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How is it true "Jesus is God"?


Jesus in me
Jesus is he who reconciles the creation to God. But if Jesus is God then God created the creation needing reconciliation. Correct? If this is true, then, I can't help but imagine it was not Adam sinning but God sinning so Jesus, being indestructible because he is God, can come save us from sinning.

I believe this does not follow from the premise and that the creation was perfect.

This does not follow from the premise. There is no evidence that God sinned but there is evidence that Adam sinned. However Adam was not the first man but only the first man of his race to be created from the earth.


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I believe this does not follow from the premise and that the creation was perfect.

Creation is perfect needing Jesus to make it perfect.

I believe I NEED Jesus. Jesus died for the sins of the world. Sinning mean imperfect. Do you agree?


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28 “The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. 29 But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’

31 “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. 32 But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”



Your claiming God wants people to pray to some high angel and the angel will answer their prayers.

Its almost blasphemy

Not at all, the concept of The Divine Logos being the agent and intermediacy of THE god is well established in the Targums. Later Jewish tradition may have abandoned it though.

Where many Trinitarian translations get a little dishonest is in adding the "me" to "Ask me". It just says "Ask in my name". So you pray to God for something, "in Jesus's name" (Whatever that means exactly being up to debate), and Jesus will be sent to do it.

World English Bible
If you will ask anything in my name, I will do it.

Young's Literal Translation
if ye ask anything in my name I will do it.

See there? No "Me". Nothing about praying to Jesus himself. The "me" is added by Trinitarians and isn't in the text. There's absolutely no reason to definitively add the "me" there unless you're trying to force a Trinitarian interpretation, gramatically speaking. So thus, the verse only involves praying to Jesus through deliberate dishonesty by certain Translators pushing a Trinitarian agenda who add the "me" there which completely changes the context from what the text actually says.

Not exactly the first time Trinitarian translators have read more into the text than what's there for the sake of doctrine.
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Me Myself

Back to my username
"Jesus is God"

Is true in the same way Jesus says it in the bible when he is asked:

"Desnt the scriptures say "you are gods?" "

So, that's how its true.


"Jesus is God"

Is true in the same way Jesus says it in the bible when he is asked:

"Desnt the scriptures say "you are gods?" "

So, that's how its true.

That's right, a god.

John 10:33 should read "Thou makest thyself a god", since it's an anarthrous Theos, which explains Jesus's statement in total fluidity with the context. The standard Trinitarian interpretation has Jesus dishonestly changing the subject.


Sweet; I just asked Jesus for a Cadillac :)

No no, that's an error which the translations that dishonestly add "me" are contributing to, probably explains why so few (if any) Christians actually get what they ask Jesus for. You're supposed to ask GOD for the Cadillac, in Jesus's name. However, I think you're supposed to be actively following Jesus's teachings (which would involve Torah obedience) first before you get whatever you ask for. Though I'm pretty sure it has to be within the lines of the Father being glorified. Are you planning on using that Cadillac to espouse the truth of Gnostic-Nazarene Judaism?


You have to earn the Cadillac first! You're putting the cart before the horse.

Well isn't that convenient for God? I guess he's just not gonna decide I've earned the Cadillac until I get enough money to buy it myself, which I will have to give God credit for in turn, and all the religious people will say "see, God gave you a Cadillac; he does exist" as if I didn't work my *** off for it myself.


Well isn't that convenient for God? I guess he's just not gonna decide I've earned the Cadillac until I get enough money to buy it myself, which I will have to give God credit for in turn, and all the religious people will say "see, God gave you a Cadillac; he does exist" as if I didn't work my *** off for it myself.

How about the fact that he gives you the opportunity to earn the money in the first place for it?

I think the meaning of receiving whatever you ask for doesn't apply really to material luxuries that you can afford on your own, but for things like "Give me the ability to sustain myself". Remember, it has to be something that glorifies Him.