I am not any special, i am just a human being.
Religion to many people is special yes, it is word from the God they believe in, and in many scriptures it says you shall not speak bad about God. So many religious people see that blasphemy is a way of speaking bad about their God.
I realized that to me it is better to shut up when someone spread blasphemy about my belief. I know what i believe, and just the last few days after my conversion to Islam i found strenght in the teaching, so i do not get upset by some people bad words or drawings. Its their choice
Hey. You've got your heart at the right place. I truly respect your confidence. This is the maturity that people should have and you are absolutely right. I think only the weak in faith get this excited about someone else mocking a character of your faith. But let me tell you something my brother that I have learned from extensive study of the Islamic theology in all forms be it institutions, madrasa and sociology. Please take a listen to this.
Do you understand what I mean? This is crowd mentality. Gang mentality. You see, when you go to the street and one man starts talking about someones blasphemy and that person should be killed, it is contagious and the other man also joins in the same thought. Pier pressure. Most of them dont really care, just like you, but one weak guy does and others run with him.
This is a well studied fact even coming from age old Islamic documentation like the Tahzib atthahzib etc from a millennium ago. Muslim scholars have spoken about this "crowd mentality" and they have promoted usage of reason and logical thinking.