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How can you justify the sheer complexity that evolution would have to evolve?


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
More phony sources based on the intentional ignorance of science.
“Phony sources”, eh? This from someone who ‘intentionally ignores’ facts.

This is a fact: innumerable megafauna are found deep within the freshwater Permafrost, all across the Northern Hemisphere; and some of the megafauna are very well preserved. You and others can’t provide a suitable explanation, so you would rather ignore these facts?

Got it.

Don’t accuse me of being intentionally ignorant. Those who employ ad Homs only reveal they have weak arguments.
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Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
I see opinions here and personal viewpoints. Not saying you can’t have them.

Yes… texts do deteriorate and then there are wars, burning of manuscripts too. But as we all know, absence of older transcripts doesn’t translate that they didn’t exist.

ff I were to look at the scriptures of
Exodus 17:14
And the Lord said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.

Moses lived somewhere between 1391–1271 BC - so I can assume that is when things began to be recorded.

I see opinions here

Notice that nobody really can be sure

Again… notice all the opinions

Again… notice the opinions

Absence of archaeological evidence does not mean it didn’t happen

No… all it does is dictate when those particular findings were created.
Composition of the Torah - Wikipedia

So, basically, you have a viewpoint. I simply view the statement of
Exodus 17:14
And the Lord said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.

as historical and have no reason to believe it was a myth. But you can if you want.
Kenny, you are such a kind person in your responses!

I wish I knew you.

Here’s an item you might like…

So the obvious conclusion is, if these scrolls are that old, and they are copies
What does that say about the original manuscript that these scrolls are quoting from?
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Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
"GodDidIt" only works on choir members.

Now since it is painfully obvious you are not very good at answering questions from non choir members...
But you, you are very good…. at ignoring the evidence i presented.

Ask @Subduction Zone how the animals got enveloped deep within the Permafrost.
If you’re impartial, maybe it’ll give you a good laugh.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
How many hundreds of times does this have to be refuted? In fact you refute it yourself. Prove that the frozen carcasses were "deep" within the permafrost? Your inability to support that claim alone refutes your nonsense.

In the past you conflated estimates of how many critters there are in the permafrost with how deep they are in the permafrost.
So you can’t offer a viable explanation.

Ignore it…maybe it’ll go away.

Your counter arguments aren’t refutations, just hot wind.


Well-Known Member
The lawyers can present evidence and experts, but it is the jury that listens and decides what they accept towards a judgment.
Yes that is our legal system and the jurors swear to make their judgement on the evidence presented without personal bias which eliminates you as an appropriate juror as you have predetermined that no evidence is sufficient to override your prior religious indoctrination.

Science uses pretty much the same system except the jurors are experts in the subject as well and better able to question the evidence.
Theistic scientists put their beliefs in gods aside when judging the physical evidence, asw trial jurors are to put personal thoughts of the litigants aside.


Well-Known Member
But you, you are very good…. at ignoring the evidence i presented.

Ask @Subduction Zone how the animals got enveloped deep within the Permafrost.
If you’re impartial, maybe it’ll give you a good laugh.
Common causes are drowning and rapid burial by mudslides confirmed by observations of the environment around them.
We are familiar with your sources, they are neither new or original, They follow a pattern of creationist science where you start with the assumption that Genesis is true and look for instances that can be tweaked to support it while ignoring the majority of the data and justifying anything that doesn't fit with miracles or mysterious ways.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
And just for @Hockeycowboy here is your favorite picture that refutes your flood:

Here again is your mistake, which I’ve pointed out before…

How many times do I have to tell you? “Hundreds”?

The Flood is not dependent on Young Earth claims.

The earth is old. These meandering formations, at Utah’s Gooseneck State park & Horseshoe Bend in AZ, existed prior to the Flood. If anything, the Flood removed more of the debris.

Your argument fails.

As for my argument,
here’s proof that some can be found deep within:

(At 0:48 sec.)

When you consider the number of animals that have been found compared to the limited areas of digging deep into the hard Permafrost, huge numbers of frozen animals have been extrapolated / calculated to exist within it.

So go on your merry way, my cousin.


Well-Known Member
So you can’t offer a viable explanation.

Ignore it…maybe it’ll go away.

Your counter arguments aren’t refutations, just hot wind.
You actually have not presented any evidence of "deeply buried" anything.
Give us a link and I have no doubt it will be easily refuted by looking at the original discovery and the scientists own papers, particularly since creationists do no primary research.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Here again is your mistake, which I’ve pointed out before…

How many times do I have to tell you? “Hundreds”?

The Flood is not dependent on Young Earth claims.

The earth is old. These meandering formations, at Utah’s Gooseneck State park & Horseshoe Bend in AZ, existed prior to the Flood. If anything, the Flood removed more of the debris.

Your argument fails.

As for my argument,
here’s proof that some can be found deep within:

(At 0:48 sec.)

When you consider the number of animals that have been found compared to the limited areas of digging deep into the hard Permafrost, huge numbers of frozen animals have been extrapolated / calculated to exist within it.

So go on your merry way, my cousin.
The problem is that a giant flood would have left evidence. Massive evidence. At least YEC's try to manufacture evidence. There is none to be seen. Your beliefs are as wrong as those of YEC's. You also seem to have a strange belief that ice does not float.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Common causes are drowning and rapid burial by mudslides confirmed by observations of the environment around them.

We’re talking the Pleistocene extinctions, not individual drownings. It isn’t common.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
Here -- to me it is a sad thing when someone is convicted "based on the evidence," and they were wrongfully convicted, perhaps even put to death...no matter when it happened.

So what's the alternative? Anarchy?

And I don't think many people have been convicted wrongly because of evidence. Corrupt police or corrupt court systems however.....


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
So what's the alternative? Anarchy?

And I don't think many people have been convicted wrongly because of evidence. Corrupt police or corrupt court systems however.....
Well, considering that Jesus and many of his followers early on were killed and/or persecuted -- the best alternative for me is to apply Bible principles, at least to my life as much as I can, although I definitely know I am not perfect. (yet)
I'd have to tell a judge that because I apply Bible principle to my life and my conscience may not agree with the "law of the land," it would be better to not put me on a jury or else there might be a hung jury if I cannot render a vote.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Here -- to me it is a sad thing when someone is convicted "based on the evidence," and they were wrongfully convicted, perhaps even put to death...no matter when it happened.
It is exceedingly rare for people to be falsely convicted on scientific evidence. Though it can happen rarely. Far more often it is due to poor eyewitness evidence. The Innocence Project frees the vast majority of wrongly convicted people using scientific evidence. And the sciences are not perfect either. But there are degrees of how sure that scientists are in ideas. And expecting evolution to be refuted is about as likely as seeing a rock fall up. Sooner or later you have to deal with concepts as reality even if they go against your cherished beliefs.


Premium Member
“Phony sources”, eh? This from someone who ‘intentionally ignores’ facts.

This is a fact: innumerable megafauna are found deep within the freshwater Permafrost, all across the Northern Hemisphere; and some of the megafauna are very well preserved. You and others can’t provide a suitable explanation, so you would rather ignore these facts?

This a result of the Ice Age preservation and there remains absolutely no evidence for a world flood. There are no flood deposition deposits known in geologic history other than local flooding events.
Got it.

Don’t accuse me of being intentionally ignorant. Those who employ ad Homs only reveal they have weak arguments.

I am accusing you of being intentionally ignorant of of science and citing phony misleading and dishonest sources concerning the history of life and the earth billions of years old.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
And you know they're misinterpreting the evidence because of your expertise in the field?
Let's go over this again. Since the position of many scientists is that life evolved from a cellular structure to more complex structures ever so slowly and gradually, eventually going through all the phases of the categories outlined by scientists such as fish, amphibians, apes, etc., that is how their mind set is in regard to the evolution of living forms goes in their minds. Now perhaps we can get back to discussing more about the Devonian period, since it has been said here by some (including you, perhaps?) that there were no mammals during that time period, yet others say there were.


Well-Known Member
Here again is your mistake, which I’ve pointed out before…

How many times do I have to tell you? “Hundreds”?

The Flood is not dependent on Young Earth claims.

The earth is old. These meandering formations, at Utah’s Gooseneck State park & Horseshoe Bend in AZ, existed prior to the Flood. If anything, the Flood removed more of the debris.

Your argument fails.

As for my argument,
here’s proof that some can be found deep within:

(At 0:48 sec.)

When you consider the number of animals that have been found compared to the limited areas of digging deep into the hard Permafrost, huge numbers of frozen animals have been extrapolated / calculated to exist within it.

So go on your merry way, my cousin.
So just what is your claim? Yes things have been found in permafrost, but nothing that is causing any reevaluation of geology or the history of earth.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
It is exceedingly rare for people to be falsely convicted on scientific evidence. Though it can happen rarely. Far more often it is due to poor eyewitness evidence. The Innocence Project frees the vast majority of wrongly convicted people using scientific evidence. And the sciences are not perfect either. But there are degrees of how sure that scientists are in ideas. And expecting evolution to be refuted is about as likely as seeing a rock fall up. Sooner or later you have to deal with concepts as reality even if they go against your cherished beliefs.
So what happened during the Devonian period? Were there mammals or no mammals during that time, what do you think -- but more importantly to you I guess, what do you think scientists think about this?