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Is Islam "untrue"?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Why women should not be protected

It easy to take advantage from women

They will tell her that they love her and they care about her

Then once men take her virginity they leave her alone

And the best solution for that is to teach women how to catch and avoid such men. It's not impossible.
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Freedom Of Mind
And the best solution for that is to teach women how to catch and avoid such men. It's not impossible.

You are absolutely right and that what Islam teachs too.

Can you stop your daughter if she was young enough (over 18) and wanted to work as a porn star ?

Even if you want to stop her,she can stop you if you insist to annoy her.

Am i wrong.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
You are absolutely right and that what Islam teachs too.

Can you stop your daughter if she was young enough (over 18) and wanted to work as a porn star ?

Even if you want to stop her,she can stop you if you insist to annoy her.

Am i wrong.

If she really wanted to work as a porn star, not only would I not try to stop her, I'd help her out by making sure she's being safe, smart, and careful. So, she'd have good health care so she can frequently be tested for STIs, and I'd insist that she only work with clients who can legitimately prove to her that they're clean as well. She'd also be very good at self-defense, so she can fend off anyone who might try to attack her. Plus she'd have pepper spray on her at all times. Furthermore, I'd help her avoid scam studios that won't pay her.

But I'd also let her know that it's not exactly the most well-respected job, and working as a porn star can potentially ruin any chance of a long-term career in the future.

In any case, I'll first live a life by which she shouldn't feel obligated to work as one, and teach her skills that she can use elsewhere, such as programming.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Why women should not be protected

It easy to take advantage from women

They will tell her that they love her and they care about her

Then once men take her virginity they leave her alone

Actually women can also take advantage of men too.

But if Arab men are going around taking advantage of women in Arab countries are they as moral as you imagine them to be?


Freedom Of Mind
Actually women can also take advantage of men too.

But if Arab men are going around taking advantage of women in Arab countries are they as moral as you imagine them to be?

What advantage women get from men after ******* her,would you pls explain.

Islam teach that men should respect women and even avoid looking at them (lower their gaze)



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
What advantage women get from men after ******* her,would you pls explain.

Feelings of empowerment, sexual satisfaction... basically everything that men would get.

Furthermore, it could be used for blackmail.


Freedom Of Mind
Feelings of empowerment, sexual satisfaction... basically everything that men would get.

Furthermore, it could be used for blackmail.

So the best is a respectful relationship between both,which isn't for the purpose of sex,blackmail...etc,but a relation based on love and respect.

That what Islam teaches.
So your not denying the Bible has equal amounts of violence as the Qur'an?

No, its not equal, especially when Jesus is demoted &/or omitted (see below). All men are capable of violence. As I said before, under the OT law, if you were violent, but not for reasons commanded by God (breaking God's Laws-laws are ridged as are its penalties, specifics spelled out in the OT) you could be put to death or put in prison, etc. (dependent on the severity and circumstances). Just like any history book the OT lists many things of violence that humans are capable of b/c they are human, in need of a Savior, Jesus Christ (the reason God sent Him). The Qur'an omits understanding that no man can live w/o breaking God eternal law=sin, separates us from God, which is what the OT is about, demonstrating need for Jesus (by-passed by the Qur'an).

Under the NT we are not to kill anyone (there might be an exception for self-defense in a rare extreme life-threatening case-Just b/c a number of ppl calling themselves Christians decided not to act Christian and killed many ppl doesn't prove Jesus is wrong, rather it proves what Jesus said, "Many will come in my name and kill many, thinking they are acting for God.").

The Qur'an, on the other hand, is an amalgam of things from the OT, things from the NT but with addition of their own spin&ideas (some an adaptation from or based on the Pagan Moon god beliefs and possibly from others that preceded or were around Muhammad and Islam (600 years "after" Jesus). Some of the problems arising from or attached to these issues are:

1. There is no third covenant or any other covenant mentioned in the Bible to come after Jesus and it would have to be there. The NT is proof that Jesus was the last teacher. The truth is "complete" in Him equals there is no other "new" and/or other valid teaching or covenant after Jesus. Jesus came with a two(not three)edged sword(the two edges equal the OT&NT respectively which equals two witnesses(not three).

2. The Qu'ran, like some other religions, claims they are Bible-based, that the Bible has been corrupted, but they also contradict the Bible. If God really exists then surely He should be fully capable of protecting His word don't you think? Furthermore, if the Bible were in fact corrupt why would you even want to base your religion on a book that can't be trusted, one that any rational person would avoid like the plague. And, especially since the Bible makes absolute claim that it came from God, why would a rational person even want to believe in God, knowing He wasn't even able to save His Bible from corruption, which should have been simple for Him to do.

3. The Qur'an by-passes the most important "core" message that Jesus brought to the table, while going back to trying to live under the OT law, albeit a twisted version, presented as being a corrected version of it. Jesus came to free us from the severity of the penalties of the OT Law by way of His death & resurrection (which the Qur'an conveniently dismisses). Jesus offers grace and forgiveness for sins while the Qur'an omits this most important plan of Salvation (laid out in the OT), which can never be done through Muhammad.

4. B/c the Qur'an by-passes and adds things never in the Bible (see all my points above and what I wrote in my first post), while adding penalties never intended after Jesus, it created statements that allow men prone to violence more excuses to claim killing ppl is right, a commandment of Allah, who by the way does't exist (certainly with respect to Qu'ran claims).

I read the whole thing and you haven't presented any evidence.

Theres more than 300 direct prophecies (many more indirect and symbolizing &/or representative of Jesus), up to 3000 years before Jesus (you can google them), about Jesus and His purpose for coming that were fulfilled by Jesus' coming and by what He did. There is much evidence, too much to list here but if you don't see whats in what I wrote then I don't know what adding more will do for you. However, to be fair I'll list a number of Biblical signs for the end-times:

1. Ppl claiming last-day dates, signs, it won't or has already happened greatly increase.

2. Ecc12:12-Many more books are made than all of history. Dn12:4-knowledge increases(By WWW more knowledge is had in 1 nano-2nd than in all history). When my granddad was young he lived mostly as ppl lived for 1000s of yrs-wood fires, oil lamps&horses. Before dying he saw rockets go to the moon from his yard. Most new things used today began in his lifetime-bridge generation to the real end-times.

3. Dn12:4-Many shall run to&fro-in less than 1 day we travel magnitudes more than in all history before jets.

4. 3000yrs ago King Solomon-called the wisest human ever(still true today)-said u can't create(add to) or destroy what God made(Ecc3:14). It was proved in the 1800s=nothing is to be added or omitted from Rev(against world not just Romans) and Bible truth standing forever unchanged-Jn3:12.

5. Men's hearts will fail them. In the 1950s heart problems greatly increased. Even if doctors repair hearts the prophecy was fulfilled.

6. 2400 yrs ago: Zech14:12 says man's eyes&tongues will rot while still on their feet(it didn't happen until 1945 when atomic bombs were dropped in Japan-1st time we have a way to destroy all mankind).

7. In the 1800s it was found that light(wireless telegraph)can be used to communicate(not just simple signal&mirror reflection applications). Its no accident Light and the Word of God are mentioned together in Jn1:1-5. Today we network 24/7 by light (what the web operates on)more than all of history-Bible often links light, voice&words. W/o WWW its impossible to instantly message the world=this Gospel shall be known through out the world-now its a reality.

8. Ppl see 2 witnesses in the streets(impossible before TV cameras).

9. Wars&rumors of wars, disasters&earthquakes greatly increase(God knew there would be global warming, that man would detect&report many more things to the world). Its only the start of birth pangs but 1 paying right attention will know whats been sealed for 1000s of yrs in Bible-Jr23:20.

10. God's&Jesus' names are household words(both in good&bad ways)-true today.

11. Calling good evil&evil good greatly increase.

12. There will b a global government&economy.

13. Biblical abominations are accepted(&increase)as normal&good(like gays-UN put 1 more nail in world's coffin=prophecy fulfilled (using a Christian label to approve same=false teacher-they will receive greatest penalty).

14. Ppl seeking false prophets&teachers appealing to what they like&feels good greatly increase but few seek our real God thru His Son (Door to Heaven-Jn10:9).

15. Some churches got rid of some Catholic nonsense but didn't find Jesus(they skipped Biblical directions b/c of agendas=its a huge mistake-fulfilling prophecy against their practices[Amos8:11/Jr 12:10/Is5:9 {large houses=churches-Mt24:1-2}]/Hos4:6/Mk 7:1-23{Jn 3:3,5/Ez 36:24-27,26}/Lk16:15/Rv21:27/Jr 10:2-5/Is1:11-15).

16. Ppl have more skin problems&seasons overlap.

17. Israel became a nation in 1948="is real"-prophecy fulfilled.

Some of these are obvious in the Bible, while many require that you have to understand God's Biblical message. All come from prophecies (direct and indirect) from over a span of about 3500+ to 2000 years ago. Without going through and believing Jesus, much of it won't do you any good anyway.

The Bible doesn't have "Minor" inconsistencies. There are several large one's.

All the so-called inconsistencies &/or contradictions I looked at turned out to be non-existent, all come from cherry-picked verses while ignoring surrounding verses or other verses that are in the Bible to clarify or expand on what the real meaning should be. Some may still appear to be contradictions, unless you know God actually exists and again, you understand His Biblical message. Show me the supposed major inconsistencies &/or contradictions. I doubt they are.

By mistakes I'm talking about simple grammar, a word (i.e. writing red instead of blue) mistakes or an "actual" miss-translation of a word or two. The Bible is very redundant in providing God's true message. Most mistakes would not not change God's message one bit and if you have "studied" enough of the Bible any real important mistake will stand out as such. This can be corrected w/o any harm. The wise seek out good Bible versions and avoid the bad ones.

Rush to judgment almost always leads to wrong conclusions. Then theres others who absolutely want to find something wrong, anything so that they do not have to think about accountability. Many love to fight over words &/or word meaning, having many useless debates that take you round and round, wasting time. Meanwhile, they learn little with regard to who God actually is and even less about how to rightly know Him.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
So the best is a respectful relationship between both,which isn't for the purpose of sex,blackmail...etc,but a relation based on love and respect.

That what Islam teaches.

That's fine.

Unfortunately, it takes more than a religion to make such things mainstream, and in the Islamic world, this Islamic teaching is all too often ignored completely.

Does Islam have a feminist movement, or some kind of equivalent, to help combat this fact? (If it doesn't, that's not a slam against Islam itself, mind you.)


Freedom Of Mind
That's fine.

Unfortunately, it takes more than a religion to make such things mainstream, and in the Islamic world, this Islamic teaching is all too often ignored completely.

Does Islam have a feminist movement, or some kind of equivalent, to help combat this fact? (If it doesn't, that's not a slam against Islam itself, mind you.)

That's true.

Islamic countries aren't ruled by Islamic laws.

Hadith: Return of the Khilafah - YouTube


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
That's true.

Islamic countries aren't ruled by Islamic laws.

Hadith: Return of the Khilafah - YouTube

If I understood correctly, the argument presented in this short video is that the return of the Caliphate (and possibly its endurance) have been foretold by the Prophet?

So your point is that it when the Caliphate returns, then there will be Islamic rule in countries of Islamic majority?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
What advantage women get from men after ******* her,would you pls explain.

Islam teach that men should respect women and even avoid looking at them (lower their gaze)...

They can take advantage of men for money, then leave the men afterwards.

My point was made with respect to attempts at portraying men in the UAE as being more moral than other men.

If the men are practicing the teaching of Islam why do the women need to be protected from them?

On the other hand if the men are not practicing religion are they more moral than western people?


Freedom Of Mind
If I understood correctly, the argument presented in this short video is that the return of the Caliphate (and possibly its endurance) have been foretold by the Prophet?

So your point is that it when the Caliphate returns, then there will be Islamic rule in countries of Islamic majority?

Exactly it was foretold by the prophet and all stages have been achieved except the last stage and all signs are pointing that the Caliphate (last stage) is coming soon.


Freedom Of Mind
They can take advantage of men for money, then leave the men afterwards.

My point was made with respect to attempts at portraying men in the UAE as being more moral than other men.

If the men are practicing the teaching of Islam why do the women need to be protected from them?

On the other hand if the men are not practicing religion are they more moral than western people?

Of course not all muslims follow the real teaching of Islam and hence you'll find many of them lost after sex,drugs...etc,they are muslims by name but in fact they aren't .

i aint calling western people as immoral,but the environment is.
For example,i am sure many fathers and mothers in the west will feel pain if their daughter chose to work as a porn star,so they refuse it,but the environment is welcoming it.

When the environment is clean,then no place for dirties.


Agnostic Pantheist
What I'd like to achieve with this debate is not necessarily a conclusion.
I hope to achieve greater clarity to wether or not my religion can be dismissed either with logical deduction or scientific proof.
If a person embraces the scriptures and traditions of his religion at face value without taking into account the world as it is and has always been, then yes many of the theological claims of many religions, including Islam can be dismissed with logic or science. On the other hand if a person treats their religion (or culture) as an ethos, a heritage, and traditions which should be understood for their inherit wisdom, rather than 100% literal stories then religion can be quite potent and not so easily dismissed. In fact in the latter case I would say that a religion can find a more healthy and constructive place in the jigsaw of human cultures.

For example, I can appreciate the many stands and parables of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. But I completely dismiss the theological claim that he turned water into wine, based on scientific reason. And also based on the fact that the idea of turning water into wine may simply contain cultural ideas from the time of the writing of the gospels, which may hold merit in them when we do not literalize the narrative.
Likewise, I don't believe that the stories about Muhammad riding a flying steed from Mecca to Jerusalem, or slicing the moon in half, etc. Hold any water when treated as facts. (Whether the traditions are found in the Qur'an, Hadith and Sunnah, or other Islamic sources).


Well-Known Member
Exactly it was foretold by the prophet and all stages have been achieved except the last stage and all signs are pointing that the Caliphate (last stage) is coming soon.

So, you think that muslims are incapable of ruling themselves and need to be under the thumb of a tyrant? You might have a point given the bloody chaos that has happened lately when muslims have rid themselves of tyrants.

For other peoples, freedom is preferred.


Freedom Of Mind
So, you think that muslims are incapable of ruling themselves and need to be under the thumb of a tyrant? You might have a point given the bloody chaos that has happened lately when muslims have rid themselves of tyrants.

For other peoples, freedom is preferred.

No,The Caliphate is the stage after the end of the era of tyrants.


Freedom Of Mind
If a person embraces the scriptures and traditions of his religion at face value without taking into account the world as it is and has always been, then yes many of the theological claims of many religions, including Islam can be dismissed with logic or science. On the other hand if a person treats their religion (or culture) as an ethos, a heritage, and traditions which should be understood for their inherit wisdom, rather than 100% literal stories then religion can be quite potent and not so easily dismissed. In fact in the latter case I would say that a religion can find a more healthy and constructive place in the jigsaw of human cultures.

For example, I can appreciate the many stands and parables of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. But I completely dismiss the theological claim that he turned water into wine, based on scientific reason. And also based on the fact that the idea of turning water into wine may simply contain cultural ideas from the time of the writing of the gospels, which may hold merit in them when we do not literalize the narrative.
Likewise, I don't believe that the stories about Muhammad riding a flying steed from Mecca to Jerusalem, or slicing the moon in half, etc. Hold any water when treated as facts. (Whether the traditions are found in the Qur'an, Hadith and Sunnah, or other Islamic sources).

i don't believe that the prophet reached Jerusalem by flying steed,the quran didn't mention the means of transportation.

but how miracles work can't be understood by us.

One example is the born of Jesus christ.

Even our existance is kind of miracle,a tiny sperm that grow in the womb to be a human being,a tiny seed that grow to be a huge tree holding a tasty fruits,a dog that can trace a person just by recognizing the scent through long distances.