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Jesus is not God


Veteran Member
“Manifold and mysterious is My relationship with God. I am He, Himself, and He is I, Myself, except that I am that I am, and He is that He is.”

That means He (the manifestation of God) is God, and God is the manifestation, except that they are not the same because a manifestation of God is not God incarnate. He is a manifestation of the attributes of God.


Well-Known Member
The OP says "Jesus is not God". That is an obviously wrong statement! Jesus was God, became human for a short time to fulfill a specific task, then retained His status as God.

Anyone who disagrees clearly doesn't know what s/he is talking about. Jesus is God.
why would god want to become a man ?


Veteran Member
That means He (the manifestation of God) is God, and God is the manifestation, except that they are not the same because a manifestation of God is not God incarnate. He is a manifestation of the attributes of God.
I suppose those attributes are love, wisdom compassion. Sounds like a regular man to me.

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Baha'u'llah was con artist much like Joseph Smith , that guy that started mormonism
There were a few of them by the same time.

It was as if Satan had been creating a counter-attack for the deliverance of God's future people from spiritual "Babylon."

... an Adventist prophetess, a supposed spiritualist "Christian," a group of new Pentecostal sects focused on altered states, new theories about alleged extraterrestrials, a psychologist who over-emphasized the focus on human sexuality, the development of so-called "higher criticism" applied to the Bible, ...

And yet, true worship was restored just as the kingdom of Christ was established in heaven and Satan with his angels was cast out from there.. :clapping:


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Im glad you don’t believe me. I wouldn’t want people to. I know that Im god in the flesh in the way other people know there not.
I can't tell if you're serious or trolling.

If you're "god (lowercase g) in the flesh" why is your English so poor?


Veteran Member
I can't tell if you're serious or trolling.

If you're "god (lowercase g) in the flesh" why is your English so poor?
I’m serious


Veteran Member
Baha'u'llah was con artist much like Joseph Smith , that guy that started mormonism
That is like saying that Jesus was a con artist.
Moreover, there is a lot more evidence for the claims of Baha'u'llah than there is for the claims that Christians make about Jesus.


Jesus is King & Mighty God Isa.9:6-7; Lk.1:32-33
Your not understanding the Trinity of 1) Father, 2) Son, and 3) Holy Spirit doesn't mean it's not true. It just means that you don't understand it.
  • Jesus does say I and the Father are one, But he never explains the Trinity, I myself believe I understand the meaning of the Trinity, 1) Father, 2) Son, and 3) Holy Spirit are one God. The three are equal to each other and all three are eternal without beginning.
  • Some words in the Trinity were used before the fourth century, but the Trinity became fully developed in the 4th century, All the words that define the Trinity became fully developed in the 4th century by the one church connected to the Roman Empire.
  • Why would anyone believe even one word that comes out of a church connected to the Roman Empire in the fourth century?
  • The Roman Empire is responsible for the killing and the torture of both Jews and Christians, more then you can ever imagine. And Jesus and most of the Apostles.
  • The reason I don't believe in the Trinity is not because I don't understand, Jesus never explained the words that define it, so I flat don't believe it!
  • This church today consists of a huge number of people that love Jesus and the Bible. I am not talking about the followers of the church, I am talking about the leaders that are persuaded by the Roman Emperor in the 4th century!
  • The Apostle Paul wrote most of the New Testament and was in prison several years by the Roman Authorities, Acts 16:23-22, 22:24, 24:27
Many historians debate on the exact manner in which Paul the Apostle died. Yet, just as what happened to the other disciples of Christ, it is universally accepted that he died a martyr. Based on historical events, the Romans beheaded him, at the same time that Apostle Peter was crucified upside down. Both apostles caught up in a wave of persecutions on Christians following the great fire of Rome under Emperor Nero.

  • Why do we have to believe words Jesus never spoke?
  • Did Jesus use the words of the Trinity doctrine? No!
  • Did Jesus say he was the Almighty? No!
  • Is it possible to believe in John 17:3 and still believe in the Trinity?
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Veteran Member
There were a few of them by the same time.

Just because some of them are, that does not mean that every man who is not Jesus is not a fraud or a false messenger.
To say that is illogical because it is a faulty generalization.

Faulty generalization is also a mode of thinking that takes the experiences of one person or one group, and incorrectly extends it to another.

Try to use your logical mind instead of your faith-based mind. If there were never going to me any more true prophets, why did Jesus say the following?

Matthew 7:15-20 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Fruits: the pleasant or successful result of work or actions:

Baha'u'llah had good fruit.


Well-Known Member
That is like saying that Jesus was a con artist.
Moreover, there is a lot more evidence for the claims of Baha'u'llah than there is for the claims that Christians make about Jesus.
if Baha'u'llah was who you claim to be he should of been declaring Jesus as the messiah, taking no glory for him self .


Veteran Member
if Baha'u'llah was who you claim to be he should of been declaring Jesus as the messiah, taking no glory for him self .
Through His son, who was appointed as interpreter of His Writings, Baha'u'llah declared that Jesus was the Messiah.

"If the manifestation and the reflection of the divine perfections were not in Christ, Jesus would not be the Messiah. He is a Manifestation because He reflects in Himself the divine perfections. The Prophets of God are manifestations for the lordly perfections—that is, the Holy Spirit is apparent in Them."

“The Book of Isaiah announces that the Messiah will conquer the East and the West, and all nations of the world will come under His shadow, that His Kingdom will be established, that He will come from an unknown place, that the sinners will be judged, and that justice will prevail to such a degree that the wolf and the lamb, the leopard and the kid, the sucking child and the asp, shall all gather at one spring, and in one meadow, and one dwelling. 4 The first coming was also under these conditions, though outwardly none of them came to pass. Therefore, the Jews rejected Christ, and, God forbid! called the Messiah masíkh, 5 considered Him to be the destroyer of the edifice of God, regarded Him as the breaker of the Sabbath and the Law, and sentenced Him to death. Nevertheless, each one of these conditions had a signification that the Jews did not understand; therefore, they were debarred from perceiving the truth of Christ.

The second coming of Christ also will be in like manner: the signs and conditions which have been spoken of all have meanings, and are not to be taken literally.”

Baha'u'llah did not take any glory for Himself. he glorified only God.

“Who can ever believe that this Servant of God hath at any time cherished in His heart a desire for any earthly honor or benefit? The Cause associated with His Name is far above the transitory things of this world. Behold Him, an exile, a victim of tyranny, in this Most Great Prison. His enemies have assailed Him on every side, and will continue to do so till the end of His life. Whatever, therefore, He saith unto you is wholly for the sake of God, that haply the peoples of the earth may cleanse their hearts from the stain of evil desire, may rend its veil asunder, and attain unto the knowledge of the one true God—the most exalted station to which any man can aspire. Their belief or disbelief in My Cause can neither profit nor harm Me. We summon them wholly for the sake of God. He, verily, can afford to dispense with all creatures.” (Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 85)


Jesus is King & Mighty God Isa.9:6-7; Lk.1:32-33
The Roman Empire Is responsible for carrying out the order, and torturing Jesus until our Savior died.

There is hundreds of prophecies fulfilled in Jesus ministry!

Where is all the hundreds of prophecies fulfilled in Christianity attaching itself to the Roman Empire?


Χριστός ἀνέστη
Matthew 1:21 tells that Jesus is God
At the end of Matthew 1:21 it says:
"...... ,because he will save his people from their sins".
-We know that because of Isaiah 43:11
"I, even I, am the LORD; and beside Me there is no saviour."

2 verses after it says "... and they will call him 'Immanuel' "- which means 'God with us'.
So it's the same if it is written '...and they will call him 'God with us'

We don't take too much thinking and about how to interpret 'God with us' - We read it as it is.

In Matthew 2:1-2 as in Matthew 2:11 we can see that some wise man from the east came to worship him.Again he is subject to worship...
And again , worship is due to God alone.

In Matthew 3:3 we see John the Baptist saying:
"A voice of one calling in the wilderness,
'Prepare the way for the Lord,
make straight paths for him'."

This title Lord is associated with
The word kyrios which is a word of the 'Koine' language at that time and is used as equivalent to 'YHWH'.

There is difference when "Lord" is adressed to refer to "Isus" and there is difference when it is adressed to other.

As it is with Hebrew in the Tanakh with the word "Lord".