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Louisiana becomes first state to require that Ten Commandments be displayed in public classrooms

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
My heart say YES to this as the ten Commandments are important, but my Constitution says NO as the Constitution is essential, the last word in civil matters
I'd probably settle for a compromise like the Supreme Court building has , where are they only have six Commandments posted as they're more on the secular side.

There's no question this country has a Christian influence even though it's not a Christian country so I think it's important if people were to distinguish that difference.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Doesn’t change the reality that God is Love
(For the LORD thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the LORD thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth. Deut 6:15
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; Ex 20:5
For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: Ex 34:14

Love? Your god is so jealous his name is Jealous.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
There's no question this country has a Christian influence even though it's not a Christian country so I think it's important if people were to distinguish that difference.
Or we down play it like many European countries and advance beyond the silly and stupid superstitious ideas and religious nonsense shodily packaged as science that are weighing us down amd holding us back.


Active Member
I'd probably settle for a compromise like the Supreme Court building has , where are they only have six Commandments posted as they're more on the secular side.

There's no question this country has a Christian influence even though it's not a Christian country so I think it's important if people were to distinguish that difference.
Or we down play it like many European countries and advance beyond the silly and stupid superstitious ideas and religious nonsense shodily packaged as science that are weighing us down amd holding us back.
secularism, secularist regimes 125 years has been far far more destructive than all the religions in history.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
secularism, secularist regimes 125 years has been far far more destructive than all the religions in history.
No that's not true by virtue that there was never a war or killing In the name of atheism unlike religion, where it does kill in the name of its religion in addition to all the political motivations for destructive behaviors and actions.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Plain if you have eyes to see.
Mark 8:18
Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not?
I see what's going on.
Other Christians have told me of this....
They've the gift of spiritual insight.
They can see.
Non-believers cannot.
.....So I've been told.

It's a neat trick the Bible has, which is common
to cults, ie, tell the followers they're special, &
they have exclusive knowledge. This "proves"
to them that they have The Truth. And that
outsiders are incapable, & often the enemy.
Followers of the cult wall themselves off from
others by being immune to other perspectives.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
secularism, secularist regimes 125 years has been far far more destructive than all the religions in history.
Then why are so many that aren't that religious, certainly less religious than America, doing so much better than America?


Active Member
Ending slavery, women voting, inter-racial marriage, gay
marriage, right to an attorney, freedom of religion, etc.
Yeah....it's been terrible.
Ending slavery in America was spearheaded by religious groups, leading to the civil war. The civil rights movement was spearheaded by religionist like MLK. Freedom of religion was enshrined by granted ' weak religionists', Deists and freemasons, but not by atheist. Marxism, in 125 years slaughtering over 100 million was a secular atheist movement, no religion in history can compare.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
(For the LORD thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the LORD thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth. Deut 6:15
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; Ex 20:5
For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: Ex 34:14

Love? Your god is so jealous his name is Jealous.

There is good love and there is bad love
There is good drive and there is bad drive
There is good jealousy and there is bad jealousy such as:

1) Solicitous to defend the honor of; concerned for the character of.
2) Suspiciously vigilant; anxiously careful and concerned for.

God's love wants to defend your honor and is concerned for your character. He is always vigilant, careful and concerned for you


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I see what's going on.
Other Christians have told me of this....
They've the gift of spiritual insight.
They can see.
Non-believers cannot.
.....So I've been told.

It's a neat trick the Bible has, which is common
to cults, ie, tell the followers they're special, &
they have exclusive knowledge. This "proves"
to them that they have The Truth. And that
outsiders are incapable, & often the enemy.
Followers of the cult wall themselves off from
others by being immune to other perspectives.

No... we don't have the gift of "spiritual insight".

As it was for me, I was simply trying to understand spiritual truth through my intellect. Though you can get some basic understanding the intellect, it is still much like trying to translate into a language you are not fluent in.

A child born in the United States naturally learns how to speak and understand English because it is that kingdom's language.. In our faith, when I was born-again into the Kingdom of God, I began to understand the new language because I was born into a Kingdom where spiritual understanding is the natural language.

It is like marrying someone. When you are marry a person, you begin to understand their way of communicating to the point that a simple look can say a mouthful. If your relationship is superficial you can't really understand what the person is really saying. If you want nothing to do with them, then you can say you don't know them at all.

I quoted some very simple scriptures such as "My sheep hear my voice" and you still couldn't understand what I was saying yet it was very clear.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
There is good love and there is bad love
There is good drive and there is bad drive
There is good jealousy and there is bad jealousy such as:

1) Solicitous to defend the honor of; concerned for the character of.
2) Suspiciously vigilant; anxiously careful and concerned for.

God's love wants to defend your honor and is concerned for your character. He is always vigilant, careful and concerned for you
Jealousy isn't good. It's a very poisonous emotion that tends to be worse than anger at clouding judgement.
And if he's concerned for me, why leave me hanging the way he did and let me turn out as I did?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Jealousy isn't good. It's a very poisonous emotion that tends to be worse than anger at clouding judgement.

I just explained that. Even wrong love can cloud judgment.
And if he's concerned for me, why leave me hanging the way he did and let me turn out as I did?

What happens to us happens because of people. God always offers a way out if we choose to follow Him and love Him (At least in context of my signature).

Sometimes it is the footsteps in the sand poem.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Ending slavery in America was spearheaded by religious groups....
Imposing slavery was also spearheaded by Christians.
So on balance, Christianity was a neutral influence at best.
The civil rights movement was spearheaded by religionist like MLK.
He was only one of many fighting the Christian heritage
of slavery, eg, the KKK (a Christian organization). So once
again, the Christian record on civil liberties is checkered.
And several states still make it illegal for atheists to serve
in office. (They're just unable to enforce them because
we have our secular Constitution.)
Freedom of religion was enshrined by granted ' weak religionists', Deists and freemasons, but not by atheist.
M M O'Hare was the atheist who fought to stop public
schools from forcing Christian prayers upon us. I'm old
enuf to remember when government run public schools
were akin to Sunday school in church.
Marxism, in 125 years slaughtering over 100 million was a secular atheist movement, no religion in history can compare.
Marxism is indeed evil. As were the Crusades, the Inquisition,
the Auto da fe, witch burnings, Nazis ("Gott mitt uns"), & now
Putin's violent rampage to protect Christian values against
western decadence.
BTW, did you know that the worst Marxist of all, Stalin, grew
up in a Christian household, & trained at a Christian seminary?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
No... we don't have the gift of "spiritual insight".
My friend might say that you're not a "real Christian" then.
As it was for me, I was simply trying to understand spiritual truth through my intellect. Though you can get some basic understanding the intellect, it is still much like trying to translate into a language you are not fluent in.
Does this mean that you try to grok reality by
using your feelings? Rather like a Jedi?
A child born in the United States naturally learns how to speak and understand English because it is that kingdom's language.. In our faith, when I was born-again into the Kingdom of God, I began to understand the new language because I was born into a Kingdom where spiritual understanding is the natural language.
Sounds like indoctrination, with a language
that isn't standard English that non-fundies
would recognize.
It is like marrying someone. When you are marry a person, you begin to understand their way of communicating to the point that a simple look can say a mouthful. If your relationship is superficial you can't really understand what the person is really saying. If you want nothing to do with them, then you can say you don't know them at all.

I quoted some very simple scriptures such as "My sheep hear my voice" and you still couldn't understand what I was saying yet it was very clear.
So you're a sheep?