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Islam: Ask your questions


No, no she didn't she said
same copy with no word changed.
For one thing there are a tons of different translations. Anyone can sit down and "translate" but there are certain versions which are respected for translating the meanings of the Qur'an over others.
I am pretty sure that at some point there has to be translations of the Qur'an.


Well-Known Member
the original does not deviate from the intent.
While each person can read it & find it inspire him differently-it is best to know arabic & read it.
I had the misfortunes of obtaining a english translation & the poetry of the words in the sacred way it was written was lost!


Dr. Greenthumb
In Islam is there such concepts as salvation, justification and grace?

What happens in the "last days" according to Quran?

Is there a concept of sin, and if so, how is one forgiven? Do you have a difference between a smaller sin and a major sin. Ex. Thinking something bad about someone (something small) and something big like lust.

Is there instances that supernatural miracles happen? Ex. visions, levitation, bilocation, etc

And last question. Is there a concept of Saints or people who lived a devout life that you can read about and look up to?


Jehovah our God is One
the original does not deviate from the intent.

that is the same with the Holy Bible...the original documents are long lost, but very ancient copies of the originals are still with us in the original language. They are kept untouched, and from them, the translations are made into english and other languages.

So just as there is the original Quran, so there are copies made of it...and from them, translations into other languages. Exactly the same as with the bible.

While each person can read it & find it inspire him differently-it is best to know arabic & read it.

exactly the same as with the Holy Bible...it is best to read it in the greek or hebrew language because that is how the writers wrote them. A translation will loose some of the exact meaning... but a good translator can account for that by ensure they feed it back into their translation. This may make the translation a little longer then the original, but it is necessary to keep the meaning in it.

unfortunately, english language is not as beautiful as hebrew and their metaphors are often misunderstood in english... .but thats why its important to study up on the hebrew lanaguage a bit rather then just read in english.


Well-Known Member
While aramaic is not likely to be taught where i can read those manuscripts. I do feel the same way about the bible as well.
The Noble Quran has not changed from the original.
The only translation extremely close to knowing arabic is a book called - "the message of the Quran." it will run you about 50 dollars.


Quran & Sunnah
I don't think you understand, what Peace was stating was that you can buy the Qur'an from those places and will find that they are completely consistent. Not that there were translations such as one in English, Japanese etc. etc. The translation is regarded as that a translation of the Qur'an not THE Qur'an.

P.S Peace your link is broken.

The link was working yesterday, I don't know what's wrong with it. Thank you for pointing to that brother.


Quran & Sunnah
Yes i did understand her. She said the Quran has been translated into other languages.

So I want to know if there is only one translator of the Quran who makes those translations?

I didn't say that, I said that the same Quran that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him more than 1400 years ago in Arabic language can be found the same unchanged in any part of the world.
Concerning the translation, it is the translation of the meaning of the Quran only. the translated Quran is not sacred as the original text. The translation is done for non-muslims and non-Arabic speakers to enable them to understand the meaning of the Quran. Moreover, the translated Quran can't be used for worship. While worshipping and praying the five daily prayers and also while reading the Quran for worship it must be done in Arabic whether one understands Arabic or not. So, non Arabic speakers who convert to Islam should learn the Arabic language in order to worship properly.


Jehovah our God is One
No even the exact stories comprising the Bibles is debated amongst Christians

Books of the Bible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the debate and interpretation of the scritpures is not the issue....the issue is whether someone came along and changed the original language manuscripts of the Bible which is what Muslims believe happened to the bible. The fact is it did not happen.

As Peace said there is no change in the Qur'an, adding or detracting verses or rearranging their order would be unthinkable.

Do you read the Hadiths? Do you know why the 3rd Caliph was assassinated by a mob of angry muslims?

The truth is that the Quran has been changed. It was changed by Uthman and there are hadiths which prove it. Mohammad never standardized the Quran, Uthman did and there were certain things he changed which upset many people, hence why he was killed by an angry mob. He had all other copies of the Qurans burnt so that the one he had written up was the one that you all have today. That is the only reason why you can rightly say the Quran YOU HAVE has not changed.

The hadiths which prove these facts are found in Bukhari: vol. 6, hadith 514, p. 482; book 61 which shows that Mohammad taught different ways of reciting the Quran, hence it wasnt standard when he taught it. Bukhuri: vol. 4, hadith 682, book 56 shows that Mohammad allowed variation to exist.

Bukhari: vol. 6, hadith 521, pp. 487-488 book 61; & Bukhari: vol. 6, hadith 468, p. 441-442; book 60 shows how the companions of Muhammad made their own collections of the Qur'an and taught the Qur'an in their own way and they were not the same

Bukhari: vol. 6, hadith 527, p. 489; book 61 shows how the companions of Mohammad disagreed over which verses of the Quran were abrogated and which were current

Bukhari: vol. 6, hadith 510, pp. 478-479; book 61 And this one shows how Uthman had all the copies of the Quran collected and burnt....he then had a new Quran written up which is the one you have today.

If you want to continue to accuse the bible of being changed and therefore, not the true word of God, be sure to apply that same logic to the Quran.


Quran & Sunnah
In Islam is there such concepts as salvation, justification and grace?

Allah has promised His servants that if we obey Him and His Messenger, we will have Paradise as our abode.

What happens in the "last days" according to Quran?

I believe the following link will be of help:
Signs of the Day of Judgment: Past, Present & Future - Afflictions & Portents of the Last Hour - counsels - OnIslam.net=

Is there a concept of sin, and if so, how is one forgiven?

In Islam, we don't believe in original sin. All humans are born innocent and with no sins whatever, and once they reach the age of puberty they become accountable for their deeds. If I committed a sin it suffices that I resort to Allah the Merciful to ask forgiveness from Him. In order to guarantee that the sin is forgiven, one should repent sincerely, ask forgiveness from God and then have the intention not to go back to that sin again.
We don't need a mediator to have our sins forgiven; we can reach directly to God and ask him His forgivenss.

Do you have a difference between a smaller sin and a major sin. Ex. Thinking something bad about someone (something small) and something big like lust.

Yes, we have two types of sins, major sins and smaller sins. Major sins like associating partners with God. Killing, stealing, disobeying ones' parents, committing sorcery, drinking alcohol, gambling ...etc.

Is there instances that supernatural miracles happen? Ex. visions, levitation, bilocation, etc

Could you please elaborate more?

And last question. Is there a concept of Saints or people who lived a devout life that you can read about and look up to?

Well, there are pious people at every age, but we don't call them saints.


Quran & Sunnah
What does Islam teach about homosexuality "specifically", and what does it teach we should do with homosexuals?

I believe the following Quranic verses will answer your question.

In surat ash-Sh`ara', we read: 'The people of Lot rejected the messengers. Their brother Lot said to them: 'Will you not fear God? I am to you a messenger worthy of all trust. so fear God and obey me. No reward do I ask of you for it. My reward is only from the Lord the of worlds. Of all the creatures of the world will you approach males, and leave those whom God has created for you as mates? Nay. You are people transgressing all limits.' They said: 'If you desist not O Lot, you will surely be cast out!'. He said: 'I do detest your doings. O my Lord! Deliver me and my family from such things as they do.' So we delivered him and his family, all except an old woman who lingered behind. The rest we destroyed utterly. We rained down on them a shower; and evil was the shower on those who were admonished.' (Ash-Sh`ara': 160-173)

The Qur’an also says: 'And Lot who said to his people: 'Do you do what is indecent though you see its iniquity? Would you really approach men in your lusts rather than women? You are a people grossly ignorant.' His people gave no answer but this: 'Drive out the followers of Lot from our city. They are indeed men who want to be clean and pure.' But we saved him and his family except his wife: We destined her to be of those who lagged behind. And We raked down on them a shower: and evil was the shower on those who were admonished.' (An-Naml: 54-58)

Then in surat Hud, we read: 'When our messengers came to Lot, he was grieved on their account and felt himself powerless to protect them. He said: 'This is a distressful day.' His people came rushing towards him and they had been long in the habit of practicing abominations. He said: 'O my people! Here are my daughters: they are purer for you (if you marry). Now fear God and cover me not with disgrace about my guests! Is there not among you a single tight-minded man?' They, however said: 'You know very well we have no need of your daughters. Indeed you know quite well what we want'. He said: 'Would that I had power to suppress you or that I could betake myself to some powerful support'. (The angels) said: 'O Lot! We are messengers from your Lord! By no means shall they reach you. Now travel with your family while yet a part of the night remains, and let not any of you look back; but your wife, to her will happen what will befall them. Morning is their appointed time. Is not the morning near'. When Our decree issued we turned the cities upside down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay, spread layer on layer, marked from your Lord. Nor are they ever far from those who do wrong." (Hud 11: 77-83)


Dr. Greenthumb
Could you please elaborate more?

Okay, thank you for answering my questions.

What I ment by asking
Is there instances that supernatural miracles happen? Ex. visions, levitation, bilocation, etc

Is like miraculous miracles, such as being dead and coming back to life with no possible explanation. Or another example of a supernatural miracle or event is like levitating.


Quran & Sunnah
Okay, thank you for answering my questions.

What I ment by asking

Is like miraculous miracles, such as being dead and coming back to life with no possible explanation. Or another example of a supernatural miracle or event is like levitating.

Those kinds of miracles happened at the time of the prophets.


Quran & Sunnah
Isn't the Muslim words of prayer the same words as declaring oneself to be a Muslim?

The prayer is so different than the shahadah (the sentence that one says to declare himself as a Muslim) is different than prayer.
In the prayer we recite the Quran in Arabic while standing, while kneeling and prostrating we praise God and we can even make du'a (supplication) in the latter position. while sitting in the 2nd rak`a (unit) or the last one we say Tashahud which include the sentence that is said during Shahadah (declaration of Islam).


Well-Known Member
Hello Peace.
For some reason I was convinced that Muslims said the shahadah whilst praying. :eek: Thanks for correcting me :)