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Is Islam Compatible With Western Values?


Well-Known Member
I like this prayer of David for people who fed him gall (animal feces:)

Psalm 69:21-28
New International Version (NIV)
(21)They put gall in my food
and gave me vinegar for my thirst.
(22)May the table set before them become a snare;
may it become retribution and a trap.
(23)May their eyes be darkened so they cannot see,
and their backs be bent forever.
(24)Pour out your wrath on them;
let your fierce anger overtake them.
(25)May their place be deserted;
let there be no one to dwell in their tents.
(26)For they persecute those you wound
and talk about the pain of those you hurt.
(27)Charge them with crime upon crime;
do not let them share in your salvation.
(28)May they be blotted out of the book of life
and not be listed with the righteous.
The narrator so disgusted by the lifestyles of his hosts he compares meat and wine and drunken ways ?


Well-Known Member
I pray that prayer like David.
Deuteronomy 14:26English Standard Version (ESV)
26 and spend the money for whatever you desire—oxen or sheep or wine or strong drink, whatever your appetite craves. You shall eat there before the Lord your God and rejoice, you and your household.

Depending on circumstance is OK to celebrate , David warns as way of RL .
Is off topic pm me by all mean , but try stick to OP or any essense become lost


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
In the real world it's more complicated than it is on paper but there are variants of Islam that do not encourage religious coercion, the killing of apostates etc. We know there are Muslims communities who believe in government by consent, the education of all, the peaceful co-existence of faiths and so on. Would you agree with this?
To a degree.

It is obviously preferable to encourage peaceful coexistence whenever possible, and it is possible to a considerable extent, as shown by the current situation in so many countries.

However, I find it dangerous to assume that Islamic communities will generally be reasonable. Their internal treatment of their own sects, the kind of arguments they use to justify their beliefs, and the very goals and beliefs that they openly proclaim are no help at all. It seems to me that for the most part what keeps their extremists in check is that they have a tradition to pursue political power and expect subservience to it once attained.

The doctrine proper is both very questionable and awfully underchallenged, even once one discounts the most extreme interpretations of it.


Veteran Member
Is Islam Compatible With Western Values?

What are the Western values?
Will somebody reflect on it? please.
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Aura of atheification
Premium Member


Veteran Member
Is Islam able to integrate into Europe, Canada, Australia etc, seamlessly? By the way, I'm not talking about the westernised Muslims here, the ones who know a few Qur'anic ayat and not much else. I mean are the values that the Qur'an, Shariah, etc. promote, compatible with Western Values?
Quran is the first source of guidance of Islam whatever the denomination of Muslims.There is no Shariah except Quran and Sunnah of Muhammad.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Quran is the first source of guidance of Islam whatever the denomination of Muslims.There is no Shariah except Quran and Sunnah of Muhammad.
Maybe you can elaborate a bit on that? Because as it is, your post does not seem to be much of a clarification. At least to me.


Veteran Member
I don't particularly like the use of expressions such as "Western values".
I suppose we have to address the constrasting values somehow, but it is IMO misleading to name them in such a way as to imply that they are or should be:
a) Geographically conditioned;
b) Fairly static, by either design or circunstance;
c) Fairly homogeneous among the literal dozens of politically autonomous countries that are being described.
All three qualities are arguable at best, and perhaps none of them is even desirable.
It seems to me that ultimately whether the values themselves clash is a secondary concern, the primary one being how that clash can and should be handled.
Establishing geographic and political boundaries to be rule by one set of values or the other seem to be the most traditional attempt at a solution, but also one that I find inherently flawed and perhaps outright obsolete. Avoiding and restricting contact between communities is an avoidance tactic, not a resolution proper.
Instead, we should attempt to attain mutual understanding
, preferably by reciprocal and mutually agreed exchanges of migrants on a limited, experimental and reversible scale. That may very well be the solution in and of itself, as word of each side spreads to the other, and both decide what to learn and adopt from the other.
Odds are that both sides will be surprised by the results to some extent, but that is not something to fear, but rather to look forward to.
I appreciate your words that I have coloured in magenta.
We get from Quran:
[70:39]Does every man among them hope to enter the Garden of Bliss?
[70:40]Never! We have created them of that which they know.
[70:41]But nay! I swear by the Lord of the easts and of the wests, that We have the power
[70:42]To bring in their place others better than they, and We cannot be frustratedin Our plans.
G-d is "Lord of the easts and of the wests:, matters could be solved on Truth peacefully and with open heart , mind and soul. Now the world has become like a village, East is merging with the West and the West is merging with the East.
Is Islam able to integrate into Europe, Canada, Australia etc, seamlessly? By the way, I'm not talking about the westernised Muslims here, the ones who know a few Qur'anic ayat and not much else. I mean are the values that the Qur'an, Shariah, etc. promote, compatible with Western Values?

Doesn't Islam promote the establishment of a religious government that eventually spans the globe? I could be wrong on this, my knowledge of the quran is limited and it could just be anti-Islamic rhetoric I heard from the media.


Peace be upon you.
Is Islam able to integrate into Europe, Canada, Australia etc, seamlessly? By the way, I'm not talking about the westernised Muslims here, the ones who know a few Qur'anic ayat and not much else. I mean are the values that the Qur'an, Shariah, etc. promote, compatible with Western Values?
Peace be on you.
1=Islam is culmination of religious evolution.

2=It connects human with God and teach and enable human to pay rights of God and God's creation.

3=IMO West already has many values which Islam teaches [but many Muslims lack] e.g, (relatively more) honesty at societal level, better learning, making beneficial-to-human inventions, systems, analyzing, hearing others' point of view, human rights --- Current Muslims can learn these things from West.

4=However, IMO West lacks e.g. parental rights, using women to sell products, chastity in intimate human relations, idea of connection with God, family-lessness etc.

5=So as in past West learned a lot from Muslims, now those Muslims who live in West can learn good things from them and teach them what they know regarding religion.

6= "The Holy Prophet Muhammad sa has given Muslims another beautiful teaching to live their lives by. He taught that a true believer should always search for anything that is good and pure. He taught that wherever a Muslim comes across a word of wisdom or anything noble, he should treat it as his personal inheritance. Thus, with the same determination that a person seeks to acquire his rightful inheritance, Muslims are taught they should strive to obtain and benefit from wise counsel and goodness wherever it may be found. At a time when there are so many concerns about the integration of immigrants, what a beautiful and perfect guiding principle this is. Muslims have been taught that in order to integrate with their local societies and develop mutual respect, they should seek to learn about all of the good aspects of every society, every region, every city and every country. It is not enough to simply learn about such values, but Muslims must endeavour to adopt them into their own personal lives. This is guidance that truly inculcates togetherness and a spirit of mutual trust and love. Indeed, who can be more peace loving than a true believer, who apart from fulfilling the requirements of his faith, also tries to adopt all of the good aspects of his or any other society? Who can spread peace and security more than him?"
Ref: http://www.alislam.org/library/books/World-Crisis-and-Pathway-to-Peace.pdf

7=Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh) prophesied that Sun would rise from West in Later Days.
Second Ahmadiyya Khalifa (r.a.) is reported to have explained:
" .... there was a USA connection to ‘the sun rising from the West’...."

Fourth Ahmadiyya Khalifah (ra) saw a dream: " in Los Angeles .............. in the dream he had .........heard sounds coming from the ground in support of Islam and Ahmadiyyat."

Source: Friday sermon by Fifth Ahmadiyya Khalifah (a.t.) Friday Sermon: Proclaim the bounties of Allah - USA and Canadian Tour 2013

8= Fifth Ahmadiyya Muslim Khalifah, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (a.t.) said:
“In my opinion, integration requires for a person to truly love his new country and so he or she should sincerely strive for its progress and success. He or she should use all of their faculties and capabilities to support their new country. Certainly, this is the example of the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.”

9=Holy Quran
[ch5:v3] "..........And help one another in righteousness and piety; but help not one another in sin and transgression. ......."

Joining for goodness will make true global village.

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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Peace be on you.
1=Islam is culmination of religious evolution.


A theocentric religion that even after 1400 years still fails at acknowledging that theistic legalism is not morality, that scripture can never trump discernment and wisdom, and that can't even accept that it is wrong to consider homosexuality and disbelief crimes is clearly less realized and more flawed than most of the many that lack some or all of those defects.

Particularly when it can hardly even bring itself to clearly state that going back to tradition and the letter of the scripture is not the solution for everything.

That is not an evolved religion in any positive sense of the word.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
No! Islam can never be compatible with Western values because we are
infidels and the Koran clearly calls for the DEATH of all infidels.
Why even ask such a silly, sophomoric question??????

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

What part of ^^^^^ this is unclear?????????????????????????????
I don't know why any person with a 6th grade education would even post such
a silly question.
Do your self a favor when pondering such things and just google the subject
and avoid being embarrassed. How 'bout it?

Now google up a search and read the truth about the Religion of Peace.

Jihad Report
Last 30 Days

Attacks 141
Killed 1580
Injured 1673
Suicide Blasts 26
Countries 23
Elementary information available on the web.
"Jihad Watch" and many other groups track and print what the news won't tell.

I like this branch but am still suspicious of the possibility of a hidden agenda.
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
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......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Islam is a religion. Islamism is political ideology.

I would rest easier at night if I believed that. How did you come to such a conclusion? Certainly the scripture is not consistent with your conclusion?!