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How does your faith rationalize god allowing the existence of evil, death, and suffering?


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
I know this is going to sound different but. In Judah it is written that there is the word and the word is with man. Then Jesus came and they could tell by all he had done the word became man. Is this the same in the Quran

Nope. Qur´an was revealed by God himself.


Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
This is a question for everyone who has a god including myself have to answer.
Why does your god or gods allow evil, suffering, and death?

Free will. If God intervened, it would no longer be free will. Bad things happen because people choose to do bad things.

Did this originate with gods initial plan?

I believe in free will from the dawn of creation, so yes. Why create a bunch of automatons?

Did god just create us and abandon us?

Some that follow my "religion" believe so. But, I believe in free will so it is not abandonment, but rather God watching from afar. That does not mean God can't be sad or hurt by what happens to us, but God stays hands off because of free will.

If our god(or gods)is good why are all these evil things still happening?

The free will choices that others make can adversely affect you.

Are you starting to see a theme here? :)

We can all criticize our texts and spit on other people's faith but does your own religion answer this difficult question?

Yes. Easily. See above.

The reasoning behind these questions Is basically being comfortable with these responses.
God created us to die?
God created us to test us?
God created us to suffer?

God created us as a part of nature. Death is but part of the life cycle. Whether or not death is the end remains to be seen.
God created us and we test ourselves because of free will.
God does not cause us to suffer. We suffer at the hands of others because of free will.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
With all due respect I probably will never be muslim. I will tell you why.
1. For one my son is autistic and he struggles so much. I feel so bad for him and his struggles, and it is hard on me too, but mostly seeing him suffer I cannot bear.
2. Let's suppose for a second it's my fault that my son is autistic, god is testing me. Fine do everything you want to me I will die and go to hell now. But why a baby muslim (according to your theology) have to pay my error because God tested me.
3. If there is a reason for that during the pregnancy I know of no reason.
4. Please tell me why he is autistic?

That is fine, but remember this life is a test, you could never be a Muslim however it is the truth.

Listen to me brother, you can reject it but always remember this the day will come when Allah will say why did you reject even after given information?

1) He will not be punished if his autism is really bad, however if his level is not as high and he can think and do things as such, then yes he will be tested but probably not as hard as others depending on the situation.
2) Well, that always is not the case. It is a test for you, to see if you are righteous and keep the child in good shape.
3) Nope, in fact the Bible indicates pregnancy is a curse.
4) To be totally honest, i exactly do not have 100% information on that. Only Allah S.W.A.T knows. It could be a test, it could be due to the way different children are tested differently. But the Qur´án, which is Allah´s word, says Allah is never unJust in the least degree.

Everyone will be judged accordingly, and very just not unjust at all.



bible reader
That is fine, but remember this life is a test, you could never be a Muslim however it is the truth.

Listen to me brother, you can reject it but always remember this the day will come when Allah will say why did you reject even after given information?

1) He will not be punished if his autism is really bad, however if his level is not as high and he can think and do things as such, then yes he will be tested but probably not as hard as others depending on the situation.
2) Well, that always is not the case. It is a test for you, to see if you are righteous and keep the child in good shape.
3) Nope, in fact the Bible indicates pregnancy is a curse.
4) To be totally honest, i exactly do not have 100% information on that. Only Allah S.W.A.T knows. It could be a test, it could be due to the way different children are tested differently. But the Qur´án, which is Allah´s word, says Allah is never unJust in the least degree.

Everyone will be judged accordingly, and very just not unjust at all.

How old are you ? If you don't mind my asking.
I hope it never happens to you, but only if it happens to you will you understand.


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
How old are you ? If you don't mind my asking.
I hope it never happens to you, but only if it happens to you will you understand.

I am 15, hehe.

Yes, i am blessed to not be autistic as i would say the same to you.

But Allah is All-Merciful. Allah judges the best and never is unjust in the least degree.

In my humble opinion, the level of autism also plays a factor.

If they can acquire knowledge, and comprehend while knowing about the truth, then at times they can be tested equally to how we are, all depending on the situation though.

If they cannot acquire knowledge, and comprehend while knowing about the truth, then they are mumeen meaning innocent just like child, and they do not even worship their deities in their own family faiths they were raised in unless being forced, much less the belief of my own, so they would get their reward.



bible reader
I am 15, hehe.

Yes, i am blessed to not be autistic as i would say the same to you.

But Allah is All-Merciful. Allah judges the best and never is unjust in the least degree.

In my humble opinion, the level of autism also plays a factor.

If they can acquire knowledge, and comprehend while knowing about the truth, then at times they can be tested equally to how we are, all depending on the situation though.

If they cannot acquire knowledge, and comprehend while knowing about the truth, then they are mumeen meaning innocent just like child, and they do not even worship their deities in their own family faiths they were raised in unless being forced, much less the belief of my own, so they would get their reward.

I figured you were still young. I will talk to you in about 10 years when Allah drops harder test on you, I hope it doesn't happen, but that's life.


bible reader
Mate. You maybe absolutely right.

I was just showing double standards in questioning. If one questions "Did God create Adam to die" you should also question "Did God create Adam to eat of that tree". Did God create that tree to be eaten by Adam for him to die? If God didnt want Adam to die at all why in the world did he create that tree?

Questioning is okay, but not bias questioning.
With all due respect fire dragon how old are you? If you don't mind my asking.


bible reader
I am 15, hehe.

Yes, i am blessed to not be autistic as i would say the same to you.

But Allah is All-Merciful. Allah judges the best and never is unjust in the least degree.

In my humble opinion, the level of autism also plays a factor.

If they can acquire knowledge, and comprehend while knowing about the truth, then at times they can be tested equally to how we are, all depending on the situation though.

If they cannot acquire knowledge, and comprehend while knowing about the truth, then they are mumeen meaning innocent just like child, and they do not even worship their deities in their own family faiths they were raised in unless being forced, much less the belief of my own, so they would get their reward.

All I'm saying is its easy for someone who is on the good side to say who easy it should be on the bad side. Once you experience the bad side you will understand what I am saying.


Active Member
We can be like Prophets but not as great probably. We will have to become really good.

Us and Muhammad along with the other Prophets are all believers who will have eternal life, paradise.

If we follow their footsteps that is.

We cannot because Allah has stated Muhammad is the seal of the Prophets.

Now that does not mean we cannot spread the message maybe on a lower level but still this will help us.

Does being the seal of the prophets really mean that Muhammad is to be the last prophet? I think that there can still be prophets after Muhammad because seal does mean the last one.


Veteran Member
Unfortunately, i cant speak Arabic. Any tips on how to learn Arabic? I am from Afghanistan.


Its my utmost honour to meet you my friend.

I said Brother, Thank you very much. ;)

Learning Arabic - Depends how deep you wish to learn bro. Basic Arabic you can learn online. Spoken, modern Arabic. If you wish to seriously learn classical Arabic, the Quranic Arabic etc let me know, I can guide you to.

Do your work mate. Youre gonna be great one day. You have that aptitude and attitude. Dont be held down by modernists or extremists. Be bound to the Quran, in its own language. Thats just a thought.



Active Member
Anyhow, there is diversity because people change their faith with wrong message. That is all a test to see if you use your life in the right way. It is a choice however a wrong one. God never made him do something against their choice, they either picked it themselves wrongly, and even after doing research wrongly still disbelieved. Everyone is born Muslim. So, if you were to die as a child, you would go to Heaven as long as you do not like switch your faith you will go to heaven and good deeds and innocent.

Do you believe Prophet Muhammad as a Prophet? Just as you believe Jesus was?

My beliefs are irrelevant to this discussion. Like I said before, what if someone wants to go to heaven but concludes that there is not enough information as to whether or not God exists? Why the need for all these tests? Why doesn't God just give convincing evidence for His existence and be done with it? Surely an omnipotent being is capable of doing that.


Veteran Member
Does being the seal of the prophets really mean that Muhammad is to be the last prophet? I think that there can still be prophets after Muhammad because seal does mean the last one.

There is a debate on that.

Rasool and Nabi.

One is a scripture bearer. Muhammed is the last to bring a revelation or a scripture. Like Torah, Zaboor etc. Depending on your school of thought Muhammed is either the last messenger and prophet or Rasool and Nabi.

My thoughts based on heavy study of the Quran alone, Muhammed is the last to bring scripture. There maybe others who just come as Gods messengers who get revelation, but not new law or new scripture. Moses, Jesus, David are mentioned in the Quran to have brought scripture.



Veteran Member
My beliefs are irrelevant to this discussion. Like I said before, what if someone wants to go to heaven but concludes that there is not enough information as to whether or not God exists? Why the need for all these tests? Why doesn't God just give convincing evidence for His existence and be done with it? Surely an omnipotent being is capable of doing that.

People may negate your question because most of us come from our own school of thought and are bound to it. This question sounds silly due to our faith that has become dogma so deep rooted we cannot bring ourselfs too come out of it for a moment and think from an external perspective.

But I believe your question is so valid that its absurd if you dont get an answer.

Errm. May I with all humility route you to a very very small analysis in this own thread?


Note: I dont know how to link old posts the way some do in here. I just cut and pasted the link.



“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
I figured you were still young. I will talk to you in about 10 years when Allah drops harder test on you, I hope it doesn't happen, but that's life.

Haha, okay.

Are you implying i will get autism?

Besides, i am 6 feet in height and have full grown beard



“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Its my utmost honour to meet you my friend.

I said Brother, Thank you very much. ;)

Learning Arabic - Depends how deep you wish to learn bro. Basic Arabic you can learn online. Spoken, modern Arabic. If you wish to seriously learn classical Arabic, the Quranic Arabic etc let me know, I can guide you to.

Do your work mate. Youre gonna be great one day. You have that aptitude and attitude. Dont be held down by modernists or extremists. Be bound to the Quran, in its own language. Thats just a thought.


Thank you, Brother.

May Allah grant you a nice life, and grant you Jannah Al-Firdous.




“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
My beliefs are irrelevant to this discussion. Like I said before, what if someone wants to go to heaven but concludes that there is not enough information as to whether or not God exists? Why the need for all these tests? Why doesn't God just give convincing evidence for His existence and be done with it? Surely an omnipotent being is capable of doing that.

Then they go to Heaven, they are mumeen.

The test is for mankind overall, not everyone is autistic, the test is for your own benefit or if you reject you lose.

God did give convincing evidence, not flat out unambigouos but a message to humanity which is the Qur´an.

However, if you mean like show himself to humanity, then that is not a test.

If a teacher gives out an exam, giving away the answers, does not make it a test. Everyone does not pass, Allah gave people a free will and life as a blessing. You will have to use it in the right way, and that is the test.



Active Member
Then they go to Heaven, they are mumeen.

The test is for mankind overall, not everyone is autistic, the test is for your own benefit or if you reject you lose.

God did give convincing evidence, not flat out unambigouos but a message to humanity which is the Qur´an.

However, if you mean like show himself to humanity, then that is not a test.

If a teacher gives out an exam, giving away the answers, does not make it a test. Everyone does not pass, Allah gave people a free will and life as a blessing. You will have to use it in the right way, and that is the test.

Yeah, I'm afraid you're not addressing my questions here. Why does there have to be a test at all? What could possibly be God's motivation for giving a test?


“Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
Yeah, I'm afraid you're not addressing my questions here. Why does there have to be a test at all? What could possibly be God's motivation for giving a test?

Because it is for the blessing of humankind.

What if we had no life? The Test is is for mankind. They could either be righteous or not. It is mainly because Allah is All-Merciful and Compassionate. Making the human-kind and testing us is a blessing in a way. That is if you follow the right path.

Remember Allah is All-Knowing, so everything i am saying might not be 100% accurate.
