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Is there Really only one True Religion?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I believe that there really is only one true religion and that religion is Catholicism.

Maybe it will develop to that point once it overcomes its attachment to theism.

It is still a long way from there, though, and it will have changed quite a lot if and when it does. It would be in effect a sort of western Hinduism.

It can happen, it is even an exciting prospect to consider. But it is not particularly likely that it will, and certainly not overnight.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
The truth doesn't need a religion, only beliefs do.

So there is no true religion, only beliefs.
Religion is a belief.

religion |riˈlijən| noun
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods:


One true painting style, one true way to sing or dance, one true favorite color, one true holy book, one true religion...all the same to my mind.

Exclusiveness misses out on so much of the beauty and wonder of reality. Mentally demystifying and constricting the innumerable, endless varieties we can observe, experience, think, believe, create, touch, live - beyond any ability to actually do so.


New Member

As Muslims we believe that there is One God Who has created everything. The purpose of our creation is that we should worship and obey Him. This central purpose has been communicated to mankind through Messengers and Prophets in all nations all over the world since the first human was created. We believe there has been more than 120 000 Prophets total.

So we believe that they all came with the same teologi while their rules have been changing in according to the needs of each society.

Anyone who believes in God alone and obeys his Prophet who has been sent to him is a Muslim. We therefore believe that the followers of Abraham, Moses and Jesus (Peace be upon them) was Muslims. Now the last and final Messenger has come and we must follow him and only him. He is Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Maybe it will develop to that point once it overcomes its attachment to theism.

It is still a long way from there, though, and it will have changed quite a lot if and when it does. It would be in effect a sort of western Hinduism.

It can happen, it is even an exciting prospect to consider. But it is not particularly likely that it will, and certainly not overnight.

Even if Catholicism lost the focus on theism, I fail to see how it would amount to being a Western version of Hinduism. Hinduism is not atheistic, by and by large.


Daimona of the Helpless
There is one true religion. Every known religion describes it but they always leave room for caveats. The true religion is love, that is putting the needs of others before your own. There is no need to bow and scrape, no need to proclamate, no need to need to disseminate. Just love.


yawn <ignore> yawn
First, there surely is a right religion because God wouldn't send us to this life for each one of us to be lead by his desires and live by his standards because that way there will be no justice in the world. So God chose to send us prophets to share the way of life that we must live.
But God obviously does send us to this life without crucial information. That's why there are prophets.

Prophets are one of the most irrational concepts in religion. Abrahamic religions in general, and Islam in particular, are dependent on them. But it makes no sense. If God wants us to know something, He could just tell us. He doesn't need humans to speak for Him.
If God wanted to reach us through the means of human mouthpieces He could have picked one and made it clear what he meant and that the Message is from God. That has never happened. There are thousands of humans claiming to speak for God and none have enough credibility to reach most people.
But Islam teaches that God failed to properly choose His prophets many times, which also makes no sense. Then Islam also teaches that an ancient warlord speaking a strange language is the Seal of the Prophets. The large majority of people don't find this believable. So either God doesn't want people to know the truth or God failed again choosing a mouthpiece.

You want proof? Look around, do you see justice? Even in the muslim world, much less everywhere.

Second, if we look at religion, we would find major differences, every religion differs from the other and therefore, at the current time, I would say yes there is one "completely" true religion.
Religions are different because the humans who invent them are different. If there were a religion from God we would all know about It. It cannot possibly be Islam, as it is the most dependent on human sources.



Well-Known Member
Well is there?

Rainbow Mage,
It sure seems that there is only one true religion that God favors. Consider what the Bible says about that, Eph 4:4-6, seems pretty clear to me.
Several times in the Bible book of Acts, the Christian life was called The Way. Now, The Way means only one way is acceptable, Acts 9:2, 19:9, 23, 22:4, 24:14.
Consider what is said at 1Cor 1:10, that Christians should all speak the same, that there should be NO divisions among Christians. These words seem to prove that there is just one religion that is favored by The Almighty God.
The reason that threre are so many religions is: they disagree on some things, this causes divisions, which there should not be in the true Christian Congregation.
Just why would God have more than one religion??? If they all agree with each other there is no need for more than one. How many Arks were there??? 1Pet 3:18-21.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Every religion has seemingly logical arguments for its beliefs. I have no reason to believe that there's one religion that all humans should or even can adhere to. I don't believe there's only one deity, either.

So... everyone's religion has merit, but all of the atheistic and monotheistic ones are based on a falsehood?



Well-Known Member
It is nice to see you again friend Tom

But God obviously does send us to this life without crucial information. That's why there are prophets.

First I would say there are contradictions in that statement.

Prophets are one of the most irrational concepts in religion. Abrahamic religions in general, and Islam in particular, are dependent on them. But it makes no sense. If God wants us to know something, He could just tell us. He doesn't need humans to speak for Him.

We are in no position to question why God would do this rather than that. This is the way that God chose and we can just study logically what is taught and seek the truth with our heart to find if it is true or not

If God wanted to reach us through the means of human mouthpieces He could have picked one and made it clear what he meant and that the Message is from God. That has never happened. There are thousands of humans claiming to speak for God and none have enough credibility to reach most people.

It is all about proof here. Prophets at there times had miracles and many proofs to prove that they were who they were saying that they are. Still the miracle of our last prophet is here to test. It is the Quraan.

But Islam teaches that God failed to properly choose His prophets many times, which also makes no sense.

Islam doesn't teach that. Where you got this from

Then Islam also teaches that an ancient warlord speaking a strange language is the Seal of the Prophets. The large majority of people don't find this believable. So either God doesn't want people to know the truth or God failed again choosing a mouthpiece.

It is neither of these. I will quote Jesus peace be upon him. Seek the truth with your heart and the truth will free you.

You want proof? Look around, do you see justice? Even in the muslim world, much less everywhere.

I suggest you look for explanation for that. For a true religion, there must always be answers for questions like that.

Religions are different because the humans who invent them are different. If there were a religion from God we would all know about It. It cannot possibly be Islam, as it is the most dependent on human sources.

The question was Is there really one true religion. I answered with YES. That means I believe that there is one religion that is still the true Word of God. Quraan as we know today is the same Quraan we know since it was revealed. And I agree there are some people trying to make the Quraan say something that it doesn't say. But that is there problem and God will judge them accordingly.

That surely counts for something.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
So... everyone's religion has merit, but all of the atheistic and monotheistic ones are based on a falsehood?


Not that I necessarily agree, but that is not necessarily illogical or untrue. A religion's merits do not IMO rest on the truth of its statements about how many deities exist (if any).


It is all about proof here.


Then you don't have a word to say. You have no proof of anything divine at all. Not one thing.

all of islam is not based on proof, it factually avoids proof and truth.

If we followed the truth and proof, it shows the plagiarization of previous mythology.