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Man sentenced to death for sorcery.


I want Khilafah back
That's because it's not

but thats your perspective. don't make it appear as though it is the right one and everyoen should agree with you.

I could say the same. Yet you say this man should die anyways.

you could say the same yes. a non-muslim that lives outside of islamic rule cannot be punished for doing it though. see thats the diference here. a muslim accepts that commiting sorcery desserves the death punishment therefore he is being punished with the law that he accepts as being the right one for people who teach/commit sorcery. surely you don't have a problem with that?

All the time. But I have been a precautionary of 'Magic(k)' for about 7 years now and highly doubt I am wrong in this one(whether or not what this man did was magic, and whether magic is real or not doesn't matter).
What about you, do you ever consider that your perceptive might be wrong?

i do not judge others with my perspective, therefore my perspective is not wrong.
muslims share the same perspectives for many things, like sorcery for example, so just because i am of the view that someone who is a sorcerer should be punished does not mean he is punished because i believe sorcery should be punished.

What Kerr says right here.

i disagree.


I want Khilafah back
The man was not Saudi Arabian, he was simply making pilgrimage. He did not commit said sin or crime on Saudi soil therefore, should not be prosecuted and given the death sentence. How would you feel if the US started executing Muslims because Islam takes people away from the path of Christianity?

I'm sorry there is no justification in the world to support the Saudis' decision here. The death penalty is abhorrent normally. To use it because someone thinks the other isn't practicing religion properly is wrong. And how insecure do you have to be to think some t.v. show is going to destroy the Islamic religion in the hearts of its viewers? Freedom of belief and thought should be a fundamental human right.

the laws of islam are not limmited to soil and water. if a muslim anywhere in the world commits a crime he has to be punished with the laws of islam, the laws that one accepts


Happiness Incarnate
no one is arguing about sorcery existing or being real.
I'm confused. A great many people here have stated that there is no such thing as sorcery, which would mean that what he did was not sorcery and therefor he cannot be punished for it.

Either you are saying that you accept sorcery as existing only in fantasy, and want this guy to die for doing something that looks kind of like it, or you think we all believe in magic.


Well-Known Member
but are you against the killing fo anything, big or small?
When I said I am against death penalty, I mean death penalty. It was not a comment on anything else, but since you asked, I tend to be against killing people unless it is in self defense or the direct defense of another. Death penalty does not qualify.


I want Khilafah back
I'm confused. A great many people here have stated that there is no such thing as sorcery, which would mean that what he did was not sorcery and therefor he cannot be punished for it.

Either you are saying that you accept sorcery as existing only in fantasy, and want this guy to die for doing something that looks kind of like it, or you think we all believe in magic.

look, sorcery is about deceiving people into thinking that you can do something humanly impossible, like telling the future for example. if this man is doing that (telling people the "future") he might get a fluke, someone might believe that he can really tell the future, that puts people off from islam. and considering that the person who is doing this is a muslim, he is to be punished with islamic law and he, nor his muslim family should be against his punishment due to being a muslim means accepting the laws and teachings of islam. and a muslim must also not lie.

is that any clear? it is not about sorcer existing or not, it is about what it leads to which according to the islamic perspective and teachings, it leads to disbelief.

Rain Drops

What the worse thing is.... the man committed no crime in Saudi Arabia????

What the????

Good Ol Conservatism strikes again!


Happiness Incarnate
look, sorcery is about deceiving people into thinking that you can do something humanly impossible, like telling the future for example. if this man is doing that (telling people the "future") he might get a fluke, someone might believe that he can really tell the future, that puts people off from islam. and considering that the person who is doing this is a muslim, he is to be punished with islamic law and he, nor his muslim family should be against his punishment due to being a muslim means accepting the laws and teachings of islam. and a muslim must also not lie.

is that any clear? it is not about sorcer existing or not, it is about what it leads to which according to the islamic perspective and teachings, it leads to disbelief.
So under your system Harry Houdini (a famous Hungarian escape artist and magician, if you haven't heard of him) would be sentenced to death, because he makes it look like he does impossible things?

In Star Wars Harrison Ford is seen traveling faster than light in a space ship. He is trying to convince us he did something that is impossible. Should Harrison Ford be executed?

I know a card trick where you can pick a card out of a deck and shuffle it back in and i can find it. If i were to accept God and Muhammed as his prophet, and then do this card trick, should i be put to death?

Sir Isaac Newton discovered a technique to find the volume of a curved object using mathematics. This technique is impossible to duplicate using physical techniques. Is Calculus magic? Should Muslims be killed for integrating curves around an axis?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
that is the point, don't fool people into thinking you ca make the impossible possible.
Who was fooled? It's taken as a given these days that television and stage "magic" isn't real; it's spectacle for entertainment. Nobody with half a brain would've been fooled into thinking he was actually engaging in sorcery. What's next? Executing actors for "lying"?

well a person who is doing things through god would not lead people astray from god.
Doing something as ludicrous and evil as killing a man for pretending to predict the future on a TV show sure leads me away from these people's god. Does this mean we can conclude that they're not "doing things through god"?


Wonder Woman
Oh, I'm going to have fun with this.

what is this modern world that you speak of?

sorcery, especially "predicting the future and giving people advice" is punishable with death in islam and if this man was a muslim he would know that by doing such a thing he is infact making himself equal to Allah (swt). Allah has no partners.

threads like this one and comments like yours are very telling just how modern you "modern people" are. i thought modern people were against ignorance, yet here we are.
I want you to remember what you said here in red.

it is ironic how he was giving futuristic advice to his audience and failed to give advice to himself not to engage in sorcery and not to make Umrah.
what a pathetic idiot.
Hmmm, would almost make one think that he wasn't actually able to predict the future, because if he could, he most likely wouldn't go somewhere he knew he would be taken and executed. Hmmm, I guess that would mean he wasn't actually practicing sorcery huh?

right he was lying about actually seeing the future. islam discourages lying and idle talk that has nothing to do with anything. his lying could some how by chance worked out for someone and there goes a believer becoming a disbeliever by believeing him. which infact we are back to what i said, he is making himself equal to Allah most high.
But, I thought you were just supporting his sentence of execution because that's what sorcery calls for weren't you? You were calling other people ignorant for not seeing that this was "right" within Islam. yet here you are admitting that he wsn't practicing sorcery, he was lying, and Islam "discourages" lying. Do they "discourage" by executing? Does Islam call for the death penalty for lying?

the laws of islam do not have borders. if you are a muslim and live anywhere in the world the same law applies to all. there is not pat in the shoulder if you are rich or the president.

he should not have even started sorcey in the first place. what you are suggesting is that i kill you then i repent afterwards. i should have thought about it first and then not have killed you. everyone regrets killing another person, who would want to spend his life in prison?
To the first part: Then why aren't these wonderful "religious police" out arresting people in other countries? If Islam has no borders then why do the "religious police" have borders?

To the second part: I thought we had established he wasn't practicing sorcery. You, yourself, said he was lying. And Islam "discourages" lying. Or, were you lying about him lying? Be careful, because Islam "discourages" lying and, it seems, Islam has the death penalty to "discourage" it with.

it leads people to disbelief therefore it is wrong.
Hmm, sounds flimsy to me. If it's policy to execute people who do things which lead to disbelief in Islam then I guess executing people of all religions besides Islam is the right thing to do. Wait, isn't that what terrorists seem to want to do? Doesn't seem like a far reach from your mindset to that of a terrorist's.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
the laws of islam do not have borders. if you are a muslim and live anywhere in the world the same law applies to all. there is not pat in the shoulder if you are rich or the president.
What if, because of attitudes like yours, he decided he no longer wanted to be a Muslim?
eselam said:
the laws of islam do not have borders.
THAT'S a real recipe for world peace, alright. In that case, God bless the United States Marine Corps.

You can get away with it with defenseless Lebanon, but try executing a U.S. citizen, see what happens.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
The more I think about it, the less problem I have with "psychics" and other similar scam artists being sentenced to death.


Veteran Member
the laws of islam are not limmited to soil and water. if a muslim anywhere in the world commits a crime he has to be punished with the laws of islam, the laws that one accepts

who says THAT? i am not sure if you are aware of how bad this incident is and what it means. i think Sharia that's applied in Saudi is not Islamic. who knows, maybe when i decide to complete my duty in Hajj, this so-called religious police could arrest me, accuse me for "fighting against laws of God" and cut my head off. is this normal to you? there is nothing acceptable about this. for one, Macca is a holy city for all Muslims. any Muslim could go there to perform Hajj or Umra. Saudis has no authority over me or any other Muslim who visits Ka'ba. speaking more openly, Arabs do not own Ka'ba. and this, this guy they arrested, he just runs a silly TV show and i assure you there are dozens of shows like that in Turkey. these people are Muslims too. should they fear Arabic so-called religious police when they want to visit Ka'ba -one of the most holy places for us? if Saudis are willing to abuse their location on Earth like this, they shall never be the protecters of Ka'ba. they are only threat to Ka'ba.

i am very tired and absolutely sick of hypocritical so-called religious who push people away from peace, happiness and brotherhood of entire humanity. they are doing the best they can to damage religion

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Veteran Member
THAT'S a real recipe for world peace, alright. In that case, God bless the United States Marine Corps.

You can get away with it with defenseless Lebanon, but try executing a U.S. citizen, see what happens.

i definetely know what you mean
