-based beliefs. Knowledge is generated empirically. Faith leads to false and unfalsifiable belief.


Veteran Member

Historical Accuracy in Scripture

Bible contradictions

81.Was Jesus’ body wrapped in spices before burial in accordance with Jewish burial customs?
(a) Yes and his female disciples witnessed his burial (John 19:39-40)
(b) No. Jesus was simply wrapped in a linen shroud. Then the women bought and prepared spices “so that they may go and anoint him [Jesus)” (Mark 16: 1)

Such contradictions of the NT Bible loudly speak that NT Bible was neither narrated/authored by Jesus/Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah nor inspired by G-d, please, right?



Well-Known Member
What lessons? I studied the Bible intensively during my Christian years, which were from about age 18 to my late twenties. I can't think of a single thing I learned then that I consider of value now. Maybe you can share a few things you first read in a Bible that have been important ideas to you through your life.
To me it has been a good lesson for example to know people, how evil they often are and what it means.


Veteran Member

Historical Accuracy in Scripture

Bible contradictions

82.When did the women buy the spices?
(a) After “the Sabbath was past” (Mark 16:1)
(b) Before the Sabbath. The women “prepared spices and ointments.” Then, “on the Sabbath they rested according to the commandment” (Luke 23:55 to 24:1)

Such contradictions of the NT Bible loudly speak that NT Bible was neither narrated/authored by Jesus/Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah nor inspired by G-d, please, right?



Well-Known Member
Does it matter if if the stories in religious scripture actually took place?

What is more important in scripture, historical accuracy or the lessons that can be learned from it?

The lessons of course.

The stories are often just pictures to expose the lesson. Even if the lessons are often misunderstood.


Veteran Member

Historical Accuracy in Scripture

Bible contradictions

83.At what time of day did the women visit the tomb?
(a) “Toward the dawn” (Matthew 28: 1)
(b) “When the sun had risen” (Mark 16:2)

Such contradictions of the NT Bible loudly speak that NT Bible was neither narrated/authored by Jesus/Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah nor inspired by G-d, please, right?


Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Modern anti-Bible attitude is just b*** from some atheists, desperate to become controllers of the masses, so they need to remove God and his written Word from the equation. That will never happen.
God told me that He didn’t write the Bible. I should believe God, not some book, right?


Veteran Member
A large part of the universal history that we know was obtained from the Bible and was verified through documents and pieces unearthed in subsequent excavations in biblical places.

Although atheists today try to discredit the Bible as a reliable document, modern knowledge and science are based on the Bible and the scientific work of thousands of believing men in the past.

Modern anti-Bible attitude is just b*** from some atheists, desperate to become controllers of the masses, so they need to remove God and his written Word from the equation. That will never happen.

Have you ever wondered why the languages and human races are called Semitic, Japhetic, and Hamitic? Well, investigate, because it seems that there are many ignoramuses taking advantage of the anonymity of the Internet to pose as intellectuals.
to discredit the Bible as a reliable document, modern knowledge and science are based on the Bible
" to discredit the Bible as a reliable document, modern knowledge and science are based on the Bible "

Isn't it a tall claim when Jesus never knew of the NT-Bible, he only knew the Tanakh/OT, please, right??


Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Jesus talked about Moses (John 3:14) and about Adan and Eve also (Matt. 19:4-6). He considered those facts and persons as historic.
Jesus didn’t know pagans could have faith. He is clearly not knowledgeable about how life works and his parables just emphasize that ignorance.