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How does your faith rationalize god allowing the existence of evil, death, and suffering?

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
For example your quote says "peace is the answer" quoting GOD. How can you be sure with your own thoughts that God loves or wants peace. How can you be sure, what if he like wickedness after all we do see a lot of wickedness.

1. I'm not saying god is evil let's get that straight.
2. I get that God is good from the bible.
3. I am basically questioning your reasoning to how you are sure god is good and wants peace?
Jerusalem as a word means God's peace. Jeru, an ancient name for God, and salem, a variant of shalom, meaning peace. God's peace is not like man's peace. Look at the history of Jerusalem. It is bloody. One of the most fought for cities on earth, the city of God's peace.


bible reader
That is why you shouldn't skim over replies and then ask the answered questions again.
I'll copy paste for you again.
1. The universal consciousness created the universe along with energy. From a single point called Hiranyagarbha, everything began.
The energy shapes and evolves the universe with time.
All life exists for 4,320,000,000 years and stays inactive or dead for the next 4,320,000,000 years and it goes on and on.
Life starts from the smallest of beings and gradually attains more complex bodies and developed intelligence.
It is believed that humans came to be after 4.2 billion years and are still evolving.

2. There exists what Abrahamic faiths called angels. In our faith they exists as Devas in alternative dimensions or planets with spiritually and technologically superior beings. They often assist lower worlds in changing the course of the species but only sometimes.

3. Now on suffering, DEAth and evil:
As the Buddha said, suffering comes from desire (more appropriately attachment).
God doesn't allow suffering because it's an illusion and a personal state.
Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita says:

O son of Kuntī, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.
- Bhagavad Gita 2:14

The 5 senses perceive the objects and are processed by the mind. Therefore, based on his perception, he might perceive something to be good or wicked.

When gay marriage is legalized, the ones with sane minds will be happy for a victory in human rights. But some will be disheartened. Due to that they'll perceive it as the source of their unpleasantness. They'll try and try to repeal it but will be unsuccessful. Slowly this bigotry will grab a hold of their minds and cause them misery, all because of their mindset.
So, God isn't responsible for suffering as he's beyond the cause and effect of this material world.

The root of suffering is ones personal aversion to the truth, arrogance and more importantly attachments to the objects of this world.

4. Why is there evil:

While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises.
From anger, delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost, one falls down again into the material pool.
(Source of all evil and miseries)
-Bhagavad Gita

All living things exists in this material world, made up of energy and universal consciousness (the soul)
Now these beings though part of Brahman, acts independently with each other. Now imagine a field with a bunch of cars being driven by people.
The people is the soul and the car is the body. So when they interact with each other, they will surely crash with a few. The independent bodies driven by the independent souls comes across both good and bad in this life. When he's with bad, evil will follow, when he meets good, good will follow.
Also, by ones previously attained karma, he encounters the situations where he'll be treated in the way as he has treated others in the past, good or evil wise.
The gita speaks of evil and sin and what causes a person to act on it.

Arjuna said: O descendant of Vrishni, by what is one impelled to sinful acts, even unwillingly, as if engaged by force?
The Blessed Lord said: It is lust only, Arjuna, which is born of contact with the material modes of passion and later transformed into wrath, and which is the all-devouring, sinful enemy of this world.
- Bhagavad Gita 3:36-37

That's how evil persists in this world.

The five great elements, false ego, intelligence, the unmanifested, the ten senses, the mind, the five sense objects, desire, hatred, happiness, distress, the aggregate, the life symptoms, and convictions-all these are considered, in summary, to be the field of activities and its interactions.
-Bhagavad Gita 13: 6-7

All together they create the interactions between the bodies in this world.

I shall now explain the knowable, knowing which you will taste the eternal. This is beginningless, and it is subordinate to Me. It is called Brahman, the spirit, and it lies beyond the cause and effect of this material world.

Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes and faces, and He hears everything. In this way the Supersoul exists.

The Supersoul is the original source of all senses, yet He is without senses. He is unattached, although He is the maintainer of all living beings. He transcends the modes of nature, and at the same time He is the master of all modes of material nature.

The Supreme Truth exists both internally and externally, in the moving and nonmoving. He is beyond the power of the material senses to see or to know. Although far, far away, He is also near to all.
- Bhagavad Gita 13:13-16

5. Why is there death?

That's a silly question though.

Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.

As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change.
-Bhagavad Gita 2:12-13

Those who are seers of the truth have concluded that of the nonexistent there is no endurance, and of the existent there is no cessation. This seers have concluded by studying the nature of both.

Know that which pervades the entire body is indestructible. No one is able to destroy the imperishable soul.

Only the material body of the indestructible, immeasurable and eternal living entity is subject to destruction; therefore, fight, O descendant of Bharata.

He who thinks that the living entity is the slayer or that he is slain, does not understand. One who is in knowledge knows that the self slays not nor is slain.

For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.
-Bhagavad Gita 2:16-20

There is NO DEATH. only the material body stops working and comes to an end, but the soul is immortal and can be destroyed by no force on earth.

The soul can never be cut into pieces by any weapon, nor can he be burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.

This individual soul is unbreakable and insoluble, and can be neither burned nor dried. He is everlasting, all-pervading, unchangeable, immovable and eternally the same.
-Bhagavad Gita 2:23-24

For one who has taken his birth, death is certain; and for one who is dead, birth is certain. Therefore, in the unavoidable discharge of your duty, you should not lament.

All created beings are unmanifest in their beginning, manifest in their interim state, and unmanifest again when they are annihilated. So what need is there for lamentation?
-Bhagavad Gita 2:27-28

The natural reaction of birth is death. It's the fundamental law of all physics.
Nothing can be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed into other states.

Death is for the body, the soul is indestructible, not even Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva can destroy it.

So, there you go. :)
Read it before you put forth your next question.
1. What exactly is the universal consciousness? Would that not be god? What made the universe consciousness finally react? How long has the universal consciousness been around?
3. Has anyone tested Buddha's theories? Have you tested the theory that suffering comes from desire?

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
If in fact you are using the bible to make a point I can tell you the New testament does not teach such a thing. What we do is preach about gods coming kingdom.
The New Testament is not in my Bible. I am Jewish. The Tanakh is my Bible, what you call the Old Testament. I am familiar with your New Testament, just it doesn't carry weight with me.


bible reader
Jerusalem as a word means God's peace. Jeru, an ancient name for God, and salem, a variant of shalom, meaning peace. God's peace is not like man's peace. Look at the history of Jerusalem. It is bloody. One of the most fought for cities on earth, the city of God's peace.
Well thanks for your thought, that is such an extensive conversation, I will respond when I have more time. The context of this messages though is this.
1. Your presenting your opinion or idea that is from god.
2. You don't use manuscripts or anything.
3. So I ask what gives you the confidence for that statement if you don't use sacred text's.


bible reader
The New Testament is not in my Bible. I am Jewish. The Tanakh is my Bible, what you call the Old Testament. I am familiar with your New Testament, just it doesn't carry weight with me.
Can you give a brief explanation of your position of gods plan and purpose, so we can discuss it further?

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Can you give a brief explanation of your position of gods plan and purpose, so we can discuss it further?
God has a seven thousand year plan. It started when he asked his council of angels, Let us make man in our image, i.e. humanity with power to choose good and evil. Talmud says the angels unanimously said it was a bad idea, but God does whatever he wants. I believe God created both good and evil, and is above both. He wanted free agents in the divine image like himself. Wisdom in the Proverbs of Solomon means Torah. She was the first of God's creation. God created humanity to receive Torah. Every nation rejected the Torah. Israel was the last nation God offered the Torah, and they accepted it. Many Jews conclude therefore that the universe was made for Israel. The purpose of it all? "Fear God and keep his mitzvot (commandments), for that is your entire duty." Ecclesiastes 12. The mitzvot are explained in the Torah.


Veteran Member
This is a question for everyone who has a god including myself have to answer.
Why does your god or gods allow evil, suffering, and death?
Did this originate with gods initial plan?
Did god just create us and abandon us?
If our god(or gods)is good why are all these evil things still happening?
We can all criticize our texts and spit on other people's faith but does your own religion answer this difficult question?

The reasoning behind these questions Is basically being comfortable with these responses.
God created us to die?
God created us to test us?
God created us to suffer?

none of the sound plausible to me. These do not sound like a good god to me.

Please Explain your faith.


1. There is no easy answer

2. Are you willing to accept the answer

Why is there no easy answer?

God creates us, gives us free will, thus evil exists because we have free will. This evil comes behind us and we are tested so that if we live righteously we will go to heaven one day when we die.

Then why should God create us at all? There is this God who sits outside our realm apparently according to many Islamic scholars and creates the universe for us to prove ourselves. Billions and billions of humans created to prove ourselves.

I don’t think so.

The problem with this subject is that honest exploration in the subject of theodicy is almost blasphemy, and you can be shunned. The biggest and most pertinent problem in this subject is we as individuals do not want to question the creation narrative given to us by our ancestors. We do not want to honestly question this idea that God created all good, Satan thing happened and we are all in this plight now, because we do not want to think that there could be much more to it. God has to be a supreme being outside our realm looking down upon us, that’s the problem.

Creation according to Islam as defined in the Quran is that God creates by will. Kun. This Kun is not like a divine being wades his wand and the universe came to exist. Kun is being part of creation itself.

There are many verses in the Quran that says “We made it happen”. E.g. We put a seal upon their hearts. That’s not the exact rendering of that. It means this has happened, that’s the Quranic language. That type of language is all over the Quran.

Why does suffering exist?

This is probably one of the most important questions, most difficult for religious proponents to answer. Why does an innocent child, never sinned, didn’t even have the time to think of sinning, suffer and die of cancer or a Tsunami? Is that the parent’s sin? No, sin is not inherited. Then why would a child suffer? The same goes to all humans.

How does a child come to this world with a disability? What did he do to receive such a dirty test? Is God that bad to test a human being with a disability? Or is that a test for everyone around him?

The Quran does not portray God as a being like Zeus. In fact its not God at all. God is the traditional English word with which we don’t have a choice but to refer to Allah. Allah means The Divinity. Al ilah. Like The Mother, she doesn’t need a name for you to know who your mom is. When you say the mother, you know. Thus Allah is not a name. It’s a description.

This concept of God is not one who sits far away and keeps looking at us like we are ants. He is part of this universe. Yes, it is a consciousness that’s within the whole creation. Now if you study ibn Arabis theory that’s akin to this you will see that he was called a heretic.

The problem with religions is that there is something called the mainstream, orthodoxy and heresy. Mainstream is generally controlled by the biggest sect. In the case of Islam, it’s the Sunnis. But they don’t realize that there are many more sects out there, and they believe they are Muslims too. Orthodoxy has Greek roots and basically means “correct belief”. Heresy in Greek simply means choice. So anyone who makes a choice to have a different view from the mainstream is a heretic. That’s why great minds like Avicenna were called heretics. So in short, anyone who makes a choice is a heretic and everyone who doesn’t make a choice and sticks to the mainstream is orthodox. This is the case with Christianity as well.

Thus it is a choice that one must make to understand this “Theodicy”.

Nature of God

Isnt it funny that you would see Muslims say that God is beyond understanding. Kufuwan, the word that means comparable in the chapter 112. There is nothing comparable, so you cant fathom God. Whats funny is that, after saying this, they say God is not part of creation, he is away from creation, outside creation etc.

If we cant ever think what God is like according to Surah Ikhlas, how could we describe him.

No! He cannot be understood. That’s what the Quran says.

But he is involved in creation. That’s what the Quran portrays vehemently. Every time the Quran says we made something happen. Kun fayakoon.


We have inherited Dogmas. One of them is always understanding Saithan as a being.

Shaithan means deviant. Allowing Shaithan to dwell in this universe is also allowing deviance. That is why we have meteorites landing on earth. Deviance, which is the way of the universe. If not for the ozone layer we will be smithereens. Why would there be a holocaust? How many children did hitler murder? Does God actually put us through such an atrocity to test us? How about the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


Take a look at this verse.

67:5 - We have adorned the lower heaven with lamps, and We made it with projectiles against the devils; and We prepared for them the retribution of the blazing fire.

Can you see the word ‘devil’ up there? Its Shayatheeni, Shaythan. What is this projectiles against the devil? As if Devil is a being with flesh and bones and we throw stuff at him to hurt him or keep him away. That’s not what this verse means.

Its not projectiles. Its Rajm. Rajm means an offensive. A casting. A contending for superiority. Shayatheen is deviant. What does not follow the rules or normal course. Could easily mean foreign debris that enters the earths atmosphere, deviant. Azab means a torment. The ending of the verse says a torment of the blazing fire. Describes how the ozone layer takes care of deviant debris.

Thus Shaythan is not always a being. Thus God allowed deviance to live in creation. Which means people are deviant, nature itself can be deviant. Rebellious. Goes against normal laws. How could you explain the millions of children born with a disability while the parents or ancestors don’t have any? Medical mystery.


How come God took six Ayyams for creation? Why does the Quran need to say that it took six periods? That is to show that God does not create things like Dumbledore. It’s a process, a natural process. It took six epochs of time for the whole universe to come to existence the way we know it. And God was part of the creation and the act of creation. He does not get involved changing the course of nature. Because Shaithan or deviance exists.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
This is a question for everyone who has a god including myself have to answer.
Why does your god or gods allow evil, suffering, and death?
God doesn't micromanage. He set up the general gist and only comes by every once in awhile to tweak things. Otherwise, He wants us to deal with everything we are capable of dealing with.
Did this originate with gods initial plan?
Did god just create us and abandon us?
Is it abandonment, or thinking we're adults and can handle things without crying to Daddy all the time?
If our god(or gods)is good why are all these evil things still happening?
What is "good"? I think we have a tendency to equate it with "thigns we like", not necessarily an objective reality.
We can all criticize our texts and spit on other people's faith but does your own religion answer this difficult question?
Sure. "Sin" is just out-of-context behaviors and actions that evolved within humanity for survival purposes. This is why it seems so arbitrary. It's not that murder is wrong (after all, you can't even eat or drink without killing SOMETHING), but that there are times when it's needed and most of the time, it simply isn't.

The reasoning behind these questions Is basically being comfortable with these responses.
God created us to die?
God created us to test us?
God created us to suffer?
God didn't create us to die or suffer per se. He only created us as limited mortals and we're stuck with the game world God programmed. However, He also gave us brains and so we can oftentimes fix it ourselves.

So nobody created the gods or people?
Depends on the mythology?

So for you an Almighty god that created all things is out of the question?
Not necessarily, but is it Yahweh? The bible reveals that Yahweh went to the Council of El in a kind of "prequel" story and berated the other gods, including El, for being apathetic towards human plight. Now Yahweh gets the same criticisms. What if the creator is El and you've been worshipping an upstart all this time?

What manuscripts do you go by, or where are you drawing these conclusions from?
What do manuscripts prove other than the authors knew how to write?

1. What was gods original purpose.for humans, or with what purpose did he create us in mind?
Per Genesis, we were to be the janitors/maintenance crew for the Garden. That's it.

The question is those who have a region or manuscripts, because that is their final authority.
Isn't that idolatry? Do you find God in ink and paper? Do you pray to books? Can books have conversations with you (assuming you are not in some electronic and interactive book)? I mean, I know many people don't feel any kind of spiritual or divine presence. I just think atheists are more honest about it. Theists who have no sense of the divine rely on idolatry out of jealousy for those who do, even though, I guess, it's like a skill present at birth: either you got it or you don't. For those without a "God area" of the brain, no amount of revelation will work because the antenna's broken.

Because if we claim our manuscripts as revealed by god then the manuscripts themselves are for the purpose of revealing who god is.
The Song of Solomon is about revealing God, or about some dude and some chick going on and on about how sexy cool they are?

4. God intended everything to be good for us, but my explanation revolves around satan, Adam and Eve.
Well, for starters, Satan isn't even IN the story of Adam and Eve.

Let's say you as an individual choose to make this change, how would you go about making this change. This world is beyond us, there are things that are not under our control.
There are things an individual can fix. There are things locals can fix. There are things nations can fix. And there are things that can only be fixed if all nations worked together. Just start picking problems and work on them.

How can you be sure, what if he like wickedness after all we do see a lot of wickedness.
Then work towards defeating wickedness, but be sure you aren't just calling something wicked because a book told you it was.

3. Has anyone tested Buddha's theories? Have you tested the theory that suffering comes from desire?
Matthew 6:25-34New International Version (NIV)

Do Not Worry
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?


bible reader

1. There is no easy answer

2. Are you willing to accept the answer

Why is there no easy answer?

God creates us, gives us free will, thus evil exists because we have free will. This evil comes behind us and we are tested so that if we live righteously we will go to heaven one day when we die.

Then why should God create us at all? There is this God who sits outside our realm apparently according to many Islamic scholars and creates the universe for us to prove ourselves. Billions and billions of humans created to prove ourselves.

I don’t think so.

The problem with this subject is that honest exploration in the subject of theodicy is almost blasphemy, and you can be shunned. The biggest and most pertinent problem in this subject is we as individuals do not want to question the creation narrative given to us by our ancestors. We do not want to honestly question this idea that God created all good, Satan thing happened and we are all in this plight now, because we do not want to think that there could be much more to it. God has to be a supreme being outside our realm looking down upon us, that’s the problem.

Creation according to Islam as defined in the Quran is that God creates by will. Kun. This Kun is not like a divine being wades his wand and the universe came to exist. Kun is being part of creation itself.

There are many verses in the Quran that says “We made it happen”. E.g. We put a seal upon their hearts. That’s not the exact rendering of that. It means this has happened, that’s the Quranic language. That type of language is all over the Quran.

Why does suffering exist?

This is probably one of the most important questions, most difficult for religious proponents to answer. Why does an innocent child, never sinned, didn’t even have the time to think of sinning, suffer and die of cancer or a Tsunami? Is that the parent’s sin? No, sin is not inherited. Then why would a child suffer? The same goes to all humans.

How does a child come to this world with a disability? What did he do to receive such a dirty test? Is God that bad to test a human being with a disability? Or is that a test for everyone around him?

The Quran does not portray God as a being like Zeus. In fact its not God at all. God is the traditional English word with which we don’t have a choice but to refer to Allah. Allah means The Divinity. Al ilah. Like The Mother, she doesn’t need a name for you to know who your mom is. When you say the mother, you know. Thus Allah is not a name. It’s a description.

This concept of God is not one who sits far away and keeps looking at us like we are ants. He is part of this universe. Yes, it is a consciousness that’s within the whole creation. Now if you study ibn Arabis theory that’s akin to this you will see that he was called a heretic.

The problem with religions is that there is something called the mainstream, orthodoxy and heresy. Mainstream is generally controlled by the biggest sect. In the case of Islam, it’s the Sunnis. But they don’t realize that there are many more sects out there, and they believe they are Muslims too. Orthodoxy has Greek roots and basically means “correct belief”. Heresy in Greek simply means choice. So anyone who makes a choice to have a different view from the mainstream is a heretic. That’s why great minds like Avicenna were called heretics. So in short, anyone who makes a choice is a heretic and everyone who doesn’t make a choice and sticks to the mainstream is orthodox. This is the case with Christianity as well.

Thus it is a choice that one must make to understand this “Theodicy”.

Nature of God

Isnt it funny that you would see Muslims say that God is beyond understanding. Kufuwan, the word that means comparable in the chapter 112. There is nothing comparable, so you cant fathom God. Whats funny is that, after saying this, they say God is not part of creation, he is away from creation, outside creation etc.

If we cant ever think what God is like according to Surah Ikhlas, how could we describe him.

No! He cannot be understood. That’s what the Quran says.

But he is involved in creation. That’s what the Quran portrays vehemently. Every time the Quran says we made something happen. Kun fayakoon.


We have inherited Dogmas. One of them is always understanding Saithan as a being.

Shaithan means deviant. Allowing Shaithan to dwell in this universe is also allowing deviance. That is why we have meteorites landing on earth. Deviance, which is the way of the universe. If not for the ozone layer we will be smithereens. Why would there be a holocaust? How many children did hitler murder? Does God actually put us through such an atrocity to test us? How about the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


Take a look at this verse.

67:5 - We have adorned the lower heaven with lamps, and We made it with projectiles against the devils; and We prepared for them the retribution of the blazing fire.

Can you see the word ‘devil’ up there? Its Shayatheeni, Shaythan. What is this projectiles against the devil? As if Devil is a being with flesh and bones and we throw stuff at him to hurt him or keep him away. That’s not what this verse means.

Its not projectiles. Its Rajm. Rajm means an offensive. A casting. A contending for superiority. Shayatheen is deviant. What does not follow the rules or normal course. Could easily mean foreign debris that enters the earths atmosphere, deviant. Azab means a torment. The ending of the verse says a torment of the blazing fire. Describes how the ozone layer takes care of deviant debris.

Thus Shaythan is not always a being. Thus God allowed deviance to live in creation. Which means people are deviant, nature itself can be deviant. Rebellious. Goes against normal laws. How could you explain the millions of children born with a disability while the parents or ancestors don’t have any? Medical mystery.


How come God took six Ayyams for creation? Why does the Quran need to say that it took six periods? That is to show that God does not create things like Dumbledore. It’s a process, a natural process. It took six epochs of time for the whole universe to come to existence the way we know it. And God was part of the creation and the act of creation. He does not get involved changing the course of nature. Because Shaithan or deviance exists.
So you said sin is not the reason a child is born with disabilities so why? Why is a child to be responsible for the parents error according to genetics? You said thats not the reason, so why?
You can't beat up a response without providing a plausible one.


Veteran Member
So you said sin is not the reason a child is born with disabilities so why? Why is a child to be responsible for the parents error according to genetics? You said thats not the reason, so why?
You can't beat up a response without providing a plausible one.

It is like asking why does George Bush look like he does.

A scientific research should be launched to do more extensive research into the reason why children are born with defects. Theologically, I have given the explanation. Just because it doesnt agree with your belief I cannot fashion my answer mate.



bible reader
It is like asking why does George Bush look like he does.

A scientific research should be launched to do more extensive research into the reason why children are born with defects. Theologically, I have given the explanation. Just because it doesnt agree with your belief I cannot fashion my answer mate.

I believe that genetics is the answer. We inherit our parents flaws. It is so basic. What needs to be done is more study on genetics so that it can be proven that we do inherit sin. Just like Paul said.