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How The Democrats Will Still Lose


colors your eyes with what's not there
Stop throwing billions of dollars away on crony "developers" that take the money and do nothing. Start hiring the homeless to build their own dwellings, like they did back in the public works days after the depression. That part is easy. It's the drug addiction that is so difficult to deal with, because a significant number of those people will die in their addiction. They are never going to be returned to a useful functional life.

They're "never going to be returned to a useful functional life" and you expect them to build their own dwellings?

And there is nothing anyone can do about it but to try and treat them humanely as they die, slowly. And to make it even more difficult, we have no way of knowing which of them can be saved, and which of them can't. So we have to keep trying and keep offering them recovery because sometimes and for some people it works. And it can save their life.

There's "nothing you can do about it" but you're castigating Democrats for either not doing enough or not doing it the right way?

We as a society should NEVER have let it come to this, but we did, and now it's going to be a long and difficult and expensive road to return ourselves to sanity and some semblance of humanity. But nothing is going to happen if we keep ignoring what's been happening since the 1980s in terms of corporate greed, government corruption, the demoralization of the working class and crime and drug addiction running rampant while we all stuck our collective heads in the sand.

How will you return the homeless to sanity, other than hiring them, regardless of their level of infirmity, mental illness, or addiction, to build their own dwellings?


Well-Known Member
I live in California, and the issue is so incredibly complex, there are so many factors involved in who is homeless, why they are homeless, and can their situations be solved with intervention. I'm glad I'm not involved in policy decisions regarding the homeless, because they're damned if they do something about it and damned if they don't.
Hobos and drifters used to be an understood class, we need to reevaluate from the ground to our attitudes up. Grew up with street sleepers around my HS in Berkeley (different group than people's park) and as I said a coworker and a son running away from his mother. Much of the failure is recognizing that this is a varied a group as the rest of us probably. Oh, and there is the Phd I rode the bus with living in the local homeless housing.
There but for what go I.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
What do you think Newsom should do about the 180,000 homeless people in California? Seriously? What will solve the problem?
Listen to people who actually have had done something to help solve their problems before being royally railroaded over in kind by a jackboot loving authority.


Veteran Member
You made the allegation, surely you can move from the vague to the concrete with an example?
Biden voted against health care reform every time? When? When he was a senator?

How about as president:

"Access to affordable health care is Biden’s crowning achievement. The number of uninsured Americans hit an all-time low of 7.2% in the second quarter of 2023, while the number of people who signed up for an Obamacare plan for 2024 surged to 21.3 million."
That was Obama's affordable care act. But we should give the democrats their due in getting and keeping it functioning in spite of the intense republican hatred for it (even though it was originally a republican plan), and for improving it over time. But keep in mind this "crowning achievement", whose ever it is, is still a long way from first world universal health care.
PureX, will you be voting for a presidential candidate in November?
Of course. I always vote. Nothing those criminals love more than a voter that doesn't vote, that they can then disregard with impunity. ;)
Whatever that means.
Do I have to spell it out?

That was Obama's affordable care act. But we should give the democrats their due in getting and keeping it functioning in spite of the intense republican hatred for it (even though it was originally a republican plan), and for improving it over time. But keep in mind this "crowning achievement", whose ever it is, is still a long way from first world universal health care.

Of course. I always vote. Nothing those criminals love more than a voter that doesn't vote, that they can then disregard with impunity. ;)
They didn't even give us the public option.


Veteran Member
They're "never going to be returned to a useful functional life" and you expect them to build their own dwellings?
They are not all the same. The homeless are made up of drug addicts, people with mental issues, retirees that cannot live on social security, people that would work if they could but can't because they have no home, and people that are working but still can't afford housing. Some of these people would happily work if it were made possible. Most would do what they could if it were to their advantage. Like working a few hours a day for a meal.

Living on the streets is a very hard and difficult life. And it requires an enormous amount of effort and persistence. Don't underestimate what those people could accomplish if they could be motivated to act in the right direction. Imagine how hard they might work to get that next high.
There's "nothing you can do about it" but you're castigating Democrats for either not doing enough or not doing it the right way?
Some (many) addictions are akin to terminal cancer. All we can do is keep the victims comfortable while they slowly die. And of course we can try to keep them from getting addicted in the first place. But letting them die in the streets and under bridges and in the woods is not exactly doing that, though, is it. Neither is pushing them on down the road to be the next town's problem because they're bad for business.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm not sure what to make of considering protection of women's rights - where the slavery that is forced birth has become one of the most central and driving issues of the past two years - is "virtue signaling." Other than to not take the OP at all seriously.


Not Religious
There are workers of all colors who think that the Democratic party is ignoring the economic interests of the worker.
Those people listen to conservative media and don't fact check anything they're told.
For instance, Democrats want higher minimum wages. Republicans prefer lower wages. This doesn't help workers.
Republicans offer no worker policies. They cater to corporations and the 1%.
Been this way since Reagan.


Well-Known Member
Once you've determined what clas you're in. You can see which other classes are pushing you which way. Wage and salary has more in common with each other as do welfare and investment classes. The investment class tends to put the wage and welfare classes against each other.
except the majority of the "welfare class" are also part of the wage class
Those people listen to conservative media and don't fact check anything they're told.
For instance, Democrats want higher minimum wages. Republicans prefer lower wages. This doesn't help workers.
Republicans offer no worker policies. They cater to corporations and the 1%.
Been this way since Reagan.
So you are putting the workers at fault? Why?
The people you're referring to are misinformed. They don't understand the policy differences between the parties.
Democratic policies offer far more for workers than Republican policies. To deny this is to not understand the policies of the parties.
The Democrats don't offer enough and in fact threaten the values of the average worker. I think it would be best the Democrats to stop disenfranchising the worker or they will seek their voice elsewhere

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
The people you're referring to are misinformed. They don't understand the policy differences between the parties.
Democratic policies offer far more for workers than Republican policies. To deny this is to not understand the policies of the parties.
If that was actually true, then there wouldn't be the problems that exist today.

Something or everything is missing here.


Well-Known Member
Listen to people who actually have had done something to help solve their problems before being royally railroaded over in kind by a jackboot loving authority.
Then we should listen to the social democratic countries of Europe where there are no homeless. If someone is homeless, for what ever reason, the first priority of these countries is to get them off the streets and into actual housing and THEN deal with the issues that made them homeless in the first place


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
So you are putting the workers at fault? Why?
It seems to me like one can't save everyone, we can only help those who are prepared to help themselves. If one votes for the republicans who effectively tax the poor to give to corporations based on lies what are we to do in your opinion when they could have voted for someone interested in using that tax money to help the poor?


Not Religious
The Democrats don't offer enough and in fact threaten the values of the average worker. I think it would be best the Democrats to stop disenfranchising the worker or they will seek their voice elsewhere
No one believes that. You provide zero examples
If that was actually true, then there wouldn't be the problems that exist today.
What problems? The unemployment rate? Biden doesn't control the inflation rate across the world.
Something or everything is missing here.
Ya, your information sources never add up.


Not Religious
It seems to me like one can't save everyone, we can only help those who are prepared to help themselves. If one votes for the republicans who effectively tax the poor to give to corporations based on lies what are we to do in your opinion when they could have voted for someone interested in using that tax money to help the poor?
The trick is to tell the voters "corporate tax cuts benefit the workers because corporations will innovate more and create more jobs....."
It's a very effective trick used by operatives with a corporate agenda
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