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How is it true "Jesus is God"?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
OK mista make it black or white if you want to but what good is it? The text leads us to The Son who in turn leads us to The Truth which dwells only with The Father. The text does not lead us to The Father.
I don't disagree. But I am saying that if you disagree with what is said, then you are treading on thin ice. Either you are saying they don't know what they were writing, or God has no power to write a book. If that is the case, I fail to see how he would have power to write anything especially when it is flawless when understood correctly... not an easy task by any means.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I don't disagree. But I am saying that if you disagree with what is said, then you are treading on thin ice. Either you are saying they don't know what they were writing, or God has no power to write a book. If that is the case, I fail to see how he would have power to write anything especially when it is flawless when understood correctly... not an easy task by any means.
Problem is, it's not "flawless" when "understood correctly." Exegesis shows any number of textual flaws.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Reason. People believe Jesus is God from what they have read. Other people believe Jesus is not God from what they have read from the same book.

believe Y'shua Ha'Mashiach is not God because I am not able to reason a person can be human and God together. That is me explaining it without scripture. I understand God's son is our view of The Holy God and I trust God's son can be in the likeness of God but not BE God. If he is God he is not man. He is man reflecting the likeness of God. I won't argue the trinity because looking at him is also knowing The Father and the Holy Spirit. But he isn't The Father and The Holy Spirit. Actually I am with the class who assumes God IS The Holy Spirit.
When he was a man he was not God, he emptied himself, madam. :p

The Spirit, now combined with the masculine lord, is now in Greek neuter, and yet in the OT spirit was feminine. So now we see that the Holy Spirit is the feminine, the Mother. So now we have Father Mother and Son. Now that makes sense. right?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't disagree. But I am saying that if you disagree with what is said, then you are treading on thin ice. Either you are saying they don't know what they were writing, or God has no power to write a book. If that is the case, I fail to see how he would have power to write anything especially when it is flawless when understood correctly... not an easy task by any means.
I do not doubt the writing of it. I have no reason to. I never ever said "they don't know what they were writing". I have always said "the original meaning has been lost". I talk and talk and talk about it because I KNOW that what is lost can be found. Have I ever said "all original meaning is lost"? No! Not that either. Men! God will they ever learn to listen?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
When he was a man he was not God, he emptied himself, madam. :p

The Spirit, now combined with the masculine lord, is now in Greek neuter, and yet in the OT spirit was feminine. So now we see that the Holy Spirit is the feminine, the Mother. So now we have Father Mother and Son. Now that makes sense. right?
You know it!


Oh how I love the Word of God!
He came as a man. Can you tell us what godly faculties he lost in the process?
He came as a Man, and he grew and learned as men do. He was sinless, was tempted in the desert so that he could empathize with our weaknesses.

I presume that Jesus always existed, not always as a man,

I believe that Jesus existed in heaven as God made visible before coming to earth in a flesh body, and that the body Jesus had in heaven was the glorified body that we will all receive at the resurrection, except that Jesus had this body First in heaven, and then again when he returned to heaven.

and knew things, when he was a spirit, or whatever.
I believe that the Spirit Jesus had while on earth is the Spirit of God, and that when Jesus died, he still lived in the Spirit, and thus raised his flesh body by the Spirit.

Does the process of gods turning into men cause amnesia or some lost of omniscience?


- viole
I believe that becoming a Man is to be made lesser. He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
I do not doubt the writing of it. I have no reason to. I never ever said "they don't know what they were writing". I have always said "the original meaning has been lost". I talk and talk and talk about it because I KNOW that what is lost can be found. Have I ever said "all original meaning is lost"? No! Not that either. Men! God will they ever learn to listen?
haha.... now now, calm down mine ***** cat... haha :)
What is this ''men''? Was it not Eve that was fooled in the garden because she did not listen? I do not think that it is wrong. You read in things which are not always necessary I think.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
The Spirit, now combined with the masculine lord, is now in Greek neuter, and yet in the OT spirit was feminine. So now we see that the Holy Spirit is the feminine, the Mother. So now we have Father Mother and Son. Now that makes sense. right?
Why do you go beyond what is written? The scriptures say God is the Father, not the Mother.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
He came as a Man, and he grew and learned as men do. He was sinless, was tempted in the desert so that he could empathize with our weaknesses.

I believe that Jesus existed in heaven as God made visible before coming to earth in a flesh body, and that the body Jesus had in heaven was the glorified body that we will all receive at the resurrection, except that Jesus had this body First in heaven, and then again when he returned to heaven.

I believe that the Spirit Jesus had while on earth is the Spirit of God, and that when Jesus died, he still lived in the Spirit, and thus raised his flesh body by the Spirit.

I believe that becoming a Man is to be made lesser. He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

If Jeaus had a glorified body, whatever that means, and Jesus = Father, does that mean that The Father has a glorified body as well?

If not. Why not?


- viole


Veteran Member
Premium Member
haha.... now now, calm down mine ***** cat... haha :)
What is this ''men''? Was it not Eve that was fooled in the garden because she did not listen? I do not think that it is wrong. You read in things which are not always necessary I think.
Oh. and they change the subject too. And I am only talking from experience. The women I know listen. The men I know don't.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
If Jeaus had a glorified body, whatever that means,
I believe the glorified is the kind of body we will receive at the resurrection. For one thing, t is a body that is immortal.

and Jesus = Father, does that mean that The Father has a glorified body as well?

If not. Why not?


- viole
Yes, because the Father's body is Jesus' body.


You keep giving only worthless opinions without any knowledge about a Book that SAYS to understand the Book you must obey.

That is not true.

To understand the bible one needs to have a credible education. Without it your literally blind.

And your only providing a red herring to cover up your unsubstantiated claims of having self proclaimed knowledge.


Do you understand how vulgar your comments our to a believer?

You were the first to start name calling with "ignorance and shame" who do you think you are?

What biblical education do you possess? because Ye shalt not throw stones in a glass house.

And I might add, you are wrong.

Nothing you can show or even address with credibility.

Your mistake is to think that just because you don't know, know one else does

That's the problem I do know. Its why I went to universities to study this at a higher level then untrained bias opinion.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
When God came as Jesus was the universe then without God's presence as The Holy Spirit?
God the Father is invisible and lives in unapproachable light; Jesus is God the Son with a body; and the Holy Spirit is given without limit and is all around us and lives inside the saved.


would have thought considering what has happened in France, there might be a bit more respect.

What happened in france, is that people who had no historical knowledge, that were religiously biased, murdered for religion. Because their faith was more important then reality.

It is called religious fanaticism and fundamentalism. Many think some Christians are making the same mistake, but less violent.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
That's the problem I do know. Its why I went to universities to study this at a higher level then untrained bias opinion.
God does not reveal His Truth to those who go to college and study.
God hides the truth from the wise and learned.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
That is not true.

To understand the bible one needs to have a credible education. Without it your literally blind.

And your only providing a red herring to cover up your unsubstantiated claims of having self proclaimed knowledge.
I can prove easily that what I say is true.

God hides His Truth from the wise and learned.

Would you like scriptures? You are speaking about a Book that SAYS what you have to do to have understanding. Would you like scriptures?


God does not reveal His Truth to those who go to college and study.

God hides the truth from the wise and learned.

God would have to exist scientifically, before anyone could attribute what hat deity does or does not do.

As it stands, factually no event in history can be attributed to any of the thousands of man made deities, with certainty.

And by your opinion, good theist who go to the best schools in the world have less knowledge then you.

Your self proclamations of knowledge, are personal opinion that are going against credible evidence not up for debate.