I often see atheists say "Where's your proof of God or any deity, yet they can't disprove it either. I mean, did they roam all over the universe and search for God and came up with nothing? No, so their argument is less effective. Only arguement they have is "He's not in front of my face, so therefore, he must not exist."
Let me get this straight. Your upset with people who do not believe in things that cannot be shown to exist in any way? I don't believe in leprechauns, no one's been able to show any evidence of their existence, but according to your logic I should entertain the possibility of the existence of leprechauns because no one has disproven their existence. With that in mind do you believe everything that someone may believe that has not been disproven may be real, everything? Maybe some kind of creator being exists but I have yet to see anyone present anything to prove they have any real idea if one does exist or what it is like. I don't disbelieve in the "gods" theists have presented to me because I want to, I disbelieve in these "gods" because there is no good reason or evidence to suggest they even exist.