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Is there Really only one True Religion?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Ah. But I'm not sure that that really applies to me. I don't believe in any "one true god" or "one true religion". Seems like a criticism that's more directed towards monotheists who make the claim that their religion is the only true one. Or are you saying that anyone who holds an opinion in regards to theism or spirituality doesn't really believe in freedom of belief? I'm sorry, I'm kinda confused over what exactly you're saying. :shrug:

I'm saying that polytheism, when applied consistently, leads to a rejection of monotheism.

Christianity isn't just belief in God/Yahweh/Jehovah/etc. It also includes the belief that there are no other gods. If, say, you believed that Yahweh was one god amongst a pantheon of gods, your belief would imply that the Christians are wrong.

I don't see this as so much about freedom of belief as about respect for belief. Personally, I'll uphold people's freedom to think, say, and do plenty of things that I don't respect at all.


I'm saying that polytheism, when applied consistently, leads to a rejection of monotheism.


Unless both terms are perverted to mean what ever you want them to mean.

Like Christianity.

Monotheism is perverted to worship both son and father, which is really perverted polytheism.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I'm saying that polytheism, when applied consistently, leads to a rejection of monotheism.

Christianity isn't just belief in God/Yahweh/Jehovah/etc. It also includes the belief that there are no other gods. If, say, you believed that Yahweh was one god amongst a pantheon of gods, your belief would imply that the Christians are wrong.

I don't see this as so much about freedom of belief as about respect for belief. Personally, I'll uphold people's freedom to think, say, and do plenty of things that I don't respect at all.

I don't see how this is a problem. Everyone thinks someone else's opinion is wrong. That's an automatic result of holding an opinion on anything.


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy,
I hope I explained what I meant clearly enough in response to Mestemia. It was very poorly worded and very short. Let me know if you want to discuss it further. I see it as compelling proof that God, as described by Abrahamic religionists, does not exist.

Sorry for the late reply friend. Of course I wouldn't say no to discussing any thing with you as long as you want to.

I would like you to explain further your last sentence.

I never question God. What I am questioning is what people say about God. That is very different.

So if someone told you that he believes that God chose that he would send us prophets to send us messages. Would you look further into it and look at the proofs or you would stop and say why would God do that?

I don't think I know anything important about God, and neither does anybody else. But many people make claims about God, and those I look at very closely. I want to believe what is true.

Based on my previous answer, that there is no way God would send us to this world without telling us what is waiting for us and how we are supposed to live and control our desires. Do you agree ?

We do not know that this is the way God chose. It is just the way people claim that God chose.
I do study logically what is taught. So when somebody tells me that God is illogical I don't believe them.

I think I previously asked the question in this reply about the logical thing. I like that you handle things that way.

I don't mean to single out Islam for my criticism. I am actually much better at criticizing Christianity because I know it better. But Islam is the topic right now.

I know that our topic is Islam, but I would like to talk about Christianity for a little because I think that would help. What is it in Christianity that you think is not true and what is what you believe is true?

And do you believe in prophets?

Islam is illogical. It rests on illogical claims made by people centuries ago. If God wants people to know something, He doesn't need Muhammed to tell us. I understand that primitive people needed a human to tell them what was going on. They had no concept of mass communication. Now we do.

Regarding the way, as I said I believe that we are in no position as to question why God chose one way to show us the truth rather than the other.

Can you give me what else seems illogical?

Your explanation for the Quraan is a miracle.
Mine is that Muhammed was a smart, well travelled, strong, cultured man. He was also very very ambitious.
He enjoyed the composing and collecting of oratorical works of poetic art. He especially enjoyed the ones that furthered his ambition to create a kingdom. By the time he was old the collection was enormous. He had his favorites committed to writing, a skill he never had need for. But I doubt that he even composed all of them, I expect that many were gifts from people who wanted to please him. In that time and place gifts to Muhammed were a really good idea.
So it is more rational to think that Muhammed collected poems that became the Quraan, rather than had them delivered in a cave by an angel.

I would like to talk about two points here.

First point is that Muhammad peace be upon him was illiterate meanwhile Arabs used to say 20 - 30 lines of poetry as they stand without pre-planning it. And they all rhyme.

Second, the Quraan openly challenges non believers to try to come up with 10 verses like the Quraan. It openly says they can't do it even if all people gathered along.

Yes, Islam does teach that there were many prophets prior to Muhammed. They just failed to get the Message from God accurately delivered to the rest of us people.

I do agree that we muslims are not doing a good job. However, know about Islam is not only through seeing what muslims say. One can know about Islam better by reading the Quraan and explanations. You can also read biographies about Muhammad peace be upon him. One in particular I would recommend is called "The first muslim" which is written by an agnostic Jew.

I think it is the first, there is no God who cares what humans do or think or what happens to them. But the fact that most people do not believe Islam is undeniable. Perhaps you have another alternative.

I didn't understand what you mean by that.

I have one. No religion has much to do with God. Islam makes it's human origins particularly clear. Muhammeds followers couldn't have known how much we know now, so they believed it. But most of us, around 80% of the human race at least, do not.
Muhammed did not bring God's Truth to the human family.

I disagree with you there. Muslims are all over the world.

The ones who are falling short of delivering the msg now are muslims because now it is our duty.

Let me go back here to something you said earlier in your post. You said "Seek the truth with your heart and the truth will free you." I've been around a while and seen people do a lot of things. People who believe with their hearts and ignore their brains are often extremely sincere, certain, and completely and utterly wrong.

I agree to what you said. People who believe with their hearts and ignore brains are wrong. This doesn't contradict what Jesus peace be upon him said for religion isn't about blind faith. It is through looking through things. However one must be true about his approach and sincere. He has to seek the truth not only with his brain, but with his heart also because Allah rewards us for our intentions. There are people who look up things just for fun or to attack the religion and there are those who look at it because they are seeking the truth.

That is true in love, war, and especially religion. You may be absolutely convinced that you know Islam better than ISIS, but I see no reason whatsoever to agree with you.

Let us not talk about ISIS. Let us talk about the actions being done. The real answer to what you said would be whose actions are Quraan supported.


Jehovah our God is One
there is a reason why the bible writers continually refer to their God as the 'only true God'... because at that time, there were many different gods and many religions as there still is today.

The bible still names Jehovah as the 'Only True God'

If there is only one true God, then there can be only one true religion imo.


Libertarian Egalitarian
there is a reason why the bible writers continually refer to their God as the 'only true God'... because at that time, there were many different gods and many religions as there still is today.

The bible still names Jehovah as the 'Only True God'

If there is only one true God, then there can be only one true religion imo.

Not necessarily. Perhaps all organized religions fall short of accurately describing this one true god. (Which I believe they do, even my own.) If so, then there really is no one true religion. We don't have all the answers. We can only speculate based on our own experiences.


The bible still names Jehovah as the 'Only True God'


You mean it changed the name of god at a much later date then what the original people claimed its name was.

First El and Yahweh, two separate deities were compiled together.

Then Hellenist changed the name when his name was not spoken :confused: to lord, long before jehovah was thought up

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Not necessarily. Perhaps all organized religions fall short of accurately describing this one true god. (Which I believe they do, even my own.) If so, then there really is no one true religion. We don't have all the answers. We can only speculate based on our own experiences.

Which one would you hedge your bets with, anyway?

Catholics think they're the one true religion, so do Orthodox Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Baptists, Pentecostals, etc. There's a bunch of smaller Christian cults that have exclusivist beliefs, too.

Muslims are the same. The Sunni think they're correct and that the Shia and Sufi are heretics who will burn in hell. The Shia think the Sunni are heretics who will burn in hell. Salafi and Wahhabi Sunni Muslims think everyone else besides them, including other Sunnis, will burn in hell (they would also like to help them along on their journey to hell by killing them).

Jews do this, too. Orthodox Jews think their religion is the only correct one and all other Jews are heretics. The Hasids and Haredi are the most extreme of the Orthodox sect and are also the ones most given to violence and other forms of discrimination towards other groups. Liberal Jews also tend to look down on Orthodox Jews.

All of them have their arguments in favor of themselves and, to their minds, these are logical and sound arguments. They all think they're in contact with the "one true creator of the universe" who favors them and them alone.

To everyone else who aren't brainwashed by sectarian dogma, it's a bunch of bull and would be laughable if it didn't cause so much suffering and death.

Humans are such a stupid species.


Jehovah our God is One
You mean it changed the name of god at a much later date then what the original people claimed its name was.

First El and Yahweh, two separate deities were compiled together.

Then Hellenist changed the name when his name was not spoken :confused: to lord, long before jehovah was thought up

El is the hebrew word for God

El is the hebrew word for God

El is the hebrew word for God

El IS Yahweh... El is a title like Doctor, Father,

But i can see where your confusion comes from... you think the hebrews were really Canaanites who had a god named El

If you could separate the Isrealites from the Canaanites you woudl see that their El had a personal name and it was Yahweh


El is the hebrew word for God

El IS Yahweh,

yes el was factually combined with Yahweh

Sorry you are no match for education and knowledge

History of ancient Israel and Judah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israelite monotheism evolved gradually out of pre-existing beliefs and practices of the ancient world.[76] The religion of the Israelites of Iron Age I, like the Canaanite faith from which it evolved[77] and other ancient Near Eastern religions, was based on a cult of ancestors and worship of family gods (the "gods of the fathers").[78] Its major deities were not numerous – El, Asherah, and Yahweh, with Baal as a fourth god, and perhaps Shamash (the sun) in the early period.[79] By the time of the early Hebrew kings , El and Yahweh had become fused and Asherah did not continue as a separate state cult

Maybe you cannot read English well, and understand the 4 early gods, or maybe you fail to understand the word fused actually means.

If you need help with your English let us know.


Veteran Member
El is the hebrew word for God

El is the hebrew word for God

El is the hebrew word for God

El IS Yahweh... El is a title like Doctor, Father,

But i can see where your confusion comes from... you think the hebrews were really Canaanites who had a god named El

If you could separate the Isrealites from the Canaanites you woudl see that their El had a personal name and it was Yahweh

El was also a Canaanite God as well as Yahweh. During the two Kingdom period El was the God of the North and Yahweh was the God of the South. These merged into one being after the Babylonian Captivity.


Jehovah our God is One
El was also a Canaanite God as well as Yahweh.

yes i know... but Outhouse insists that the canaanite god El is actually the Hebrew God Yahweh and the hebrews adopted that canaanite god as their own which is perposterous considering the Hebrew God Yahweh wanted the canaanites out of the land.

During the two Kingdom period El was the God of the North and Yahweh was the God of the South. These merged into one being after the Babylonian Captivity

When Isreals kingdom became divided, the Norther kingdom became apostates and worshipped the gods of the canaanites and others. They are not the same God as Yahweh.
Last edited:


Hebrew God Yahweh wanted the canaanites out of the land.



There factually was no conquest.

But thanks for ignoring education and knowledge, and YOU not being able to refute wiki.

yes el was factually combined with Yahweh

Sorry you are no match for education and knowledge

History of ancient Israel and Judah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israelite monotheism evolved gradually out of pre-existing beliefs and practices of the ancient world.[76] The religion of the Israelites of Iron Age I, like the Canaanite faith from which it evolved[77] and other ancient Near Eastern religions, was based on a cult of ancestors and worship of family gods (the "gods of the fathers").[78] Its major deities were not numerous – El, Asherah, and Yahweh, with Baal as a fourth god, and perhaps Shamash (the sun) in the early period.[79] By the time of the early Hebrew kings , El and Yahweh had become fused and Asherah did not continue as a separate state cult

Maybe you cannot read English well, and understand the 4 early gods, or maybe you fail to understand the word fused actually means.

If you need help with your English let us know.


El is the hebrew word for God

El is the hebrew word for God

El is the hebrew word for God

El IS Yahweh... El is a title like Doctor, Father,

But i can see where your confusion comes from... you think the hebrews were really Canaanites who had a god named El

If you could separate the Isrealites from the Canaanites you woudl see that their El had a personal name and it was Yahweh

They are thought to be Canaanites. Wandering Tribal Canaanites, whom supposedly attacked, settled, city Canaanites.

ARCHAEOLOGY Magazine has a good article on this, called, - Who Were The ISRAELITES? March/April 92.

The basic idea being - (partly) from the Amarna Letters, that the Apiru were actually a Canaanite social class. They were peasants and pastoralists, on the fringes of the Settled lands, - and we have a revolt against the network of interlocking Canaanite city-states.



Jehovah our God is One
They are thought to be Canaanites. Wandering Tribal Canaanites, whom supposedly attacked, settled, city Canaanites.

ARCHAEOLOGY Magazine has a good article on this, called, - Who Were The ISRAELITES? March/April 92.

The basic idea being - (partly) from the Amarna Letters, that the Apiru were actually a Canaanite social class. They were peasants and pastoralists, on the fringes of the Settled lands, - and we have a revolt against the network of interlocking Canaanite city-states.


thats if you dont believe the Isrealites came out of Egypt and traversed the wilderness region for 40 years as the bible states.