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If money is the root of all evil.............


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
This is really amusing....the notion that clergy rape children because of the existence of money.
I wonder if Milton Friedman ever covered that aspect of monetary policy in his research? It seems
more of a Paul Krugman area of interest.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
When was there a time recorded there wasn't some sort of money, and where can I learn about the rape in that civilization. Of course only if you are kind enough to educate me. Maybe refer a book to me, or reputable website? Intriguing subject.

Please put forth a logical argument why money causes pedophilia. Until then, there is no reason to think that the biological and psychological which are known to contribute to pedophilia weren't always present in the human species.

I do also resent your suggestion about me being a rapist if I didn't find rape evil. Uncalled for.

I didn't say you were a rapist. I'm simply saying that if you don't think child rape is evil, then I'd have to question your general judgment around children.

You asked me to ask a kid who has been repeatedly raped if it was evil. I said I did and he didn't find it evil. I simply answered your question.

Right, and I explained why his answer is misguided and actually a result of being abused.

I have no problem with you moving the goal post, but I answered your question and never said it was evil from my point of view in that post.

Yes, your inability to see child rape as evil is the problem.


Please put forth a logical argument why money causes pedophilia. Until then, there is no reason to think that the biological and psychological which are known to contribute to pedophilia weren't always present in the human species.
Oh so you have no sources to the question at hand. Thanks. BTW, I specifically said a post or two ago, that rape was evil, and that I was kidding around about the money part. Miss that? Regardless, you have presented no reason to assume rape has been around for ever. Other than use the word psychology and biology. You know those two factors are influenced by all sorts of things silly.
I didn't say you were a rapist. I'm simply saying that if you don't think child rape is evil, then I'd have to question your general judgment around children.
Gee thanks, like I'm worried about your questioning of my judgment based on a forum. Little to serious anybody???
Right, and I explained why his answer is misguided and actually a result of being abused.
Whatever!, to him it wasn't evil. He is an adult now, and he still doesn't think so. I think it is evil, to the nth degree, but that wasn't your question. So moving on...

Yes, your inability to see child rape as evil is the problem.
What are you talking about :facepalm:


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Oh so you have no sources to the question at hand. Thanks. BTW, I specifically said a post or two ago, that rape was evil, and that I was kidding around about the money part. Miss that? Regardless, you have presented no reason to assume rape has been around for ever.
Your evidence....
YouTube - Scientists Find Skeleton Of Nature's First Sexual Predator
Note: No money was found with the skeleton, but there were was a primitive clerical collar.
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Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
Then why do most conservatives resist "sharing" it with the less fortunate?
What makes you think most conservatives resist "sharing" their money?

Conservatives, contrary to popular opinion that we are all greedy stone-hearted ********, give noticeably more money to charity. A study done in 2006 by Syracuse professor Arthur C. Brooks showed that they gave 30% more than households lead by liberals to be exact. Conservatives also donate more time and blood. The most red states(as determined by voting percentage towards bush(> 60%) gave almost twice as much as those most blue(<40%) 3.5 to 1.9 percent of income.

More strongly, people who reject the belief that it is the government's job to reduce wealth inequality give four times more than those who accept that belief.



Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
What are you talking about

I'm simply asking whether you actually have a remotely rational argument that pedophilia is caused by money. If not, then I have no idea what you're arguing with me about.

The bottom line is that notion that the love of money is the root of all evil is silly and naive. Human beings have motivations beyond wealth, and these motivations often cause evil acts.

If there happens to be something about this that you disagree with, please put forth a sensical argument.


I'm simply asking whether you actually have a remotely rational argument that pedophilia is caused by money. If not, then I have no idea what you're arguing with me about.

The bottom line is that notion that the love of money is the root of all evil is silly and naive. Human beings have motivations beyond wealth, and these motivations often cause evil acts.

If there happens to be something about this that you disagree with, please put forth a sensical argument.
Eh... You're right... Just bored I guess...


I'm simply asking whether you actually have a remotely rational argument that pedophilia is caused by money. If not, then I have no idea what you're arguing with me about.

The bottom line is that notion that the love of money is the root of all evil is silly and naive. Human beings have motivations beyond wealth, and these motivations often cause evil acts.

If there happens to be something about this that you disagree with, please put forth a sensical argument.
Food for thought though... You know all these reports that vaccines might be a contributor or even the cause of the widespread cases of autism? I have to wonder as well, people who have brains so distorted to rape kids, can that be linked to genetic breakdown caused by vaccines and similar thing humans are exposed to more and more in the last century.
That would not account for rape long ago, but it is certainly open for discussion with today's population that is drug and vaccine crazy. Which can be attributed to money...

Anyway, sorry for being a pain...


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Not sure if evil cam be the root of evil...
That's the joke. We too often look for some way to identify evil....Hitler's evil was cuz of
his atheism....Hitler's evil was his Catholicism....Hitler's evil was caused by greed. I view
it simply: Hitler was evil. There was no single cause other than his profoundly evil mind.


Admiral Obvious
Food for thought though... You know all these reports that vaccines might be a contributor or even the cause of the widespread cases of autism? I have to wonder as well, people who have brains so distorted to rape kids, can that be linked to genetic breakdown caused by vaccines and similar thing humans are exposed to more and more in the last century.
That would not account for rape long ago, but it is certainly open for discussion with today's population that is drug and vaccine crazy. Which can be attributed to money...

Anyway, sorry for being a pain...

Problem is that I have not seen even one credible study that supports this.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I just see it differently. But then I've been playing with money far longer than you've even been alive.
I understand it much better than when I was your age.

True, that.

I'm not interested in playing with money at all. For me, money is a secondary or tertiary goal of life.

How would I help construct a commercial building? I'm not an electrician, plumber, painter or other
tradesman...plus, I'm not as spry as I once was. About all I'm qualified to do for a building contractor
is remove debris....how many years would I have to do that to buy a $2million building? Besides, I'm
already busy managing what I have. Hmmm....let me guess....you don't invest in commercial real estate?

I don't invest in anything. I don't need to ATM. Food and shelter is provided for me by both my mother and by my girlfriends' parents, both in exchange (though the latter understandably moreso) for services around the house.

To handle larger amounts of money generally means borrowing. And to do that, you need a track record
of success at playing the game, so that you earn the trust of lenders. It takes a while to be fully engaged
in an economy to appreciate the elegance, beauty, subtleties, goodness & power of money.

...sounds excruciatingly dull. I'll stick to slaying dragons, and building worlds so other adventurers can slay dragons, thanks.

Have you tried bartering with them? How did it go?

Services, not bartering. It's just like trading favors.

Besides, I said theoretically. I didn't say or mean practically.

I've never found anyone willing to work for me out of kindness. They usually have compelling needs
like feeding the family. I don't grow food, so other than money, what should I give them?

Not that creative, huh?

Don't blame the money if they place a low value on what you sell.

I'm not. I'm blaming the greed for it. Haven't I made it clear yet that I'm apathetic about money itself? When I'm crossing a bridge, I don't look back and remark at how well made a bridge is, or how poorly (after all, if I made it, then it's good enough); I just walk across it to the other side without a second thought.

Money is nothing more than the bridge which is crossed to get stuff, either necessities or luxuries. I fail to see the point of getting into all the intricacies of it.

Have you tried bartering for a different game? How did that go?

It's not a barter system, per se. You sell the game, and you either get cash or store credit. They give more in store credit, because you use that to buy another product from that store.

IOW, in order to get enough store credit to buy a game from the bargain bin at ten dollars (assuming there's anything left in that bin that's quality, considering the fact that Gamestop doesn't really sell much in the way of older games), you have to trade in at least five games, unless you're willing to part with a major-seller, but if you spent money on that, chances are, you don't want to part with it. If it's old and you don't play it anymore, they most likely won't take it.

Luckily, there's another store that sells retro games (the better ones), and gives better prices, both cash and store credit, for selling games. (And it has a Donkey Kong machine to boot. :D)

Money does embody high ideals,

Not really, at least, I've never seen money embody anything except greed.

but it's also downright practical.

That's the only thing I agree with, but not to the point of lauding it. I mean, cups are practical, but not laudable.

I see other definitions of greed too, not as evil as the one you use.
One need not abandon ethics just cuz one feels greed.

Then it's not greed, but simply desire. What other definitions are these? Somehow, I suspect I'm not going to trust them.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I do traffic engineering and transportation planning. While department stores do need traffic impact studies done occasionally (though usually before the store is even built, which makes it hard to shop there, even by barter), I've yet to find one that will accept my services in exchange for merchandise.

Well, services aren't exactly considered all that valuable if money isn't involved, no?

Something only has value if we all agree it does.

You'd be surprised. Maybe it's something weird about the motorsport community (though there are many weird things about the motorsport community), but I've seen no shortage of classified ads that end with something like "$8000 or best offer - interesting trades considered".

Well, I don't know much of anything about sports in general, let alone motorsports.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Even that is to blame innocent money for mankind's woes.

Evil is the root of all evil.

Wait, how does that work, exactly? Evil is an arbitrary word, that can mean all kinds of different things, but typically refers to unpleasant situations. I suppose unpleasantness leads to more unpleasantness, but is it not also the case that many pleasures lead ultimately to unpleasantness?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
That's the joke. We too often look for some way to identify evil....Hitler's evil was cuz of
his atheism....Hitler's evil was his Catholicism....Hitler's evil was caused by greed. I view
it simply: Hitler was evil. There was no single cause other than his profoundly evil mind.

Waaaaay to simple for reality.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I'm not interested in playing with money at all. For me, money is a secondary or tertiary goal of life.
True for me also....money is a tool to achieve other goals.
But tools can be things of beauty & wonder.

...sounds excruciatingly dull. I'll stick to slaying dragons, and building worlds so other adventurers can slay dragons, thanks.
To each his own. I can't imagine anything less interesting than video games, but that's just my lack of vision there.

Not that creative, huh?
Employees & contractors have little imagination regarding compensation.

I'm not. I'm blaming the greed for it. Haven't I made it clear yet that I'm apathetic about money itself? When I'm crossing a bridge, I don't look back and remark at how well made a bridge is, or how poorly (after all, if I made it, then it's good enough); I just walk across it to the other side without a second thought.
Money is nothing more than the bridge which is crossed to get stuff, either necessities or luxuries. I fail to see the point of getting into all the intricacies of it.
I pay attention to bridge construction...I'm the type who reads books about bridges.

Not really, at least, I've never seen money embody anything except greed.
You may learn yet.

That's the only thing I agree with, but not to the point of lauding it. I mean, cups are practical, but not laudable.
There is beauty in practical things. I could go on & on about the field of industrial design, but it's so often lost on the unfamiliar. The every day world around us is a fascinating & wonderful place for those of us who see it that way.