I also don't believe in getting involved in politics.
2. I believe in staying morally clean.
3. I believe in being a good person as much as we are capable of.
4. I believe in preaching the truth.
5. I believe in Christ coming
6. I believe before christ comes false religion will be done away with.
In Gospel Of John Ch. 16 V. 12-14, summary:
Jesus HIMSELF says: I have many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now, for he when the Spirit Of Truth shall come, he shall guide you onto all truth. , he shall not speak of himself, all that he hears shall he speak. He shall glorify me.
This is Prophet Jesus peace be upon him talking to his people saying i have many things to say to you but you cannot understand them now, this was 2,000 years back btw, for when he when the Spirit Of Truth shall come he shall guide you to all truth. He shall not speak of himself, all that he hears shall he speak. He shall glorify me. So, this prophecy is about nobody other than Prophet Muhammad.
Now people will say this is the Holy Spirit, and they are wrong. In Gospel John Ch.16 V.7 Jesus HIMSELF says:
It is experience for you that i go away, for if i go not away the comforter shall not come, for if i depart shall he come.
Many people say this is Holy Spirit. If you read this Prophecy, the criteria for the comforter to come is that Jesus peace be upon him should depart. If you read the Bible the holy spirit was already there before Jesus peace be upon him was even born. In the womb of the Elizabeth. He was there when Jesus was born, was there at the feast of pentecos, so surely this Prophecy does not refer to the Holy Spirit but refers to the last and final messenger Muhammad peace be upon him.
More Prophecies: Book Of Deutrenomy 18:18
I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him.
19- I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name.
Isaiah 29:12:
Or if you give the scroll to someone who cannot read, and say, "Read this, please," they will answer, "I don't know how to read."
This is what happened to Muhammad.
Gospel Of John 16:7-16-11
But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.
When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment
about sin, because people do not believe in me.
about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer
and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned
John 16:25: Jesus Never Claim divinity. Just some things to point out to people who think he did.
"Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father.
No, the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God. (as a prophet)
After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: "Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.
For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him.
Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me.
I can go on and on.