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Man sentenced to death for sorcery.


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you will speak up for what YOU think is right. that doesn't mean it is the right thing though.

i think everyone who has sex with anyone other tha his wife should be killed, do you agree that i am right and i should not stop speaking up for it?
If that's the case then I believe that anyone who bows to a tyranical, hateful,fear-mongering god should be Killed. Monotheism is a crime.


I want Khilafah back
Evidence and source, please?


2:102 and follow [instead] that which the evil ones used to practice during Solomon's reign - for it was not Solomon who denied the truth, but those evil ones denied it by teaching people sorcey -; and [they follow] that which has come down through the two angels in Babylon, Hurut and Marut-although these two never taught it to anyone without first declaring, "We are but a temptation to evil: do not, then, deny [God's] truth!" And they learn from these two how to create discord between a man and his wife; but whereas they can harm none thereby save by God's leave, they acquire a knowledge that only harms themselves and does not benefit them - although they know; indeed, that he who acquires this [knowledge] shall have no share in the good of the life to come. For, vile indeed is that [art] for which they have sold their own selves -had they but known it!


Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Avoid the seven great destructive sins." The people enquire, "O Allah's Apostle! What are they? "He said, "To join others in worship along with Allah, to practice sorcery, to kill the life which Allah has forbidden except for a just cause, (according to Islamic law), to eat up Riba (usury), to eat up an orphan's wealth, to give back to the enemy and fleeing from the battlefield at the time of fighting, and to accuse, chaste women, who never even think of anything touching chastity and are good
believers. (Book #51, Hadith #28)

Ordained Punishment:

According to Islamic law, the penalty that awaits every sorcerer is death. The
Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said: 'Kill every sorcerer, for this is
the punishment ordained by Allah.' Umar ibn al-Khattab sent messages to his
viceroys in those countries under Islamic rule ordering them to kill all
sorcerers. This was later confirmed by Uthman Ibn Affan, Hafsah Bint Umar,
Abdullah Ibn Umar, and Jundub Ibn Abdullah, radhiallahu anhum.

Magic and Fortune-Telling

Magic. The word alone is temptation for men one too many times, especially for them who seeks 'miracle'. In Islam, however, the practice of sihr (magic, which means something that is hidden and its cause is unknown) is an act of kufr (disbelief); therefore magic and sorcery is forbidden is is considered haram. Even the act of believing in it without practicing it is also haram. Magic here, means sorcery, witchcraft, fortune-telling and occults. It should to be noted but the so called magic used for entertainment, such as magic shows is not prohibited by Islam provided that the 'magicians' do not violate any of the dictates of Islam in any way.
Practitioners of magic (Muslims, that is) believe in magical power, a demonic power (as it is said that one cannot attain sorcery without seeking the help of the devil), and would often worship it. As such, they would then claim that there is other greater power aside than Allah when as Muslims, they are to, and must, accept only Allah as the one and only God, the powerful one. Believing in any other supreme being would be an act of disbelief towards Allah. Learning magic is also an act of disbelief because they claim to have magical powers, when such powers can only exist in the Almighty himself.
The Prophet mentions this,
"Whoever goes to a fortune-teller or a soothsayer and believes in what he says has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammad."
Since magic is believed to be as powerful as God, it would be no different than to associate sorcery with Allah. And the act of associating anything or anyone with God in manners of worship is a great sin that comes with severe punishment. Al-Maaidah 5:72 says:
"Verily whoever sets up partners with Allah, then Allah has forbidden Paradise for him and the fire will be his abode. And for the Zalimun (Polytheists, and wrongdoers) there are no helpers."
This is further evidenced by the warnings of the messenger of God:
"Keep away from the seven destructive sins!" They said, "What are they, O Messenger of Allah?" He answered, "Associating partners with Allah; practicing sorcery; taking a life, which Allah has made forbidden except for a just cause (according to Islamic Law); eating Riba (usury) eating up an orphan's wealth; fleeing from the battle field at the time of fighting (with the unbelievers); and accusing chaste women, who never think of anything that can touch their chastity and who are good believers, of fornication.
Besides that, sorcerers would manipulate simple-minded, naive folks in to believing their power and thus magic as well. These lead the believers towards magic, and hence lead them away from God. Such act is considered evil or Satanic, for only Satan seeks to remove the believers from their faith in God.
Another reason why sorcery and magic is a sin is due to its influences and consequences. Sorcery tempts men with evil and causes a family to break apart. It manipulates the weak-minded, dominates their mind and influences them to do bad deeds. More often than, men seeks magic to instill harm unto other beings. Again, leading men towards evil instead goodness.
Magic is hardly ever used for good purposes, though some would claim that, calling it white magic. But even if magic is used for good intentions, it remains a fact that it is dependent on unnatural powers and abilities, something that is not God-give (otherwise, He wouldn't have forbid it). Not to mention that the practice of white magic is a slippery slope to descending to black magic, which generally harms all and benefits none.

For more articles by this author, visit Iris W About Me Page at Helium

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Iris_Pak

Why Does Islam Forbid Magic and Sorcery?


I want Khilafah back
if Islamic law is as you say then it is barbarism. I however, am more hopeful and will judge Islam based on what people like .lava say. At least then I can still respect this religion.

see again judging others with your perspectve. just because YOU think it is barbarism it doesn't make it so now does it?

islam does not need your approval. you can go on with your threats of not repsecting my religion all you want, thats your choice


I want Khilafah back
If that's the case then I believe that anyone who bows to a tyranical, hateful,fear-mongering god should be Killed. Monotheism is a crime.

bloody hell how many times will i have to say this, do not judge others with your perspective.


I want Khilafah back
Now now, I don't think it right to out beast in the same group has people like him. Beasts are WAY more respectable.

i'd say that is a personal attack, that means you can't cope replying to my posts. nice move


Now, the performers and the audience share an understanding of what the performance is, just as they do in the case of a stage "magician" or "psychic". When an actor playing Richard the Third in Shakespeare's play of the same name says that he had the princes killed, we know that this isn't actually an admission of murder on the part of the actor. By the same token, when a television performer pretends to see into the future, the audience understands (as long as they aren't thick as bricks) that the performer isn't actually fortune-telling.


[thank God for tequila]


Resident Liberal Hippie
bloody hell how many times will i have to say this, do not judge others with your perspective.
As a reasonable member of the human race, I judge that the taking of human life for the supposed offenses of sorcery, apostasy, homosexuality, adultery etc.. to be an offense to human dignity and a violation of basic human rights.
And that those who would defend such actions are monsters of humanity.

But that is just my perspective:rainbow1:


I want Khilafah back
then educate your people instead of oppressing them and keeping them ignorant so that they would know it and by doing it so you give no room to charlatans to perform their "show" and decieve people. and what would happen if i say "i'll be there tomorrow"? who decides where the border line of sorcery.

.lava everything is not sorcery. i am now saying you will read this post in the future. how could i make such a prediction? because you will log in like all the other times and you will see this thread in 'My replies' and you will want to see whether i have replied to this post or not. so based on that you will most definately read this post. this is nothing like saying to a stranger out of nowhere (or to people you don't even see or know like he did in his show) that you are going to die tomorrow or this is going to happen tomorrow. do you see the difference?

talking about weather of Sunday from Friday..is that sorcery?

no that is not sorcery, one makes a prediction based on statelite tracking of weather and all other factors.

and why is there so many deaths? why's there way too many death penalthies? if these people are products of our societies then who's to blame? how's killing solve our problems? and how on Earth some Muslims believe these people serve God instead of realizing they worship money and power and all they are doing is killing Muslims just like flies while they make great friends with enemies of God?

Allah knows best about all this.
but like i said, do not let the wrong actions of these people influence you as to what is really right and what is wrong. you may end up in a situation where a muslim does wrong to a non-muslim that doesn't mean you take the muslims side because he would never wrong anyone. you take the side that is just


Liebe ist für alle da
i'd say that is a personal attack, that means you can't cope replying to my posts. nice move
Perhaps, but I have been drinking tonight(maybe just another reason to be killed tight next to practicing magick).
Oh and what do you expect form someone who practices magick and hears that people who do should be killed for it?
It still seem that the Muslim here can damn other peoples beliefs and say the should be killed, but if anyone even makes one small blah about Islam it hell.....what ever.
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I want Khilafah back
I'll bet you any amount of money that if I converted to Islam, started practicing "sorcery" (which is a ridiculous enough notion in itself), and then subsequently went to Mecca... I would not be executed. Once again... I will bet you any amount of money on this.

Do you know why? It's because my government's military exists in force over there. We protect the Saudi government. I'll bet that political leverage trumps the precious laws of Islam...

keep dreaming mate. i'll bet you the whole wealth of this earth that if you, a non-muslim, killed an inocent person and having evidence against you,the saudi government will put you to death if the family of the victim does not forgive you instead?


Resident Liberal Hippie
The supporters of this travesty are in good company.....



I want Khilafah back
Perhaps, but I have been drinking tonight(maybe just another reason to be killed tight next to practicing magick).

another reason that justifies the prohibition of things that lead to intoxication.

keep going mate you're on a roll.


I want Khilafah back
God damn it I'm not judging you. I'm saying I have the right to kill Monotheist sinners. You are now the one judging

i never accepted the law of yours that says monotheists should be killed. why are you judging me with your perspective?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
i never accepted the law of yours that says monotheists should be killed. why are you judging me with your perspective?
Do you think that Ali Hussain Sibat accepted the version of Islam that says he should be killed for engaging in "sorcery"?