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Is there Really only one True Religion?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I disagree, I find people who believe they have the one only truth to be extremely insecure. They feel this need to constantly spew their views, but won't give anyone with differing beliefs the time of day.


Active Member
I disagree, I find people who believe they have the one only truth to be extremely insecure. They feel this need to constantly spew their views, but won't give anyone with differing beliefs the time of day.

Actually, if one were to not be sure if they were of the one true religion or failed to acknowledge that to the world that they believed for a certainty that they were, THAT would be the display of insecurity, not the other way around.
If a person did not truly believe that they were in the one true faith, they could in no way tell others about it, nor would they want to.
And if they weren't sure if they were a part of the true faith, why would they hang around? And if these things didn't matter one way or another, why would they stick around?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
And if they weren't sure if they were a part of the true faith, why would they hang around? And if these things didn't matter one way or another, why would they stick around?

There are some very interesting answers to these questions. Sociology, anthropology and social psychology have all studied this matter.

In a nutshell, the answer is that people have a need to be part of something that is approved by others and makes them feel elected.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
And if they weren't sure if they were a part of the true faith, why would they hang around? And if these things didn't matter one way or another, why would they stick around?
because there is a chance of being tortured for ever and ever by god if they don't stick around.

If your faith isn't the absolute truth, then maybe there isn't any hell.... if there isn't any hell maybe there isn't any god... if there isn't any god then there is no reason to be good... if there is no reason to be good then everything is chaos.... Chaos is bad and scary... therefore there has to be a God to prevent the bad things... if there is a god then your religion is right because it is the only one "true" to what god wants. You know this because you are going to heaven because you are good, you just know you are because you "feel it".

Black or white.... no shade of grey. Letting in grey lets in chaos... chaos is bad...order is good... black and white only.

It is the epitome of insecurity posing as absolute certainty.



Active Member
There are some very interesting answers to these questions. Sociology, anthropology and social psychology have all studied this matter.

In a nutshell, the answer is that people have a need to be part of something that is approved by others and makes them feel elected.

That is a very simplified way to answer the question to be sure. Yes, those university masterminds make it sound so good because all they have to analyse is churches and church people, so naturally that is what they have to draw off of.
But I say the university masterminds do not have all the answers nor the truth either.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Actually, it wasn't until I did "grow up" that I discovered that there really was one true religion. I started learning this at about 42 years of age.
The process continues.

Once you're feet reached their absolute size, you forgot that other people are not always fit by the same size shoe as you.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Okay, you don't understand what I mean. You're not the only one.

Why is it imperitive that we understand, as long as YOU understand? After all, it is your beliefs. See this is what I mean by the insecurity of people who claim absolute truth. You're trying too hard. Don't worry about what we understand or don't understand, work out your own salvation.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
That is a very simplified way to answer the question to be sure. Yes, those university masterminds make it sound so good because all they have to analyse is churches and church people, so naturally that is what they have to draw off of.
It's easy to poo-poo "those university masterminds" as "the other" and thus dismiss anything they do. Black/White...

But I say the university masterminds do not have all the answers nor the truth either.
Because you have it... and because you have it, they can't. :cool:


Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Actually, if one were to not be sure if they were of the one true religion or failed to acknowledge that to the world that they believed for a certainty that they were, THAT would be the display of insecurity, not the other way around.
If a person did not truly believe that they were in the one true faith, they could in no way tell others about it, nor would they want to.

In the past my sect had orphanages that would raise the child the religion of the family they came from. If they took care of a muslim child they would teach them about Islam.

If people come and asked them about there faith they will tell them. When I came to my teacher he kept pointing me back to Christ because I was an ex Christian. He saw no need to covert me. Over time it became clear I wanted to practice Hinduism so he help me in that process. The children's classes of this order teaches Hinduism but also all the major faiths. Just not the fundamentalist forms of any of the religions. We like the mystical forms of the different faiths.
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Well-Known Member
How does one define security in this case? Is it simply the fluffy abstract "I'm going to heaven"?

How would one explain the fact that members of every religion have people who are insecure and thus driven to divide the world into black and white because it is comforting and grey areas are scary?

Can such comfort really be worthwhile if it hampers your ability to see reality as it is? Teddy bears are comforting but they are hardly healthy for adults to rely on.


To see reality as it is IS THE ONE TRUE RELIGION -how could it be otherwise?

We're not talking about "every religion" -we're talking about the one true religion.
The one true religion would (does) make gray areas not scary. I assume gray means ambiguity -so the one true religion would turn the gray into REAL black and white -displace confusion with understanding.

Believing does not make one feel secure (secure "enough") -KNOWING does. Real faith is not blind belief -it is the SUBSTANCE of things not seen. Things not seen can still be proven.
Few have seen an electron -but they can still prove it exists without seeing it.

In my own personal experience, the "gray areas" were not scary (ok -not as scary as they would have been [most just don't know what scared IS] ) because I understood what was happening to me -and not just what -but WHY. I understood not only what was happening around me, but how it related to the past and future -and even the "big picture" -how it fit into the overall plan (my body was drugged {sometimes psychotomimetics aren't even necessary} so as to to have all the chemical responses of extreme fear, but my understanding remained, and quickly dulled the effects -and prayer/seeking God removed them altogether. Some do not recover.)
I certainly do believe there is a wonderful "tomorrow" -but it was the ability to be content in any situation which enabled me to remain intact where much stronger men than I have been destroyed from the inside out. The ability to be content in any situation does not come from believing you will "go to heaven" -but KNOWING that God does exist, and rewards those who diligently seek him -and not only rewards later, but saves out of trouble now -and actually guides one's path.

The difference between just believing and real faith is the fact that God himself intiates real faith in one. Believing fails quickly in times of trouble -but faith -KNOWING -is what allows a person to refuse to do evil even though himself and all he holds dear -and ever will -is threatened (some do this without faith or seeking God's righteousness[putting on the "armor of God"], but that is more like berserking -and ends badly). It is KNOWING that the end result is SOLELY the decision of God -and that the best decision has nothing to do with deciding between the lesser of two evils. (Oh, that I could make my countrymen understand this!)
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painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
To see reality as it is IS THE ONE TRUE RELIGION -how could it be otherwise?
What is reality as it truly is?
Is a color blind person denied this true religion by being denied true reality?

We're not talking about "every religion" -we're talking about the one true religion.
The one true religion would (does) make gray areas not scary. I assume gray means ambiguity -so the one true religion would turn the gray into REAL black and white -displace confusion with understanding.
There is no real black and white.

I'm sure your personal experience was very real... to you. But how does a chemically altered state in another person demonstrate "true reality" or frankly "true" anything? Why are your experiences true while mine are not?



Well-Known Member
What is reality as it truly is?
Is a color blind person denied this true religion by being denied true reality?

There is no real black and white.

I'm sure your personal experience was very real... to you. But how does a chemically altered state in another person demonstrate "true reality" or frankly "true" anything? Why are your experiences true while mine are not?


Reality as it truly is is all that has been thus far. That is the real black and white. There is real black and white. Your experiences are true, but your vision may not be. The altered state was real enough -but it is not the altered state which demonstrated true reality. The true reality was demontrated by my being enabled to overcome that which has overcome countless others -allowing me to not be subject to it, but rather master it and counter it. It still exists, and I am affected by it, but not controlled by it. These controllers would have used me to do the same to others, but knowing God saves if we seek him, and that he may direct our paths, has resulted in my being used by God to decrease their power even over others. Even the telling of it decreases its effect -but most are made too afraid to speak of it. I recalled the advice of those who have gone before -who have been in similar situations, and acted on it -and it proved true.

The above situation is just one example -I have experienced many things before and after, also. I am not talking about ethereal spiritual experiences, either -not merely some thing I "felt in my heart" or whatever. The fact that they happened to me and not another does not make them any less true - it just means that we don't all experience the same things at the same time.
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painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Reality as it truly is is all that has been thus far.
You'll forgive me, but IMHO this sounds like empty babble trying to be deep. It says nothing.

What makes your religious experience "true" and not mine?



Well-Known Member
It may sound like empty babbling, but if all that has been thus far is as the bible claims -that God has always existed -that there was never nothing -and that the commandments therein are from God -and God is as he says he is therein -all-knowing, all-powerful and only thinking of our best interest, then his religion (that which he says we ought to do) is true -it is the only "way".

Since we cannot travel backward in time, the only way to prove that the religion described in the bible (not what men say about it) is true IS TO TRY IT -to sincerely do what it says and see what happens. Anyone can see that some of the commandments are "true" even standing alone -because they would make things better if everyone adhered to them -but the commandments are just the beginning -the very basics -and there are many promises concerning what will happen if you sincerely do as God says.

My religious experience is true, because I proved the religion given in the bible to be true and good -as well as proving some of the the promises concerning what happens if one adheres to it to be true (though some promises concern what happen after this time).

I know nothing of your religious experience -and have not said it isn't true.


Admiral Obvious
It may sound like empty babbling, but if all that has been thus far is as the bible claims -that God has always existed -that there was never nothing -and that the commandments therein are from God -and God is as he says he is therein -all-knowing, all-powerful and only thinking of our best interest, then his religion (that which he says we ought to do) is true -it is the only "way".
Would this not apply to every single religion?
Just substitute Koran for Bible and Allah for God and you just gave the exact same argument for Islam.

You can do the same thing for almost all religions.
Which puts you right back to square one.

Since we cannot travel backward in time, the only way to prove that the religion described in the bible (not what men say about it) is true IS TO TRY IT -to sincerely do what it says and see what happens. Anyone can see that some of the commandments are "true" even standing alone -because they would make things better if everyone adhered to them -but the commandments are just the beginning -the very basics -and there are many promises concerning what will happen if you sincerely do as God says.
How does that "prove" anything?

My religious experience is true, because I proved the religion given in the bible to be true and good -as well as proving some of the the promises concerning what happens if one adheres to it to be true (though some promises concern what happen after this time).
You may have proven it to yourself, but have not proven it to me.
Why can't your religion be the one true religion FOR YOU, and Islam be the one true religion for say Fatihah?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
It may sound like empty babbling, but if all that has been thus far is as the bible claims -that God has always existed -that there was never nothing -and that the commandments therein are from God -and God is as he says he is therein -all-knowing, all-powerful and only thinking of our best interest, then his religion (that which he says we ought to do) is true -it is the only "way".
you may think that supports your religion as 'true' but there are lots of other religions that claim the exact same thing of their books. You have no means of showing your book is any better than any other... or better than any religion that doesn't use books.

Most of however is fluffy and easily argued against... "all-powerful and only thinking of our best interest" is a favorite attack point for atheists and with good reason.

Since we cannot travel backward in time, the only way to prove that the religion described in the bible (not what men say about it) is true IS TO TRY IT -to sincerely do what it says and see what happens. Anyone can see that some of the commandments are "true" even standing alone -because they would make things better if everyone adhered to them -but the commandments are just the beginning -the very basics -and there are many promises concerning what will happen if you sincerely do as God says.
How do you think I ended up practicing the faith I have today. Yours didn't work.

My religious experience is true, because I proved the religion given in the bible to be true and good -as well as proving some of the the promises concerning what happens if one adheres to it to be true (though some promises concern what happen after this time).
You may have proved it to yourself... you haven't proven anything to anyone else. Certainly not me.

I know nothing of your religious experience -and have not said it isn't true.
Yes you are... not directly, but by saying your religion is the only true one (tm) you are saying that my religious experiences are phony. After all, if my religious experiences were real I would be in your religion.



Well-Known Member
You may have proven it to yourself, but have not proven it to me.
Why can't your religion be the one true religion FOR YOU, and Islam be the one true religion for say Fatihah?

I'M NOT TRYING TO PROVE IT TO YOU - It is not "MY" religion -but I have proven it to be true for all -yet I am not going to waste my time trying to prove it to any. I am here to make statements, etc... and have no delusions of changing anyone's mind or religion. Fatihah's religion may seem right to him/her, and that is just fine with me. I am not against whatever religion anyone may see as right. I do believe everyone will EVENTUALLY see the ten commandments as correct, and am quite comfortable with the fact that many will undoubtedly disagree. I am not here to convert anyone, nor am I against anyone or their beliefs (though I may disagree). I am quite willing to live peacefully with everyone when they allow it, and am quite willing to deal fairly with, and give any required assistance to, anyone of any religion or absence thereof (assisting as long as they are not acting against me -using my willingness to assist against me -though I might still if wise -as I am required to love my enemies [though not always as they would demand]).
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