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How is it true "Jesus is God"?


Well-Known Member
When a believer says Jesus is God, what does it mean? Please do not repeat the scriptural evidence that proclaims it. If my salvation is dependent on believing it, I must know what it means. Who is the Jesus who is The God?

I think I want to add that for now, according to my own understanding, the man Yehoshua is god enough for me but I do not know how to understand he is The Father. How can I know he is the son and The Father? No scripture please.

Why humans have to insist on understanding God 100% while it's already crystal clear that we can't understand God 100%.

By the assumption that God exits, which of the following makes more sense to you.

1. Humans can understand God 100% (at the current stage that no one even ever saw Him directly)

2. Humans can't understand God 100%

Then by the assumption that God exists, which of the following makes more sense to you.

1. Because humans can't understand God 100%, such that humans shouldn't believe in God.

2. Humans can believe in God, though they won't be able to understand Him fully.

How about science,
1. Human should not believe in science unless they understand science fully ?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Why humans have to insist on understanding God 100% while it's already crystal clear that we can't understand God 100%.

By the assumption that God exits, which of the following makes more sense to you.

1. Humans can understand God 100% (at the current stage that no one even ever saw Him directly)

2. Humans can't understand God 100%

Then by the assumption that God exists, which of the following makes more sense to you.

1. Because humans can't understand God 100%, such that humans shouldn't believe in God.

2. Humans can believe in God, though they won't be able to understand Him fully.

How about science,
1. Human should not believe in science unless they understand science fully ?

Thank you. I agree with your analysis. Even before this thread I believe God can not be understood 100% and I can believe in God, though I will never understand fully and it's a good point you make about science.

I was trying to get people to think too. Do people still do that?


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I agree with your analysis. Even before this thread I believe God can not be understood 100% and I can believe in God, though I will never understand fully and it's a good point you make about science.

I was trying to get people to think too. Do people still do that?

I don't know. People don't seem to be able to think nowadays. They swallow one way or another. I can actually make the science question more specific.

1. Why do you (as an individual) should believe that the earth is revolving around the sun which you actually don't have the evidence.

2. Or would you show me your evidence if you think that you have about the earth is revolving the sun ?!


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I think you cannot have it both ways. Jesus who was man is God. God is before every other thing. A man called Jesus was before every other thing. According to you. No?
Correct: "no."

God became Incarnate (became a human being). The human being did not exist "before every other thing." But the Son, who is the Logos, was with God and was God "before every other thing." The Son (who is God) became Incarnate. That Incarnation became known as "Jesus."


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Correct: "no."

God became Incarnate (became a human being). The human being did not exist "before every other thing." But the Son, who is the Logos, was with God and was God "before every other thing." The Son (who is God) became Incarnate. That Incarnation became known as "Jesus."

God evolves


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"Jesus" was appointed by The Father to call the people BACK to God. Is this right? So if the one who brings the people back to righteousness was BEFORE the people deviated from righteousness, the people HAD TO deviate from righteousness so that God can be God. I don't believe it.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I believe there was a small possibility the creation would have been just fine, in no need to be called back to God. Is this not right?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
"Jesus" was appointed by The Father to call the people BACK to God. Is this right? So if the one who brings the people back to righteousness was BEFORE the people deviated from righteousness, the people HAD TO deviate from righteousness so that God can be God. I don't believe it.
Huh? :areyoucra


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Creation is "just fine." What are you talking about?!

3 Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ 7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. Luke 15:1-7

Is it not possible in your imagination that all would have no need of repentance? It is taught in church that we are sinners because we are all born out of sinners. What if the first one never sinned? What if nobody ever needed redeeming? You say "not possible". OK. Then what? How is it possible after this?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If Jesus and God are the same person, then man could not have refused to sin because Jesus is the one who restores the good relationship between God (or himself) and the sons of men. Or maybe you think God stands by to be prepared for the inevitability that Man will need a savior? BUT IT ONLY HAPPENS ONCE.
Can we please agree it only happens once?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Another way of putting it is; God created the universes needing restoring, if Jesus IS God, because Jesus is for the restoring of it.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Jesus is he who reconciles the creation to God. But if Jesus is God then God created the creation needing reconciliation. Correct? If this is true, then, I can't help but imagine it was not Adam sinning but God sinning so Jesus, being indestructible because he is God, can come save us from sinning.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The only conclusion I can make is God first then The Son who is in the image of God. And The Son is for the creation. So it might appear they are the same as they both came before us. But if they are the same, sinning is their fault imo. It isn't though. Sinning is absolutely not their fault.


Jesus in me
Peace to all;

I wonder why John would want us to know the following and to repeat it THREE times: (

#1 -- John 1:18, "No man hath seen God at any time, ...."

#2 -- 1 John 4:12, " No man has ever seen God; .... "

#3 -- 1 John 4:20, " .... for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

Again, peace be with you.

John 14:1, Jesus said, "Let not your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe 'also' in Me."
God and His Son loves you, and I do too!
Whatever is the overflow of the heart, is what comes out of the mouth.

I believe for what follows in John 18:1 ...the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.