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Is there Really only one True Religion?


Active Member
Rom 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar;

2Pe 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

In your opinion, would this mean then that only those who are truly guided by holy spirit would have the proper understanding of scripture? Particularly the symbolic and /or so called "cryptic" scriptures?


Well-Known Member
Well is there?

Religions are common beliefs of humans. All religions might contains some philosophical truth. Yet if a true religion is defined as one which conveying the messages from a true God, I believe that Christianity is the only true religion.

Somehow it works like this. If you break the Law, you'll be sentenced, whether you understand Law or not, whether you read it or not, whether you ever study law itself or not. That's the case.

Similarly God's Law is embedded in your heart and soul. If you offended His Law, you'll be judged and put to jail. If you sinned you'll be driven out of His kingdom, the same as how Adam sinned and being driven out of Eden, and same as how Lucifer the archangel sinned and being driven out of heaven.

God is to save souls instead of bodies here on earth. Here on earth humans are basically not in His Kingdom. That's why the myseries. And everyone requires to pass the final judgment in order to return to God and His kingdom in heaven. And God foresaw that you won't stand a chance in the judgment. Jesus Christ is thus sent and a new covenant is in place which allows you to escape from the Judgment by Law.

If you refuse to take the new covenant, and when you are judged to be sinful, a permanent separation from God will be called. It is said that His sheep will take the new covenant. It is also said that those who aren't His sheep will continue to sin against His Law without repentance.

Moreover, it is said in the Book of Revelation that Satan (who is said to be an ex-archangel) is an accuser accussing people of sinning in order to keep them in jail with him. So good luck, either to find yourself a good lawyer or prepare yourself for the defense.

Revelation 12:10
Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: "Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down."

Alternatively, take the Second Covenant as a gift such that the final Judgment by Law can be avoided.


Resident Answer Man
OK. Let's say ALL religions are true. But how many of them follow that which is true?

"What is Truth?" asked Pontius Pilate. Then he turned away.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
How can the religions that claim to be the one true revelation deal with all the other claims? The only ones that I've seem doing a halfway clear job at it are Islam and the Bahai Faith, and it is still problematic at best.

Logically, a true Abrahamic God wouldn't allow such a situation to ever exist in the first place. Yet it exists. By itself, strong evidence against the whole set of Abrahamic faiths except perhaps Judaism and arguably Bahais.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
really.... what only one truths are there?
There is no one true language, culture or political system... why should there be one true religion?
Religions are human (political/cultural) institutions after all.


Answer: for many people, dealing with the uncertainties of the variety of cultures is in and of itself a significant anxiety factor. Therefore, belief in one true religion (and many thousands of false ones) is appealing to them.

I won't say it is good, because it often isn't.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Yes, there is one true religion just like there is one true shoe size and all other shoe sizes are false, even if they fit some feet.

People who think there is only one true religion need to grow up.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
OK. Let's say ALL religions are true. But how many of them follow that which is true?
If ALL religions are true, then they must follow truth. Otherwise they wouldn't be 'true' now would they?

The rest is just flavor text based on cultural/political needs.


painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Answer: for many people, dealing with the uncertainties of the variety of cultures is in and of itself a significant anxiety factor. Therefore, belief in one true religion (and many thousands of false ones) is appealing to them.

I won't say it is good, because it often isn't.
You know there has been some research done on this... it has very interesting implications for dichotomous thinkers.
Basically they appear to show heightened fear response.



Active Member
Yes, there is one true religion just like there is one true shoe size and all other shoe sizes are false, even if they fit some feet.

People who think there is only one true religion need to grow up.

Actually, it wasn't until I did "grow up" that I discovered that there really was one true religion. I started learning this at about 42 years of age.
The process continues.


Admiral Obvious
How can the religions that claim to be the one true revelation deal with all the other claims? The only ones that I've seem doing a halfway clear job at it are Islam and the Bahai Faith, and it is still problematic at best.

Logically, a true Abrahamic God wouldn't allow such a situation to ever exist in the first place. Yet it exists. By itself, strong evidence against the whole set of Abrahamic faiths except perhaps Judaism and arguably Bahais.
Think of each of the religions as a car manufacturer.
For example, Christianity as for, Islam as Chevy, etc.
Now think of each denomination as a model.
For example, Baptists as F150, Methodists as Mustang, etc.

Now think of the advertisements you hear and see for each of the different cars and manufacturers.

Apply the same tactics to religion.

Seems to me it is about hte same thing, just swap the MPG, interest rate, and down payment for soul, being good, tithing...


Well-Known Member
You know there has been some research done on this... it has very interesting implications for dichotomous thinkers.
Basically they appear to show heightened fear response.


The "one true religion" would definitely ground one in reality -make the feel secure because they actually were secure.

When one is uncertain if anything is truly safe or that anyone has their best interest at heart, certainly their "fear response" will be heightened.
This is used by some as a means of control -removing all that makes a person feel safe -then offering themselves as provider of safety.
It's the old protection racket taken to extremes -and since the "safety" provided is false, the mental/spiritual state of the subject continues to deteriorate due to the dichotomy -and can actually cause a personality to split -to actually make a person a dichotomy. Yes -some actually try to split others' personalities. This was actually attempted on me -and being grounded in the one true religion made it far less effective immediately -and completely inneffective eventually.
Fear is the mindkiller.
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Admiral Obvious
I believe that Christianity is the only true religion.

Somehow it works like this. If you break the Law, you'll be sentenced, whether you understand Law or not, whether you read it or not, whether you ever study law itself or not. That's the case.
Not always.
I know for a fact that you might just get a warning...

Similarly God's Law is embedded in your heart and soul.
See, right here is where we start to have problems.
What exactly does this mean?
I will even seriously help you out by agreeing with your assumption that god and souls actually exist.
Provided you define the term soul so that we can be on the same page.

If you offended His Law, you'll be judged and put to jail. If you sinned you'll be driven out of His kingdom,
Here you will have to define sin.
Just so we are on the same page.

the same as how Adam sinned and being driven out of Eden, and same as how Lucifer the archangel sinned and being driven out of heaven.
You mean Jesus?
Cause Jesus had that particular TITLE at one point.
Or are you meaning "The" devil?
Perhaps you mean Satan, but then, Satan is not a name, but another title...

God is to save souls instead of bodies here on earth. Here on earth humans are basically not in His Kingdom. That's why the myseries. And everyone requires to pass the final judgment in order to return to God and His kingdom in heaven. And God foresaw that you won't stand a chance in the judgment. Jesus Christ is thus sent and a new covenant is in place which allows you to escape from the Judgment by Law.
I shall await your definition of "soul".
Interesting how you show the way god set man up to fail in order to justify showing up under the guise of his own son in order to "save" us.

If you refuse to take the new covenant, and when you are judged to be sinful, a permanent separation from God will be called. It is said that His sheep will take the new covenant. It is also said that those who aren't His sheep will continue to sin against His Law without repentance.
How very appropriate s term to use, "sheep".

Moreover, it is said in the Book of Revelation that Satan (who is said to be an ex-archangel) is an accuser accussing people of sinning in order to keep them in jail with him. So good luck, either to find yourself a good lawyer or prepare yourself for the defense.
Here we are again using a Title as a name.
I am beginning to be concerned with your ability to comprehend what the Bible says.
I mean, several times now you have demonstrated that you cannot even tell the difference between a name and title....

Revelation 12:10
Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: "Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down."

Alternatively, take the Second Covenant as a gift such that the final Judgment by Law can be avoided.

hold on, wait a second.
Are we or are we not going to be judged?
You seem to be rather confused concerning the judgment part.

All over the place above you talk about judgments, but now you claim we will not be?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
The "one true religion" would definitely ground one in reality -make the feel secure because they actually were secure.
How does one define security in this case? Is it simply the fluffy abstract "I'm going to heaven"?

How would one explain the fact that members of every religion have people who are insecure and thus driven to divide the world into black and white because it is comforting and grey areas are scary?

Can such comfort really be worthwhile if it hampers your ability to see reality as it is? Teddy bears are comforting but they are hardly healthy for adults to rely on.
