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Historical Accuracy in Scripture


Veteran Member
A large part of the universal history that we know was obtained from the Bible and was verified through documents and pieces unearthed in subsequent excavations in biblical places.

Although atheists today try to discredit the Bible as a reliable document, modern knowledge and science are based on the Bible and the scientific work of thousands of believing men in the past.

Modern anti-Bible attitude is just b*** from some atheists, desperate to become controllers of the masses, so they need to remove God and his written Word from the equation. That will never happen.

Have you ever wondered why the languages and human races are called Semitic, Japhetic, and Hamitic? Well, investigate, because it seems that there are many ignoramuses taking advantage of the anonymity of the Internet to pose as intellectuals.
Sorry, what science, exactly is "based on the Bible?"


Veteran Member
Any education can be indoctrination... It is undoubtedly ridiculous to make someone believe that if they do not go to university they will be indoctrinated or they will not be a cultured and educated person, and if they go to university they will not be. Psss, the things we are forced to read online!!!! :rolleyes:
Who has said that?
Most likely, not even the vast majority of those who make so much apology for higher education here, just with the aim of showing contempt for believers and offending them by calling them ignorant, have taken a higher course in their entire lives... :cool:

The administration of internet forums should censor atheist posts with that line of argument... and deprogram all bots with that kind of offensive comments in their databases, so they can not post that kind of insults against other real forumers any more.
We get it. You don't like atheists. So much so that you want to censor them from saying things you don't like.


Veteran Member
There are a lot of factors that prove the Bible is the word of God. You just don't want to see them.
Perhaps you could present them to us. Despite what you think, some of us sinister atheists want to believe in true things. If you've got some truth, let's hear it.
But evidently if you don't even believe God exists, what can I show you to prove He got any word at all :shrug:.
I don't know, you're the one who believes. You tell us.
All dialogue with indoctrinated people is useless, and irrational atheists are already indoctrinated. :facepalm:
What are atheists indoctrinated with, exactly?
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Veteran Member
Of course, I am indoctrinated in Jesus teachings:

Matt. 28:18 And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”

1 Tim. 1:3 (...) command certain ones not to teach different doctrine, 4 nor to pay attention to false stories and to genealogies. Such things end up in nothing useful but merely give rise to speculations rather than providing anything from God in connection with faith.

Heb. 6:1 Therefore, now that we have moved beyond the primary doctrine about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying a foundation again (...)

So are you ... but not in Christ's doctrine. :)

I don't see anything wrong on being "indoctrinated", you do. But "doctrine" is the same as teaching. We are educated in diferent teachings than you are. And evidently our teachings are superior ... because of our fruits as international community ... I am talking about JWs, not about Christendom in general.

Jesus said "wisdom is proved righteous by its works" (Matt. 11:19).
It seems like you did just a minute ago ...

"All dialogue with indoctrinated people is useless, and irrational atheists are already indoctrinated."


Veteran Member
Forcing and also coercing people to get the vaccine is against the Nuremberg code that says:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

Firing people, or preventing them to move is coercing, if done to make people accept the shot.

I think it depends on what is the law. But, for example law that says, don't murder, has obviously purpose to prevent murder. I think laws that all people can agree on are legitimate. For example don't murder, no one wants to be murdered, so it is a legitimate law. And in all cases, I think the law should be equal for all so that, if for example a world leader brakes the law, he gets the same punishment as anyone else.
Where were people fired where the intention of doing so was to force them to "get the shot?"


Well-Known Member
Where were people fired where the intention of doing so was to force them to "get the shot?"

Here is few examples:

"But Bohnak's time as chief meteorologist for news station TV6 came to an abrupt end last month. He was fired after refusing to comply with the vaccine mandate imposed by his station's corporate owner, Gray Television."

More U.S. businesses have started requiring employees to get their COVID-19 shots, leaving the unvaccinated with a stark choice: Get jabbed or seek work elsewhere.

Health Workers Are Getting Fired For Refusing The Covid Vaccine—Here’s Why Office Workers Could Be, Too

Only 43 of more than 8,000 discharged from US military for refusing Covid vaccine have rejoined


Well-Known Member
Does it matter if if the stories in religious scripture actually took place?

What is more important in scripture, historical accuracy or the lessons that can be learned from it?

Originally the stories of the scripture were intended to be used as spiritual instruction. Going forward from their inception religions AND state authority established the scripture books as divinely ordained, even inspired!

The Old Testament of Abrahamic faith was compiled, edited and finalized during the Babylonian captivity, a time of devastating loss of religious and nationalist identity for the Israelites. The "audience" were the scattered and spiritually downcast common people who would benefit from a spectacular story of origins and destiny. The fact is, it worked!


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Here is few examples:

"But Bohnak's time as chief meteorologist for news station TV6 came to an abrupt end last month. He was fired after refusing to comply with the vaccine mandate imposed by his station's corporate owner, Gray Television."

More U.S. businesses have started requiring employees to get their COVID-19 shots, leaving the unvaccinated with a stark choice: Get jabbed or seek work elsewhere.

Health Workers Are Getting Fired For Refusing The Covid Vaccine—Here’s Why Office Workers Could Be, Too

Only 43 of more than 8,000 discharged from US military for refusing Covid vaccine have rejoined
Don't private businesses have a right to set requirements for their workers and themselves? Doesn't the DoD have a right to establish rules for those in the military?

Seems to me that, as a Christian, a person should be pro life, thus we get the shot not only to hopefully save ourselves but also to save others. Don't you agree with that?


Veteran Member
There are a lot of factors that prove the Bible is the word of God. You just don't want to see them.

But evidently if you don't even believe God exists, what can I show you to prove He got any word at all :shrug:.

All dialogue with indoctrinated people is useless, and irrational atheists are already indoctrinated. :facepalm:
You sure have psychological projection
worked out. Any other lesson in psych 101 you
want to demo for us?


Veteran Member
Here is few examples:

"But Bohnak's time as chief meteorologist for news station TV6 came to an abrupt end last month. He was fired after refusing to comply with the vaccine mandate imposed by his station's corporate owner, Gray Television."

More U.S. businesses have started requiring employees to get their COVID-19 shots, leaving the unvaccinated with a stark choice: Get jabbed or seek work elsewhere.

Health Workers Are Getting Fired For Refusing The Covid Vaccine—Here’s Why Office Workers Could Be, Too

Only 43 of more than 8,000 discharged from US military for refusing Covid vaccine have rejoined
If that seems harsh it's coz you were not in


Well-Known Member
Don't private businesses have a right to set requirements for their workers and themselves? Doesn't the DoD have a right to establish rules for those in the military?
By what the Nuremberg code says, it was wrong. But, obviously people can have different opinions. I think government, or companies should not have right to demand people to take experimental shots. But, in the case of companies I can accept that they have freedom to choose who they hire, even in arbitrary and foolish way. And then people should have freedom to reject that company and let it go out of business, for being tyrannical and evil.
Seems to me that, as a Christian, a person should be pro life, thus we get the shot not only to hopefully save ourselves but also to save others. Don't you agree with that?
A Christians is saved by Jesus, not by quacks.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
By what the Nuremberg code says, it was wrong. But, obviously people can have different opinions. I think government, or companies should not have right to demand people to take experimental shots. But, in the case of companies I can accept that they have freedom to choose who they hire, even in arbitrary and foolish way. And then people should have freedom to reject that company and let it go out of business, for being tyrannical and evil.

Under national current law, no one can be forced to take a shot, so your point is moot.

A Christians is saved by Jesus, not by quacks.

Seems that you don't give a hoot about protecting others with the proven vaccines, thus I have to question whether you are in actuality pro life. If I drive 85 in a 25, my carelessness can lead to someone's death; and what you are proposing and doing is much the same, namely your intention to not protect others. But that's not what the Gospels teach us is moral.


Veteran Member
Here is few examples:

"But Bohnak's time as chief meteorologist for news station TV6 came to an abrupt end last month. He was fired after refusing to comply with the vaccine mandate imposed by his station's corporate owner, Gray Television."
Not enough information on this guy in the article.
More U.S. businesses have started requiring employees to get their COVID-19 shots, leaving the unvaccinated with a stark choice: Get jabbed or seek work elsewhere.
From the article:

"Under labor laws, employers have the right to set their terms and conditions of employment — if a worker doesn't comply, a company can give them the ax. This also applies for COVID-19 vaccinations, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

"The EEOC has made clear that individuals can be required to take the vaccine as a term and condition of employment. That is subject to requests for accommodation based on medical reasons or sincerely held religious belief," Helen Rella, a workplace attorney at New York-based law firm Wilk Auslander, told CBS MoneyWatch."

Health Workers Are Getting Fired For Refusing The Covid Vaccine—Here’s Why Office Workers Could Be, Too
Sorry, but it's nothing new that healthcare and medical professionals need to be up-to-date on their vaccinations, if they want to work in the field, especially if they're interacting with patients. Same goes for masks and other protective gear. For super obvious reasons, I think. This was going on long before COVID came around.
Only 43 of more than 8,000 discharged from US military for refusing Covid vaccine have rejoined

These people were allowed to return after the mandate was lifted, and most chose not to. Their choice.

Despite what some may believe, you're not entitled to a particular job. There are, and always have been conditions attached to employment.
If you don't want a vaccine, fine, don't get one, but there are consequences for our actions. If I don't feel like following the speed limits, I'm not entitled to have a driver's licence and drive a car, anyone, just because I want to.

Do you not think that employers have a responsibility to protect their workers? How about during a global pandemic? Do you remember what happened when Tyson Foods didn't take proper precautions to protect their workers? Here, I'll refresh your memory:



Well-Known Member
Seems that you don't give a hoot about protecting others with the proven vaccines,
In more civilized era vaccines were taken to protect the vaccinated person.

I think everyone who thinks it can save him, should be allowed to take it. But demanding others to take them is wrong.


Well-Known Member
Do you not think that employers have a responsibility to protect their workers? How about during a global pandemic?
I think you asked examples of people who lost their work. So, apparently these were enough for that?

It is a different matter was it right. And I think no one should have to take any drugs against his will, without losing his job, especially when the pandemic seems to have been fake.


Veteran Member
In more civilized era vaccines were taken to protect the vaccinated person.

I think everyone who thinks it can save him, should be allowed to take it. But demanding others to take them is wrong.
This is untrue. Vaccination has for years been used as a method of controlling, or ideally eliminating, disease in populations. Just consider polio or smallpox, against which people of my generation were all routinely immunised, back in the 1950s. (I rowed in the school Ist VIII with a guy who had had polio, had a withered leg and was on crutches, poor fellow. Though he trained like hell on the good leg and nearly made the national lightweights later on).