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Active Member
This is a cop-out answer.
Can you make yourself sexually attracted to a member of the same sex? Yes or no?
Without 'it's a sin', or 'it's weird'; without religion or culture as barriers. Can you make yourself attracted, sexually, to someone who shares the same sex as yourself?

I am sorry, I dont try to understand why the world is attract to sins that Jesus does not allowed. I was in that world for a long time. And I have no intention of going back. Been there done that plenty enough.
Ok, I did not know what you meant. thanks.
It's worth mentioning, some members on the forum feel sorry for yourself too, because you feel you cannot remarry and seem lonely.
I already told you I am not lonely. I know secular world think they are free but I know what is like to follow secular standards. I was free to sin but it did not worth it. I will not replace my position even with Bill Gates.
Who is a non-believer? Upon what basis do you make that decision? What do you think 'our ways' are?
All secular world is non-believers, however, according to Jesus, if self claimed Christians which most of the Christians (of course that includes me too) are not true to Jesus' teachings, they are worse then non-believers because they are misrepresent Jesus with their hypocritical practice.

Jesus hates hypocrisy and hypocrites will not inherit God's kingdom.

When we professed to be Christians, Jesus expects a lot from them.


Active Member
... so? Jesus never said you couldn't vote, so what are you talking about?

Jesus said His followers are not of this world, He also said let the dead bury their own dead. This world is dead to Jesus and politics are of this world. His followers should not get involved with politics.


Jesus said His followers are not of this world, He also said let the dead bury their own dead. This world is dead to Jesus and politics are of this world. His followers should not get involved with politics.

So basically you're saying that god doesn't care about this world or the people in it who aren't "his followers" and wants his followers to just ignore it?


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Meshak said:
When we professed to be Christians, Jesus expects a lot from them.
Don't make it so hard. What you are expected to do is to love other people, but you prefer isolating yourself from anyone that makes you uncomfortable. All you have to do is do what is right, to love mercy and to walk humbly. You don't have to exclude other people or build fences around truth to protect it.
I Peter 4.8-9 said:
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.
See? You are concerned about many things, but only one thing is needful.

"Isaiah 1.28" said:
Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow. ... "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.
All you have to do is do good, seek justice, rebuke oppressors, defend the orphans, help the widows. Everything else is small and insignificant.
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Wonder Woman
So basically you're saying that god doesn't care about this world or the people in it who aren't "his followers" and wants his followers to just ignore it?

Oh goodness, if only that were so. If only "his followers" would stay out of politics and ignore those who aren't "his followers" and leave the rest of us the heck alone. We wouldn't have the stupid discriminatory laws we have. We wouldn't have half the sexism and misogynistic problems we have. Oh my, can you imagine how government and leadership would change?


Active Member
Don't make it so hard.
It is Jesus who expect a lot from His followers. He expect us to live for Him by abondoning our former way of living and changing to His way.
See? You are concerned about many things, but only one thing is needful.
Of course we are. that is a huge responsibility.
All you have to do is do good, seek justice, rebuke oppressors, defend the orphans, help the widows. Everything else is small and insignificant.
It is not as easy as you are making it out be. Jesus says narrow the gate to life and only and few find it.

But we get a lot more back in return. It is blessing to live for Jesus.:)


Active Member
So basically you're saying that god doesn't care about this world or the people in it who aren't "his followers" and wants his followers to just ignore it?

God wants all people to live with Him. This world is full of hatred and violence, God's world is perfect and peaceful.

God is offering peaceful life through Jesus, but most people are not interested in living in peaceful life.


God wants all people to live with Him. This world is full of hatred and violence, God's world is perfect and peaceful.

God is offering peaceful life through Jesus, but most people are not interested in living in peaceful life.

You say that, and yet you seem to be spitting hell fire and hatred at us all.

Either way, I don't really care. Like Draka implied, if Christians and other religious folk would back down I would be much happier. I live a very wonderful, peaceful life without Jesus, thank you.


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Jesus didn't come to bring peace, he came to bring a sword.

According to the gospels anyway.


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It is Jesus who expect a lot from His followers. He expect us to live for Him by abondoning our former way of living and changing to His way.

Of course we are. that is a huge responsibility.

It is not as easy as you are making it out be. Jesus says narrow the gate to life and only and few find it.

But we get a lot more back in return. It is blessing to live for Jesus.:)
Meshak, the narrow gate is not a new teaching. It is a very old teaching which you are unfamiliar with, yet you quote Jesus as if you taught it to him. He refers to the fact that humanity is a mixture of good and evil, a well understood and thoroughly important doctrine to Jesus. It is richly based in scriptures that you are too busy to consider. Books and books are in what Jesus has said here about a narrow gate, but you think it means 'The gate furthest to the right'. You couldn't be more mistaken. The question, the big question, was always what was the best way for a person to go, since they were imperfect. Jesus commented 'By the narrow gate', the meaning of which should be understood by you but isn't. The narrow gate is always in the middle. How can you have missed these things, teacher?

You have refused to let Jesus wash your feet. If you continue, you will miss the narrow gate by pulling too far to the right. You will then destroy yourself if you haven't done so already. No fear of you pulling too far to the left, though the resulting destruction will be the same. Like Jesus, you must learn to eat with sinners. (communion hello?) This is part of confessing that you are a sinner. Rest your feet and let Jesus wash them, or you have no part in him.
Deuteronomy 1:28 Where can we go? Our brothers have made our hearts melt in fear. They say, 'The people are stronger and taller than we are; the cities are large, with walls up to the sky. We even saw the Anakites there.' "
Deu 1:29 Then I said to you, "Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them.
Deu 1:30 The LORD your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes,
Deu 1:31 and in the wilderness. There you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place."
Deu 1:32 In spite of this, you did not trust in the LORD your God,
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