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Is Islam "untrue"?


Oldest Heretic
A land of plenty can turn sand-dune desert in just a few thousand years? I'd think it'd take a bit longer than that.

It happened. it is not conjecture.

Also think about the dust bowl in the USA. fertile plains were ruined in under 100 years and turnrd to desert.
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
When dam explode water destroy the whole nature

Water is nature

It possible some thing happen by nature even

Two example,

Lut attribute and aad attribute

Nature Killed every person and every one
By a comman from Allah

What are Lut and aad?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
It is not an excuse

There is proverb says

An excuse is sometime More ugly

This proverb does match with vegas

Demolishing ethics

Do you think there is no poor man in united state

Most of them unemployed

Read the statistics again. The unemployment rate is high, but it's hardly the majority of the US population. And Vegas is hardly the United States, as Dubai is hardly the whole Arab world.

You have to read how all people in Switzerland turned to be employee

These giant towers provide people with jobs

You dont know any thing about Arab world
Women or man who doesn't work was given
Money by organizations monthly until they become

Muslim give poor people money called zakat and sadaqa

Now where do you prefer to live ?
Well, I'd prefer Scandinavia, myself, but that's not looking like a feesable option at this point. But if I recall, I didn't say anything about the Arab world in general, just Dubai. What I hear tell of that place reeks of everything Capitalist America wishes itself to be.

But, frankly, I wouldn't want to live anywhere in the Arab world, not because of culture, but climate. The region itself would almost certainly kill me (see, me and the Sun have this little understanding: I don't bother her with my presence, and she doesn't burn me). Give me snow and long, cold nights over dry, desert sand and an endless sun.

And for the record, I wouldn't want to live in Vegas, either. I don't hold the highest opinion of the place. Plus it's also a region of dry, desert sand and endless sun.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
And in the Bible of Barnabas Jesus predicts the coming of Muhammad ( S.A.W.) in these words:*"The name of the Messiah is admirable, for God himself gave him the name when he had created his soul, and placed it in a celestial splendour. God said: 'Wait Mohammed; for thy sake I will to create paradise, the world, and a great multitude of creatures, whereof I make thee a present, insomuch that whoso bless thee shall be blessed, and whoso shall curse thee shall be accursed. When I shall send thee into the world I shall send thee as my messenger of salvation, and thy word shall be true, insomuch that heaven and earth shall fail, but thy faith shall never fail.' Mohammed is his blessed name." Then the crowd lifted up their voices, saying: "O God, send us thy messenger: O Admirable One, come quickly for the salvation of the world!"—Barnabas 97:9-10

From wikipedia;
"The Gospel of Barnabas is a book depicting the life of Jesus, and claiming to be by Jesus' disciple Barnabas, who in this work is one of the twelve apostles. Two manuscripts are known to have existed, both dated to the late 16th century and written respectively in Italian and in Spanish—although the Spanish manuscript is now lost, its text surviving only in a partial 18th-century transcript"

"This Gospel is considered by the majority of academics, including Christians and some Muslims (such as Abbas el-Akkad) to be late and pseudepigraphical;[1]"

It seems the sheikhs you listen to are feeding you pseudo-historical fiction.

If you would like a more authentic appreciation of Muhammad try this one;
Some Answered Questions, Muhammad Pages 18-24
Like the Bible is completely clean of violent verses insinuating violence.

In a worldly setting there has always been violence b/c man is imperfect. prone to violence b/c each human has as part of his make-up freewill, self-preservation&to 1 degree or another greed, anger, jealousy, pride, fear, etc. & Cain killed his brother Abel. An artist creates many things, some things he keeps, others he throws away. God is the same regading His Creation.

Under the Old Testament covenant justice was to be handed down swiftly for serious violations, except in certain instances, usually through procedures to be done through a priest or through other pardons. For lesser violations you had to offer various offerings (atonement-payment for sins). Also, under the law, war against enemies was a necessary "evil", if you will.

Like Judas betrayed Jesus, there always was and will always be someone, even close to us (on earth) who want to inflict damage on us. The New Testament covenant only changes the way Jesus&we deal with human nature relative to the OT covenant Law.

God made the earth b/c he cannot allow anything imperfect(prone to sin, especially gross sin)to remain in Heaven with Him. Also, had He allowed us to live with Him and just tried to teach us right from wrong under perfect circumstances, most of us would be unable to fully understand the true seriousness and consequences of sin and evil.

Experience is the best teacher when its under the most perfect rabbi-tutor. On earth God lets us experience and learn all sorts of things, including some of the most vile evil imaginable. If the world was a place of paradise very few would turn to and listen to Him (human nature gets in the way). Even as bad as things are in this world few seek out finding and rightly knowing our real God.

God has full rights over anything He creates and therefore, He has the right to save or destroy at will, anything in the way. Why should God want us in Heaven, with Him forever if we do not want to know Him, His way? What right do we have to make any sort of demand on Him? Now if we were fair and gave Him time, at His pace, to show us things about Himself&His purpose to help us trust that He actually knows what He is doing, He might oblige us, giving to us things no one else on earth could.

Can you prove any of this?

In order to tell the future thousands of years in advance and the end from the beginning you must exist outside of time. The only position anywhere that would allow someone to tell us the end from the beginning is true infinity(360deg-if infinity is already occupied. No one else can be there-2 infinite beings can't occupy infinity at the same time). Only a spirit has the capability to occupy true infinity, undetected. On the other hand, anything that does not occupy true infinity is measurable, has finite properties, a beginning and an end-at least relative to someone occupying infinity (even if you can't measure it yourself).

The only way that Jesus could do what He did on earth is by both fully knowing every word in the OT and by fully understanding what everything written meant relative to God, Himself, the Bible (including what would be written in the NT after He went to Heaven) and relative to man. The manner in which the Apostles wrote the NT indicates that it could only be done if Jesus came from God.

Are you saying the Bible has no errors? If so there are Christians who disagree highly with you.

God put an unchangeable system in the Bible, used through out the Bible. That means that whether some one goofs up (deliberately or not) on a few words or they try to do a chop job on what God intended, a wise man will find it out, provided He understands, follows and uses God's system by and through Jesus' directions. For more than 46 years I have studied the whole Bible, parts many times against everything from religion to science.

This I can assure you, just about every word and sentence is exactly where it is supposed to be in the Bible. Any discrepancy is relatively minor. The errors can be repaired as they are found. Any errors do not change the eternal truth that God set in place from the beginning (only someone occupying infinity could know for sure what the eternal truth is).

Many calling themselves Christian are not. Others have made the mistake of following other "humans" that came before them, instead of seeking out God through Jesus through His Biblical directions, putting Jesus first in their lives. They failed to do as Jesus commanded and directed us to do.

There are many who will keep trying to find their own way to God. The Bible says that there are many ways that "seem" right but its end is death and this I have witnessed is true. It also says be careful not to go beyond whats written in the Bible (1 Cor 4:6) which many fail to do.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I want to ask same question also

In case Quran mentioned it

If it was not discovered by scientist it doesn't mean that it doesnt exist
True, however we could not say it is a part of the Qur'an which agrees with currently known science.

It is my view that it misleadingly implies current science agrees with something to call it "scientific". In my view such phenomena should be clearly divided and labeled, it helps non-educated people to realize that current scientists may not agree with these things and saves them the embarrassment of presenting these phenomena to them as though they were accepted as such.

Before many century we didn't have prove for planets
And no one discover it (it was mentioned in Quran

So it doesn't mean that planets doesn't exist

That is not correct, planets may not have been properly understood in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad, however knowledge that they existed was relatively common in the ancient world, as people could see several of them with the naked eye;

"The five classical planets, being visible to the naked eye, have been known since ancient times and have had a significant impact on mythology, religious cosmology, and ancient astronomy. In ancient times, astronomers noted how certain lights moved across the sky in relation to the other stars. Ancient Greeks called these lights πλάνητες ἀστέρες (planetes asteres, "wandering stars") or simply πλανῆται (planētai, "wanderers"),[13] from which today's word "planet" was derived.[14][15]"

Planet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Peace be upon you.
.......I am a 19 year old muslim. ......
So now, I was in a position where I could neither deny or confirm the truth of the religion. The rest of the story is irrelevant.

What I'd like to achieve with this debate is not necessarily a conclusion.
I hope to achieve greater clarity to wether or not my religion can be dismissed either with logical deduction or scientific proof.

Peace be on you....In above, I have taken some lines from your post.

Science is work of Allah, Holy Quran is word of same Allah.

(1) Please stress on prays to get God's help. Logic can only take to 'should be' but certainty comes from 'is'.

[1:5] Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help.
[1:6] Guide us in the right path —

[2:187] And when My servants ask thee about Me, say: ‘I am near. I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to Me. So they should hearken to Me and believe in Me, that they may follow the right way.’

Source: The Holy Quran Arabic text with Translation in English text and Search Engine - Al Islam Online

Any divide between revelation and rationality, religion and logic has to be irrational. If religion and rationality cannot proceed hand in hand, there has to be something deeply wrong with either of the two. Does revelation play any vital role in human affairs? Is not rationality sufficient to guide man in all the problems which confront him? Numerous questions such as these are examined with minute attention.
Source: Al Islam -Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge and Truth

(3) [Ref: religiousforums.com]-Holy Quran has pointed to something. Scientific world is still working on it.

(4) [Ref: religiousforums.com]-Three Allies of Faculty of Reason, including Revelation - Perfect Approach of Holy Quran.
[Based on Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya Parts I & II at http://www.alislam.org/books/]

Very good wishes.
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In a worldly setting there has always been violence b/c man is imperfect. prone to violence b/c each human has as part of his make-up freewill, self-preservation&to 1 degree or another greed, anger, jealousy, pride, fear, etc. & Cain killed his brother Abel. An artist creates many things, some things he keeps, others he throws away. God is the same regading His Creation.

Under the Old Testament covenant justice was to be handed down swiftly for serious violations, except in certain instances, usually through procedures to be done through a priest or through other pardons. For lesser violations you had to offer various offerings (atonement-payment for sins). Also, under the law, war against enemies was a necessary "evil", if you will.

Like Judas betrayed Jesus, there always was and will always be someone, even close to us (on earth) who want to inflict damage on us. The New Testament covenant only changes the way Jesus&we deal with human nature relative to the OT covenant Law.

God made the earth b/c he cannot allow anything imperfect(prone to sin, especially gross sin)to remain in Heaven with Him. Also, had He allowed us to live with Him and just tried to teach us right from wrong under perfect circumstances, most of us would be unable to fully understand the true seriousness and consequences of sin and evil.

Experience is the best teacher when its under the most perfect rabbi-tutor. On earth God lets us experience and learn all sorts of things, including some of the most vile evil imaginable. If the world was a place of paradise very few would turn to and listen to Him (human nature gets in the way). Even as bad as things are in this world few seek out finding and rightly knowing our real God.

God has full rights over anything He creates and therefore, He has the right to save or destroy at will, anything in the way. Why should God want us in Heaven, with Him forever if we do not want to know Him, His way? What right do we have to make any sort of demand on Him? Now if we were fair and gave Him time, at His pace, to show us things about Himself&His purpose to help us trust that He actually knows what He is doing, He might oblige us, giving to us things no one else on earth could.

So your not denying the Bible has equal amounts of violence as the Qur'an?

In order to tell the future thousands of years in advance and the end from the beginning you must exist outside of time. The only position anywhere that would allow someone to tell us the end from the beginning is true infinity(360deg-if infinity is already occupied. No one else can be there-2 infinite beings can't occupy infinity at the same time). Only a spirit has the capability to occupy true infinity, undetected. On the other hand, anything that does not occupy true infinity is measurable, has finite properties, a beginning and an end-at least relative to someone occupying infinity (even if you can't measure it yourself).

The only way that Jesus could do what He did on earth is by both fully knowing every word in the OT and by fully understanding what everything written meant relative to God, Himself, the Bible (including what would be written in the NT after He went to Heaven) and relative to man. The manner in which the Apostles wrote the NT indicates that it could only be done if Jesus came from God.

I read the whole thing and you haven't presented any evidence.

God put an unchangeable system in the Bible, used through out the Bible. That means that whether some one goofs up (deliberately or not) on a few words or they try to do a chop job on what God intended, a wise man will find it out, provided He understands, follows and uses God's system by and through Jesus' directions. For more than 46 years I have studied the whole Bible, parts many times against everything from religion to science.

This I can assure you, just about every word and sentence is exactly where it is supposed to be in the Bible. Any discrepancy is relatively minor. The errors can be repaired as they are found. Any errors do not change the eternal truth that God set in place from the beginning (only someone occupying infinity could know for sure what the eternal truth is).

Many calling themselves Christian are not. Others have made the mistake of following other "humans" that came before them, instead of seeking out God through Jesus through His Biblical directions, putting Jesus first in their lives. They failed to do as Jesus commanded and directed us to do.

There are many who will keep trying to find their own way to God. The Bible says that there are many ways that "seem" right but its end is death and this I have witnessed is true. It also says be careful not to go beyond whats written in the Bible (1 Cor 4:6) which many fail to do.

The Bible doesn't have "Minor" inconsistencies. There are several large one's.


Read the statistics again. The unemployment rate is high, but it's hardly the majority of the US population. And Vegas is hardly the United States, as Dubai is hardly the whole Arab world.

Well, I'd prefer Scandinavia, myself, but that's not looking like a feesable option at this point. But if I recall, I didn't say anything about the Arab world in general, just Dubai. What I hear tell of that place reeks of everything Capitalist America wishes itself to be.

But, frankly, I wouldn't want to live anywhere in the Arab world, not because of culture, but climate. The region itself would almost certainly kill me (see, me and the Sun have this little understanding: I don't bother her with my presence, and she doesn't burn me). Give me snow and long, cold nights over dry, desert sand and an endless sun.

And for the record, I wouldn't want to live in Vegas, either. I don't hold the highest opinion of the place. Plus it's also a region of dry, desert sand and endless sun.

Me too I am just trying to explain that Arab world is not adessert it is now green

Scandinavia is green and nice

I don't like to live in green place I like to visit historical place

I really amazed but aad attribute they are just like quran described

Them strong building inside the rock

I will try to post picture

I am using touch applicates and I don't think I can copy pictures

I am talking about poor people. Not climate

Goverment not only in dubai but all cities of UAE

Provide people with shelter so they give their nations home for free

Goverment give even working people house like villa

Two floor house for free

They also reconstruct your house if you want

They give unemployed people and even orphan and divorced money like salary
Every month

So they will not need any one

In ramadan. They put tent all over countries

For people to go their and eat without paying money

So they don't have people starving

Vegas is like bankok

They keep both ethics and dignity of people away from asking people

This is what Islam taught them

You don't like your sister to live in vegas (not trying to insult just a question

Do you?

I really don't

We think they are cheap

Your kids your daughters act during the environment

It is like encouraging people against ethics

My question was like

Will you like to live in country which save your families ethics and provide them shelter and money like dubai?
Or country provide you and your families in working in such job like vegas?

In foregion countries men marry girl that is not virgin

Women in Islam world all are virgins because the ethics

The weather in Arab world it is hot
But there many people living in foreign countries like weather

So it is matter the way of thinking

One who say that hot weather will make you black
Is not true

There are dark skin people living in cold weather
And they didn't become white

I think hot weather is better because
When you sweat so the toxin come out of your body

It is matter the way of thinking
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I am talking about poor people. Not climate

Goverment not only in dubai but all cities of UAE

Provide people with shelter so they give their nations home for free

Goverment give even working people house like villa

Two floor house for free

They also reconstruct your house if you want

They give unemployed people and even orphan and divorced money like salary
Every month

So they will not need any one

In ramadan. They put tent all over countries

For people to go their and eat without paying money

So they don't have people starving

Vegas is like bankok

They keep both ethics and dignity of people away from asking people

This is what Islam taught them

I personally would rather live in Dubai, but for the sake of justice there are 2 unfair things in your comparison;

1. UAE has oil money, Vegas doesn't. When Vegas doesn't have the means to treat it's poorer citizens so well it is not really fair to judge them as though they did.

2. You are comparing a religious section of Arab society to a non-religious section of western society, then judging the extent to which they compare in religious behavior.

This would be like comparing Bible Belt section of the US to Indonesia's Surabaya, Gang Dolly (Dolly Alley); Iraq's Baghdad
Kamaliyah; Pakistan's Hyderabad Serey Ghat, Karachi Napier Road,
Lahore Heera Mandi etc. then drawing comparative moral conclusions based on this.

In foregion countries men marry girl that is not virgin

Women in Islam world all are virgins because the ethics
Khadija the Mother of Islam and first of Prophet Muhammad's wives was married 3 times and had children from all her marriages.
Do you have any statistical studies carried out by reputable scientists confirming your claim?

One who say that hot weather will make you black
Is not true

There are dark skin people living in cold weather
And they didn't become white
Genetic mutation produces genetically dark people, temperature has nothing to do with skin pigmentation.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Me too I am just trying to explain that Arab world is not adessert it is now green

Scandinavia is green and nice

I don't like to live in green place I like to visit historical place

I really amazed but aad attribute they are just like quran described

Them strong building inside the rock

I will try to post picture

I am using touch applicates and I don't think I can copy pictures

I am talking about poor people. Not climate

Goverment not only in dubai but all cities of UAE

Provide people with shelter so they give their nations home for free

Goverment give even working people house like villa

Two floor house for free

They also reconstruct your house if you want

They give unemployed people and even orphan and divorced money like salary
Every month

So they will not need any one

In ramadan. They put tent all over countries

For people to go their and eat without paying money

So they don't have people starving

Vegas is like bankok

They keep both ethics and dignity of people away from asking people

This is what Islam taught them

You don't like your sister to live in vegas (not trying to insult just a question

Do you?

'Course I wouldn't. I wasn't glorifying Vegas.

But if she wanted to, that's not for me to decide.

Wouldn't have wanted her to be one of the workers on the Dubai tower, though, either.

I really don't

We think they are cheap

Your kids your daughters act during the environment

It is like encouraging people against ethics

My question was like

Will you like to live in country which save your families ethics and provide them shelter and money like dubai?
Unfortunately, I hear tell that Dubai is anything but that.

'Sides, we have individualist ethics, here.

Or country provide you and your families in working in such job like vegas?
Vegas isn't a country. It's a city. ^_^ And it's hardly a microcosm for America. America has no microcosmic city.

In foregion countries men marry girl that is not virgin

Women in Islam world all are virgins because the ethics
Yeah, an ethic that frankly makes no sense.

The weather in Arab world it is hot
But there many people living in foreign countries like weather
People who like the heat can go where there's heat. I don't like the heat, so I'm not going where there's heat.

So it is matter the way of thinking

One who say that hot weather will make you black
Is not true
LOL 'Course it won't! That sort of thing happens over several generations, and in any case, wouldn't bother me!

The heat wouldn't make me black, anyway, it'd make me red from the burns.

There are dark skin people living in cold weather
And they didn't become white
No, they didn't. ^_^

But some of their grandchildren did.

I.e., every single white-skinned person in the world. When our ancestors first came to Europe so many tens of thousands of years ago, they were dark-skinned.

I think hot weather is better because
When you sweat so the toxin come out of your body

It is matter the way of thinking
In the cold, we have fires to produce sweat.


I personally would rather live in Dubai, but for the sake of justice there are 2 unfair things in your comparison;

1. UAE has oil money, Vegas doesn't. When Vegas doesn't have the means to treat it's poorer citizens so well it is not really fair to judge them as though they did.

2. You are comparing a religious section of Arab society to a non-religious section of western society, then judging the extent to which they compare in religious behavior.

This would be like comparing Bible Belt section of the US to Indonesia's Surabaya, Gang Dolly (Dolly Alley); Iraq's Baghdad
Kamaliyah; Pakistan's Hyderabad Serey Ghat, Karachi Napier Road,
Lahore Heera Mandi etc. then drawing comparative moral conclusions based on this.

Khadija the Mother of Islam and first of Prophet Muhammad's wives was married 3 times and had children from all her marriages.
Do you have any statistical studies carried out by reputable scientists confirming your claim?

Genetic mutation produces genetically dark people, temperature has nothing to do with skin pigmentation.

It is right they have oil but not all cities bro

Before I gave him an example of switherland

There is no oil in switherland but Goverment success in stop un employee ...

90 percent people in witherland employee maybe more

Religious in non religious

Sorry but I didn't start forum
You have to say such thing to one who posted this topic
I don't have access to delete it

I am just answering like others

Khadija married 3 times

I don't know if your speech is true or not

But in case it is true

So that mean she married before she become muslim

so what?

When husband die she will marry if she want

This fact happen to all people with no exception lol

She didn't carry aids

In Arab world this is fact doesn't need to be proved

So that why we don't have such diseases

Such thing was discussed in oprah winefry show when she invited muslim

Then she overwhelmed with our life

But they cut it

So I didn't see the whole episdo

Whether it hyderabad or lahore

This is how conversation take place and now by your question
You are taking us to pre Islam life


Well-Known Member
Me too I am just trying to explain that Arab world is not adessert it is now green

Scandinavia is green and nice

I don't like to live in green place I like to visit historical place

I really amazed but aad attribute they are just like quran described

Them strong building inside the rock

I will try to post picture

I am using touch applicates and I don't think I can copy pictures

I am talking about poor people. Not climate

Goverment not only in dubai but all cities of UAE

Provide people with shelter so they give their nations home for free

Goverment give even working people house like villa

Two floor house for free

They also reconstruct your house if you want

They give unemployed people and even orphan and divorced money like salary
Every month

So they will not need any one

In ramadan. They put tent all over countries

For people to go their and eat without paying money

So they don't have people starving

Vegas is like bankok

They keep both ethics and dignity of people away from asking people

This is what Islam taught them

You don't like your sister to live in vegas (not trying to insult just a question

Do you?

I really don't

We think they are cheap

Your kids your daughters act during the environment

It is like encouraging people against ethics

My question was like

Will you like to live in country which save your families ethics and provide them shelter and money like dubai?
Or country provide you and your families in working in such job like vegas?

In foregion countries men marry girl that is not virgin

Women in Islam world all are virgins because the ethics

The weather in Arab world it is hot
But there many people living in foreign countries like weather

So it is matter the way of thinking

One who say that hot weather will make you black
Is not true

There are dark skin people living in cold weather
And they didn't become white

I think hot weather is better because
When you sweat so the toxin come out of your body

It is matter the way of thinking

I wonder if this charity you describe extends to foreign workers. I have seen reports that paint grim pictures of their lives.

Your insistence on virginity strikes me as barbarous, leading as it does to oppression and cruelty. I watched a report from a refugee camp in which a young woman was interviewed who had to become a prostitute so her family could survive. I gathered that she would never be able to marry. How is that fair or kind? I also gather that muslim men are notorious in various places as rapists and abusers of boys.


Truth Seeker
There is no PROOF for any religion. There is however EVIDENCE that you can weigh. As far as evidence goes, Islam is the most logical choice. And when I say Islam, I'm referring only to what is in the Quran. Other sources such as Hadith came about 250+ years after the death of Prophet Muhammad. They came about via consensus among clergy, much like the Bible and Oral Torah. I can only accept Quran as 100% truth even though other scriptures also contain truths and wisdom. For me it was two reasons: 1) The scientific miracles, math formulas and word patterns all in high level poetry. 2) There are no contradictions to be found in the Quran while other scriptures are full of them.

So in conclusion, if one was to say Muhammad fabricated the Quran, then you'd also have to accept that he was a visionary scientist with knowledge way ahead of his time, a mastermind mathematician, and a poet that could wow the people of his time. And on top of all this, he didn't take credit for his advancements in science and math. He left people over one thousand years later to discover his genius. Sounds improbable. More likely is that God authored the Quran and Muhammad was only a pious messenger. And there is only one Quran, no contradictions, black and white and all locked by mathematical formulas and word patterns to ensure it can't be altered like previous scriptures were.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
There is no PROOF for any religion. There is however EVIDENCE that you can weigh. As far as evidence goes, Islam is the most logical choice. And when I say Islam, I'm referring only to what is in the Quran. Other sources such as Hadith came about 250+ years after the death of Prophet Muhammad. They came about via consensus among clergy, much like the Bible and Oral Torah. I can only accept Quran as 100% truth even though other scriptures also contain truths and wisdom. For me it was two reasons: 1) The scientific miracles, math formulas and word patterns all in high level poetry. 2) There are no contradictions to be found in the Quran while other scriptures are full of them.

So in conclusion, if one was to say Muhammad fabricated the Quran, then you'd also have to accept that he was a visionary scientist with knowledge way ahead of his time, a mastermind mathematician, and a poet that could wow the people of his time. And on top of all this, he didn't take credit for his advancements in science and math. He left people over one thousand years later to discover his genius. Sounds improbable. More likely is that God authored the Quran and Muhammad was only a pious messenger. And there is only one Quran, no contradictions, black and white and all locked by mathematical formulas and word patterns to ensure it can't be altered like previous scriptures were.

Honestly, that Mohammad was a genius sounds more likely to me, especially since he lived so close in time period to the Alexandrian librarians, who knew so much that has been lost forever in the fire (one of histories greatest non-genocidal tragedies.)