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Is there Really only one True Religion?


Well-Known Member
you may think that supports your religion as 'true' but there are lots of other religions that claim the exact same thing of their books. You have no means of showing your book is any better than any other... or better than any religion that doesn't use books.

Most of however is fluffy and easily argued against... "all-powerful and only thinking of our best interest" is a favorite attack point for atheists and with good reason.

How do you think I ended up practicing the faith I have today. Yours didn't work.

You may have proved it to yourself... you haven't proven anything to anyone else. Certainly not me.

Yes you are... not directly, but by saying your religion is the only true one (tm) you are saying that my religious experiences are phony. After all, if my religious experiences were real I would be in your religion.


"Yours didn't work" ... What exactly were you expecting what you believe to be my religion to "do"? What would be the evidence of it "working"? How did it fail?

I am indeed saying that any but the one religion set forth by the one true God IS the only way -and that all others will prove false in the end, but, in my previous post, I merely said that I had no clue what your religion might be, what religious experiences you might have had -how they might differ from mine -and so could not comment on their "trueness" or "falseness".

"That" does not support my religion as true... Adhering to the things stated in the bible that I should do -with the attitude required therein -and experiencing the results promised therein as a result, I have proved what is written therein -concerning such -true.


If you have proven what is written in the bible false to your own satifaction, I'm quite cool with that -though I do believe the future will cause you to believe otherwise. Meanwhile, I'm not out to change what you think -nor do I dislike you or want to hinder you in any way simply because we disagree.
In what I believe, not all are called to believe at the same time -some not until after death -and everyone has the option to disbelieve -why should I struggle against that??? It is also written that I ought to strive to live peacfully with others whenever possible, and to not make differing beliefs a point of contention.
This is not what I am trying to do -I am merely posting in an open forum. If we were having a personal converstaion, and you asked about my beliefs -I would tell you about them. If you then told me you did not wish to discuss them further and that you disagreed, that would be the end of that -and we could proceed to get a beer and watch the footie with no hard feelings on my part.

Causing strife is not loving one's neighbor -is not doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.
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Well-Known Member
How do you think I ended up practicing the faith I have today. Yours didn't work.

I doubt that you truly -fully -understand just what is "my" faith -as we have not conversed at length about it. By seeing me write that I believe in Christ, etc... you might assume some things about what I might believe which are not actually what I believe. Therefore you might not have "tried" the same thing.
I am not asking you to -just pointing out that what I believe and did and what you believed and did may have been different.

You have your religion down as Native American. I do not know much about the beliefs of the Native Americans, or whether beliefs differed at all from tribe to tribe -but... from what I have read, those who came to the "new world" may have had bibles with them, but certainly did not treat the Native Americans in a manner which would have pleased the God of the bible -and he will not hold us guiltless. He may have led us here for his purpose, but did not make us treat the Native Americans as we did.

I, personally, do not believe the dead live again until Christ returns, or 1,000 years later, but that is perhaps my only disagreement with the words attributed to Chief Si'ahl (Sealth, Seattle) -and still believe we should have granted his requests and more -and should have acted differently to begin. By treaty, much of the land taken from the Native Americans was recetly to be returned. It was not. I believe God will not hold us guiltless or leave us unpunished for that also. In fact, I believe it is one of the reasons we are called a "hypocritical nation" by God in Isiaiah 10 -for which he himself will raise an enemy against us.

There are several versions of the words of Chief Si'ahl, -and which are accurate is disputed, but they are not very different....

"A few more moons, a few more winters, and not one of the descendants of the mighty hosts that once moved over this broad land or lived in happy homes, protected by the Great Spirit, will remain to mourn over the graves of a people once more powerful and hopeful than yours. But why should I mourn at the untimely fate of my people? Tribe follows tribe, and nation follows nation, like the waves of the sea. It is the order of nature, and regret is useless. Your time of decay may be distant, but it will surely come, for even the White Man whose God walked and talked with him as friend to friend, cannot be exempt from the common destiny. We may be brothers after all. We will see."
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painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
"Yours didn't work" ... What exactly were you expecting what you believe to be my religion to "do"? What would be the evidence of it "working"? How did it fail?
Give me some sort of spiritual connection with God...

I am indeed saying that any but the one religion set forth by the one true God IS the only way -and that all others will prove false in the end, but, in my previous post, I merely said that I had no clue what your religion might be, what religious experiences you might have had -how they might differ from mine -and so could not comment on their "trueness" or "falseness".
So you can't see the implication from the first part ... "there is one true religion set forth by the one true God"... must mean that my religion (ie. not a biblical one) is not "true".

"That" does not support my religion as true... Adhering to the things stated in the bible that I should do -with the attitude required therein -and experiencing the results promised therein as a result, I have proved what is written therein -concerning such -true.
And why doesn't the same hold true for other religions? How does a Hindu or a Muslim doing the same thing with the same results as you not prove their religion is the true one?

If you have proven what is written in the bible false to your own satifaction, I'm quite cool with that -though I do believe the future will cause you to believe otherwise.
I'm sure you do believe that.

Causing strife is not loving one's neighbor -is not doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.
I'm not seeking to cause strife... just to get you to develop your position a bit better.
When you claim your faith is the only true one, you will be expected to defend that position.


painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I doubt that you truly -fully -understand just what is "my" faith -as we have not conversed at length about it. By seeing me write that I believe in Christ, etc... you might assume some things about what I might believe which are not actually what I believe. Therefore you might not have "tried" the same thing.
I am not asking you to -just pointing out that what I believe and did and what you believed and did may have been different.
I'm sure... everyone has their own unique faith. I believe that this is what God/Creator intended as we are all unique individuals.



Well-Known Member
When you claim your faith is the only true one, you will be expected to defend that position.

This I will do if you ask, but never to your satisfaction.

I do claim that God's religion (as set forth in the bible) is the one true religion -and that some of the beliefs of others are contradictory -and both cannot actually be correct if contradictory or diametrically opposed... but this is not to say that others' "religious experiences" are not true.
My "religious experience" began very early -long before I believed as I now do. I believe that everything we experience is our "religious experience", as it is the experience base from which God may reason with us in his own time.
I was aware of God's influence in my life long before I actually considered whether or not my then-present beliefs were correct. I view our lifetimes here as part of a process which shapes us -and that specific beliefs are only a part of that process. Many of differing beliefs have all learned identical truths and have become good, strong persons by their experiences (and their own effort). Specific beliefs are important, but God still works with people to whom he has not revealed some specifics.

As Si'ahl said, we cannot escape the common destiny. We will all eventually believe the same truth -because it is true, and we will all see it as true. I may believe that some things you believe are not true, and the same can be said of your view of my beliefs, but all of our "religious experiences" will bring us all to the same place (rather, God will bring all of every belief to eventually stand before him), and we will eventually agree -no matter what we now believe. I may see one part of the whole truth -you may see another -but God will eventually correct us all and fill the gaps in our understanding.

I believe God's religion is the one true religion, and have proven aspects thereof, but I learn more about it daily -often by sincerely listening to those who disagree, as they many times point out understanding or perspective I lack. I thereby often travel to agree with them -even if they still do not agree with me.
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painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
You will forgive me... but none of that in any way demonstrates that your religion is Gods one true religion.

But you believe it is... and we should probably leave it at that.



Well-Known Member
I've already left it at that -It is impossible for me to demonstrate that to you -that's actually my point.

Woody Guthrie said "This land is your land, this land is my land" -a sticker on the window of a Native American's truck I saw said "This land is OUR land"
-but all belongs to God -the Great Spirit, if you will -even ourselves.

We'll end this conversation, then -but please allow me to thank you for conversing without being insulting or condescending. It is quite refreshing.
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Well-Known Member
Just a little comparative religion humor.....>>>>

TAOISM Stuff happens.
BUDDHISM If stuff happens, it really isn't stuff.
ISLAM If stuff happens, it is the will of Allah.
PROTESTANISM Let the stuff happen to someone else.
CALVINISM Stuff happens because you don't work hard enough.
JUDAISM Why does this stuff always happen to us?
HINDUISM This stuff happened before.
CATHOLICISM Stuff happens because you're BAD.
HARE KRISHNA Stuff Happens, Rama Rama Ding Ding.
TELEVANGELISM Send money or stuff will happen to you!
JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Knock, Knock, stuff happens.
DEVIL WORSHIP Sneppah ffuts
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Stuff is in your mind.
AGNOSTICISM Maybe stuff happens, maybe it doesn't.
EXISTENSIALISM What is this stuff, anyway?
STOICISM This stuff is its own reward.
NEW AGE This isn't stuff if I really believe it's chocolate.
COMMUNISM It's everybody's stuff.
HEISENBERGISM Stuff happened, we just don't know where.
SCIENTOLOGY Stuff happens on page 152 of Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard
CAPITALISM Stuff happens, and it'll cost you!
PAGANISM That Goddess stuff.
DECONSTRUCTION Stuff happens in hegemonic meta-narratives.
CEREMONIAL MAGIC I can make stuff happen.
ZEN What is the sound of stuff happening?
RASTAFARIANISM Let's smoke this stuff.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
There is indeed religious truth. A true religion, founded by God, and watched over with the promise that it would not wholly fail.


Well-Known Member
Is there really only one true religion?

I think a lot of religions have truth in them, and useful teachings. I also believe there are a lot of untruths in many religions. There may be some religions that are completely true, as long as those religions only have truth in them. Many of their truths could overlap, particularly regarding ethics. Many religions promote being a good person and doing good to others. Some religions might have things in common with others, but may focus more on a few specific truths that may be particularly important to that religion.


Admiral Obvious
I think a lot of religions have truth in them, and useful teachings. I also believe there are a lot of untruths in many religions. There may be some religions that are completely true, as long as those religions only have truth in them. Many of their truths could overlap, particularly regarding ethics. Many religions promote being a good person and doing good to others. Some religions might have things in common with others, but may focus more on a few specific truths that may be particularly important to that religion.
So, is this a rather long winded "no" or just an off topic rambling?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Okay let's do it this way, for all those who claim their religions are true, maybe they could give us their reasons for thinking so. I won't participate, since I don't think I have the only truth.


Well-Known Member
God's religion -as given in the bible -is true because it answers all things -AND BRINGS THEM TO PASS. It gives reason for the present temporary chaotic state of things, and explains how all will be made correct. What God instructs us to do therein would create a perfect world. It also provides for etrernal life. God exists, and will grant eternal life to those who agree to live within the laws which provide for freedom and happiness. It is true because what it says is true -and because what it says we ought to do is true.
For argument's sake...
If God does not exist, all religions are essentially philosophies of men attributed to imaginary deities.

If God does exist, the one true religion would be what he instructs us to do and believe -and all others would still be the above, even if similar in some aspects.

Some believe God does not exist, but that other spirits do -or their ancestors after death... and consult or worship them, but I wouldn't consider such "religion" in the strictest sense -and certainly not true to the extent that is possible with an eternal, all-knowing, all-powerful creator.
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Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
For argument's sake...
If God does not exist, all religions are essentially philosophies of men attributed to deities.

If God does exist, the one true religion would be what he instructs us to do and believe -and all others would still be the above, even if similar in some aspects.

Why would you assume that though? I believe my gods exist, but I don't assume my religion is the only entirely correct one. Wouldn't a deity know how people are and know that we'd end up coming up with many different religions, and instead of begrudging us that, wouldn't that deity work with us using whatever religion we accepted?


Admiral Obvious
If God does exist, the one true religion would be what he instructs us to do and believe -and all others would still be the above, even if similar in some aspects.

Unless of course this all knowing god knew before hand that different people see things differently and set up multiple religions so that the majority of people would still get to "heaven".

Just saying that it isn't black and white.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
That's how Kemetics see it mestemia. We believe that all the nations were given what they needed, in that nation's particular case, to reach the divine. The way of the ancient Egyptians is only one of many ways.