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Is there Really only one True Religion?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
It's hard to discuss with your kind because it seems that you are incompetent in logical thinking.
The first to insult is often the one least equipped.

It's not about if they do it or not, it's about how well they do it in accordance to their own defined dogma.

So, try again.
Apparently you missed my response to this... How do you know how others do living by their dogma? You would have to be god to judge this and somehow I doubt that you are.
So... again... given the copious lapses in certain book based faiths leadership... how is said book faith any better than any other faith. If their own leaders can't/won't follow it?



Well-Known Member
The first to insult is often the one least equipped.

That's not an intended insult, but just to let you know my impression about you. Since time and time again you seem to fail to grasp what I am trying to say, which is irratating and annoying in a discussion. Moreover, that's why something I hate to discuss with the atheists because it seems to me that it's their common problem. No offense.

Apparently you missed my response to this... How do you know how others do living by their dogma? You would have to be god to judge this and somehow I doubt that you are.

Again, I don't know why you have to sound if one cannot speculate things but have to judge like God. Do you mean that other than God no one can do their speculation then generalise things according to their opinions and speculations.

Let me tell you this, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and speculation and to draw their own conclusions. You can disagree though.

You seem to try to leverage the Christian dogma "you shall not judge" for your advantage in a discussion whenever you lose your argument.

So... again... given the copious lapses in certain book based faiths leadership... how is said book faith any better than any other faith. If their own leaders can't/won't follow it?

You are twisting thing again and again, which makes a discussion hard to persist. I am talking about the self-awareness of faith. Why do you have to twist it as if I am talking about "this faith is better than other faith" which belongs to more controversial discussion.

Again, I said that the "faith" is mentioned in the Bible numerious times that other religons' documents (except for perhaps Quran) seldom mention directly. I don't know why you have to turn this into "book faith any better than any other faith"?! Is it your dodging or your living in denial or your mis-comprehending?
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painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
That's not an intended insult, but just to let you know my impression about you. Since time and time again you seem to fail to grasp what I am trying to say, which is irratating and annoying in a discussion. Moreover, that's why something I hate to discuss with the atheists because it seems to me that it's their common problem. No offense.
You accuse me of not paying attention... LOL I'm not an atheist. Perhaps if you followed your own advice you would have noticed.
It is just as annoying to me.. because you assume I'm an atheist you have ignored everything I have tried to say as irrelevant and then tried to foist your ignorance on me. No offense but this is why it's irritating to discuss religious issues with fundies.

Again, I don't know why you have to sound if one cannot speculate things but have to judge like God. Do you mean that other than God no one can do their speculation then generalise things according to their opinions and speculations.

Let me tell you this, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and speculation and to draw their own conclusions. You can disagree though.

You seem to try to leverage the Christian dogma "you shall not judge" for your advantage in a discussion whenever you lose your argument.
You are not simply speculating... you are denigrating everyone of another faith than yourself. You are insulting their religious devotion and dignity.
Be careful treading this path as you Christians are not exactly the best equipped to cast stones.
(Which may be why you got that very sage advice in the first place!)

You are twisting thing again and again, which makes a discussion hard to persist. I am talking about the self-awareness of faith. Why do you have to twist it as if I am talking about "this faith is better than other faith" which belongs to more controversial discussion.
Maybe because I read the OP and the thread title?

Again, I said that the "faith" is mentioned in the Bible numerious times that other religons' documents (except for perhaps Quran) seldom mention directly. I don't know why you have to turn this into "book faith any better than any other faith"?! Is it your dodging or your living in denial or your mis-comprehending?
You have no idea what my religion says about faith... somehow I doubt you have a highly comprehensive idea what many religions say.
Crowing about your faith constantly does not mean you actually have it or have it more than your more quiet neighbors.



Well-Known Member
You accuse me of not paying attention... LOL I'm not an atheist. Perhaps if you followed your own advice you would have noticed.
It is just as annoying to me.. because you assume I'm an atheist you have ignored everything I have tried to say as irrelevant and then tried to foist your ignorance on me. No offense but this is why it's irritating to discuss religious issues with fundies.
No wonder you are even more annoying than the atheists. I am not accussing you of not paying attention. I actually can't distinguish whether you are dodging or living in denial or miscomprehend things.

You are not simply speculating... you are denigrating everyone of another faith than yourself. You are insulting their religious devotion and dignity.

Now that's the true type of accusation. I presented you with what I believe to be plain facts such as only the Bible contains more instance of 'faith' and 'prophecy'. Yet the worse part than the atheists is that you feel offended by those plain fact. Now some light is shed about why the dodging, or denial or miscomprehending which is most likely intentional because you are religiiously offended as you admit here.

Yet I have to tell you again, all those points about the uniqueness of Christianity are results of sincere speculations and studies. I can't help that much when you are offended and failed to realise them.

Maybe because I read the OP and the thread title?

More likely you are offended by the points presented.

You have no idea what my religion says about faith... somehow I doubt you have a highly comprehensive idea what many religions say.
Crowing about your faith constantly does not mean you actually have it or have it more than your more quiet neighbors.

If you can't even accept the fact that both 'faith' and 'prophecy' made the most frequent appearance in only the Holy Bible, how credible is your religion with your comment like "You have no idea what my religion says about faith"?!

Be careful treading this path as you Christians are not exactly the best equipped to cast stones.
(Which may be why you got that very sage advice in the first place!)

You simply think you need to worry more about yourself than me. Truth will backfire one day while you can't even stand the plain and simplest.
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Active Member

Which Sacred Books have you read in original languages? What is your assertion that people can't abide by their religious teachings based on?
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Well-Known Member
Thhe bible actually says it is impossible for the carnal mind to please God -but that with God's spirit within one, they may travel to be more God-like over time -with much effort on their part -but that it is still God which makes us perfect by his spirit.

Some believe the "holy spirit" to be a third person of the godhead, but the bible defines it as a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. For God to put his spirit within one, God must first call that person, the person must answer that call by repentance -which is turning from sin. As sin is the transgression of the law, this requires that one understand the law (commandments, etc...). Then they are to be baptized -and at the laying on of hands of one of his ministers, God will put his spirit within them.

Rom 8:5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
Rom 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

2Ti 1:6 Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.
2Ti 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Act 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
(holy spirit)

Rom 7:19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
Rom 7:20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
Rom 7:21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
Rom 7:22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:
Rom 7:23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.
Rom 7:24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
Rom 7:25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
Rom 8:3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
Rom 8:4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
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painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
No wonder you are even more annoying than the atheists. I am not accussing you of not paying attention. I actually can't distinguish whether you are dodging or living in denial or miscomprehend things.
You know, It's not my fault you can't understand a simple concept like personal religious experience in lieu of relying on stories in a book.

Now that's the true type of accusation. I presented you with what I believe to be plain facts such as only the Bible contains more instance of 'faith' and 'prophecy'.
You gave bald assertions that you have no way to back up. That is a long way from "facts"... you got huffy because I pointed that out and now you feel like you need to personally attack me.

Yet the worse part than the atheists is that you feel offended by those plain fact. Now some light is shed about why the dodging, or denial or miscomprehending which is most likely intentional because you are religiiously offended as you admit here.
Actually I'm not... I'm just pointing out that your actions are offensive. I don't bother to be offended by online fundies as I don't actually have to deal with you. :D

Yet I have to tell you again, all those points about the uniqueness of Christianity are results of sincere speculations and studies. I can't help that much when you are offended and failed to realise them.
Again, I'm not offended... but you are ignorant.
How much of the Torah have you read in Hebrew? Or the Koran in Arabic? Or the Bhagavad Gita? or been to a Sun Dance......

More likely you are offended by the points presented.
Again, not really... I have better things to be offended by. These forums are for entertainment and when I get to converse with someone intelligent and honest, learning.

If you can't even accept the fact that both 'faith' and 'prophecy' made the most frequent appearance in only the Holy Bible, how credible is your religion with your comment like "You have no idea what my religion says about faith"?!
Because you are making a stupid statement and claiming it is fact. You have no idea how much prophecy and faith are discussed in my religion because you are totally ignorant of it.
You don't know how much they are mentioned in the Torah or Tanakh.... (on which the Bible is cribbed)... let alone the other hundreds of religions out there.

You simply think you need to worry more about yourself than me. Truth will backfire one day while you can't even stand the plain and simplest.
Not really... I'm trying to help you craft your debating skills and help you show some genuine scholarship with your faith.
You have been making lots of claims of fact, but you have woefully failed to show any sort of intellectual honesty in reaching those claims.

I have given the opportunity to actually discuss comparative religious systems... but you chose to attack me, first as an atheist and now as "something worse".
I'm not offended, but I am a bit disappointed. (not surprised mind you).

Anyway, good luck with your future postings, I hope you learn and grow with time as we all must.



Admiral Obvious
And you make it look more and more less appealing with every post you make.

I agree 100%

Of course, the way his post is written it could be taken as him merely claiming that only one the versions of Christianity is the true version of Christianity.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I agree 100%

Of course, the way his post is written it could be taken as him merely claiming that only one the versions of Christianity is the true version of Christianity.

I've yet to discover which one that is, and most Christians decline to answer. Most of them seem to think as long as they claim to be Christian, they're all true.


Admiral Obvious
I've yet to discover which one that is, and most Christians decline to answer. Most of them seem to think as long as they claim to be Christian, they're all true.

My personal experience has been that the version of Christianity that the one you are currently talking to is the version they consider the one true version.

Though that is the general rule, based upon my personal experience, there are a few who do not fit that mold.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
You know 30,000+ denominations thing in Christianity is why I'm glad my religion has an authority figure, and is pretty much protected from sects by the mere existence of this authority figure. You cannot say you are Kemetic Orthodox and reject the authority of the Nisut (Pharaoh), God's representative. That may seem narrow-minded to some, but it preserves the religion from sects.


Not your average Mormon
I've yet to discover which one that is, and most Christians decline to answer. Most of them seem to think as long as they claim to be Christian, they're all true.
I think that most Protestants believe that it doesn't really matter which denomination you affiliate with, as long as it's a Christian one. The problem is that they can't seem to agree among themselves as to what qualifies a denomination as Christian. Very often, they say a true Christian must believe in Sola Fide (salvation on faith alone) and Sola Scriptura (use of the Bible alone as a source of doctrine). In so doing, they automatically exclude Roman Catholicism, from which they stem and which comprises half of the world's 2 billion Christians. It's kind of a dilemma. ;) Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists all claim to be "the true Church." There are several Mormons on the forum right now, but we tend not to go looking for fights when they're almost impossible to avoid as it is. That may be why you don't see a lot of responses from us. There are probably a few Catholics around, too, but they may not have seen the thread.

Anyway, since I've already stated our opinion, I might as well explain it in greater detail. We do believe that there is only one Church today (ours) which teaches 100% accurate doctrines and which holds the same authority Jesus Christ gave His apostles when He first established His Church. Our basic claim is that He did establish a Church, that men changed it after the deaths of the apostles, and that He re-established it in modern times. That doesn't mean that we believe everything taught by other churches is false. It doesn't mean that we don't believe that we are the only "real Christians." And it definitely doesn't mean that we believe everybody except us is going to burn in Hell.
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I've yet to discover which one that is, and most Christians decline to answer. Most of them seem to think as long as they claim to be Christian, they're all true.
Really? I've noticed no shortage of Catholics who are happy to say that the Protestants are wrong, and Protestants who are happy to say that the Catholics are wrong.

And quite a few of both of them seem to have no problem saying that the Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons aren't even Christian.

You know 30,000+ denominations thing in Christianity is why I'm glad my religion has an authority figure, and is pretty much protected from sects by the mere existence of this authority figure. You cannot say you are Kemetic Orthodox and reject the authority of the Nisut (Pharaoh), God's representative. That may seem narrow-minded to some, but it preserves the religion from sects.
Heh... ask the Pope how well having an authority figure at the head of your religion "preserves it from sects". ;)

Anyhow, according to what I can find online, there are a number of different groups all claiming to be "Kemetic", and many Kemetics who practice independently.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Really? I've noticed no shortage of Catholics who are happy to say that the Protestants are wrong, and Protestants who are happy to say that the Catholics are wrong.

And quite a few of both of them seem to have no problem saying that the Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons aren't even Christian.

Heh... ask the Pope how well having an authority figure at the head of your religion "preserves it from sects". ;)

Anyhow, according to what I can find online, there are a number of different groups all claiming to be "Kemetic", and many Kemetics who practice independently.

They are not Kemetic Orthodox and they don't have a Nisut. I did say Kemetic Orthodox. One thing I find oh so interesting about these other sects is that they're often not very Kemetic in practice, and that they don't have many members by comparison to the growth rate of KO each year. I'd say it speaks for itself.


No. Religion is man's way to connect with something higher than himself, something that cannot be fully grasped by our finite minds. All religions provide useful and valuable insight into this path. Each person must choose for themselves what particular path to follow in their quest for transcendence. All religions, therefore, are equally valid and valuable.